Bradley Cooper Celebrities Chris Pratt comics Entertainment films Guardians of the Galaxy Hollywood Marvel movie review Movies rare soundtrack Vin Diesel Zoe Saldana

Why Guardians of the Galaxy was #1


2014 belonged to Guardians of the Galaxy. The Marvel movie, which made nearly $775 million, was the highest grossing movie of the year. Chris Pratt demonstrated his on screen prowess. And Zoe Saldana showed why she is on top of the fantasy world.
It was an absolute must-see movie. The prison break scene was epic. Rocket Raccoon played by Bradley Cooper stole the show. Although Vin Diesel was unrecognizable as Groot, he was good nonetheless.

Why Guardians of the Galaxy was #1
Music + movies= success. I haven’t heard a better soundtrack than Guardians of the Galaxy in a long time. I give the music an A+.
B-School students should take note of Guardians of the Galaxy’s marketing campaign. Producers didn’t waste a single dollar. This movie could have easily cost Marvel $300 million. Instead, the film was made with a conservative budget of $150 million.
Thanks to casting there was a nice mixture of talent. But, the screenplay missed the mark. Why am I so hard on screenwriters?

With that said, I give the movie a solid B+. I enjoyed the scenes. It was a wonderful experience with amazing computer graphics.
If you want a fun family and action-packed film go with Guardians. It is a highly creative motion picture. This is Hollywood’s finest.
Guardians of the Galaxy was number 1 because everyone could enjoy it. It was a rare film that appeals to grandma and grandson. I highly recommend this highest grossing movie.
Have you seen Guardians? Will you buy it on blue-ray? What was the best part?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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90s Boy Meets World Celebrity Disney drama Entertainment Family Guy films Forrest Gump Guru Jay Lion King Movies Power Rangers Romance Saved By the Bell sitcoms Titanic Toy Story TV TV shows

The 90s Movies and TV



The first movie I remember watching is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was in the late eighties.
I was a toddler when the studios released the classic funny bunny movie. The film came on TV all of the time. So, as a child I learned Roger Rabbit’s lines verbatim.
If you were alive in the 1980’s, I don’t have to tell you those were tough times. There was a stock market crash in 1987. I had a college teacher who lost $50,000 during the free fall. Fortunately, I was born in the 1980s and raised in the 1990s.
Enter the 90s. The 90s were a prosperous time in American History. The 1990s were a lot like the 1920s.
The 90s were animated. Animation equals domination. I can’t forget about the Lion King or Toy Story. Disney films made a major impact in movie history.
Here are a few good movies from the 90s: Titanic, Who’s Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Forrest Gump. In the words of the family guy Archie Man, “those were the days.”

Don’t get me started on 90’s TV shows. This was the best time to be a kid. We had enough cartoons to sink a battleship. 
I used to watch Saved By the Bell and Power Rangersbefore going to school. I’d come home and watch Full House. Who remembers when Boy Meets World aired on T.G.I.F.? Who knows the Step By Step theme song word for word?
Expect more remakes and reruns from the 1990s.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
AngelinaJolie beans BradPitt BucketList Cafe coffee coffeescenes films GreenHornet Movies popular PulpFiction ScarlettJohansson scripts Starbucks why

Spill the Coffee Beans: Why Coffee is Popular in Movies


Time to spill the beans. Coffee beans, that is. If you’re not drinking coffee now, go brew a pot.

Coffee is universally recognized as an equalizer. We drink mojo for a variety of reasons. Furthermore, we drink it in different ways.

I think the way you drink it says a lot about you. My grandmother drank her coffee straight black. She was a strong woman. 

I drink my coffee with three creams and three sugars. I am a balanced person. How do you take yours?

There is a firm connection between coffee and movies.

Pulp Fiction is arguably the most successful R-rated film in cinema history.  The coffee scene is memorable. Watch the short clip below:

I had just turned 18, the first time I met my friend Carmel Macchiato. Right after class, I went into a café adjacent to the library. At the time, I never had a cup of coffee because I was terrified it might stunt my growth.

