Beyoncé Celebrities CountryMusic Entertainment JimmyBuffett KennyChesney MichaelBublé Music music artists Musicians Pink richest Rihanna Singers TaylorSwift top 20

Top 20 Highest Paid Solo Music Artists REVEALED + VIDEO


Top 20 Highest Paid Solo Music Artists REVEALED

I listen to music everyday. My music taste is very flavorful. Music means everything to me.

Do you like a nice variety of songs? Or do you only listen to Country or Heavy Metal exclusively? Leave a comment.

Besides being universal, music is also lucrative. This article will shed some light on the state of music. You’ll clearly see how popularity is not profitability.

Country Music artists get paid a premium. Do you know why? It’s because Country has less competition.

So it isn’t surprising that the highest paid musicians belong to the Country genre. Think about it. Although Pop appeals to the masses, Country follows the money.

Taylor Swift wasn’t a high school cheerleader but she is cheerful. She sings with a perfect pitch and a clear tone. But does she deserve the most dollars?

My initial thought was that Katy Perry was #1. To my surprise, she didn’t even make the list. Neither did Lady Gaga. Back to my point, popularity is not profitability.

If you want to cash in on your fame, don’t follow the accolades. Follow the money. Look at John Mayer.

John Mayer is not as famous as Drake or Nicki Minaj. But, John Boy makes $10 million per year.  Where do Drake and Nicki rank on the money list? They don’t.

The moral of the story is that numbers can be misleading. The only real numbers that matter are the ones after a ($) dollar sign.

Kenny Chesney has 2 million Twitter followers. Jennifer Lopez (JLo) has 29 million followers. Guess what? Chesney is the second highest paid music artist. What does that tell you?

I don’t sugarcoat. And, I don’t pander celebrities. I’m not a lawyer. I am an accountant.

Dollars don’t lie. Kenny Chesney makes $33 million per year. JLo earns less than $9 million as a musician.

I wrote an article comparing Justin Timberlake and JLo. I found out that my followers love Justin to death. Well, wouldn’t you know JT earns $31 million annually?

Timberlake is third on the highest paid musician list. Beyoncé follows him at #4.

Longevity pays dividends. #20 Elton John and #19 Jimmy Buffett show you why. They are from the ‘show me’ state.

You must think in terms of the long run. Sticking around is good. Don’t make the mistake of retiring too soon.

Celine Dion is still relevant at #15. Her greatest hit ‘My Heart Will Go On’ is top 10 all time. Beautiful music is internationally recognized. There is no need for translation.

You have to love making music. The highest paid artists are the most productive. I identify with Justin Timberlake because he seems to understand the way the entertainment world works.

Most musicians have a lopsided view of the industry. Show business is cutthroat because so many artists are sticking their necks out for an unclean shave. You should look in the mirror to shave, or just grow a full beard.

The former Destiny’s Child lead singer is irreplaceable as a solo music artist. She makes over $24 million. Beyoncé is on demand.

There’s been so much speculation about her marriage to Jay Z. Will they divorce? I think it’s imminent.

The majority of divorces end due to financial reasons. Jay Z is the 11th highest paid solo artist. There’s likely some jealously considering the competitive nature of both Rap and Hip-Hop.

His protégé Rihanna is the 13thhighest paid singer. The Barbados babe is prolific but she is not very productive.

Even though she is my third favorite pop star. I feel she has room for improvement. Rihanna Vevo is the #1 YouTube channel. And yet, she isn’t a top 10 earner.

If Rihanna is smart she’ll realize that singing less can make her more money. Of all the artists, Rihanna has the most potential. Plus she is already a superstar!

Pink is the 6th highest earning solo music artist. Why is Pink so high on the list? It’s because she is unique.

It’s not a big secret that eccentric stars earn the big bucks. Elton John has played this game for years. Just like there’s only one Elton, there is only one Pink.

Michael Bublé  is successful because he has a monopoly on Christmas music. He saw an opportunity and went in headfirst. Now his name is synonymous with XMAS carols.

The key to the entertainment business is to find your niche. It’s that simple. If you’re the best, you don’t have to worry. Just wait for the paycheck to arrive.

Paul McCartney is #14; and, Kenny Chesney is second.  Both gentlemen are living legends. Paul is to Rock and Roll what Kenny is to Country Music.

If you really want to hear true genius, you might have to play an old record. The best music periods are the ‘60s and ‘70s. The ‘80s were also a great time in music.

State of Music

The state of music is fragile. On the one hand, the singing is top notch. On the other hand, the lyrics are crappy.

Today’s music lacks a message. In the words of Paul McCartney, I believe in Yesterday. The corporatization of music is in full effect.

I support Vevo because it delivers excellent content. But, Vevo is a prime example of corporate culture. And so, there’s a tradeoff.

I blame the singers/songwriters. It’s the new normal for many musicians to write their own songs. In the past, this was very rare.

Nothing will change until the songwriters take back their craft. It’s cheaper to have singers write their own songs. And, that’s why the songs sound cheap. It’s easy to reverse this course.

I’m not saying don’t let singers write. All I am saying is to let the songwriters do their jobs. The best songwriters can’t sing a lick.

As you can see, technology has drastically changed the way music is heard. Despite the initial concerns, music artists are living the good life. You can make a fortune if you are gifted and talented.

You can really do well with Country. Two words: Taylor Swift!

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 

Source: Billboard
actresses Angelina Jolie Billy Bob Thornton Brad Pitt Celebrities Entertainment Friends Hollywood Jennifer Aniston kissing feet Movies Sexy shows Stars Television The Guru Jay

Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet

Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie


Photo By: Angela George

Angelina Jolie stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston. It’s okay though, because Aniston is laughing last. Although Brad and Angie make the perfect couple, Jenni is my BFF.

