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Beautiful Elizabeth Olsen Is One of Hollywood’s Finest Actresses

Beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is one of Hollywood’s finest actresses

Why are you here reading this blog? Perhaps, you like celebrities, entertainment, and information all intertwined. Maybe, you can’t get enough of celebrity blogs and entertainment. I try to entertain you as well as inform you. Regardless, I appreciate you coming here. Thanks for reading and if you’re compelled to, please share my content. You can follow my Twitter handle @IamGuruJay too. 

Eureka! I found out why you’re here… for WandaVision, Dr. Strange, and the Avengers. Her most recent box office movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, broke all kinds of records. 

Super-fan of Superhero

So, I get it…you’re an Elizabeth Olsen super-fan and you want to find out what’s going on with the star who plays one of your favorite superheroes. 

Elizabeth Olsen Photo By: Gage Skidmore; Wikimedia Commons
Elizabeth Olsen Photo By: Gage Skidmore; Wikimedia Commons

You’re so amazed by her performances as Scarlet Witch in WandaVision and Dr. Strange. Like Olsen herself, WandaVision is such a huge success. This is one of Disney +’s best productions. In nine episodes to date, the actress plays an incredible Wanda Maximoff on television. Fans like you can’t wait for more seasons. They’re asking Disney a fair question; what’s taking so long? Just be patient, Disney says. 

Also, did you know that the actress’s superhero character is connected to Jonathan MajorsAnt-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania? It appears they are both Nexus Beings in the MCU. This gives fans some substance to digest. Expect the Marvel terminology “Nexus Being” to trend sometime in the future. There are so many places to go with this.

Like Elle Fanning (Dakota Fanning), Elizabeth Olsen has a famous sister or two. Famous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were on Full House in the 1990s. Who remembers the young actresses and their taglines? The younger sister, who’s not a twin, built a name for herself as well. And today, it’s her birthday. Let’s go on social media and wish her a happy birthday. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the kind thoughts and gestures.  

Also, today the trailer for Love & Death, an HBO Max Original was released.

This looks like something that will have people talking. Once again, HBO has generated controversy and we know that is what sells. From what I’ve researched, there are three episodes premiering on April 27. Then, the network will air three or four more episodes of the limited series one at a time weekly. 

Also, like Elle Fanning, Olsen has no problem being called great. She is great. Her greatness shows up on screen as one of Hollywood’s finest actresses. Why aren’t you streaming this actress yet if you haven’t already?

Finally, the beautiful actress is like another actress associated with Hulu (who I can’t get enough of) Hilary Duff. It seems like Hollywood’s full of so many talented acts. Does Disney have possession of all of them?

Photo By: Daniel Batalles; Wikimedia Commons

Outside of Marvel, the star has filmed a variety of productions. Have you seen her performance with Aubrey Plaza in Ingrid Goes West? 

I’ve wanted to write this article for a long time. I believe the beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is one of Hollywood’s finest actresses. If you follow my blog, you know I’m a superhero fan and I enjoy watching actresses like Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Olsen perform on screen. One day I could see myself on set as a screenwriter or consulting producer. That’s my dream. So, I’ll speak it into existence.

 “California’s calling my name.” Have you heard that song before? To be frank, Elizabeth Olsen’s a big name in Hollywood like Bella Thorne. She’s a celebrity who provides you premium entertainment. Whether on HBO Max, Disney +, Netflix or any other streaming platform, this celebrity is someone I’m watching for years to come. 

Actress Actors Celebrity Celebrity Blog Entertainment Music Singer/Actress Singers

Selena Gomez Is in the Building So Calm Down Now.

Selena Gomez Is in the Building So Calm Down Now.

Selena Gomez is in the building so calm down now. Stop worrying about the small stuff and take time for yourself to read a good blog. Maybe, even check out a very good one by some standards. I blog about the best of the best in entertainment. If you like celebrities, you came to the perfect place.

Let’s get the cat out of the bag. I am attracted to Selena Gomez. She’s my cup of tea. Now that I got that out the way, I’ll try to compose myself and write an entertaining and informative post.

