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Emma Watson, Emma Stone, and Emma Roberts: Who Is the Best Emma?

In my school days, I read Jane Austen’s Emma. Did you know Clueless is loosely based on Emma? What is it about that name?

Emma Watson is the most followed actor on Twitter. I don’t count singers or Bollywood stars in my Top 10 list. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were more famous than Prince William.
The precious Emma Stone plays sexy and funny characters in romantic comedies. You’ll find she’s a main attraction at Comic Con. This Emma understands chemistry and psychology.
Last but not least, Emma Roberts has learnt from the best. Her aunt is the one and only Julia Roberts. Plus, Emma is a smiling Mona Lisa in her own right.
Who’s waiting for a movie starring Emma Watson and featuring Stone and Roberts? The film would practically sell itself. Let’s make it happen.

Of the three, I feel Stone is the better actress. However, because of Harry Potter, Watson receives the most glory. Unfortunately, many people unfairly view Roberts as entitled just because of her surname.
Of the three, Roberts is hotter to me. But, Watson’s bubbling personality wins me over.
You see Stone seems the wittier and funniest of the bunch. She could compete with Amy Schumer’s standup skills. Also, I like Stone because she isn’t scared of her shadow.
Listen, Roberts is more laidback and easygoing. If you want peace of mind, go with her. She only causes drama when they pay her to.

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Frankly, Watson feels fragile and soft. Most men like delicate creatures. Plus, the cheerful Watson can charm a toad.
In 10 years, the name Emma could be the most popular Hollywood first name. Can you imagine by then, how many social media fans they’ll have altogether? They have unimaginable brand and star power potential.
I admire all of their acting. They are disciplined, which brings me to my final question. Who is the best Emma?
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House of Cards Season 3: Episode 3 Recap


Starring as President Underwood, Kevin Spacey is setting the tone for season 3. In episode 3, Underwood meets with Russian President Petrov, first at the State Dinner, then at the Oval office. The recently divorced Petrov is the world’s most eligible bachelor.
At first glance, Underwood and his highly esteemed guest hit it off until Petrov starts screwing with the First Lady. From that point forward, Underwood scrutinizes the Russian President’s every action.
Petrov leads invited politicians and celebrities in drinking games. The leader insists this is according to Russian tradition, but I don’t buy that baloney. Everyone keeps drinking, obeying Petrov’s command, and accepting Communism except for Pussy Riot.

Pussy Riot disrupts President Petrov’s toast making an unforgettable exit.
When will Michael Kelly’s character former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper get the message? The administration has written Stamper off as a liability. Recall Stamper started the season helpless in a hospital. Now, he can’t sit still because the character wants to continue working for Underwood.
President Frank makes good on his promise and the First Lady becomes the United Nations Ambassador. Claire develops a strategic and romantic relationship with Secretary of State Catherine Durant. Jayne Atkinson plays secretaries like Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice combined.
Additionally, Underwood plans to make the Solicitor General a Supreme Court Justice. However, an elderly justice who’s in the early stages of the Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t want to relinquish his position. The evil pork-loving President effectively threatens to publicly expose the Justice’s illness.

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Although the POTUS told the Democratic leadership and America he rather govern than campaign for office nobody really believes him. Understand Underwood engages in doublespeak and secretly worships Satan. Democrats remind the President no one elected him every blue moon.  

This House of Cards episode not only shows the importance of strong foreign policy but how easily outside forces influence the United States government and how corruption spreads rampant.

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Conqueror Danny Strong drama duet Empire Estelle Fox Guru Jay Jussie Smolett Lee Daniels musical soap opera Taraji P. Henson Terrence Howard Trai Byers TV Unto the Breach Willie Hutch