In the long run, I rank Jennifer Aniston higher than Angelina Jolie because of the sitcom Friends. The TV show was on air for 10 seasons. So Jenni doesn’t have to work. The actress has more royalty checks than Prince William.

In the short term, Angelina Jolie is quickly becoming the go-to-girl in Hollywood. Did you know that she’s making a name for herself as a director and producer? You have to respect the lady’s prowess but don’t discount Ms. Aniston’s career. I’m tired of Jolie lovers bashing in Jenni’s head.

Jennifer Aniston was bigger than TV. Is Angelina Jolie bigger than movies? Maybe.
A.J. and J.A. are fine actresses. But Jen is underpaid and Angie is overrated. Why does Angelina get the red carpet rolled out for her? Why is she so special?

No one addresses this but I will. Brad Pitt made Angelina Jolie famous. That’s right: I said it.

When Angie was going with Billy Bob Thornton she was on the D-List. After jumping on Brad’s bandwagon she made the B-list. I’m not going to get into how she made the A-list. All I can say is: her moves were carefully calculated like a Bobby Fischer chess match.

You see, she helped Billy Bob more than he helped her. Jolie started seeing Brad Pitt when he was big. Let’s go a little further. Jennifer Aniston made Brad Pitt famous.

I’m telling the truth. Hollywood ‘hookups’ are just like arraigned marriages. You won’t find Madonna dating a Baltimore Oriole. If you want a crack at the ‘Material Girl,’ bat cleanup for the New York Yankees!

Angelina Jolie is a legend. She is the most superior actress to grace the silver screen. But where are her TV credits?

There are more than 200 episodes of Friends. How many movies have Jolie been in? Not even 50.

Here is the startling reality. Jennifer Aniston has played in more movies than Angelina Jolie? + She is Rachel on Friends.

The Jennifer Aniston jokes are tiresome and unwarranted. Jennifer is not bitter. Why should she be? If anything, she is relieved. Brad was a real drag on her and a nuisance.

Aniston deserves more Oscar worthy roles. If the movie executives gave Aniston better parts she would perform to a higher degree. Jen is one of a kind, which is rare. She has a unique gift.

Not A Beauty Pageant

Photo By: Piotr Drabik

An actress is not a Miss America, Miss World or Miss Universe. You need true talent to make it. It’s easy for them to find a sexier girl if they want one. Don’t rely only on beauty. Play your part.

I feel sorry for the vast majority of actors. You see their faces, but you don’t know their names. Many actors are uncredited. Some screenwriters are in this same boat.

In many ways, Hollywood functions like the feudal system. Movie stars subject themselves to psychological beheadings and manipulations. It is the medieval times all over again, with the special emphasis on ‘eval’ (evil).

Jennifer Aniston has raw talent. She is more talented than Angelina. Now Jolie is sexier than Aniston and the whole state of California. But this is not a beauty pageant.

Aniston offers the complete package, while Jolie is the bomb. Angelina is the best female action star in Hollywood history. I give credit where it is due.

No one addresses this either, but I will. Fans favor Jolie for her youth. Angie is six years younger than Jen. That’s one hell of an age difference in show business! It’s only fair to compare 39 year-old Jolie to 39-year-old Aniston.

Let’s have the same conversation five years from now.

Why Should Angelina Kiss Jennifer’s Feet?

Jennifer Aniston is responsible for the careers of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Do you think I’m bullshitting? Take a look at the tale of the tape.

It shouldn’t surprise you that Brad Pitt’s filmography got 1,000 times better after hooking up with Aniston. Pitt owes Aniston at least $10 million from just World War Z. Also, Brad got to be Benjamin Button because of his arraigned marriage to Jennifer. 

I’m not a fan of how Brad betrayed Jennifer. I’ll be blunt. He used her like a rag-doll. That’s why Angelina used him.

It’s funny how things work. Buddha calls it Karma. James Brown calls it payback. I call it a boomerang. 

Here’s proof Brad Pitt cheated on Aniston with Jolie. 

Wet your lips, Angelina. Tonight you’re kissing Jennifer Aniston’s toes. This isn’t a movie. Oh, by the way, how many millions have you made at the expense of Jennifer Aniston? 

Show her some respect. Write a thank you note or something. Ask Jimmy Fallon to get you started.

Seriously, the real  problem is Angelina Jolie acts entitled. She should act more humble. She may think she’s the best but Sandra Bullock is actually better.I can’t wait to write a story on Sandra.

I might blog more about my favorite actresses. Let me know if you’re interested.

Are you on Pinterest? Pinterest is a fast moving social network. Click here to follow me and join.

As of right now, I own 23 boards. A group manages many of my boards. I’m fortunate to have over 18,000 followers.

My second most active board is Actresses. It’s a former solo project I turned into a group board. I made it because I feel actresses deserve more credit.

If you’re a loyal or even a disloyal reader, then you know I am passionate about filmmaking. Check out my past articles I’ve written about actresses. 1. Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses  2. Who’s Hot? 30 Hottest Hollywood Starlets Under 30  3. Who’s On Top? 10 Favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Actresses 

Follow my Facebook, Tumblr, and Google +

This is the Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1. Meet me @ Mars. 

Atlantic City Boardwalk Empire budget Entertainment finale Game of Thrones HBO money Monopoly Movies New Jersey Season 4 Season 5 series Steve Buscemi The Godfather The Sopranos TV TV and Showbiz

Boardwalk Empire And Monopoly Money


Why Boardwalk Empire Played With Monopoly Money

It is sad to see Boardwalk Empire end after the 5th season. But, every empire must collapse eventually. The successful show played with Monopoly money.

