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Do You Like Science Fiction And Fantasy?


Let’s go on an adventure. First, I’ll take you to the moon. Then, we’ll tour our solar system. Let’s hope we don’t get lost in a black hole. Worst-case scenario, we’ll end up in a perpendicular world inside a parallel universe. 

Close your eyes and imagine. This is your time. So, take it. Soar above the stars and glide next to the cosmos. Launch into space and collect some stardust.

Along the journey, take a few pictures and put them on  [Pinterest], [Twitter] and [Instagram]. Our trip is sponsored by: NASA, Albert Einstein, and John Lennon.

Watch out for the asteroids. Because there’s so much out there in space, it’s easy to get spaced-out. Outer space is like the Wild West multiplied by a trillion. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. It’s the best rollercoaster ride of all time.   

When you awaken let’s get back down to earth. Who doesn’t love to fantasize? Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. John Lennon’s [Imagine] is a timeless classic, because imagination never gets old.

Have you ever dreamed of [time travel]? There are so many good movies about time travel.  [Back to the Future series] and [Time Cop] are my favorites. I haven’t seen [The Time Traveler’s Wife], but critics love it.

Would you like to know what is to come? [Gattaca], [In Time], and [Equilibrium] take you on a quest. Each has a unique depiction of the future. However, their perspectives are the same. In essence, in these films society is overtaken by technology.

Steve Jobs used technology as a means to increase the quality of life for millions upon millions. I believe in the notion proposed by Walt Disney “If you can dream it, you can do it. Jobs, the founder of Pixar saw the big picture and dreamed.

Steve Jobs changed history by dreaming up [Pixar], the [iPhone], and [Ipad]. His product lines will live forever. He made many everlasting footprints in our universe. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Burger King Celebrity Coca-Cola Darth Vader Entertainment fantasy Guru Jay Monopoly Movies rockets science fiction space Spock Star Dust Star Trek Star Wars Stars time travel Yoda

Star Wars Vs. Star Trek


Star Wars Vs. Star Trek
What’s your pick, Star Wars or Star Trek? As a movie critic, I admire both series. I believe they complement each other. What would Stars Wars be without Star Trek, and vice-versa? The answer: a monopoly.
Nobody likes monopolies. People want choices. Picture only drinking Pepsi. There’s been a universal ban of Coca-Cola. We can go to McDonald’s, but Burger King has gone out of business. That would be the day!
You see Star Trek needs Star Wars just as much as summer needs winter? Rather than picking one, let’s appreciate it all.
Star Wars offers something valuable and so does Star Trek. Its characters Darth Vader, Yoda and R2-D2 fascinate me. James Earl Jones’ voice is legendary.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
What is Star Trek’s answer: Spock. Oh yeah, William Shatner wasn’t too bad either.
On the flip side, Spock. Spock exemplifies the future of space travel. He’s the leader you want in case of an all out galactic universal war.
Star Trek has the most devoted fans. Star Wars’ fans seem flaky. Numbers matter in the entertainment industry.
In financial terms, Star Wars leaves Star Trek behind in the Star Dust. By the way, who is a fan of Star Dust? Star Wars is worth $30 billion.
From a marketing perspective, Star Wars has a clear advantage. Who remembers taking a Star Wars lunchbox to Kindergarten? Merchandise is a big part of the equation.
As a child, I had Star Wars’ toys. Does Star Trek even make toys? Call me superficial, but I am in awe at the commercial success of Star Wars.

Star Wars captures your imagination. That’s why it’s better. And, It’s bigger too.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Andy Serkis box office results Dawn of the Planet of the Apes fantasy Hollywood Movies Review Rise of the Planet of the Apes science fiction

Review: DAWN of the Planet of the Apes + Commentary on RISE


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes SPOILER ALERT
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is now playing. The second installment is an absolute must-see summer fun movie. I highly recommend you see Rise of the Planet before Dawn.
I reluctantly went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes three years ago. It wasn’t on my radar at the time. Still, the Planet of the Apes proved to be worthy of our recognition.
I’d never seen another movie like it. I couldn’t criticize this if I’d tried. I gave Rise five stars because six is an anomaly.
Rise Vs. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Whoever says Dawn of the Planet is the best is sadly mistaken. Have you seen the Rise of the Planet? You can’t make this comparison unless you’ve seen them both.
Watch Rise again before you pick sides. Maybe, you can build a better case for Dawn. I’d like to hear it.
Here are the official trailers for both movies. Which movie is your favorite- Dawn or Rise? It’s a clear choice for me.

