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A Farewell to Orphan Black


A Farewell to Orphan Black

My British friends and many Americans were fans of Orphan Black. I decided to watch Orphan Black after noticing my Twitter feed full of #OrphanBlack s. I had featured the show in a blog post back in March 2014. My blog has been around for a relatively long time on the Internet.

I’ve been trying to figure out who is Elizabeth Childs? So, I pulled an all nighter Saturday to get to the bottom of it. I still haven’t been to sleep. But I’m having fun blogging. Time flies when you’re doing something you love to do.

I checked it out to see if it was any good. Overall, I was impressed. The concept was intriguing.

Orphan Black explored urgent issues in today’s society. It also showed a refreshing perspective on life in general. Now that it is completed, I plan on watching every single episode. I wasn’t late to the bandwagon because I’m not a bandwagon jumper. I was always aware of the show’s greatness. That’s why they call me the Entertainment Guru.

There’s just so much TV you can consume in your personal life. You got to make time for books, music, comedy, and movies too.

For the record, I didn’t binge watch Orphan Black. I watched 2 episodes through and through. We do ourselves a disservice when we binge watch, sometimes.

The genius of Orphan Black is that it was an imported TV show. Originality is rare in the film business. Hollywood remakes Remakes. You read that right. Orphan Black was as original as they came in entertainment and showbiz.

I wonder what’s next for Tatiana Maslany and the amazing cast. It appears Orphan Black is officially ending after 5 seasons. The show is over. They say it’s a wrap. 5 seasons is a long enough time. Plus, I believe the whole story was told and that’s what is important. This is a farewell to Orphan Black.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!

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