Actors Al Pacino Any Given Sunday Carlito's Way Celebs City Hall Entertainment Guru Jay Heat Hollywood movie stars Movies Robert De Niro Scarface Scent of a Woman The Godfather The Recruit Top 10

Top 10 Al Pacino Movies


What are the best Al Pacino movies? Are your favorites on the Top 10 list? Let’s look.
Top 10 Al Pacino Movies
10. Scarface                                        
Pacino plays a Cuban refugee turned American gangster in Scarface. It is one of his best showings because the Italian gets his creative juices flowing. Can you imagine playing another nationality and ethnicity?
“Say hello, to my little friend!”
9. Any Given Sunday
In Any Given Sunday, Al Pacino stars as a head coach who delivers an eye opening and ear popping speech to his football team. In addition, Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx help Al out with supporting roles. It makes the top 10 because Pacino goes beyond his pay grade.
8. City Hall
Whether you love or hate politicians, you’ll like City Hall politics. This is a diamond in the rough. You haven’t seen Al Pacino quite like this. He shines bright like perfectly polished dress shoes.

7. The Godfather: Part III
Unsurprisingly, The Godfather: Part III was well received by fans and critics alike. Furthermore, the 1990 film cemented Al Pacino’s legacy on the Boulevard. In case you’re wondering, the great actor doesn’t have a handprint on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, nor does he need one.
6 . The Recruit
Colin Farrell became a better actor while filming The Recruit with Al Pacino. Do you want to go on a roller coaster or a merry-go-round? If you want a thriller, I recommend watching this.
5. Heat
In 1995, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro were at the peak of their superpowers. Credit Director Michael Mann for masterminding scenes with the two superstars. Can you handle Heat?
If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen and cut off the Chew and Rachael Ray.
4. Carlito’s Way
In a way, Carlito’s Way is the sequel to Scarface. The movie contains familiar themes. However, the setting changes to New York. As always, Al Pacino doesn’t disappoint.
3. The Godfather
The Godfather is perhaps the greatest film in cinematic history. In the movie, Don Corleone played by Marlon Brando, shows Pacino the ropes and teaches him the family business. Some say Al Pacino was “too good.”
2. Scent of a Woman
Al Pacino beat out Malcolm X starring Denzel Washington for Best Lead Actor in Scent of a Woman. The film is about an old depressed blind man standing up for a young gentleman. Watch this clip. Here is one of the greatest and most moving cinematic speeches ever recorded.

1. The Godfather: Part II
Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola combined their talents and awarded efforts with Al Pacino to create possibly the greatest book/film trilogy of all time. The Godfather: Part II exceeded every expectation. Though the bar was set at an impossible level, Pacino obtained purity, clarity, and closure as Michael Corleone.
Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing.
Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Atlantic City Boardwalk Empire budget Entertainment finale Game of Thrones HBO money Monopoly Movies New Jersey Season 4 Season 5 series Steve Buscemi The Godfather The Sopranos TV TV and Showbiz

Boardwalk Empire And Monopoly Money


Why Boardwalk Empire Played With Monopoly Money

It is sad to see Boardwalk Empire end after the 5th season. But, every empire must collapse eventually. The successful show played with Monopoly money.

We all want to own Boardwalk in Monopoly. But gangster Enoch “Nucky” Thompson has the deed. If you value your life, pay him or face the consequences.

Boardwalk Empire played with Monopoly money because their expenditures were unreal. I know for certain that their finance and production departments argued all the time. The accountant’s job is to keep expenses low.

But a big budget was necessary for the HBO show. You can’t make the Great Gatsby on a shoestring budget. So, I understand the high cost.

Nothing compares to Boardwalk Empire. It is literally a monopoly. Although Game of Thrones is incredible, it is in a different genre. Plus Boardwalk has the best cast on television. And, their actors are well established.

What more do we want? There are compelling characters and spectacles, and an intriguing script. Boardwalk Empire is HBO’s boldest statement yet.

We are teleported to the 1920s like an Aziz Ansari joke. When I watch the Empire, I feel as if I am there. After the hour is up, I get back to reality. 