But, my new buddies convinced me to try it. Peer pressure is a bitch. I order a Carmel Macchiato and since then I’ve never been the same.

I have made at least 1,000 pots; and, I am not even 30 yet. I’ve grinded the beans and spilled the beans.  It is my favorite beverage.

My freshman and sophomore years, I was addicted to specialty coffees. I remember the first time I drunk a cold mocha from Starbucks. My taste buds were thrilled.

I’d pick up a coffee before or after class. I recall the first time my girlfriend and me ordered expressos. I thought to myself “what the hell did I just drink?”

I can’t live without two things, coffee and movies. Have you noticed how coffee is commonly refer to in films? Why is coffee so popular in movies?

First, movies are pivotal in defining pop-culture.  The stories on the silver screen are not much different from real life. In fact, some of the best films are based on a true story.

Did you know approximately, 85 percent of American adults drink coffee?  According to U.S.A. Today, the beverage is a $30 billion dollar industry. It’s growing!

So, it is easy to see why coffee is common in movies. It is a staple food in society. Wherever you go on this green planet, you’ll find coffee lovers.

It’s not just the U.S.  It’s the world that is obsessed with the beverage. I believe it’s best to settle disputes over coffee. 

People truly love it. This scene from the Green Hornet builds my case. Hot java symbolizes strength, boldness and rejuvenation.

The Green Hornetis hilarious. I highly recommend watching the movie. It is a blend of Batman and Borat.

Coffee is a hot topic in Hollywood.  There are thousands of scenes about the drink.  Movie makers love mojo, because moviegoers love mojo.

If nobody drank java, it wouldn’t be placed in films. You don’t like what you don’t see. And, you don’t see what you don’t like. Just like in all other businesses, customers have the final say.

We take for granted our morning mojo. The reason is because coffee is relatively cheap. You can afford to spend a couple of dollars on the drink.

Where is a good place to have a first date? Why not go to the café? The atmosphere is ideal.

Plus you won’t spend an arm and a leg at the coffee shop. It is designed to be a pleasant experience. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a joyful cup with a sweet smile.

You can also go out to the movies. I recommend seeing a horror flick. It’s a scientific fact you’ll both have a good time.

At some point, everyone wants to be an actor.  You may not have an acting bone in your body, but that doesn’t stop you from fantasizing. Let your imagination run wild.

I imagine starring opposite of Brad Pitt. I’m trying to steal Scarlett Johansson from Brad. The director Quentin Tarratino yells cut…

But I am still in character. The next thing I know, filming is finished; and Scarlet and me are now engaged. Lady Gaga is singing at our wedding in Hawaii. We live happilly ever after.

I imagine your fantasy is starring opposite of Angelina Jolie. You’re trying to steal Johnny Depp from Angelina. Director Martin Scorsese yells cut…

But you’re still in character. The next thing you know, it’s a wrap. Then, you and Johnny start honeymooning in Paris. 

In the meantime, we’ll happily drink our coffee and watch our movies. We’re blessed to be able to imagine stuff. It keeps life interesting.

Live life to the fullest because it’s too short. Take the Bucket List for instance. Here is a film about two characters dying to live.  

It has a good message. You should see it if you haven’t already.

Of course, there are a couple of coffee scenes.

In fact, it’s a coffee joke that unites Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. You see coffee is the beverage of life.

Movies have such a huge impact on our lives. Hollywood helps bring families together. We love to take the family to the cinema on the weekends.

In many ways, it is a tradition. Going to the movies is one way we tend to spend time with our families. It never gets old.

The next time you see a film, look for a coffee scene. Nine times out of ten, you’ll find it. So, the question is why?

The answer is simple. Coffee is universally accepted as the best social beverage. Yes, it is better than beer.

When you’re lacking energy you don’t need alcohol. Try a cup of espresso. It is sure to help rejuvenate your body, soul and mind.

Sometimes in life you have to grind. So go ahead and spill the coffee beans.
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