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Who Is the Best James Bond?


Who Is the Best James Bond?

Daniel Craig confirmed that he will return to play James Bond in an upcoming film. At Guru Jay, we recognize the best. Which brings me to my question: Who is the best James Bond? Is Daniel Craig the best to ever play James Bond? I want to know your thoughts. Here are mine.

First of all, I don’t believe Daniel Craig is the best. I thought the producers were trying to find a new James Bond. Didn’t you think the same thing? What happened? Daniel Craig doesn’t compare to Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan. I’m sorry. Now his movies are great but his acting is only good when compared to the legends. I don’t think I’m being harsh. Maybe, I am but you want my honest opinion I’ll give it to you.

Daniel Craig doesn’t have charisma like Connery and Brosnan. There is a reason our grandmas love Sean Connery to a fault. And our mothers couldn’t get enough of Brosnan back in the day. I don’t want to knock Daniel Craig too much, but it’s time for a new James Bond.

I believe the greatest actor to play James Bond is Sean Connery. However, I believe the best James Bond is Pierce Brosnan. Sean Connery is one of the greatest actors of all time, but he’s not the essence of James Bond. Pierce Brosnan is the essence of James Bond. When James Bond comes to mind, I think of Piece Brosnan first.

What are your favorite James Bond movies? My favorite James Bond movie is Die Another Day. I enjoyed the Halle Berry iconic bikini beach scene. After you read this blog, I recommend you check out this interesting Wikipedia Page. You’ll discover there has been a total of 13 James Bonds.

To conclude, the second best James Bond is Sean Connery. Daniel Craig is probably in the top five but Pierce Bronsan is the best James Bond unequivocally. Let’s start the discussion.

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actresses Celebrities Cleveland Entertainment Guru Jay Halle Berry Hollywood James Bond Monster's Ball Movies Oscars Revlon Swordfish Things We Lost in the Fire Vanessa Williams X-Men

Best Halle Berry Movies


Before striking riches and getting famous, Halle Berry competed in beauty pageants. Like Vanessa Williams, Halle Berry made her mark the old fashioned way. Through the years, the auditioning process was hectic for Halle. Still, the movie star persevered.
Credit Spike Lee for giving the celebrity her start. Born in Cleveland, Halle is well recognized around the world as the face of Revlon. She is also a perky personality with enormous talents.
True fans love Halle Berry in Introducing Dorothy Dandridge and Their Eyes Were Watching God. These two motion pictures highlight Halle Berry’s vulnerabilities. Also, who can forget Berry’s breakthrough performance in Losing Isaiah? Fortunately, Halle Berry has been in umpteen blockbusters including the X-men franchise.
The Perfect Stranger actress is no stranger to box office records. According to Box Office Mojo, Halle Berry’s lifetime movie ticket sales top $1.85 billion. Furthermore, the former Bond girl gained even more attention from her Swordfish role.

A true thespian at heart, Halle took paycuts along the way for art’s sake. For instance, Halle earned a pittance from Things We Lost in the Fire and Frankie & Alice. As a result, she has gained an elevated status. And she is well respected in Hollywood squares and among show business circles.

At the 2002 Oscars, Halle was the first African American woman to win Best Lead Actress. The Academy appreciated Halle Berry in Monster’s Ball because of its realness. If Halle Berry was the Yin, then Billy Bob Thornton was the Yang.
As preparation for this blog, I watched Berry’s Inside the Actors Studio. I learned that Halle’s career would have never happened without her mother’s loving support. Halle tells at length about her journey but never makes excuses.
It’s a joy looking back at Berry’s best films. Overtime she’s developed into a great actress. What are your favorite Halle Berry movies?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
action Actors Celebrities Colin Firth comedy Entertainment fighting Hollywood James Bond Kingsman: The Secret Service Mark Strong Michael Caine Movies Samuel L. Jackson Sophie Cookson Taron Egerton

Kingsman: The Secret Service Movie Review


Want to watch an action-packed movie? Go see Kingsman: The Secret Service. Now playing, Kingsman has already received international recognition.
You’ll enjoy interesting characters played by veteran actors Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel L. Jackson. Also, newcomers Taron Egerton and Sophie Cookson give noteworthy performances. The casting director selected a talented cast with a nice mixture of skills.
Colin Firth stars as Kingsman Harry, who bailouts Gary (Egerton). Gary’s father died while saving Harry’s life. So, Harry takes Gary under his wing out of respect; and, he grooms the lad.
Gary and the group of recruits undergo tough Kingsman training. They’re drowned. Tied to train tracks. And they jumped out of a jet.
The agency informs the recruits that there’s room for only one Kingsman. Unfortunately, Gary failed their last test. However, in a way he passed with flying colors in my book.
As agent Harry, Firth, makes you believe he is a killing machine. Harry will fight Tom and Dick anywhere and anytime. The film contains the most incredible fight scenes since Bourne Supremacy.
“ Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Samuel L. Jackson plays Richmond Valentine, a billionaire who concocts an evil notion to reduce world population. Valentine envisions a massacre where everybody kills one another.
Richmond Valentine’s right-hand woman Gazelle kicks ass similar to Edward Scissorhands in the barber seat. Gazelle uses her legs to lower ears. She is one of my favorites.
Harry pays the ultimate sacrifice while trying to stop Valentine. Now, Gary and the Kingsman Secret Service must save the world. Meanwhile, the Swedish Princess lies in Richmond’s prison.
Overall, I give the film 4 stars. Director Matthew Vaughn earns a B+. Give extra credit to the music and editing departments. The screenwriters composed an excellent script. Want to see Kingsman: The Secret Service?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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