Biggie Smalls Celebrities cool Entertainment Famous Gangsta Guru Jay Hip Hop Lil Wayne Lyrics Nas rap music Refrigeration Niche Snoop Dogg Vs. T.I. street credibility superstars Tupac word of mouth

Snoop Dogg Vs. T.I. and the Dying Breed of Gangsta Rap


In 2006, Nas claimed Hip-Hop was dead. Two years later, Lil Wayne made a bold statement, via his Dr. Carter song, “he saved Hip-Hop’s life.” They’re both wrong. Hip-Hop is alive and kicking. But Gangsta rap died a long time ago.
Snoop Dogg recognizes Tupac as the greatest rapper in history. When Tupac was living, he represented “thug life” every chance. The slain rapper developed a strong connection with Snoop Dogg. Sit back and listen to 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted.
T.I. has stated that Notorious B.I.G. is a better rapper lyrically than Tupac. Check out Notorious for an inspirational movie detailing his lifestyle. T.I. took over where Biggie left it.

Snoop Dogg and T.I. are the last of a dying breed. They lived “thug life” by experiencing hardships and adversities before fame. They came of age during a different time, when gang affiliation was necessary. 
Sensual Seduction and Big Things Poppin’ (Do It) are my favorite Snoop and T.I. songs. Snoop Dogg isn’t scared to switch up his style. I’ve never heard a more motivational rap song than Do It. If Nike shoes adopted T.I.’s anthem, the company could sale a million additional units.
Additionally, rounding out T.I.’s greatest hits are: Whatever You Like, I’m a King, Bring Em Out, Go Get It and What You Know. Moreover, my other Snoop Dogg favorites consist of: Drop It Like It’s Hot, Next Episode, Lodi Dodi and Gin and Juice. Great rappers consistently create dynamic and distinct sounds.
Will Snoop and T.I. ever collaborate?
Apparently, Doggy Dogg and T.I.P. abide by the Refrigeration Niche. This means they’re cool like fish sticks, lobsters, and Barack Obama. Before Snoop Dogg and T.I. built durable brands on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, they built reputations, notoriety, and street credibility via word of mouth.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Celebrity cool David Beckham Guru Jay Halle Berry Jennifer Lopez Lucy Liu meditation niche Phillip Seymour Hoffman Refrigeration Niche Tom Cruise

What is the Refrigeration Niche?

By: Guru Jay
As I got ready to write this post, I spilled coffee on my computer. Because I am a blogger my computer is a good friend. So, after nursing my computer back to health, I took some time to meditate. 

I thought to myself why the heck am I rushing? Cool is not rushed. You all are cool. That’s why I strive for coolness everyday.

What is the Refrigeration Niche?
Would you like to know more about the Refrigeration Niche?  It’s a new concept about how to live life, how to approach situations, and how to connect with people.

Think about Tom Cruise. He was always cool. Go in your dictionary and look up the word cool. If Tom Cruise’s photo is not in the text, then throw your dictionary in the trash.  Ok, don’t actually do that. But, try to find a better dictionary.
Mission Impossible III is a cool movie. The protagonist is Tom Cruise and the antagonist is the late great Phillip Seymour Hoffman.  For more information go here: will enjoy.

By all means Tom Cruise is cool. Who else is cool?  Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Lopez, and David Beckham. The aforementioned all have terrific branding power.
Here’s an awesome YouTube video of Jennifer Lopez
How cool is Jenny? Her video was made before YouTube was invented. And guess what? It has more than 33 million views.
I’m an accountant, so I love numbers. Jenny from the Block also has more than 95 percent favorability (likes versus dislikes).  She is a solid brand. That’s why American Idol pays her $17.5 million dollars.
Jennifer Lopez is the third highest paid “judge” on television.  Here’s a nice story on that topic humble beginnings and versatility is inspiring. 

If you wonder what else is cool, then watch Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts in the Mexican. For more information click here I think you will enjoy the plot and direction.
Sexy is cool. And, Halle Berry is the sexiest and coolest actress ever. Here is an article of the 20 hottest photos of my girl Halle Berry You’re welcome. If you want to repay me, please follow me on Pinterest @thegurujay and Twitter @TheGuruJay. Thanks a lot.
I could go on and on about the Refrigeration Niche. But I don’t want to bore you all, because the Refrigeration Niche is awesome and not boring.
I leave you with some thoughts on Lucy Liu. She is one of the prettiest and most talented actresses out there. I want to see her in more movies like Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2.
Please, put her in more movies, movie executives.

Cool is simple. The Refrigeration Niche is cool and simple.  Actors like Tom Cruise, and Brad Pitt and actresses like Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Halle Berry, and Jennifer Lopez and the athlete David Beckham, are simply cool. It’s not complex. It’s easy.

Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Celebrity David Beckham Guru Jay Halle Berry Jennifer Lopez Lucy Liu Refrigeration Niche Tom Cruise

Cool: The Refrigeration Niche

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