Rise had more power to its punch. The human actors were more talented. The script was flawless. The story was spotless. I feel Dawn had too much speed and no haymaker.
I give you that the apes were more believable in Dawn. I won’t argue that point because Koba ruled with an iron fist. It’s a damn shame that Koba killed Ash.
Luckily, good won over evil. Koba got what was coming to him. In the long run, things fell apart and came together.
I’d like to combine Rise and Dawn into one. Rather than choose one over the other, let’s view the two installments as a single unit. Planet of the Apes is a powerful plot.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes takes the torch and lights a fire. It is an outstanding interpretation of the original. Unfortunately, the writing was lackluster.
I loved everything about Dawn except the writing. At times the apes were incoherent. In the original they spoke like English professors. Now, they speak like two year olds.
My advice is to stay true to the script. Don’t leave any areas open for interpretation. Next time aim for precision.
Dawn begins with little explanation of events. They give us snippets aka ‘tokens of depreciation.’ Blame screenwriter Mark Bomback. Mark did not participate in Rise.

While it’s easy to point the finger, Director Matt Reeves is the boss. So, let’s be fair to the screenwriters. The nature of show beast aka business is cutthroat and coldhearted.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has been number #1 at the box officefor 2 consecutive weekends. If the song of the summer is “Fancy” than the movie of the summer is Dawn.
Keep in mind the frontrunner Transformers: Age of Extinction had a $210 million budget, while Dawn spent $170 million. Dawn is more successful in my book. The marketing was more assertive and less aggressive.
Plus movie executives saved $40 million. Profit is the bottom line. Dawn appears to be more profitable than Transformers. We’ll wait and see what happens.
Koba stole the show. Call him a gorilla because this chimpanzee acts like King Kong. Koba reminds me of a ruthless being like Frank Underwood from House of Cards.
I wasn’t surprised he shot Caesar, because Koba got his ass kicked by the Emperor in the beginning. Karma comes back with a vengeance. So Caesar made a crucial mistake.
The Emperor had it coming. Koba saw an opportunity to defeat him; and he pounced on it like a cougar. Here is where I thought the movie could have been better.
Koba tricks the apes into thinking a human killed Caesar. But, is Caesar really dead? Read on for more.
Koba ruled for a split second. From this point on, the movie moves too quickly. To sum it up, Dawn progresses too slowly and ends too abruptly. Blame Bomback and Reeves.
Andy Serkis performed brilliantly in both Riseand Dawn.  He is the key to their success. It was great to see his return.

If James Franco embodies the art of acting, Andy Serkis is a mad scientist. Take a look behind the scenes.

During Dawn the apes evolve while the humans devolve. It is actually the apes that are more civilized. It is the humans that want to go to war and annihilate all the Little Caesars.
Caesar’s son -Blue Eyes-  is the last hope. While chaos erupts, Malcolm informs Little Caesar that his father is still alive. Blue Eyes goes bananas when he sees his dad.
Caesar calms him down, and tells his son the truth. After speaking the facts, father and son concoct a scheme to reclaim their throne. Fortunately, the plan works.
Jason Clarke and Gary Oldman work well together. If Clarke is Houdini, Oldman is David Blaine. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a magical experience.
It is rare to see a sequel achieve great critical and financial success. For that reason, Dawn is the movie of the summer. Although the film is a remake, it is by no means a copycat.
I give the film four stars. The Rise of the Planet of the Apes was better. Still, Dawnis an exceptional motion picture.
Planet Hollywood
Hollywoodgets a bad rap. Think about it for a minute. Can you imagine how hard it is to produce an original movie?
Give the Dawn the benefit of the doubt. Steven Spielberg is a juggernaut, so he is an easy target. Check out his filmography at IMDB. Whether we like it or not, directors rule Planet Hollywood.
Dawn of the Planet director Matt Reeves dropped the ball. Yes, he was above average. But for a movie of high caliber Planet Hollywood demands greatness.
The Hollywood landscape never stops changing. The stars constantly shine. Blockbusters are the new normal. Nowadays, you need at least a $50 million budget with 3D in order to compete.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes beat their competition like the heat. I am a Movie Analyst not a Movie Critic. Despite my rants, Dawn is still the movie of the summer.
This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

actresses AngelinaJolie Avatar CaptainAmerica fantasy favorite film Firefly genres GinaTorres HalleBerry Hollywood JenniferLawrence Movies ScarlettJohansson sciencefiction StarTrek Top 10 ZoeSaldana

Who’s On Top? 10 Favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Actresses


Who’s On Top?

Lights… Camera …Action. Welcome to Hollywood. Here’s a place where the stars shine 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

The glitz and glamor comes with the territory. Actors walk around like they own the place. But, we all know the actresses run the show.

Who is Brad Pitt without Angelina Jolie? Captain America is a chump without Scarlett Johansson standing beside him. I learned early in life that “behind every great man is a great woman.”

The role of the actress is to bring the character to life. She has to dive into the part like a synchronized swimmer. I admire actresses for their crafts.

