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Why There Will Only Be One Whoopi!

Few compare to the likes of Whoopi Goldberg. Right now Whoopi engages with more than 1.6 million Facebook fans. Plus she leads about 1.1 million Twitter followers.
There won’t be another Whoopi. There is only one Sister Act with legendary status. Show sista some respect. And show Whoopi Goldberg the money. She’s accumulated both fame and fortune throughout her prestigious career.
Weeks ago I watched Whoop’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash. The Hollywood star displayed why she is the cream of the crop. Who owns Eddie on DVD and VHS? Don’t ask me why I have 2 copies on different systems. Maybe, my love for Whoopi Goldberg runs deep.
Before Kelly Ripa was a household name, Whoopi was your woman. Who watches the View only because of Whoopi’s presence? I love it when she says welcome to The View. I enjoy the view too.
I got around to watching it today. It’s amazing how far she’s came. Check out Whoopi Goldberg in a pool full of milk. The Dairy Queen may be the best in TV and Showbiz. 
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She’s been entertaining the world for years at a super high level. Most entertainers cannot do the things she does daily. If you enjoy premium entertainment then choose to ride Whoopi because she’s fueled with premium energy.
Who else offers the special deal Whoopi serves? It’s always a treat seeing Whoopi perform on multiple outlets and platforms. Her sketch at the Oscars stole some of Chris Rock’s shine. The problem is that she outshines everybody.
The standup comedian will perform in Charleston this month. Her humor is one of a kind. Also, she tells rough jokes. In her words, “you know I’m rough.” That’s the way I like it. Tina Turner can verify this. “We’re gonna do the finish rough.”
If Ellen is the lightning of daytime talk then Whoopi brings the thunder. 
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Celebrating Salma Hayek

Today we celebrate Cinco de Mayo as well as Salma Hayek. The beautiful Mexican-American actress is underrated. No one could play Frida Kahlo better than Salma Hayek. Plus she is a natural wonder of Mexico and a national treasure of America.
Hollywood recruiters are looking for the next Everly. It’s extremely difficult finding a girl with all these qualities. Movies don’t ignore problems. They solve them.
You see Salma Hayek is a problem solver. Watching a scene from Salma is like seeing an engineer build a bridge. Imagine the actress working with Michelle Rodriguezand Penelope Cruz. Let’s spice it up some more and throw Zoe Saldana in the mix too.
Remember Salma shared the screen with Jessica Alba in Some Kind of Beautiful. You might want to celebrate Beautiful Asian Actresses as well. Also check out Guru Jay’s 19 Best Black and Latina Actresses
Show Love
The lovely Hayek creates lovely art. That’s why she’s a top Latin actor. Don’t you love that thick Hispanic accent? Sofia Vergara has a nice one too. And she’s such a sweet lady.
Obviously, Hayek has assets stacked in the islands because her husband’s a billionaire. She doesn’t have to act, but she does so out the kindness of her heart. Plus she’s passionate about all of her work off screen and on.
Without question, Salma is on the A list. The red carpet rolls out for her as soon as she steps foot out the door. Directors and producers give her the green light and wiggle room to create.
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Let’s celebrate Salma Hayek in everyway. Appreciate her gorgeous body (curves and all). Moreover, celebrate Salma Hayek’s career. She rises to all occasions including Cinco de Mayo.
From her days on the telenovela Teresa to Tale of Tales and beyond, Hayek has come a long way. She has never seemed hungry or thirsty while on her journey. Yet, she spoon-fed others by being herself, humble, and grateful. 

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How Kate Winslet Is at the Helm


Kate Winslet tastes like a tall glass of Champagne. And she sounds like Jazz music. The Academy Award winning actress has also won 4 Golden Globes and 1 Grammy. Every award committee secretly desires to honor her.
She is a woman made to wear diamonds, jewels, and gold. England’s best actress always appears elegant and exquisite. That’s why reporters rush on the red carpet to get an interview with the Hollywood star. She has all of showbiz buzzing whenever she’s in town.
Young actresses idolize Kate Winslet. We’re enjoying Jennifer Lawrence right now because Winslet set the table. Entertainers feed off Kate’s undying energy. She delivers splendor to moviegoers by surrendering control to filmmakers.
The English actress knows what she’s doing and how to do it well. Can you imagine The Titanic without Rose? What is Leonardo DiCaprio without Kate Winslet? Critics consider The Reader as her defining moment. 

