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Why Ethan Hawke Is a Fave

Movies provide a means of escape. Moreover, Ethan Hawke is an escape artist. Like illusionist David Blaine, the movie star hasn’t lost the magic touch.
They say there’s no business like show business. The entertainment industry isn’t disappearing any time soon. There will always be a need for premium entertainers.
Ethan Hawke is one of my favorite actors. You see he delivers at the perfect time. Plus the actor knows how to adapt, react, and ‘proact.’
I like how low-key Ethan Hawke seems. His characters are the same way. I believe that’s why he’s noteworthy. Hawke looks shy but acts outgoing. His eyes are fixed on the big picture.
I could write a whole story on Gattaca alone. His chemistry with Uma Thurman was diabolical. Plus Ethan Hawke went above his pay grade for this film. He stays dedicated.
In a world of perfection, Hawke’s character (Vincent Freeman) was more than perfect. Gattaca proposes many important questions about genetic manipulations. Should society tinker with DNA? How far is too far?
Despite being born normal (invalid), Freeman exceeds limitations and challenges the system. He outperforms “perfect” people because his soul won’t give up. Many say Hawke should have won an Academy Award. I agree.

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Training Day
Also, Training Day is another great Ethan Hawke movie starring Denzel Washington. This movie poses several ethical dilemmas too. How much power should police have? When does black become gray? When is wrong right?
Without question, Ethan Hawke transformed Training Day. He was the ideal supporting actor. Who could forget his epic confrontation with Alonzo played by Denzel Washington? Here’s a movie with fantastic and memorable scenes.
In summary, Ethan Hawke is a fave because of his star presence and supernatural talent. Although he isn’t arrogant, he isn’t a pushover. You see he’s cool. 
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
American Gangster Celebrity Denzel Washington Equalizer Flight Great Debaters Guru Jay Inside Man John Q Malcolm X Man on Fire Movies Remember the Titans Taking of Pelham 123 Training Day Two Guns

Best Denzel Washington Movies

Denzel Washington was born to act. Did you know his mother named him after the doctor who delivered him? Denzel deserves every ounce of respect.

He started his career humbly. Washington came to fame after countless years of hard work. The actor displays brilliance in films such as John Q.

Denzel doesn’t mind playing the villain. In fact, he loves to play the antagonist. That’s why he thrived in American Gangster and Training Day. He turned down a chance to play Dr. Martin Luther King. Denzel decided to portray Malcolm X in a Spike Lee joint. 

He gave a noteworthy performance in Flight. His characters are believable and relatable. Washington has no problem taking on difficult assignments.

If you twist my arm and I had to choose his best movies, I’d go with John Q, then Inside Man. Book of Eli, Taking of Pelham 123, and Remember the Titans round out my top five. All his movies are great.

Let’s discuss the Great Debaters. Denzel Washington presents his gifts in this dramatic film. Washington goes back and forth with Forrest Whitaker. Also, Oprah Winfrey helped finance the movie.

Washington won Academy Awards for Glory and Training Day. My other favorites are Man on Fire and Deja Vu. Have you seen 2 Guns or Equalizer

Denzel Washington doesn’t star in bad films. He is a bankable movie star. The critics love him. Actors enjoy working with him. He brings the X factor to every movie. How does he do it?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
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