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How Katy Perry Became Number 1 On Twitter


Right now Katy Perry leads 68.5 million Twitter followers. After many years of recording music and touring the world, Perry is finally reaping financial benefits and tasting the fruits of her labor. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the California girl is self-actualizing.
Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by building an evergreen brand. In this “Age of Ultron,” Katy’s ironclad reputation resembles Avenger actor Robert Downey. What would qualify Katy as Iron Woman?
Furthermore, 5 Years later everyone still listens to Firework because the lyrics are explosive and timeless. The music artist accelerates her voice like a Hennessey Venom GT. Plus, the outside the box thinker creates unique shows and makes awesome music videos.

The Prismatic World Tour lets Katy Perry shine light. Katy connects with everybody because her songs relate to granddaddy and granddaughter. Moreover, the popular musician delivers positive messages.

There is only one Katy Perry. Music fans appreciate the superstar’s originality. That’s why she sells out crowds as large as 90,000.

The voluptuous dark haired beauty and Dark Horse singer is one of the sexiest women alive. Apparently, I’m not the only man who’s attracted to a pleasing voice. Currently, Maxim magazine ranks Katy Perry number 3 on their Hot 100, right behind Scarlett Johansson and Candice Swanepoel, and ahead of Irina Shayk. Now that’s tough competition.

The Hot and Cold songstress was recently dating country/rock star John Mayer. Who You Love is a beautiful duet that deeply conveys Mayer’s emotions and Perry’s passions. Celebrities constantly make headlines for the wrong reasons; but Katy is an exception because the preacher’s kid is wholesome. Parents don’t mind their children playing Perry’s music because she leads by example.

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Marketers, advertisers, and promoters stampede Katy Perry like a modern day California Gold Rush. Also, amateur entertainers idolize the celebrity by covering her ballads on YouTube. The self-actualizing Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by strategizing.

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actresses Celebrities choreography dancers Entertainment Famous good music Guru Jay Hip Hop Janet Jackson Lauryn Hill Musicians natural phenomena Paparazzi rapping reclusive secluded Singers

Why Janet Jackson and Lauryn Hill Are Natural Phenomena


Believe it or not, many celebrities enjoy their private worlds. Unless you’re a reality star like Kourtney Kardashian or Kendall Jenner, you don’t desire to sign autographs while spending family time. Because Janet Jackson keeps to herself, it’s rare seeing the superstar caught up in a scandal. That’s why Jackson’s Super Bowl scene is out of the ordinary.
The beautiful Janet looks like a cross between Beyoncé and Halle Berry. She’s very conscious about appearances. Moreover, Miss Jackson is famous in her own right and not just Michael Jackson’s sister.
When I was a teenager I watched Jackson’s music videos all day long on MTV and VH1. She has the best choreography. Plus, she is an amazing dancer.
The ultimate entertainer must master many molds of entertainment. That’s why Janet is a trained actress. She started on Good Times as a little girl. Now, the Poetic Justice star has played in 3 Tyler Perry movies.
No one gets on her level just because of sexiness. Yes, the All for You singer cleans up nicely, but she commands the scene as well. People need icons to celebrate, and Jackson definitely meets the criteria.
Ideally, celebrities operate on a higher plane. When you’re as famous as Janet you can’t engage in every battle. We all should live by Janet’s motto. Next time when you and your partner get into an argument just ask them “What have you done for me lately?”
Janet Jackson markets her brand like Prince. She makes moves when, where, and how she wants. It takes guts to stand up to the Paparazzi. Janet doesn’t play their game or feed into their maniacal questions.
Although the former Virgin label singer is quiet and shy, she is also exotic and mysterious.

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When my Usher album won’t suffice, I listen to Mystery of Iniquity singer Lauryn Hill. I admire Lauryn because she created her own category. The Ex Factor was one of the first female singers/rappers.