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Moreover, screenwriters write scripts with Winslet in mind. She must be a chameleon because she adapts to whatever the situation entails. She can fool around with accents and convince you she’s anyone. Please be careful because this girl poses a real danger.
If Nicole Kidman is at the pinnacle, then Kate Winslet is at the helm. We see amazing performances from Winslet. She stays up-to-date and down-to-earth. It is crucial that actors come across as authentic.
Picture being at an exclusive Malibu mansion party full of Hollywood stars. Amy Adamstakes us on a house tour leading to the Master bedroom. There goes Ricky Gervais lecturing Kate Winslet on how to showcase Golden Globes properly. Julia Roberts rings the dinner bell and speaks, “It’s time to eat… but first, we must pray. We can make love afterwards.”
The gift that keeps on giving
The celebrity is full of surprises. Kate Winslet naturally gives characters love and affection. You’ll discover the well-endowed lady bestowing blessings on the unworthy. Show some gratitude and appreciation. Cherish Kate.

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Why Sandra Bullock Is a Bankable Star

Tell me why Gravity won an Oscar, when it should have won a Razzie. I’ve never seen a worst space movie. Seriously, this herd mentality / group think culture has to stop. Gravity is nothing more than propaganda.
I saw it and was disappointed to say the least.
To think that this flick beat out American Hustlefor Best Picture is disturbing and disgusting. How much effort does it take to put out such a boring piece of shit? Maybe, Will Smith was right after all.

Now to the topic at hand: Sandra Bullock. Despite Gravity, she is an outstanding actress. Every actor stars in bad movies every now and then. No, don’t blame Sandra Bullock because she made a lot of loot from it.
If you were in the same position, then you would do it too, because a mega budget means mega bucks for you. Big box office numbers are expected with $100 million. Yes, that’s Hollywood’s problem.
Showbiz abuses Sandra Bullock’s lure. Her pretty face and hot body brings tons of butts to the show. Plus, the celebrity’s fans are friendly to her like Jennifer Aniston.
Sandra Bullock has a perfect smile. Do you find Julia Roberts’ smile to be more perfect? Also, Sandra Bullock has gorgeous legs. Her beauty is unquestionable.

Glitz and glamor is the essence of Hollywood. Tinseltown demands perfection. You had better look your best when on film, in public, and at photo shoots.
Can you imagine if Scarlett Johansson fell apart? No more Black Widow for you doll face. What if Kim Kardashian neglected her perfect ass? Her fans would revolt in a snap. Only then, would we learn the true meaning behind body shaming.

Without question, Sandra Bullock is high caliber and top notch. Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, and The Blind Side are her best movies. Sandra Bullock is a bankable star because she has all the right assets. Plus people are dying to make deposits in the Bank of Sandra.

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beauty Best Blogs Black Actresses Celebrity Emmys Famous People Guru Jay Hollywood Actress How To Get Away With Murder Movies Oscars Red Carpet Showbiz TGIT Throwback Thursday TV Twitter Viola Davis

If Loving Viola Davis Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right

Viola Davis is one of my favorite actresses.
On Twitter, there is a hashtag called #TBT standing for Throwback Thursday. You see Viola is a TBT because she’s classic and yet contemporary. Maybe, her schooling at Juilliard has something to do with it. Or maybe, her beauty just mesmerizes me.
Also, there is another hashtag on Twitter called #TGIT standing for Thank God It’s Thursday. Shonda Rhimes owns a block of ABC shows (Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder), which comes on one after another. Of course, Viola Davis works her ass off on #HTGAWM. The actress embodies passion and talent.
If loving Viola Davis is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Rest in peace Luther Ingram. I love the way Davis digs deep into her character’s soul. You sense a commitment to excellence in every element. She does the little things perfect, and the big things more perfect.