Contrary to popular opinion, I know celebrities are people too. So, I won’t say she can do no wrong and fly spaceships. Like me, everybody makes mistakes sometimes. But there’s so much to admire about Selena Gomez. I’m older than the celebrity but I grew up understanding her rise to fame from the Disney days. Mostly, I appreciate her music and personality. 

I’ve listened to the My Mind & Me record, but I haven’t watched the Apple TV+ documentary. Her openness is a strength, not a weakness. The celebrity shows the soft and rough sides of her life and that deserves some respect. 

Also, I’m now more familiar with her TV work. No, not Barney & Friends. Although I did watch it as a child, I’m referring to none other than Only Murders in the Building. I will discuss this TV show in this space. In one word: brilliant. That’s the way I describe Only Murders in the Building.

Original Content

If you’re into mysteries, this show will get you going. I not only strive to create original content, but I also seek out original content. This Hulu original like another isn’t going anywhere anytime soon except straight to the top of streaming. 

Right now, the filming of season 3 is in progress and some big names have been added. Jesse Williams from Grey’s Anatomy and Meryl Streep will make appearances. How do I know? Well, I follow Selena Gomez on Twitter. Best decision in a while. 

Hulu has twenty episodes of the show available for streaming. There are two seasons so far at ten episodes apiece. There is Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez not only starring in the TV program but executive producing. There’s so much talent on the show, the rumor is they got audited last year. Okay, I made that up. But you get my drift. 

So exactly, what is OMITB all about? Three people bond over the same mystery podcast. Ultimately, it’s about a podcast stemming from another podcast. A podcast spinoff. Ha ha! Together, they try to solve only murders in their building. It’s quite creative. 

Currently, I’m watching season 1 and will be watching season 2 soon. But first, I must calm down because I’m so excited. Her new song with Rema called Calm Down is a hit. Have you seen the music video? The video premiered on September 7, 2022.

Social Media

According to YouTube data, the video is now number nine globally. With an international reach, the singer/ actress/ producer is only getting the ball rolling down the lane. And she’s not staying in the lane. She’s running the streets and making money moves. 

Lately, Selena Gomez is trending on Twitter and the Internet. Whoever is writing some of these (gossip) stories need to stop. It all seems manufactured. Society must do better. My goal is to stay positive no matter how negative it gets.

Selena Gomez is the best of the best in entertainment. Although she is not perfect, she’s in the perfect place…no, not in New York…in the building. 

Actors actresses Celebrities Comedian comedy Entertainment SNL SNL hosts Television TV series TV shows TV Stars

Put Aubrey Plaza on the To Do List This Weekend!

What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to have some fun? Read this!

Put the 2013 The To Do List actor on the 2023 To Do List! I’m referring to the Hollywood star Aubrey Plaza. She is hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023. Here at Guru Jay Entertainment, we’re going to see to it that she shines as bright as possible. I write about celebrities because I like celebrating. Aubrey Plaza is someone who excites the audience. You come to expect great things from this entertainer. I love her work. She works hard and it shows. Some may even say she’s a little showoff, but I disagree. 

So, where did this celebrity come from? Well, we know she was a regular on Parks and Recreation. But did you also know she was an intern on Saturday Night Live in 2005? I found that out via watching the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The point is everybody starts from somewhere. Where you go is up to factors: some beyond your control and others within. I like Plaza’s touch to productions. Have you seen the star perform in Fx’s Legion? 

If you enjoy comedy and Elizabeth Olsen, I encourage you to watch Ingrid Goes West. It’s an intriguing plot with dynamic characters and a nice setting. Also, if you want to see some of Plaza’s newer material, queue Black Bear and Emily the Criminal. Lastly, everybody is talking about the actress in the White Lotus. 

Plus, the comedic actor’s body of work is full of successes. If she had a gym franchise, it would be worth over a billion dollars. I’m looking forward to seeing her SNL performance. It’s long overdue.

Let’s have some fun this weekend and watch SNL hosted by Aubrey Plaza. LET AUBREY PLAZA SHINE.