Although Lauryn Hill has a sweet smile, she frowns on corporate politics. Kanye West said it best “I wish her heart was still in rhyming.” Her time with the Fugees was valuable. Remember Killing Me Softly, Nothing Even Matters, and Doo-Wop (That Thing). Don’t forget Lauryn was one of the most celebrated singers in the late 1990s and early 2000s. 
1998’s the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill went number 1. And 2002’s MTV Unplugged No 2.0 was number 2. Furthermore, Hill received numerous awards for her music. While Lauryn’s work is scarce, she is strong. What’s more, she influences today’s music artists.
Lauryn lets it all go to the point she bares her soul. On the other hand, Janet Jackson gives you just enough so you’ll come back for more. I would like to see a Lauryn and Janet collaborative concert. 

Lauryn Hill and Janet Jackson are successful in different ways. Yet, they are one and the same. If Janet is a hurricane, then Lauryn Hill is a tornado.

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Action movies auto racing drag racing Dwayne Johnson Fast and Furious Furious 7 Guru Jay Hollywood Jason Statham Michelle Rodriguez movie review Paul Walker See You Again sequel series Vin Diesel

Furious 7 Movie Review


Yesterday was surreal at the theater. Paul Walker lives on through the Fast and Furious franchise and cast. Furious 7 is truly one of a kind.
Family is the movie’s major theme. Paul, Vin Diesel, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson reinforce this idea. On the flip side, Jason Statham’s character is furious about his brother’s death. So Statham combines his efforts with terrorists wrecking havoc on the streets.
It is an exciting experience. The fight scenes are better than Bourne Supremacy. What is more, the audience can connect with the film.


There is a first time for everything. I never pictured parachuting cars. Also, can you imagine jumping from building to building out glass windows in a luxury sports car?

Plus, Michelle Rodriguez contributed an important element to the script. These days romance is lost in the wilderness. The question is will Rodriguez’s character recover her memory.


Who knew Tyrese Gibson was a comedian? Right from the start, his character keeps cracking jokes. It’s funny seeing him pursue Nathalie Emmanuel because he’s a bona fide player.
Chris “Ludacris” Bridges is another vital component. You see the movie strives to link the past to the present. And Ludacris is the final piece to the puzzle.
If family is a major theme, then so is love. Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster demonstrated the power and bond of marriage. Gratefully, Jordana seizes the moment and delivers gracefully.
I took a class called Human Growth and Development as an Undergraduate. The course teaches how life comes in stages. Furious 7 shows how the cast has grown individually and developed collectively.  

Do you like fun and action-packed movies? If so, I highly recommend you go see Furious 7. It’s so good; you must watch it more than once.

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The film concludes with a touching tribute and emotional dedication for Paul Walker. Respect the actors for continuing even after losing a close friend. Let’s remember Paul not just as a great movie star, but also as a phenomenal man and sensational spirit.

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Amanda Bynes Ariana Grande Big Sean Celebs Disney Entertainment Guru Jay Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Lady Gaga Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Miley Cyrus Music Nickelodeon Rihanna Shia LaBeouf

What Rihanna and Lady Gaga Can Teach Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande


Rihanna and Lady Gaga rank high on the music hierarchy.
Lately, Rihanna has made the news because of her supposed relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought for the longest that Bad Girl Riri and Bad Meets Evil Eminem were an item. However, you must remember show business is a highly calculative industry.
By some accounts, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber appear to be dating much to the chagrin of Big Sean. I don’t gossip because the lawyer in me doesn’t trust hearsay. So, I’ll leave Rihanna’s love life alone.
I first learned about Rihanna during a phone call with this stunning blue-eyed girl. I know Generation Z can’t imagine using a cell phone to talk because they only know how to text. Anyway, the girl ranted and raved so much, I Googled Rihanna for the first time.
Many years since, I came to relish Riri’s music. What is more, we all recognize Riri as a first class entertainer comparable to the greats. If the Barbados superstar continues dominating then she’ll have a similar commercial effect as legendary Jamaican musician Bob Marley.

In the beginning, the media gave Lady Gaga excessive coverage. I’m not just talking about entertainment and celebrity news here. Local, national, and global stations constantly ran stories and shined the limelight on the lady.
They gave Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Ariana Grande similar attention. And now it is One Direction’s turn. Although the news isn’t writing stories about Lady Gaga, her fans stay engaged as evidence by social media.
You know I value Gaga a lot. She’s a wonderful singer. But, sometimes I dislike her tacky costumes and turquoise hair color.

