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Why Usher Is A Superstar


For over a decade, Usher was on top. Right now he is a superstar. When you create great music nothing else matters. Usher’s greatness is unquestionable.
Without question, LinkedIn and couldn’t have charted him a better career path. Musicians can live comfortably off of one hit wonders. That’s why Usher can take breaks. The artist has produced a dozen number 1’s.
If he’s not moving mountains, he’s making love in this club. The superstar cites Marvin Gaye as a major influence. Their styles are similar and so are their lyrics. Trading Places sounds a lot like Marvin. Do you know the words to Sexual Healingand Let’s Get It On?
Have you been to any of Usher’s concerts? Groupies obsess over him because he is personable and seductive. Usher previously stated he works out before every performance. I wonder if his physical fitness attracts honeys.

When you’re high up on everybody’s VIP list, how do you keep your ear to the ground? Although he’s a multimillionaire, Usher isn’t out of touch. I believe it’s because he realizes that he is fortunate. Plus, like Maxwell, he’s never sang a song with all his might!
How many times have his albums went platinum? Who else has won 8 Grammys?
What is more, in the noisy entertainment world Usher is mellow.
Can you picture the mononymousentertainer touring with Justin Timberlake?

Photos: By: Wikimedia Commons
Astronomy teaches you they’re a trillion stars. However, Hollywood teaches you a superstar is a rare sighting. Luckily, Usher was born into the industry. In fact, his mother managed his career for a while when he was younger.
You see the constellations must align accordingly. You must wait patiently for everything to connect. Ironically, Nice & Slow accelerated the celeb’s career. 

Usher is a superstar because he decided to shepherd the flock instead of following the herd. 

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
beautiful Blurred Lines Celebs Coachella Dr. Dre Famous Guru Jay Happy Hip Hop hot Kanye West Music N.E.R.D. personalities Pharrell Williams popular rap Snoop Dogg Superstar The Voice

How Pharrell Williams Became Popular


The Voice coach Pharrell Williams created ‘Happy’ and the rest is history. Honestly, I didn’t like the song at first. You see, I thought it was a rip-off of the nursery rhyme “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.” But you could argue “there is nothing new under the sun.”
I changed my mind about the song after realizing its effect on people. Mass hysteria overrides prejudices. For the record, I’ve always liked Pharrell Williams because he’s a cool cat.
It’s that the world just recently discovered his coolness and greatness. Pharrell’s personality draws people in. Plus, the musician simplifies complex rhythms.

Is Pharrell a rapper? Or is he a singer? No doubt he uses his voice to create good music. What is music but a universal language?
Pharrell became popular by first collaborating with top talent. Before going solo, he was a part of the Neptunes and NERD. Initially, like Dr. Dre and Kanye West, he was in the back of the studio making hot beats.
Snoop Dogg took a liking to him because of his keen ear for music. That’s how come Pharrell made major contributions to hits like ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Drop It’s Like It Hot.’ Also, the artist helped develop ‘Blurred Lines’ with Robin Thicke.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
Unfortunately for them, the late Marvin Gaye’s family won a lawsuit against Williams and Thicke. Nonetheless, the song was commercially successful. Furthermore, Happy was a world famous phenomenon.
What if more rappers chose to create positive songs? You see I enjoy all types of music. However, there is more than enough room for every sound.
I admire the musicians who act responsibly. Can’t we hold celebs accountable? After all, don’t fans buy their products?
In short, expect Pharrell Williams to keep swinging for the fences. So long as he’s up at the plate, he’ll make the most of it. He has an opportunity to become a walking and living legend like Reggie Jackson. 

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How to Be Famous in Seven Steps


How to Be Famous in Seven Steps

Photo By: Andrea Wilson

If you want to be famous, look no further than Lady Gaga. The multi Grammy award-winning artist launched off into the Hollywood stars in 2008. Did you know Akon first discovered her?

How do you reach superstar status in less than six years? You must desire to be famous more than anything else in the world. Lady Gaga was so committed to the idea she named her album The Fame.