We all want to own Boardwalk in Monopoly. But gangster Enoch “Nucky” Thompson has the deed. If you value your life, pay him or face the consequences.

Boardwalk Empire played with Monopoly money because their expenditures were unreal. I know for certain that their finance and production departments argued all the time. The accountant’s job is to keep expenses low.

But a big budget was necessary for the HBO show. You can’t make the Great Gatsby on a shoestring budget. So, I understand the high cost.

Nothing compares to Boardwalk Empire. It is literally a monopoly. Although Game of Thrones is incredible, it is in a different genre. Plus Boardwalk has the best cast on television. And, their actors are well established.

What more do we want? There are compelling characters and spectacles, and an intriguing script. Boardwalk Empire is HBO’s boldest statement yet.

We are teleported to the 1920s like an Aziz Ansari joke. When I watch the Empire, I feel as if I am there. After the hour is up, I get back to reality. 

Do you realize Boardwalk Empire’s greatness? I appreciate how carefully they pay attention to details. The writers do not get enough credit for their work.

Buyers beware. Boardwalk Empire is a drug. Take it in small doses; or you’ll become addicted.

“Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to jail.”

My only complaint with the Empire (doesn’t that sound like Star Wars) is it has untapped potential. Why isn’t Mark Wahlberg in front of the camera? I get that he wants to be the boss, but he is wasting his acting talent as a producer.

I challenge you to watch the Departed. It is very violent but it shows Wahlberg from another angle. Can you picture Mark on the cast of Boardwalk?

Also, can you imagine the show as a movie? Make Martin Scorsese the director. In a sense, Boardwalk Empire is already the T.V. equivalent of the Godfather.

The Godfather is crucial to counter culture as well as pop culture. It is highly regarded by fans and critically acclaimed. Steve Buscemi is Marlon Brando.

Like the Godfather, the talent is topnotch. The addition of Jeffrey Wright to the cast in season 4 was a wise choice. Jeffrey plays an exceptional authority figure.

I watched the entire 4th season. All the episodes were impressive. My favorite episode is #43 “William Wilson.”

Jeremy Podeswa is an actor’s director. Episode #43 is flawless because of him. I can’t wait for his next projects.

If you like your American history class, then you will like Boardwalk Empire. Boardwalkreimagines the Prohibition Era. You’ll learn just how easy things were back in the day.

Although the ratings fell in Season 4, I still believe it is the best. What is your favorite season? See invitation to the set here. 

Do you like action, drama and suspense? Tune in Sundays this September to watch new episodes. This is it.

From the start, Boardwalk Empire began with a bang. They spent $18 million to make the pilot episode. They’ll probably spend $20 million making the series finale.

I hope the writers and producers take a page out of the Sopranos script. Who can forget that famous ending? Rest in peace James Gandolfini.
Fading to black is classic. But, the Boardwalk Empire needs a unique ending because it is legendary. If anybody can paint a masterpiece, it is Terrence Winter.

The finale must look at the big picture. What are you trying to accomplish? Have you exceeded expectations?

Boardwalk Empire dominated HBO for half a decade. It struck back like Star Wars. It still is an original work of art.

They not only played with Monopoly money; they played with fire. Nowadays, breaking taboos is important. If you are politically incorrect, you’re forced to apologize.

Photo By: Shinya Suzuki 


Ironically Game of Thrones dethroned Boardwalk Empire. It was an oligarchy instead of a monopoly. And yet, Boardwalk kept playing with Monopoly money.

What if Boardwalk Empire adjusted? What if it cut the budget in half, making way for two or three additional seasons? Is it too late to save the empire from falling?

I feel Thrones and Empire need each other. In fact, they both serve different purposes. You see you get the fantasy with the Game and the reality with Boardwalk.

When I create my show I want to build it to last forever. Boardwalk Empire sets the stage for newbies and amateurs. My show will use Boardwalk Empire to serve as a model.

I love how Boardwalkbuilds up to the climax. You never know what will happen next. The plot twists and thickens.

The reason why Boardwalk Empire played with Monopoly money is because all along the game was rigged. Gangsters acquired assets illegally and unethically.

Crime ran rampant in Atlantic City. Not even your thoughts were safe. You answered to a higher power named Enoch but his friends called him Nucky.

Corrupt politicians, crooked cops and mob bosses plotted together. They united around an unjust cause. Bootlegging made many millionaires and millions of victims.

Boardwalk is a pricy ‘vacay’ down memory lane. Only our grandparents know the actual truth. And so, we speculate.


We young people are opting out of cable. That’s why great shows are ending before their time. Satellite and cable companies are not getting the memo.

These corporations think they can charge the moon. Well, keep it up and see what happens. It is a mutual exchange.

If you want to attract a younger audience, either lower the service price significantly; or fade to black like the last Sopranos episode. Boardwalk Empire is ending but this isn’t bad news. For every ending there is a new beginning.

Photo By: FlickR

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1! Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

AdrianaLima CarolynMurphy Entertainment Fashion Gisele Highest paid Hilary Rhoda JoanSmalls KateMoss LaraStone LiuWen Modeling Rich Sexy Supermodels top10

I’m Too Sexy for My: Who Are the Highest Paid Supermodels?


Right Said Fred created the I’m Too Sexy video in 1992. It was an instant hit. Now every model knows the words to I’m Too Sexy verbatim.

As you know, I study economics. Well, supermodels are the definition of high demand. There is a real talent shortage.