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She is a walking sculpture. The How to Get Away with Murder actress knows how to use her hammer and chisel. Moreover, the celebrity can make the most from the least. Viola has an active imagination and indisputable creativity too.
Viola Davis should play Oprah Winfrey in a movie. Oprah deserves only the best and that’s why Viola is ideal. We’re not only dealing with a veteran but a 4 star general here. 
The highly decorated actress won 4 SAG Awards. Plus, she earned 2 Tony Awards and was nominated for 2 Oscars. In 2015, Viola Davis won the prestigious Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. Davis delivers dazzling acts time and time again.

Ever since The Help, the fine actress has finally received the recognition she deserves. Pay attention to anything involving Viola Davis. Trust me, you don’t want to miss her performances.

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Bradley Cooper Celebrity Chris Pratt Entertainment Famous People Glitz Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Jennifer Lawrence Joy Movies Oscars Party Passengers Red Carpet Sex Scenes Showbiz X-Men: Apocalypse

Enjoying Jennifer Lawrence

Forget dating Jennifer Lawrence. How about we party and become friends. It’s easy enjoying the Joy actress because the celebrity knows how to have fun.
Can you imagine Jennifer doing anything other than acting? Are you happy that she was discovered? What would Hunger Gamesbe without Jennifer Lawrence?
Are you looking forward to seeing X-Men: Apocalypse? Check out my movie review of X-Men: Days of Future Past. JLaw was made to play the Mystique role. Dave Cockrum and Chris Claremont had someone like her in mind when they created the comic.

You name the movie- all eyes are on Jennifer’s body. Producers should put Megan Fox in one of the Starz movies. Maybe, Megan can be her love interest.
I highly recommend watching Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. You won’t find better acting anywhere. Also, the stories are interesting and suspenseful. Bradley Cooper demonstrates why he deserves an Oscar. And Christian Bale proves why he is a top 5 actor.
Jennifer brings out the best in Christian and Bradley. That’s why these movies are great. Surround yourself with greatness because working with great people will rub off on you.

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Another highly anticipated movie is Passengers.In it, Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt have a sex scene. By all accounts she’s in it to win it. It’s amazing this was her first time on screen.
Sexiness is one of the benefits of being Jennifer Lawrence. The red carpet rolls out for her even when she’s on the beach. Who’s taking trips to Tinseltown just to spot the star? It wouldn’t surprise me if the 5 star actor only dines at 5 star restaurants and sleeps in 5 star hotels.
Check out Channing Tatum, Jennifer Lawrence, and the Center Hollywood Squares if you enjoyed this blog. Remember we like to party.

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Showcasing Olivia Wilde


Olivia Wilde’s beauty brushes with perfection. Her makeup artists (MUAs) enjoy highlighting and accentuating Olivia’s gorgeous features. Those eyes, that nose, and them lips are national treasures. Also, the Smithsonian should preserve her hot body so it can be showcased for generations to come.
Olivia Wilde is one of Hollywood’s hottest actresses. She started working in a casting agency and worked her way into the movie industry from the inside. That’s what we call brains.
Isn’t she a fine supporting actress? She played a key role in House, M.D. as Thirteen. Right now, she’s a good piece in HBO’s Vinyl. You watch, as Vinyl takes off so will Olivia.

Did you know the celebrity is a vegan? Plus, this petite actress advocates for PETA. In 2015, we saw the thespian transform with her performance in The Lazarus Effect. She pleases the crowd.
I believe she’s destined to become a major leading lady. It’s only a matter of time before directors start demanding her services exclusively. Maybe, Olivia Wilde will win over movie’s coldest critics.
Man, Hollywood is a shrew in need of taming.
Have you ever dreamed of the glamorous life? Do you want a showbiz career but you haven’t acted on it (no pun intended)? I’ll tell you a secret.

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If you want to succeed, find a mentor. Unfortunately, talent alone doesn’t cut it. Olivia Wilde has all the talent in the world, but that’s not the reason she’s on the A-List. Wilde keeps scoring points because she has a coach.
We could watch Cowboys & Aliens and Tron Legacy over and over again only to see Wilde’s scenes. Did you know the movie star models too? That explains everything.
Final point, showcasing Olivia Wilde’s beauty is a given. However, let’s showcase her talent as well. You can’t get any closer to perfect than this right here.

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