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Bruno Mars: The Man Behind the Myth


There are millions of musicians but there is only one Bruno Mars. The planetary entertainer launched his music career in 2006. Since then, he’s been orbiting around Europa.
The Man Behind the Myth
Bruno Mars pens ballads like Stephen Hawking composes manuscripts about space-time continuums. Science can’t comprehend nor explain supernatural occurrences. Bruno’s more than a musical genius. Mars is a myth within the entertainment world.
When I’m listening to music, I listen for originality. Hooligans immediately recognize the musician’s songs. Bruno Mars sincerely has a passion for music and entertainment. Not many musicians perform on Bruno’s level.
The naturally talented showman demonstrates why he is unstoppable. I consider him the best of his generation because of his incredible vocal range. The passionate crooner’s performances look effortless.

The Role Model

Despite what some believe, celebrities are role models because the media worships entertainment. They’re obsessed over Hollywood hook-ups, marriages and baby bumps. Bruno Mars distances himself from buffoonery. Despite the hooligan name, Mars doesn’t cause trouble, Bruno just raises hell.
In a superficial universe, Bruno Mars is a guardian of the galaxy. The best thing about Bruno Mars is his timeless music and untarnished image. Fast forward a hundred years, and you’ll hear the superstar’s music blasted from Australia to Russia.
Moreover, the celebrity accepts his responsibilities. Bruno doesn’t avoid the Paparazzi or dodge the Thirty Mile Zone. Judging by: his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Mars values each of his fans.

Karaoke was invented for ballads like Bruno’s Grenade, Just the Way You Are, Locked Out of Heaven and Uptown Funk.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
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The Urban Legend of Taylor Swift


Why has Taylor Swift abandoned country for pop music? Taylor is a great singer who used to sing ballads to Tim McGraw and Toby Keith. What happened?
4 years ago Beyoncé and Jay Z couldn’t care less about Taylor Swift.  Now, they’re hanging out together. What’s happening?
If Swift stayed country, she’d be richer. Remember there are riches in niches. Country is profitable because there isn’t a lot of competition. Still, country can only take Taylor so far because it only sells in America.
I predict Taylor Swift will go back to country when she’s older. Pop music targets teenagers not senior citizens. So, Taylor is rapidly expanding her fan base.
Yes, she’s losing a few fans but she’s gaining more. I wonder how she reached 72 million Facebook likes and 49 million Twitter followers. What is the price of fame?
Are you a Swiftie? I don’t want to pretend like I’m a fan. I admire Taylor. I don’t hold anything against the superstar. But, she belongs to country.
Urban Legend
I finally figured out the Taylor Swift riddle. It is not about money. She wants to be an Urban Legend.
You see country music fans reside in rural areas. Mainstream music fans live in urban areas. If Taylor wants fans in Japan, she’ll have to fly to Tokyo.  
The best fans are in Metropolis places such as Los Angeles, New York, and London.  It makes sense that she’s a New York ambassador. While other celebrities play charades with fans, Taylor Swift is playing chess.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
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