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Ellen DeGeneres Should Make Oprah Money


Ellen DeGeneres Should Make Oprah Money

The generous Ellen DeGeneres generates electricity on the Ellen show. When the lights are out, the first thing you do is call the electric company. How about giving Ellen a call the next time this happens. I can’t make any promises but I’m sure she’ll at least make you smile.

For 14 years Ellen has been doing exactly that and eating the cake. Everyday on the Ellen Show is like your birthday. You never know what’s up her sleeves. The celebrity is full of surprises.

Soon, she’ll be giving away cars to everybody like Oprah did. Like orange is the new black, Ellen is the new Oprah. You watch.

Wouldn’t it be great if she starred on the Netflix hit OITNB? At a minimum, she could make a cameo or maybe voiceover even. Who’s waiting?

Her creativity assists in an entertaining experience. Speaking of experience, who else in showbiz (but Oprah) can match her clout?

Another thing- what if she did Carpool Karaoke with James Corden? That’s why I love celebrities and entertainment so much. There’s a whole lot we can do. Let your imagination run wild and I’ll take you there.

Do you like the Ellen show? I’ll say it again! Ellen DeGeneres is a standup gal. You like to watch her because she’s amazing at monologues and interviews.

Last week was premiere week on Ellen. I got a chance to watch the full Friday show live. In case you missed it, Tom Hanks made a grand entrance. What is more, DeGeneres donated her largest gift in history to her home state of Louisiana. As you may know, Louisiana got hit hard by flooding recently.

Ellen couldn’t stand by and watch this devastation. This is why Britney Spears (who took the famous Ed O’Neill Selfie) joined the team. Right now, it is incredible that the talk show host is backing up her words with action.  

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actor Blog Celebrity comedians comedy Entertainment Fun Website Funny Get Him To the Greek Gossip Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Movies Russell Brand Showbiz standup TV Hosts Twitter Wild and Crazy

Who’s Wilder And Crazier Than Russell Brand?


It’s never too early or too late to start doing standup comedy. Fans expect comics to come on stage and tell hilarious stories. Who tells wilder and crazier stories than Russell Brand?
Although he’s a fun and playful celebrity, there is also a serious side to the man. Russell Brand is waging war against income inequality. As an activist, he is outspoken about wage slavery.
Taking a stance against powerful corporations is extremely risky. Then again, Russell Brand doesn’t mind losing out. And that’s why he’s a winner.
Russell raises eyebrows and drops jaws, because he’ll say what he feels like saying. He isn’t filtering his word choices like most celebrities. While many celebs commonly erase their Tweets, Brand hardly hits the delete button.

An authentic comedian won’t apologize for anything or to anyone. Russell Brand is a celeb with balls. He wears his hair long. He dons a full beard. This is symbolic to how Russell lives his life- to the fullest.
People are fond of him because he’s hosted TV shows, acted in movies, and performed on stage. You should consider watching Get Him to the Greek.
Russell Brand can make you comfortable and uncomfortable in a matter of minutes. He regularly challenges the status quo. What great comedian is politically correct? It’s the comic’s duty to get under people’s skin.
I admire Brand’s style and delivery. He doesn’t give it to you all at once. Joke by joke, sketch by sketch, the great Brit takes spectators on a trip.
You see Russell Brand thrives on controversy. That’s why he means everything to the comedy world. He is someone who bridges gaps.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

His intellect allows him to relate to a range of mentalities. You know it is important to widen your scope. I look forward to the comedic actor’s movies because of his uniqueness.
You won’t find a wilder and crazier jokester.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actor Athlete Celebrities Comedian Fans How to Miley Cyrus Music Musicians Party Party Like A Rock Star Party Rock Anthem Personality Rock Star Rolling Stone Singers Writer

How to Party Like a Rock Star and Rock Like a Rolling Stone


Miley Cyrus
Photo By: Rob Sinclair

Invitation to My Party

How would you like to party like a movie scene straight from Project X? Yeah baby, I’m talking about toasting to the good life. If it gets too hot, jump in the pool to get wet.

You’re invited to my party. Please accept if you want to have a wild night. Bring your friends.

Where is it? The party is here on the Guru Jay blog. I hope you like the new layout.

You can now customize your experience. Choose from 7 cool features: Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, and Timeslide. By the way, you’re a VIP.


How do you party like a rock star? How do you rock like a rolling stone? You need style, substance and loyal fans.

Have you noticed how celebrities go out their way to thank their fans? Why are there so many “fantastic” celebrities? Loyalty is priceless.

Fandom comes with a price. If you want to make it, you have to work smart. You can work too hard, but you cannot work too smart.

Miley Cyrus is highly intelligent. Her brand is one of the most marketable products in show business. The young talented singer breaks the rules.

The first rule is to break the rules. Successful celebrities are on the edge. They’re constantly challenging the status quo.

Rihanna is a heartbreaker and also a rule breaker. She pushes the envelope and delivers the mail. She is number 1 on YouTube, because she makes her own rules.

The second rule is there is no such thing as bad publicity. Miley is at odds with the wrecking ball. She demands your undivided attention.

Creativity is a requirement to being a rock star. If you’re a regular 9 to 5 average Joe Doe, then the rock lifestyle is not for you. But, if you dare to be different come on and audition.