Do you realize Boardwalk Empire’s greatness? I appreciate how carefully they pay attention to details. The writers do not get enough credit for their work.

Buyers beware. Boardwalk Empire is a drug. Take it in small doses; or you’ll become addicted.

“Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to jail.”

My only complaint with the Empire (doesn’t that sound like Star Wars) is it has untapped potential. Why isn’t Mark Wahlberg in front of the camera? I get that he wants to be the boss, but he is wasting his acting talent as a producer.

I challenge you to watch the Departed. It is very violent but it shows Wahlberg from another angle. Can you picture Mark on the cast of Boardwalk?

Also, can you imagine the show as a movie? Make Martin Scorsese the director. In a sense, Boardwalk Empire is already the T.V. equivalent of the Godfather.

The Godfather is crucial to counter culture as well as pop culture. It is highly regarded by fans and critically acclaimed. Steve Buscemi is Marlon Brando.

Like the Godfather, the talent is topnotch. The addition of Jeffrey Wright to the cast in season 4 was a wise choice. Jeffrey plays an exceptional authority figure.

I watched the entire 4th season. All the episodes were impressive. My favorite episode is #43 “William Wilson.”

Jeremy Podeswa is an actor’s director. Episode #43 is flawless because of him. I can’t wait for his next projects.

If you like your American history class, then you will like Boardwalk Empire. Boardwalkreimagines the Prohibition Era. You’ll learn just how easy things were back in the day.

Although the ratings fell in Season 4, I still believe it is the best. What is your favorite season? See invitation to the set here. 

Do you like action, drama and suspense? Tune in Sundays this September to watch new episodes. This is it.

From the start, Boardwalk Empire began with a bang. They spent $18 million to make the pilot episode. They’ll probably spend $20 million making the series finale.

I hope the writers and producers take a page out of the Sopranos script. Who can forget that famous ending? Rest in peace James Gandolfini.
Fading to black is classic. But, the Boardwalk Empire needs a unique ending because it is legendary. If anybody can paint a masterpiece, it is Terrence Winter.

The finale must look at the big picture. What are you trying to accomplish? Have you exceeded expectations?

Boardwalk Empire dominated HBO for half a decade. It struck back like Star Wars. It still is an original work of art.

They not only played with Monopoly money; they played with fire. Nowadays, breaking taboos is important. If you are politically incorrect, you’re forced to apologize.

Photo By: Shinya Suzuki 


Ironically Game of Thrones dethroned Boardwalk Empire. It was an oligarchy instead of a monopoly. And yet, Boardwalk kept playing with Monopoly money.

What if Boardwalk Empire adjusted? What if it cut the budget in half, making way for two or three additional seasons? Is it too late to save the empire from falling?

I feel Thrones and Empire need each other. In fact, they both serve different purposes. You see you get the fantasy with the Game and the reality with Boardwalk.

When I create my show I want to build it to last forever. Boardwalk Empire sets the stage for newbies and amateurs. My show will use Boardwalk Empire to serve as a model.

I love how Boardwalkbuilds up to the climax. You never know what will happen next. The plot twists and thickens.

The reason why Boardwalk Empire played with Monopoly money is because all along the game was rigged. Gangsters acquired assets illegally and unethically.

Crime ran rampant in Atlantic City. Not even your thoughts were safe. You answered to a higher power named Enoch but his friends called him Nucky.

Corrupt politicians, crooked cops and mob bosses plotted together. They united around an unjust cause. Bootlegging made many millionaires and millions of victims.

Boardwalk is a pricy ‘vacay’ down memory lane. Only our grandparents know the actual truth. And so, we speculate.


We young people are opting out of cable. That’s why great shows are ending before their time. Satellite and cable companies are not getting the memo.

These corporations think they can charge the moon. Well, keep it up and see what happens. It is a mutual exchange.

If you want to attract a younger audience, either lower the service price significantly; or fade to black like the last Sopranos episode. Boardwalk Empire is ending but this isn’t bad news. For every ending there is a new beginning.

Photo By: FlickR

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1! Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

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