If you want to be a model, you need thick skin and a thin waist. You’ll get picked apart if you’re not careful. That’s why I admire models for their confidence.

Sometimes supermodels come off as arrogant. But that’s not the case. In their line of work, a strong ego is a requirement.

I admire models for their work ethic. Picture the hours of hard work that go into modeling. A model must spend countless hours in front of flashing cameras.

That’s not all. She has to count her calories. And, a model must exercise like a racehorse.

If a model tries her best, she is compensated accordingly.

Modeling agencies carefully choose the bodies that get to strut on the catwalk. If you’re too fragile, don’t apply. If you’re too sexy, then let’s go ahead and get it done.

If you are an aspiring model, don’t quit. Remember, there’s a big reward. Here are the 10 highest paid models…

10. Lara Stone

Photo By: Jiyang Chen

There’s no denying the Dutch beauty Lara Stone. The blonde model is the 10th highest paid internationally. She is known for her lucrative Calvin Klein jeans contract.

In total, Lara Stone earned $3.2 million. She has a good name and is very valuable. Calvin Klein can’t afford to drop her.

9. Candice Swanepoel

Photo By: Adam Bielawski

Candice Swanepoel is 9th with earnings totaling $3.3 million. She does work for Versace, Juicy Couture and Max Factor. At 5’10” and age 25, Candice’s stock is rising.

She’s too sexy for her skirt. Maxim named her number 1 on the Hot 100 list.  If you didn’t know who Candice Swanepoel was, now you do!

8. Joan Smalls

Joan Smalls is a steady name in the business. She’s accustomed to making lists. This time she is number 8.

The sexy supermodel tallied a total of $3.5 million. At 5’11” and age 25, Joan’s purse is fattening. If you love numbers, then you love Joan.

7. Carolyn Murphy

Model Carolyn Murphy comes in at 7th. Modeling is a lucky way celebrities make money. Click here to read more.

Carolyn made $3.6 million before taxes. She is known for dealing with Estée Lauder and Project Runway. Also, she has contracts with: Coach, Ann Taylor Loft and Carlo Pazolini.

6. Hilary Rhoda

Photo By: Andrew Halperon

Hilary Rhoda made $4 million modeling. She earned it endorsing Nike, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren and Victoria’s Secret. The brunette walks to the bank with style and grace.

Hilary’s Twitter and Instagram stay active. The 27 year-old 5’11” model keeps her body of work busy. This busybody’s work ethic is the key to her success.

5. Liu Wen

Photo By: Georg Petschnigg

Chinese model Liu Wen made $4.3 million. At number 5, Liu is China’s finest. She’s 5’11’’ and 26 years old.

She signed a huge contract with Estée Lauder. Liu is their first Asian model ever. Read more about the model here

4. Kate Moss

Photo By: Deon Maritz

It’s no surprise the 5’7’’ Kate Moss made 5.7 million. Kate is the Madonna of modeling. Read here for more information

At the age of 40, Kate still dominates the business. She has signed long-term deals with Vogue Eyewear, Rimmel, Versace, and Liu-JoNo wonder she’s loaded!

3. Adriana Lima

 Photo By: Adam Bielawski

At #3 is Adriana Lima. She collected $6 million before taxes. Watch the Victoria’s Secret Angel commercial below:

The Brazilian babe is too sexy for that commercial. Bob Dylan is in awe. This is just one of Adriana’s many successful ads. 

2. Miranda Kerr

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Miranda Kerr is 2nd after making $7.2 million. Did you know her popularity in Asia has soared? The Australian model has signed new deals with Mango, David Jones, and Lipton.

She puts some pep in her step when she struts. You see if you stick with it like Miranda, you too can receive the big reward. Smart work pays dividends.

1. Gisele Bündchen

 Photo By: Tiago Chediak

It seems like Gisele Bündchen makes all the rules just to break them. No other model comes close to the $42 million Gisele pocketed. These days, she’s running down the runway.

Who doesn’t follow Gisele on Instagram?  If you are a future model, you must follow Gisele. She shows you how to do it!

Final Thoughts

As I noted in Celebrity Rag Riches, you can’t go wrong with the fashion industry. Models are naturally pulled in the direction of fashion and entertainment. It’s easy to see how the industries connect.

I thought Kate Upton would make the top 10. But, I have faith in Forbes’ numbers. So, look for Kate next time.

The modeling industry is highly competitive. Dare I say it is cutthroat and ruthless? All these models make it look easy.

The fact is it takes more than sheer sexiness to make it in the modeling world. You have to possess a combination of factors. Do you have what it takes?

Don’t ever fear rejection. Where one door closes, another door opens. Remember, you must fail in order to succeed.

The top 10 highest paid models earned $82.8 million total. That’s right, Gisele Bündchen made more money than the other 9 combined. It’s not too surprising considering she owns a lingerie line. And, she’s too sexy for her skirt…

This is The Guru Jay signing off…Follow my Facebook. And, in the words of Jerry Springer “Till next time, take care of yourself and each other.” Thank you for reading and sharing.

Source: Forbes 

BestQuotes Blog Celebrities CelebrityQuotes Entertainment Fame Famous Hollywood LadyGaga lifestyle Paparazzi pop culture Stars TheGuruJay Top20 TopQuotes

Top 20 Celebrity Quotes + Videos


Photo By: Stephen Carlile

If kids say the darnedest things, so do celebs. Have you ever thought about getting inside a celebrity’s head? What do they actually think about their fans?

You’ll be surprised to learn their innermost feelings. Celebrities all agree on one thing. That is, living the celebrity lifestyle has some drawbacks.