What about Rihanna, she rapidly rose to fame too? Rihanna is rare like a 20karat diamond. She is a success because no one comes close to her authenticity.

If you want to be famous, follow Rihanna’s lead. Be bold. Be yourself.

Who are you? What separates you from the pack? Are you the Alpha or Beta dog?

Talent is not enough. You need charisma, style and substance. The following seven steps will show you how to be famous.

Step #1 Find a Mentor or Role Model

Lady Gaga’s mentor was Akon. Jay Z was Rihanna’s mentor. Usher mentored Justin Bieber.

The average Joe Famous doesn’t have immediate access to celebrities. So, a role model is the perfect substitute. You need to figure out how celebrities reach their statuses.

If you want to succeed, study the successful. You have to approach the same situations in a similar manner. Make not of your mentor’s mannerisms.

You look up to role models. Use them as a guide or reference. Learn from their mistakes.

Step #2 Find a Talent (or Name)

If you’re good at it, pursue it. Try to be the best at your craft. Being recognized for something valuable is half the battle.

Once they know your name, you’re in the game for fame. Can your name be your talent? Sure, it can!

To those who say Kim Kardashian has no talent, consider her name. The crafty Kardashian leverages her good name and good looks.

Reality Stars are leading the next generation of celebrities. Kim Kardashian is Madame President. And, Kanye West is the first gentleman.

If you develop your talent (or name), then this will make you popular. Can you imagine LeBron James without basketball? Picture Taylor Swift without music.

Step #3 Build a Fan Base

If you want fame, you need fans. How do you get famous? The answer is to use your talent and get more creative.
Miley Cyrus is a prime example. She stole twerking and sold it to the public. We bit her bait and now we’re hooked.

If you go to Miley’s Twitter, you’ll find it filled with creativity. Her content is unique. Originality is very important when building a fan base.

Look no further than Bruno Mars. Do you see how he built his fan base from scratch? His ballads are the most watched on YouTube. He’s catching grenades and telling girls they are perfect.

Then, there is Ellen Degeneres. Ellen is the best brand name since Oprah. With her signature dance moves Ellen has built an extremely loyal following.

Step # 4 Engage your Fan Base

How many accounts follow you on Twitter? Are you on Facebook and Instagram? It is critical for you to connect with your fans.

Engage your fan base. Get to know them. After all, they know you. They know your work.

Make sure you do it the right way. Read articles or watch videos on how to use social media. Remember to promote your website.

I’ve found if your fans love you, you must love them in return. You know communication is a two way street. So, stay in your lane and remember to fasten your seatbelt.

Step # 5 Create a Persona

At this point you now have: a mentor/ role model, a talent/ name, and an engaged fan base built to last. What’s next?

Do people consider you a diva? Are you the hero or villain? Do you come off arrogant or humbled?

You don’t always have to save the day/ There are both good and bad characters/ Create your persona.

It’s nice to have a mentor. But, it is bad to copycat. Identify what is unique to you and sell it to the world.

Take a class called Marketing 101. Do what works best. Create your celebrity.

Step # 6 Perform

You are almost there. All you have to do now is work at your craft. If you’re a singer, then sing.

If you’re a reality star, just be an inflated version of yourself. They love you. You love them.

Perform. In other words, play the part. Act whatever role is subscribed to you. Give the fans what they want.

If you’re an entertainer, entertain the best way you know how. Actors, singers, and dancers put on the best performances. Learn from their successes and failures.

As long as you execute, you have nothing to worry about. Stay on top of your game. Work smart and not too hard.

Step # 7 Practice

Stay sharp. You do this by practicing. That’s the only way you can perform at the highest level.

What can you do better? What is your biggest strength and flaw? Practice reveals the answers to those questions.

You can’t win a Super Bowl without practicing. Your coach is your mentor or role model. Pay attention to his every word, command and instruction.

This is how to be famous in seven steps. This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1! Feel free to use share buttons at the bottom. Thank you.

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