Who’s Watching Empire? Recap Part III- Brother’s Gonna Work It Out


Empire goes by the slogan “Have everybody talking Thursday.” Well, Guru Jay will talk about it Wednesday. In my opinion, Unto the Breach is the second best episode.
Here’s an off the cuff response for your reading pleasure.
Empire proves that all families have problems. What is more, society must confront pressing issues with compassion and empathy.
Unfortunately, every empire eventually collapses. However, Lucious Lyon and family are just beginning. I predict the IPO will happen. And Anika Calhoun will change sides once again.
You see Empire puts the fun in dysfunctional. We all can relate to these characters in someway. Furthermore, we’ve dealt with scheming and shiesty snakes such as: bitter Baretti. Maybe, you are one tough Cookie yourself.
Andre, played by Trai Byers, is bipolar and experienced a mental breakdown causing involuntary hospitalization. What an emotional ending…
Meanwhile, Baretti clarifies to Anika that his quarrel with Lucious is extremely personal. Now, understand there is a Saint Louis but not a Saint Lucious.
Lucious’ past haunts him every night. While I sympathize with ALS, Lyon is a stone cold killer. Not to mention, he’s stuck on stupid with his outdated ideas and preconceived notions.
Clearly, the spotlight shined on Trai Byers tonight. His performance warrants an Emmy. The elevator scene with the three brothers shook millions of living rooms.
Moreover, Jussie Smollett and Estelle’s Conqueror duet delivered a timely and positive message.
The writers and actors are in sync. This TV show has superb synergy.
I started the discussion earlier than usual because I want to be first this time. Also, Empire deserves more than just an honorable mention. Lee Daniels and Danny Strong win blue ribbons.
Truly, I don’t know what will happen but I’m fascinated by what could transpire. The three brothers are more united. Willie Hutch was right; brothers will work it out.

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Who’s the Best? Kirsten Dunst Vs. Anne Hathaway


Who’s sweeter between Kirsten Dunst and Anne Hathaway? These actresses followed their dreams, stayed true to their crafts, and never jeopardized their careers. Consequently, they’re two of the most underrated and underpaid Hollywood actors.
It’s hard to believe but Kirsten Dunst, 32, has been acting since 1989. Anne Hathaway, also 32, began working almost 10 years later in 1998. Let’s have some fun comparing these actresses.
Dunst and Hathaway both have television experience. Dunst mostly played in TV movies. However, Hathaway received a main role in a short-lived sitcom called Get Real. 
Kirsten’s breakthrough roles were the Virgin Suicides and Bring It On. She was a supporting actress in the former and the lead character in the latter. All cheerleaders should watch Bring It On. Dunst is a classic performer with an assortment of skills.

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In 2001, Anne Hathaway claimed her place in the Princess Diaries. Also, in 2006 the Devil Wears Prada allowed Anne to garner attention from fans as well as the Academy. But the Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar are by far her highest grossing films.
Anne gets extra points for being a vegan. Hathaway’s popularity has soared, which further proves she’s worth the money. Moreover, she is smart and ahead of the curve.
Do you remember the upside down kiss by Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst in Spider Man? People instantly recognize Dunst’s face because the actor has played love interests in dozens of movies. Look into her eyes and you’ll see a mysterious and unassuming beauty.
Who’s more gorgeous than Anne Hathaway? Like Julia Roberts, Hathaway’s smile lights up the night. In a fair world, Hathaway should be one of the richest actresses.
Both Dunst and Hathaway appear kind and pleasant. However, Kirsten seems sweeter than Anne. Additionally, they excel at drama, romance, thrillers, and suspense.
Personally, I feel they are equally attractive and talented. So, I’ll give you the final word. Who’s the best between Kirsten Dunst and Anne Hathaway?  

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Celebrities dirty politics drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood House of Cards Kevin Spacey Michael Kelly Netflix political thriller President Recap Review Robin Wright Season 3 TV White House

House of Cards Season 3: Episode 1 Recap


Kevin Spacey, who plays President Francis Underwood, kicks off the season with an iron foot. In the beginning, Underwood visits his father’s gravesite and urinates on the tombstone. This is just the tip of the iceberg foreshadowing future events.
Former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper survives last season’s devastating injuries and awakens from a coma. It is December 2014 and Stamper must regain his motor skills and memory. After Stamper starts functioning, First Lady Claire instructs him to lie to investigators.
Unsurprisingly, while at the White House the President loses his temper. Underwood is upset that unemployment has spiraled out of control. Furthermore, there are 10 million jobless Americans, who are clearly frustrated. Therefore, Underwood wants to overhaul programs, slash entitlements, repeal policies, and reform. The President assembles an economic team to solve the financial crisis.
But team leader Paul mistakenly interrupts the disciplinarian executor. And current White House Chief of Staff Remy Denton immediately fires Paul for speaking out of turn. Obviously, the executive branch won’t tolerate disapproval.
Meanwhile President Frank Underwood monitors Doug Stamper’s situation making sure authorities don’t discover the truth. Underwood has a secret closet filled with skeletons and his devotee Doug feels guilty. Clearly, the President is spying on Stamper but the blind follower can’t distinguish reality from fiction.
The President’s approval numbers have plummeted to single digits. What is more, he has an unhappy First Lady who desires the United Nations ambassadorship. Still determined, Underwood tells his wife he will not go down in history as a placeholder president. But Claire keeps pressing the issue and Frank finally responds.
Michael Kelly is House of Cards’ diamond in the rough. In the first episode of Season 3, Michael shined brighter than everyone except Spacey. I will watch this episode again, largely because of Kelly’s brilliant performance. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
ALS American Idol Celebrities dark comedy drama Empire Entertainment family Fashion Fox Guru Jay Hollywood Lee Daniels Music musical Musicians soap opera Taraji P. Henson Terrence Howard TV