While reading these quotes, you’ll see how fame can pigeonhole people. You may start feeling sorry for our famous friends. Please don’t sympathize.

Although the good life is bad at times, very few Hollywood stars would trade in their celebrity. Despite what they tell you, they love every bit of their stardom. What’s not to love?

As soon as you wake up, the paparazzi are prepared to film your whole day. They’ll even take pictures of the food you eat. It’s all in a day’s work.

We’re about to scramble celebrity thoughts like a chef scrambles eggs on Monday morning. Let’s look at the top twenty celebrity quotes. These are my favorites that I want to share with you.

Celebrity Quotes: Stay tuned for videos at the end…






Jude Law and Jonah Hill express their similar distastes. All Jude wants to do is act; but he can’t be an actor without being a celebrity. Certain things come with the territory. Jonah believes it is both a blessing and a curse.

Jared Leto just wants to be regular and he is…Celebrities are not much different from ordinary people. They experience the same situations everyone else does.

Danica Patrick and Julia Roberts express their need for privacy. Because they are high profile, the media is knocking on their doors. Considering Roberts is highly compensated, you can see why she is watched all over the world. The same goes for Danica.

As a celebrity, you are constantly on the radar. They all want to know your whereabouts. If you go missing from the spotlight, something is automatically wrong. 

The celebrity lifestyle has several perks. It is a lot of fun. But on the flip side, your life is open season.

Are you ready for deconstructive criticism? Celebrity lifestyles are designed to be materialistic. As a result, many celebrities lose the fame and fortune.

I encourage you to save and invest your money like the 50 richest celebrities. Believe me, you can make a lot from a little. Allow compound interest to work in your favor. 

When you signed up to be a star, did you know you’d be more scrutinized than a politician? In fact, politicians have more privacy than you. To be frank, the public restroom is more private.

In spite of everything, you aren’t going back to your 9 to 5 job.  “Once you’re a celebrity, you’re a celebrity all the way. From your first cigarette to your last dying day.” Your life is a lot like the West Side Story, full of drama.






Denzel Washington expresses the same emotions as Danica Patrick. They want privacy. Frankly, they deserve private time.

Celebrities make mistakes like everyone. The difference is that their missteps are magnified in the media. What is more, celebrities cannot afford political incorrectness. There are two sides to a story and a celebrity better be on the right side.

Robert Redford and Jessica Alba illustrate how Hollywood affects their behaviors. They’re expected to talk, walk, and act a particular way. Red flags are raised every time they deviate from script. Actors have a role to play on and off screen.

Eva Longoria views herself as a role model. She takes fame by the coat tails. On the other hand, Kelly Clarkson longs for simplicity.






Actresses Sarah Michelle Gellar and Rashida Jones describe fame as a weird feeling. It is a major change. One day you’re an actor, and then overnight you’re a movie star. 

It all happens fast. Hollywood gives you a quick fix. Practically all entertainers use Hollywood as a launching pad for their careers.

If you’re lucky, you may inherit fame. Drew Barrymore is a prime example. She doesn’t feel like a celebrity, because she’s always been famous. She was literally born a star.

Actors Jack Nicholson and Russell Crowe recognize their star power. Jack’s quote is a bit exaggerated to say the least. And, Russell puts his money where his mouth is. I admire the Beautiful Mind movie star for his bold insights.






What does it take to be a top 50 celebrity or top 10 actor? What does it take to be on the level of Katy Perry or Justin BieberWhat does it take to be famous? 

Matthew McConaughey and Megan Fox discuss the challenges of stardom. How much time do you think Matthew and Megan spend in the gym? McConaghey and Fox are famous for their looks. You better bet, in order to keep fit, they work out.

The hot actress is highly in demand for a reason. Megan Fox has found her niche in the entertainment industry. She is steadily becoming the must sought after sex symbol in show business.

I would say the price of fame is worth it. Although Adele and Jennifer Garner struggle with their celebrity, they love being a celebrity. It is crucial to point out celebrities want to be famous.

I leave you with Lady Gaga’s thoughts. It doesn’t take much to be a celebrity. In actuality, it is a thin line between ordinary and extraordinary. Fame is achievable if you reach out far enough.
While your arm is out, why don’t you give a helping hand?

Lady Gaga sings like a bluejay in the Paparazzi video. 

You can view the Top 20 Celebrity Quotes video here.

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Adam Levine Begin Again Box Office Breaking News Cee Lo Green Entertainment Hailee Steinfield Keira Knightley Mark Ruffalo Movies Music soundtrack Summer Top 10 Actresses Trailer

Begin Again: Music + Movies = Success

Begin Again 

Music + Movies= Success. This summer Begin Again debuts in theaters. The film starring Keira Knightley is highly anticipated. Critics have already chopped up Begin Again.

Overall, the reviews are looking good. For starters, we have a hot cast. It’s an incredible ensemble of actors, musicians, and singers.

The soundtrack is important to a movie’s success. I recently watched She’s Having a Baby for the 4thtime. If you have seen it, you realized the power of the ending scene. This Woman’s Work is brilliantly placed on the She’s Having a Baby soundtrack.

You see the soundtrack can change a movie from dull to good. The best films have a well-written script and a wonderful soundtrack. Begin Again is a movie with all the right pieces. Enjoy the trailer.

The cast has a tasty mixture of talent and direction. For the record, Begin Again was released for the first time at the 2013 Toronto Film Festival. The movie has been out of production for a while.

But, you’ll find that the best movies make you wait. Begin Again does a fine job building up anticipation. I strongly believe the film will fair very well at the box office.