If you’re going to party, rock like Miley Cyrus. Miley understands her superstardom. She is a young superstar who has already established her place in music history.

I started following Miley Cyrus on Twitter today. Although I am a not a big fan of her music I am infatuated with her personality.

Her website is even different. Check it out here.

The best way to become a rock star is to be you. Real rock stars are one of a kind. Unlike poker players, you can’t bluff rocking like a Rolling Stone.

Your ego needs adjusting in order to party like a rock star. You can’t care about upsetting some people with your controversial views. You have to stay true to yourself.

The third rule is to break a leg. I’m not saying you should sprain your ankle or tear your Achilles tendon. All I am saying is luck plays a major part in your success.

Brad Pitt will be the first to tell you Lady Luck is his BFF. He says he is lucky to be in his position as an actor. He’s right.

In Hollywood, they tell you to break a leg right before your performance. If you want to be an actor, start acting like an actor. Faking it to you make it, is not the same as escaping reality.

Have you noticed how everyone’s ego in Tinseltown is bigger than a watermelon? Why are their egos the size of melons or Kanye West- bigger than Jupiter? You have to inflate your hot air balloon before the haters deflate your dreams.

The fourth rule is to learn how to play the guitar. If you don’t know how to play, grab a copy of Guitar Hero.  The commercial is cool and so is the game.

Guitar Hero

Learn from the greatest guitarist and rock star Jimi Hendrix. It’s easy to see why he is legendary. Here are links to the Jimi Hendrix Experience Album on YouTube and MySpace

The electric guitar is the rock star’s favorite instrument. There’s something about how the strings generate fires and echoes off of walls. You’ll learn the trade fi you’re serious about superstardom.

Break the rules. Better yet, make the rules. Live by your code.

Imagine waking up everyday whenever you feel like it. If you’re late, it’s okay because you’re the boss. Bruce Springsteen sings about you in his songs.

As soon as you walk out the door of your Malibu mansion, 100 fans are waiting for your autograph. What do you do? You kindly explain you got a job to do.

You are your job. There are impersonators who make a living emulating your style. But they will never be you, because you are one of a kind.

You’re also a jack-of-all-trades. American Idol, America Got Talent and The Voice have contacted you. They want you to be a judge on their shows.

You have so many choices and so little time. Do you wonder about the drawbacks? Well, you haven’t seen your lady in three months.

It’s too easy for groupies to fall in love with you. It’s so hard for you to fall in love with a groupie. What will you do for love?

You canceled three shows on your world tour in order to go back home. All these are scenarios. I say the perks out way the sacrifices.

Mr. Big Stuff, Who Do You Think You Are?

The following is a list of Rock Stars with the biggest fans:


James Patterson is a prolific novelist. If you’re a writer you respect Patterson. Can you name another author on his level?

Writing is my life.  Of course, I am impartial to the writer’s lifestyle. It’s fun and rewarding.

I believe writers have the most loyal fans. Think about the Twilight Saga, Harry Potter, and the Hunger Games. Trust me, writers have some of the biggest fans.

I received a ton of fan mail during my time as a journalist. It was awesome. There is power with the pen.


Music makes the world spin. Being on stage  is an exciting feeling.  What is better than making a living by touring the world?

The best thrills come from being a Rock Star. Concerts are a way for superstars to connect with fans. The spotlight is always shining on you.

Many of your fans, know you better than your brand. You can’t party without music. That’s why musicians are so valuable.

They show up and bring the music with them. You don’t have to get intoxicated. All you have to do is boogie and have yourself a good time. It’s a natural ecstasy.


I heard Kobe Bryant parties hard. It makes sense because he lives in Hollywood. If you play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers, no party is off limits to you. State your  last name and number and the hostess will escort you to your reserved seat.

It seems basketball, players have the most fun. But, Baseball stars come in at a close second.  I always read bout ball players messing up in the off-season.


Partying is part of an actor’s job description. It’s a no-brainer; if you have the chops become an actor.  Get in the right movie and you’ll be a celebrity overnight

Ken Jeong gave up practicing medicine for rehearsing roles. He became famous overnight by joining the Hangover cast. The Detroit native is a dream come true.

Actors are the most confident rock stars. They’re know for getting into trouble too. If you can be an actor, do it.


Comedians have the hardest jobs in show business. You may make a 100 people laugh but there will always be 1 heckler. The heckler’s job is to make your night hectic.

You need thick skin to get this shindig. Like actors, you must exude confidence. Otherwise, things go downhill fast.


Every writer, musician, athlete, actor and comedian is a personality in essence. There are exceptions But, most personalities are talented in another area.

Personalities have the most fun at parties. Why? Because they are either offending somebody or making us laugh or cry.


Everybody knows your name. The majority of local celebrities are well known in their regions. There are exceptions.

It is rare to see local rock stars expand worldwide. But it happens. Prince is a rare rock star who began in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kid Rock Party

We’re going to party like a Rock Star. Were’ going to rock like a Rolling Stone. Like Kid Rock (Detroit Party Don’t Stop) We’re going to go at it non-stop.

Party Rock Anthem

Thank you for reading and sharing. Comments are welcome.

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