Who’s Watching Empire? Part II

Who’s watching Empire on Wednesdays? If you love music, dramas, and dark comedy, check out this hip new TV show. Also, if you enjoy watching characters develop, reserve your seat now. It doesn’t cost anything to join the fun!

When Lucious (Terrence Howard) loses his voice at the fundraiser, he calls on his ex-wife and not his fiancé Anika to deliver a persuasive speech to investors. Sneaky Anika poisons Cookie’s client because she’s so bitter and petty. Later on, she discovers Terrence and Taraji (Cookie) having sex in the master bedroom.
Taraji’s character is straightforward, hard working, and convincing. She proves you don’t need a Harvard education to appeal to Ivy League graduates. That’s what stubborn and superficial Anika doesn’t understand.

Anika is standing in her own way. She’s hurting the Empire by sabotaging Cookie. Furthermore, this family is more dysfunctional than the Addams.
Jamal and Hakeem are trying to set aside their differences. Neither one realizes older brother Andre orchestrated Jamal’s robbery. Will the younger brothers find out eventually?
Music is a cutthroat business and Empire shaves off beards. Terrence Howard aka Lucious Lyon built an empire with ex-wife Cookie’s assistance. Lucious finally reveals to Cookie and his three sons that he’s stricken with ALS. The dominoes are falling into place and Cookie is crumbling hard.

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Empire airs tidbits at the end to keep you waiting for the next episode. While this builds up anticipation, it also spoils some of the fun. I suggest Empire show one week of material at a time, rather than clips from the entire season.
Following American Idol in Fox’s TV lineup, Empire is both a musical and soap opera. Decorated movie veteran and creator Lee Daniels brings his talents to television in spectacular fashion. Under Daniels’s direction, Empire is headed toward greatness.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
American Idol Danny Strong drama Empire Fox Hip Hop Hollywood Jennifer Hudson Lee Daniels musical Naomi Campbell R&B rap Rita Ora soap opera Taraji P. Henson Terrence Howard Trai Byers TV

Who’s Watching Empire?


I reserve Wednesday nights for Empire. Do you? If you want a VIP treatment, then take a seat around the TV starting at 9 PM EST each Hump day.
Finally, this drama is no longer a fad. Empire is a trending topic on Twitter and via word of mouth. Everyone in town is talking about this show.
There are a lot of burning questions. Let’s discuss whether music mogul Lucious Lyon (Terrence Howard) will kill someone else? Why is Cookie Lyon (Taraji P. Henson) snitching to the FBI on her ex-husband? What will happen once Lucious discovers Cookie’s involvement?
More prime time TV shows should have limited commercial interruptions like Empire. It seems the producers have a big budget to play with. So, expect only the best from here on out…
Jennifer Hudson and Rita Ora will appear on  tonight’s Empire show. I can’t wait to see Hudson perform because she’s a great singer and wonderful actress. Also, seeing the Black Widow songstress on TV will be a treat.

After watching the first three episodes, I have a couple ideas. 1. To maintain his kingdom, Emperor Lucious will bribe the police. 2. Low class Cookie will go back to prison because she’s afraid to testify against Lucious.

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Is it nice to see Naomi Campbell on camera or what? Who can play the cougar role better than the seductive supermodel? Hopefully her character receives more attention.
Lucious’s oldest son, Andre (Trai Byers), inherited his father’s twisted traits. Andre, who is a lawyer, made an alibi for his dad to the police. As the blood thickens, so does the plot.
Creators Lee Daniels and Danny Strong debuted Empire on January 7, 2015. The show has already been renewed for a second season. What is more, they picked the right time slot after American Idol.

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