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Are You An Imagine Dragons Fan?

Imagine Dragons

Do you love music? What is your favorite song? Who is your favorite musician?

I love music because music comes in all forms. Music can be small, big, and a medium. In Starbucks terminology, it can be Venti. You see music is like coffee.

You can consume music in many ways. In what ways do you listen to music? Maybe, you wear Beats by Dre headphones or earplugs to consume your tastes of expression.

Moreover, music sparks your imagination. I believe your brain activates after gazing at a work of art. Plus, I feel your mind listens to a great audio work of art.

Let’s use our imagination. Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. George R.R. Martin used his imagination to create a language called Valyrian in the Game of Thrones. When you combine Albert Einstein and George R.R. Martin with music, you get Imagine Dragons.

Have you heard of Imagine Dragons? Lately, the Las Vegas rock band has been gaining in popularity. What Game of Thrones is to cable TV, Imagine Dragons is to premium music.

If you have Imagine Dragons on your playlist, consider yourself privileged. Their music is amazing. Their lyrics are transformative.

Furthermore, Imagine Dragons are like the particle physicists of sound. You see these musicians pay attention to every detail while recording music in the studio booth. 

While watching the AMAs on TV, I first came across an Imagine Dragons performance. I’m looking forward to watching more of the band’s performances in the future. The band members connected with the spirit.

Finally, who can deny the creativity of the Imagine Dragons? Like Carlos Santana, the rock band creates creative sounds for a living. Plus, they generate electric music like Calvin Harris.

Are you an Imagine Dragons fan? What is your favorite Imagine Dragons song? Chime in your comments.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
books Celebrity Disney dreams Einstein Facebook. fantasy Guru Jay imagination Imagine Instagram John Lennon Movies NASA Pinterest science fiction Steve Jobs Technology time travel Twitter

Do You Like Science Fiction And Fantasy?


Let’s go on an adventure. First, I’ll take you to the moon. Then, we’ll tour our solar system. Let’s hope we don’t get lost in a black hole. Worst-case scenario, we’ll end up in a perpendicular world inside a parallel universe. 

Close your eyes and imagine. This is your time. So, take it. Soar above the stars and glide next to the cosmos. Launch into space and collect some stardust.

Along the journey, take a few pictures and put them on  [Pinterest], [Twitter] and [Instagram]. Our trip is sponsored by: NASA, Albert Einstein, and John Lennon.

Watch out for the asteroids. Because there’s so much out there in space, it’s easy to get spaced-out. Outer space is like the Wild West multiplied by a trillion. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. It’s the best rollercoaster ride of all time.   

When you awaken let’s get back down to earth. Who doesn’t love to fantasize? Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. John Lennon’s [Imagine] is a timeless classic, because imagination never gets old.

Have you ever dreamed of [time travel]? There are so many good movies about time travel.  [Back to the Future series] and [Time Cop] are my favorites. I haven’t seen [The Time Traveler’s Wife], but critics love it.

Would you like to know what is to come? [Gattaca], [In Time], and [Equilibrium] take you on a quest. Each has a unique depiction of the future. However, their perspectives are the same. In essence, in these films society is overtaken by technology.

Steve Jobs used technology as a means to increase the quality of life for millions upon millions. I believe in the notion proposed by Walt Disney “If you can dream it, you can do it. Jobs, the founder of Pixar saw the big picture and dreamed.

Steve Jobs changed history by dreaming up [Pixar], the [iPhone], and [Ipad]. His product lines will live forever. He made many everlasting footprints in our universe. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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