If you want to make it in Hollywood, you can’t fear rejection. Rejection is part of the game. Who knows? You might go on 100 auditions and still not get a job.

Don’t give up or get discouraged. Remember the goals you have set. No one said being an actress was easy.

My favorite actresses belong to the science fiction and fantasy genre. Although I love all kinds of movies, fantasy resonates with my idea of an unstoppable movie. In a sense, science fiction is unregulated, unlimited, and unbelievable.

First of all, science fiction and fantasy movies are really hard to produce. Most movies in this genre have enormous budgets. As a result, sometimes you hit; and, sometimes you miss.

I systematically analyze movies. Like a frog, I dissect film and get at the heart of the story. A great movie critiques society.

When I watch movies, I feel like James Brown, ‘good.’ Brown said “this is a man’s world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a little girl.” Hollywood is an actor’s paradise but it would be nothing without an actress.

Almost all Hollywood actresses are underpaid. Click here to find out who are the highest paid actresses. I admire actresses for their tenacity.

In particular, science fiction and fantasy actresses are the best entertainers in the business. The job of the actress is to take on a new identity. Who steals identities better than a fantasy actress?

Top 10

10. Angelina Jolie

The filmography of Angelina Jolie is impressive. She has a great body of work. Angelina is one of the best actresses on the planet.

Few can compare to her acting talent. Jolie is known for her versatility. She can do just about any role you put in front of her.

It makes sense that show business is in her blood. Her father is of course actor Jon Voight. It is safe to say he taught her well.

I recommend seeing Angelina Jolie in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She brings the sexy character to life. But the real reason she is my favorite is because of her performance in Beowulf. Also, she is the lead character in Maleficent.

9. Halle Berry

Photo By: Tostie14

Halle Berry is the hottest actress over 45. Click here for the Hottest Hollywood Starlets Under 30. Halle is an excellent actress. And, she is also versatile like Angelina.

You can’t ignore her performances in Gothika or the X-Men series. You can read a review of X-Men: Days of Future Past here. I like Halle Berry because she knows how to do sci-fi fantasy the right way.

I’m the first to say Cloud Atlas could have been better. But, Halle was great in the film. Because of her resume, she is my 9th favorite science fiction and fantasy actress. 

8. Tricia Helfer

Photo By: piguino k 

Tricia Helfer takes the elite 8th spot. She was brilliant in Battlestar Galactica. I like her style a lot.

Watch some of her movies. You can easily tell she is well trained. It is always a treat to see Tricia working on the silver screen.

7. Summer Glau 

Photo By: Mr. “O”
Summer Glau’s work in the Terminator series speaks for itself. Her fans also love her in Firefly and Serenity. She is the cream of the crop in my book.

Summer comes in at number 7. There’s something magnetic about her. I just have to see everything she’s in, because she is so good.

6. Jennifer Lawrence 

Jennifer Lawrence makes my list because she is on another level in the X-Men series. She is a young actress who doesn’t act her age. Without a doubt she is the best actress of her generation.

5. Gina Torres

Gina Torres earned the 5th spot on my list. Two words describe her placing: Matrix and Firefly. You don’t have a choice but to admire her terrific acting. She is a natural. On her birthday, a star was born.

4. Evangeline Lilly

Photo By: Dysepsion 

Evangeline Lilly is number 4. She performs to the highest degree in Lost and The Hobbit. She is my fourth because I believe she is underrated. I usually favor the underdog.

3. Scarlett Johansson

It’s not a consequence I find myself writing about Scarlett Johansson all the time. She is truly one of the best Hollywood has to offer. I follow her career and I see greatness in her path. She is a rare breed.

2. Anna Paquin

Photo By: Gage Skidmore
Anna Paquin is wonderful in X-Men as Marie/Rogue. They don’t give Academy Awards to just anyone, you know?  Also, Anna Paquin is ranked 2ndfor her excellence in True Blood.

1. Zoe Saldana

Photo By: Georges Biard
Zoe Saldana is number 1. You can’t ignore the numbers. One word, “Avatar” does not do her justice. Yes, she is Neytiri but she also is Uhura in Star Trek. She was Anamaria in Pirates of the Caribbean. What Rihanna is to music, Zoe Saldana is to movies.

Zoe is my favorite because she took on some of the greatest roles in cinematic history. The petite actress is already legendary early on in her career. Yes, the list is exhaustive. But, there’s no denying the great work she’s done.

Now you know who’s on top. These actresses don’t get enough credit. This is my tribute to the top 10 science fiction and fantasy actresses.

I am the Guru Jay. I’m launching into outer space in 5-4-3-2-1…Until next time, I’ll be somewhere beyond the Hollywood stars. Thank you for reading and commenting. Use the share buttons at the bottom. 
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