In my last post Action Heroes and Zeroes, I explained how marketing may catapult or kill a movie’s chances. Begin Again is a success story.

The film is said to have a sensational soundtrack set to summer in New York City. It is scheduled to premier in the United States on July 4, 2014. The movie trailer has already been given tons of shares, likes and view on YouTube.

I’m interested in Canadians who have seen Begin Again. What did you like about it? Wasn’t the soundtrack sweet?

Does it live up to the hype? Judging by the reviews and information I’ve been given, the move is going to sell out on Independence Day. Can’t wait.

Keira Knightley 

Photo By: Tony Shek

Look into Keira Knightley’s eyes. Are you mesmerized? The British beauty is due for an Academy Award. Don’t be surprise if you hear her name in the news.

Knightley came close to winning the Best Actress statue in 2005 for her portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice. She was too young to win at that time.

I have a background in Government. I can tell you there is politics in everything. The Academy Awards are no exception.

I gave you a breakdown of Hollywood politics in my post of the Top 10 Actresses. Did you know actresses make less money after winning an Oscar? What is more, actors make more money after they win.

Hollywood has the strangest politics in the world. Knightley may not want an Oscar for these reasons, but she’ll get one and I tell you why.

She is becoming too expensive. She’s reaching the mature age of thirty. So the movie industry cannot trick her into taking less. She knows her worth.

Mark my words: she will win an Oscar within 3 years. Remember where you heard it first. Hey, Hollywood is not all fun and games. It’s a big business.

Mark Ruffalo

Photo By: Tony Shek

Mark Ruffalo costars in the film. He is most famous for playing The Hulk in the Avengers. He is a nice addition to the cast.

The great actor has been acting since 1989. He’s seasoned, humble, and talented. He has all the right ingredients.

He’s not going to try to steal the show. We need more actors like Ruffalo. He can a drive a movie to box office success. And, he doesn’t mind taking a backseat.

I believe he is one of the most respected actors in the business. No one ever has a bad word to say about him. He shows up, does his job and goes home.

Hailee Steinfield

Photo By: Nathan Blaney

Hailee Steinfield is a rising star. She brings the most youth to the silver screen. She is famous for her portrayal of Mattie Ross in True Grit.

She has a lot of potential in show business. The casting director deserves a $20,000 bonus; because the three main characters represent 3 different generations.

Adam Levine

 Photo By: ChristinaR

I can’t wait to see what Adam Levine from Maroon 5 brings to the table. He’s a superb singer and not a shabby actor either. It will be interested to see what role he plays.

For all we know, Levine could be like Justin Timberlake. Who can forget Timberlake’s performances in the Social Network and In Time? Levine adds a flavorful ingredient to the mix.
Cee Lo Green

Photo By: Julio Enriquez

Cee Lo Green is underrated as a singer. I remember when he lost his mind! In college, I first heard the Gnarls Barkley Crazy song.

If you haven’t already heard, then listen to Crazy on YouTube. The Crazy song and You’re Beautiful owned the 2005-2006 music season. It will be fun to see the former artist from Gnarls Barkley on the silver screen.

Music + Movies = Success

As an Accountant I deal with the equation Assets= Liabilities + Owner’s Equity on a daily basis. You learn this equation in your Accounting 101 class.

Later on in your accounting courses, you deal with more sophisticated formulas. If you’re a STEM major, more power to you.

If you’re a music or theatre major, I envy you. If there’s one thing I learn in life it is to follow your dreams. No matter what, stay focused.

Don’t forget the equation I introduced to you in the beginning. Music + Movies= Success. It’s a proven fact that soundtracks play an important role in the scheme of things.

This summer the Begin Again movie is sure to please. Don’t only mark my words, mark your calendars. The film debuts on July 4.

Expect fireworks and a roller coaster ride. You don’t have to go to Disney World or Six Flags. Take your family and friends to see Begin Again.

Thank you for Reading, Sharing, and Commenting. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Stay Tuned for a Special Monday Morning Blog

Actors Africa Around the World Brazil Celebs China Entertainment Fan Bingbing India Information Ivete Sangalo LadyGaga Oprah Singers Top 50 U.S. Writers

Top 50 Celebrities Around the World


Around the World In Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Chollywood and Zollywood

Stop Stressing

You don’t have to worry about anything. Cast all your worries in the deep blue sea. Take time to focus on what matters most.

Your health is important. So, stop stressing. Take a break. You deserve it.

After a stressful day, most people want to be entertained. You might have the most stressful job in the world. But after turning on your computer and television stress is no longer a factor of the equation.

Celebrities entertain us. Part of their job description is to make people happy. If you’re feeling sad or lonely, maybe a funny movie will lift your spirits.

Recently, I wrote an article about how to be a celebrity. I defended Justin Bieber, because he is unfairly criticized in the media. In today’s blog, we will identify more than 50 celebrities around the world.

Our list was composed using a variety of sources. I made this list, because I couldn’t find anything else like it on the Internet. I organized the celebrities in descending order.

World Tour        

Let me take you on a world tour of Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood and Chollywood. We’re stopping by the biggest celebrity mansions and bachelor pads. On our way I’ll show you only the best.

Oh, did you want to see Lady Gaga’s Beverly Hills mansion? You might as well. We’re travelling around the whole world.

The next stop is Tennis superstar Roger Federer’s Dubai home. Of course, he has a Tennis court! Where else can we go?

I know. Let’s go to China and look at Jackie Chan’s rock collection. I thought you’d like that.

While we’re in Asia we might as well go to India and check out Bollywood Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s Rolls Royce. Boy, is he living the good life!