Regardless of your preferences, Lady Gaga’s game works wonders. You know Gaga doesn’t bluff because she sports a Poker Face. Plus, the shock factor showcases her bravado.

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Have you seen the musicians’ concert performances? Your eyes are busy bodied because of all the activity and friction. Picture how fun it is promoting their tours.

Lady Gaga and Rihanna are fun spirited girls, who crave intense feelings. Gaga sings with pure energy. And Riri sings with raw emotion.
You couldn’t pick a better time to be a celebrity than right now. Yes, you sacrifice privacy but who cares? If you’re talented as Lady Gaga and Rihanna you’re set for life.
Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande can learn how to handle fame from Riri and Gaga. More Disney and Nickelodeon kids need to stop wasting their time living destructive lifestyles. As my grandpa said, “moderation is key.”
Like Lindsay Lohan, Shia LaBeouf, and Amanda Bynes, Miley and Ariana are stuck with the ‘child star’ label. There’s no curse because Justin Timberlake turned out fine. Still, Rihanna and Lady Gaga can teach Cyrus and Grande a different perspective because they didn’t grow up playing TV characters.

In this Information/ Digital Age, celebrities need less scrutiny and more support. Think about how every action/ word is analyzed because technology makes it easily presentable. Rihanna and Lady Gaga are teachers because they provide another avenue for Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, and others.

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Beyoncé booty Celebrities dancing Diana Ross domination Dreamgirls entertainers fantasy Grammys Guru Jay Jennifer Lopez Madonna Mariah Carey music business Nicki Minaj Solange superstars twerking

How Mariah Carey and Beyoncé Changed the Music Business

Music fans love listening to Mariah Carey and Beyoncé Knowles. The sparkling songstress Mariah has dominated for decades. And Queen Bee doesn’t appear to be abdicating her throne right now.
Hero was the first Carey song I remember hearing. Her elegant voice connected with my soul. Moreover, I can listen to Mariah forever.
Survivor was the first Destiny’s Child music video I recall watching. Ever since, I’ve always known Knowles was bound for greatness. She’s developed into an irreplaceable juggernaut.

Because the delightful diva left the group on good terms, a Destiny’s Child reunion tour is very possible. I suggest sister Solange Knowles come on board. They just need to do the damn thing.
I can’t downplay Mariah Carey’s importance to music. Not many come close to what she has accomplished in show business. What is more, the superstar is still capable of recording Platinum singles.
Mariah pushes her pitch to the extreme. That’s why her throat needs tender love and care. She is Minnie Riperton 2.0. In addition, Carey is in the upper echelon of entertainers.
Dream girl Beyoncé reminds me of Madonna and Diana Ross put together. Can you picture a Carey collaboration? There’s a reason the Academy continually nominates the Queen.
Even though Mariah Carey had a short stint on American Idol, the show significantly raised her profile, especially among the youth. It was the clash of the titans between Mariah and Nicki Minaj.
Every chance Beyoncé gets she sends a shout out to her hometown Houston. Tourists are exchanging their I heart New York t-shirts for I heart Texas tank tops. Meanwhile music lovers are listening to their favorite singers on I Heart Radio.
How can the Academy justify not giving Beyoncé album of the year? I watched the Grammys and was very disappointed Beck walked away with the top prize. But the diva handled the disgraceful display like a champ. She doesn’t need validation from an awards ceremony because the fans have spoken.
Imagine if Knowles focused solely on acting. She would win an Oscar. What if Carey and Knowles played in the same film? If you like music in movies, watch Dreamgirls, Cadillac Records, and Glitter.