Celebrities all around the world love luxury. You can always catch the ladies wearing expensive clothes or sporting a brand new luxurious handbag. It’s the way they live. They live a high-price lifestyle.

I want our trip to be entertaining as well as informative. You will receive the royal treatment. We can check in and check out where Prince William used to reside

I’ve heard there is 24-hour room service here. Also, we have a personal chef, masseuse, butler, maid, and chauffer.

Our personal chef can cook you anything you desire. Our masseuse can relax your muscles with her arms and hands. Our staff is here to serve you.

What more do you want? The top celebrities live a luxurious lifestyle. Money is not an object to them. They make millions of dollars per year.

We all could use the money minus the fame that comes with it. It’s no secret that famous people are constantly monitored by the paparazzi. As a celebrity, you’re always on camera.

You can go to the most isolated island on the planet and the cameramen will follow you there. In many cases, the paparazzi will already be there awaiting to snap pictures upon your arrival.

The Price of Fame

The price of fame is not monetary. You pay in other ways. How many times have actors auditioned only to hear the word no? You cannot fear rejection, if you want to be a celebrity.

You may have all the talent in the world and still not get the role. The main thing is that you persevere. If you work hard enough, eventually you’ll get rewarded.

Stay true to yourself. We can learn from celebrities how to act in public. Ok, well not every celebrity. But, you get my drift.

Whenever Beyoncé walks out her home all eyes are glued on her butt. She doesn’t have the same type of privacy as an ordinary person. Wherever she goes, TMZ is tracking her. 

The price of fame is astronomical. You have to make sacrifices. No one ever said it is easy being a celebrity. But, at the same time it’s fun.

You have to weigh the horses to determine if entering the race is worth the hassle. You can lead the horse to the gate, but you can’t make her win. You ought to get off the high horse if you’re afraid of falling.

At times it seems easy to be a celebrity. But, it’s not. It’s a lot of hard work. But, if you stick with the plan you’ll be a celebrity in no time.

Who Wants To Be A Celebrity?

Everyone wants to be a celebrity. Celebrities are literally worshipped. If you don’t believe me, log into Twitter.

Go to Beyoncé’s Twitter. How many followers does Bey have? Go to another celebrity on our list. How many followers do they have? How many accounts are they following?

As you can see (on Twitter), The entertainment world is huge. There are tens of thousands of actors in Hollywood alone. But, this blog entry is bigger than Los Angeles.

Around The World

Our top 50 list covers the whole world. Continent by continent, country by country: I breakdown the best celebrities around the world.

I watch films and listen to music in foreign languages. I do this because I like learning new words. I don’t desire fluency in every language.

Hearing new sounds is intriguing. I love listening to French because it’s the language of love. Just saying a few words, in French to my girlfriend, is a good way to make the mood more intimate.

As a bonus, I have included a list of the top five French celebrities. At the top of the list is Eva Green. She is famous for her role in 300: Rise of an Empire.

Green plays the historical Artemisia in 300. She has proven why she belongs on the list of the world’s top celebrities. The elegant Eva was also a James Bond’s girl in the 2006 movie Casino Royale.

I’ve found some phrases are best said in their native tongues. Language is often lost in translation. However, the genius of languages is that emotions are universal.

The body language of love in India is the same as in China. The intensity of anger in the United States is the same as in Nigeria. A smile has the same connotation everywhere.

Let me take you around the world. Let me introduce you to celebrities you otherwise would not have known. You probably are familiar with their faces. But, you don’t know all of their names.

I don’t blame you one bit. This list was created as a reference and a guide. Furthermore, you can use our list if you ever travel around the world.

My family and I have Netflix subscriptions. I noticed Netflix has a database of foreign movies. They have movies from all over the globe, including Africa.

Several of these films are from Nollywood. Nollywood is a portmanteau. It’s a combination of Nigeria and Hollywood into one.

I recommend watching foreign movies. You may have to put the captions on; but you will enjoy them. Moreover, many African films are in English. Mind you, they don’t have the best diction. It is still entertaining.

The Top African celebrity is Chinua Achebe. The 84 year-old is a world-renowned novelist. He is most famous for his 1958 novel Things Fall Apart. He also won the 1989 Nobel Prize in Literature.

The singer Akon is ranked number five. Although he was born in St. Louis, Missouri he has Senegalese roots. Both of his parents are from Senegal. He is categorized as African for the purpose of our list.

10. Femi Kuti
9. Oumou Sangare
8. Yvonne Chaka Chaka
7. Salif Keita
6. Wole Soyinka
5. Akon
4. Angelique Kidjo
3. Didier Drogba
2. Youssou N’dour
1. Chinua Achebe

I invented the portmanteau “Zollywood.” I combine the word Brazil with Hollywood. Maybe, it will catch some steam.

Brazil is a place where they harvest sugarcane as well as celebrities. The Brazilian people are beautiful. Number four on our list is the eye-catching model Gisele Bundchen.

The talented Ivete Sangalo ranks ninth in Zollywood. She is a powerful Brazilian singer with international appeal. I am shocked she is not ranked higher on the list.

Paulo Coelho, a man that writes beautiful words, is second on our list. He definitely has the power of the pen. He is a modern day Brazilian William Shakespeare. You should read the Alchemist if you have the chance.

Because Brazil is a land filled with superb soccer (football) players, many athletes make our list such as Ronaldo, Ronaldinho and Kaká. Soccer (football) prowess is a big reason the world loves Brazil. 

In fact, the top celebrity on our Brazilian list is the great soccer legend Pele. Also, billionaire TV host Silvio Santos squeezes into the Top 50.

10.  Silvio Santos
9.  Ivete Sangalo
8. Kaká
7. Ronaldinho
6.  Ronaldo
5. Roberto Carlos
4. Gisele Bundchen
3. Neymar
2. Paulo Coelho
1. Pele

China’s Hollywood is well populated. The celebrity Fan Bingbing 范冰冰 is cream of the crop. The Beijing News ranked her first on the “50 most Beautiful People in China” list.

Fan Bingbing is the face of China. The thirty two-year-old actress is idolized in Mainland China. She is also a singer and producer.

Martial artist and actor Jackie Chan comes in fourth on the “Chollywood” list. Chan has a global following. He has acted in not only Chinese films but in American movies as well.

Did you know that Jackie Chan is a comedian and singer too? On an international scale, Chan is first in China. The world appreciates his body of work in the Rush Hour franchise.

It is shocking Jet Li is not on the Chinese list. He has an international audience a lot like Jackie Chan. Jet Li apparently isn’t as popular in China as he is worldwide.

I wrote an article titled Top Ten Foreign Language Films. Number one on the list is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Can you guess who stars in this film? None other than Zhang Ziyi, who holds a rank in the middle of our Top 50.

10. Lin Chi-ling 林志玲
9. Jolin Tsai
8. Huang Xiaoming黃曉明
7. Yang Mi楊冪
6. Eason Chan陳奕迅
5. Zhang Ziyi章子怡
4. Jackie Chan
3. Andy Lau 

2. Jay Chou 周杰倫

1. Fan Bingbing 范冰冰

Bollywood is the Indian Hollywood. Show business in India is growing fast. A number of actors from India have made a stop at Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles.

You have to respect the Indian movie industry. Bollywood is becoming a major global industry. The International Business Times speculates that in two years Bollywood will bring in $5 billion annually.

Currently, India’s Hollywood is generating over $3.5 billion. Actor Shah Rukh Khan helps make this possible. He is a top five global celebrity. Katrina Kaif comes in ninth on the Bollywood list.

10. Hrithik Roshan
9. Katrina Kaif
8. Ranbir Kapoor
7. Virat Kohli
6. Akshay Kumar
5. Amitabh Bachchan
4. Sachin Tendulkar
3. Salman Khan
2. Mahendra Singh Dhoni
1. Shah Rukh Khan

Here is Hollywood, the mother of all entertainment. You would have to go back to the Shakespearean days in order to compare it to a summer’s day. The Los Angeles district wears its badge, as the entertainment capital of the world, proudly.

Oprah Winfrey is queen. Lady Gaga is the princess. Steven Spielberg is king. And, Justin Bieber is the prince.

The following celebrities are the most recognized in the United States. Popular daytime TV host Ellen DeGeneres is in the bottom 50, mainly because of the competitive nature of Hollywood. In other words, it’s fairly difficult to make the top ten in America.

Notably, there is only one athlete on this list- Roger Federer. Furthermore, Federer is Swiss.

I was shocked to see Madonna at number five on the list. But, you have to remember at one time she was first. Madonna is an icon much like Marilyn Monroe.

The beautiful Beyoncé Knowles is fourth. Beyoncé is a triple threat. She sings, dances and acts. I feel she should have been in the top three. But, the global ranking is bigger than my opinion.

10. Ellen DeGeneres
9. Justin Bieber
8.  Roger Federer
7. Bon Jovi
6. Taylor Swift
5. Madonna
4. Beyoncé Knowles
3. Steven Spielberg
2. Lady Gaga
1. Oprah Winfrey

Honorable Mentions

Just in case you travel to Japan, the following top five is a good reference. These five celebrities are acknowledged as the top five in Japan. You may want to learn these names.

Cutie pie Haruka Ayase is first on our Japanese list. The other celebrities are: Keiko Kitagawa, Yui Aragaki, Aoi Miyazaki and Namie Amuro. Japan has a mini Hollywood.
5. Namie Amuro 安室奈美惠

4. Aoi Miyazaki 崎葵

3. Yui Aragaki 新垣

2.  Keiko Kitagawa 北川景子

1. Haruka Ayase  绫濑


Selena Gomez is first on the Mexican list. She is only 21 years old but has incredible star power. Her Come & Get It YouTube video has more than 224 million views.

Demi Lovato is in fifth place. The singer of Skyscraper VEVO video has been viewed 124 million times. She is the same age as Selena Gomez. I think that in due time she will surpass Selena and become the nuevo numero uno in Mexico.

5. Demi Lovato
4. Ricardo Montalbán
3. Eva Longoria
2. Cheech Marin
1. Selena Gomez

Emma Watson, 23, is second in France. Do you see a pattern? Young

and attractive women are disproportionately high on our list.

The dazzling 28 year-old Léa Seydoux rounds out the top three actors

from France. The IMDB has a wealth of information. Also, the Box

Office Mojo is a reputable source.

5. Juliette Binoche

4. Mélanie Laurent

3. Léa Seydoux

2. Emma Watson

1. Eva Green

The following actors are the top five German actors in 2014.

5. Sibel Kekilli
4. Elisabeth Röhm
3. Diane Kruger
2. Bruce Willis
1. Michael Fassbender
The following picks are the most popular Brits chosen by Piers Morgan. As you can see, Simon Cowell is first. Piers Morgan is a little bias, because he works for Cowell.

Still, Simon Cowell deserves to be in the top five alongside: David Beckham, Cheryl Cole, Prince William and Ant & Dec.

5. Ant & Dec
4. Prince William
3. Cheryl Cole
2. David Beckham
1. Simon Cowell

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