What are your favorite Mariah Carey songs? I like My All, We Belong Together and the E=MCalbum.
Both artists respect each other’s craft. It’s clear Beyoncé benefits from Carey’s brilliant career. That’s why the celebs are good friends. Also, Carey acknowledges Queen Bee’s reign because superstars embrace the best.
Knowles has proven her talents with songs Crazy in Love, Halo, and Partition. What else can she prove? Beyoncé is the ‘baddest,’ hottest, and most electric entertainer in action.
In the words of Mariah Carey “Don’t forget about us.” Remember all she wants for Christmas is you. In my mind, Mariah Carey is the all time number 1 female vocalist.

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Without question the multitalented Beyoncé is the complete package. How does she move like that on the dance floor? Didn’t Jennifer Lopez say, “You’re mesmerized by the size of it?”

Mariah Carey and Beyoncé changed the music business by dominating the market. Both musicians firmly established their imprints on the industry. Plus, they’re every man’s fantasy.

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300 American Sniper Beverly Hills Cop Guru Jay Hollywood Saving Private Ryan Ted The Exorcist The Hangover The Hangover Part II The Matrix Reloaded The Passion of the Christ Top 10 R-Rated movies

Top 10 Highest Earning R-Rated Movies


Enter the Dragon was the first R-Rated movie I remember seeing. Now I watch martial arts movies religiously like a disciplined Confucian. You see restricted films are the best because there are no limits on freedom of expression.
Understandably, there’s no room for error in making R-Rated movies because your audience is already confined to a strict age range. Plus, it’s extremely difficult to please people nowadays. But if the script is executed properly, then movie executives and directors needn’t worry at all.
Here’s my advice. If you are a potential movie producer and your only concern is federal green, then go with a PG 13 rating. Take Avatar, Titanic, and the Avengers for proof.
However, study Scorsese and Tarantino if you care about the art. They are the crème de la crème because they realize the real world isn’t a cupcake. Indeed, when you’re the best you can make a fortune telling/ making up all kinds of stories.

The following 10 restricted movies have generated great revenues. Let’s discuss the highest earning R-Rated movies. Disclaimer: these totals account only for domestic.

10. 300 $210,614,939

300 caused controversy due to its depiction of ancient Middle Eastern figures. Despite some uproar, 300 generated 9 figures at the box office. I guess you did remember Sparta, huh? Gerard Butler displayed greatness as the lead actor.
9. Saving Private Ryan $216,540,909
The Steven Spielberg directed Saving Private Ryan is one of two military movies on the list. Released July 24, 1998 the film showcased Tom Hank’s brilliance and Matt Damon’s tenacity. Millions of soldiers identify with the harsh realities of service to country. Make Memorial Day special by remembering those heroes who died for freedom and democracy.
8. Ted $218,815,487

On a light note, Seth MacFarlane’s brainchild Ted is the eighth highest earning R-Rated flick. The Family Guy and American Dad creator made a name for himself to the tune of $150 million, his estimated net worth according to sources. Teaming up with Mark Wahlberg was not only wise but also profitable for MacFarlane. What is more, Ted is an inappropriately funny motion picture with a highly anticipated sequel.
7. The Exorcist $232,906,145
The Exorcist first frightened audiences when it was released on June 19, 1973 in New York City. This film shattered several records because William Peter Blatty’s book and screenplay took taboo topics head-on. Plus, the controversial film is a cinematic classic with wide acclaim. Clearly, the Exorcist is commonly referenced and a major part of popular culture.
6. Beverly Hills Cop $234,760,478
Is Eddie Murphy the best comedic actor ever? Evidently, the 1984 Beverly Hills Cop movie is the highest earning R-Rated film adjusted for inflation. The franchise is very funny. While every Eddie Murphy show isn’t spectacular, everyone appreciates his epic contributions to cinema and comedy.
5. The Hangover Part II $254,464,305

Although Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms are terrific thespians, we really watch the Hangovers because of Zach Galifianakis. The Hangover Part II continues the dramatic comedy-action saga in Bangkok, Thailand. Mike Tyson makes another cameo this time as the wedding singer. Don’t you wish Black & White Dougs would receive more lines rather than get kidnapped?
4. The Hangover $277,322,503
My all time favorite comedy movie is the Hangover. Who remembers the Taser scene? What about Mike Tyson’s knockout punch to Galifianakis’ head while Phil Collin’s In the Air Tonight played in the background? The 2009 movie should have won at least one Academy Award. Right now it’s considered the highest earning R-Rated comedy in history.
3. The Matrix Reloaded $281,576,461

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The Matrix Reloaded is the third highest earning R-Rated movie for good reason. Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne were perfect for their roles. In addition, I found Gina Torres and Jada Pinkett Smith to be wonderful supporting actresses. Like the Exorcist, the Matrix movies are crucial components of society i.e. ducking and dodging stuff.
2. American Sniper $345,670,073

American Sniper is the second military movie on the list. How many times have I expressed why Cooper deserved an Oscar for his portrayal of Navy Seal Chris Kyle? Also, director Clint Eastwood strongly conveyed his passion for film. For what it’s worth, American Sniper has an emotionally powerful ending.
1 The Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
Mel Gibson’s 2004 the Passion of the Christ is the highest earning R-Rated movie of all time. Numbers following dollar signs never deceive. The Passion of the Christ is Gibson’s Magnus Opus. If you love language, then you’ll thoroughly enjoy the Passion’s Aramaic script. 

Describe your first time watching an R-Rated movie.

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American Gangster Barbershop Celebrity Entertainment Friday Gangsta Rap Guru Jay Hip Hop Hollywood Ice Cube Lyrics Movies Music NWA orginator original producer radio TV visionary

Ice Cube’s Three-Dimensional Vision: Originator of Music, Movies, and TV


Cracking smiles and flashing pearly whites is costly in the heart of the city, because in the words of Bobby Blue Bland  “ain’t no love” in town. Straight Outta Compton, Ice Cube was an originator of Gangsta Rap. He wasn’t necessarily a full-fledged American gangster, but the visionary vocalized his societal issues through penning music, movies, and TV.
It’s rare for a rapper to emerge and dominate multiple entertainment streams. The exceptional entertainer successfully diversified his talents. Moreover, his message remains untarnished after 25 years in business.
Future celebrities should take note of how Ice Cube climbed the ranks. The Captain slowly but surely grew his fandom. Don’t take a detour on Twitter or Instagram. Instead focus on growing your gifts, and realize that good things require time.
If you’re a reality TV star, more power to you. There’s no shame in going the easy route. However, the greatest entertainers grind harder than Tony Hawk on a video game.

Ice Cube is the best. What is more, he made Hollywood reserve a seat for him at the roundtable. Like a West Side storied gangster, the family man is never disconnected.
There aren’t enough cool cats and there are too many copycats. Respect this lyricist because even though they censored Cube, the rapper/ producer defiantly distributed his music. Nowadays, the radio plays duplicates. Wouldn’t you like to listen to the original for a change?
When I want to get psyched up, I play Check Yourself. What are your favorite Ice Cube songs? What are the actor’s best movies in your opinion?
I enjoyed Three Kings, Anaconda, Friday, and 21 Jump Street. But XXX: State of the Union is by far my favorite Ice flick. Although the motion picture lost money, Cube delivered a phenomenal performance; and Simon Kinberg wrote a noteworthy script. Plus, Samuel L. Jackson took command as usual.

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I’ve watched Lottery Ticket and Barbershop 1, 2, and 3, at least 4 times. I’m not just trying to write impressive sentences here. I really do like Loretta Devine and Cedric the Entertainer a whole lot.
I saw Are We There Yet at the dollar show. You might find me at movie theaters 3 days a week. That’s why I may “subsidize” my movie tickets.
Did you know Are We There Yet became a TV show syndicate? On TV, Essence Atkins plays Nia Long’s role. And Ice Cube’s character has transformed into the Incredible Hulk also known as Terry Crews/ Robin Thicke on Real Husbands of Hollywood.
Due to Ice’s three-dimensional vision, the multi-talented celeb has accelerated his career along with several others. I haven’t seen Ride Along but clearly Cube’s contribution sped up Kevin Hart’s amazing career. Furthermore, Ice Cube’s music, movies, and TV show receive high praises from a wide audience. 

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