Actors Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilders Celebs Conan the Barbarian Determination DeTerminator Expendables Guru Jay Hollywood I'll Be Back Movies Terminator Terminator Genisys Total Recall workout

The DeTerminator Arnold Schwarzenegger


A Hollywood proverb says, “lights, camera, action.” Entertainers  enjoy hearing those three words because it means they’re making money. Moreover, if Universal Studios are the lights, Steven Spielberg is the camera, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the action!
I will discuss Schwarzenegger’s evolution on this blue and green planet. How did a bodybuilder become a movie star, and a movie star become a governor? For one thing, the DeTerminator doesn’t believe in wasting time.
As a bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger won Mr. Olympia a record 7 times, and Mr. Universe 1969. Furthermore, Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding career impresses admirers more than his movies. Until this day, the bodybuilding community respects his achievements, although many of his records have been broken.
Bodybuilders have benefited enormously, because Schwarzenegger represented this sport with professionalism and enthusiasm. 
I’ve watched several documentaries about the celebrity’s bodybuilder years. Arnold’s one of the most ambitious and committed people in the world. His mindset out-sizes his muscles. And his mentality outweighs his physicality.
Some people mistakenly believe professional athletes aren’t intelligent. That’s so far from the truth. Pro Athletes must have mental stamina and acumen to compete in championships.
Nevertheless, the Austrian-born naturalized American champion dominated movies, because he puts the determination in The Terminator. If you want to see Schwarzenegger at his best, watch Conan the Barbarian and Total Recall. Conan the Barbarian is one of my favorite films because Arnold was driven to deliver first-rate results.
The first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie I recollect is Kindergarten Cop. On $15 Million, Universal Pictures collected $202 Million. This movie not only increased the celeb’s number of followers, but also raised his stature as a praiseworthy American citizen.

As children, we used to say, “hasta la vista baby” and “I’ll be back” in heavy German accented English. In a sense, classmates chanted lines from Arnold Schwarzenegger movies because by doing so, as little ones, we felt powerful. How right was our thinking. Governor Schwarzenegger became one of the most influential leaders of his generation.
Looking back, Arnold Schwarzenegger built an international fandom and brand, before coming to Hollywood and playing in a single movie. That’s why achieving success as an actor came easy. Naturally, the bodybuilding legend’s evolution into an onscreen machine, and later a political machine was inevitable.
Marrying Maria Shriver, a Kennedy family member, is like becoming American royalty. What man wouldn’t want to be a duke, prince, or governor? Arnold Schwarzenegger spent his entire life not only acquiring titles but leaving a legacy. What is telling, he continues to admits his mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Furthermore, the governor embodies the idea that, with proper planning anybody can accomplish anything. The Austrian succeeded in spite of shortcomings. Although his family situation wasn’t supportive, the “DeTerminator” didn’t excuse himself from destiny’s calling.
Californians proudly submitted their ballots for the action hero’s governorship. I believe the politician served the Sunshine State honorably. He should be an honorary Sacramento King.
I believe at 6’2” Arnold could have been a Hall of Fame basketball player. In comparison, the Hall of Famer John Stockton stood at 6’1” during his marvelous career. Take into consideration Arnold’s world-renowned athleticism compared to LeBron James. To paraphrase Lady Gaga, Schwarzenegger could do whatever he wanted with his body, and mind apparently.
Arnold Schwarzenegger enthusiastically exercised 5 hours everyday, because  the muscular legend was dedicated to pumping iron. Who could defeat the “DeTerminator,” while in his prime?” Schwarzenegger stated he desired perfection. And that’s why Arnold wrote a blueprint for fitness freaks to follow.
If you want to be successful set goals and plan your action like our action movie star here. They told him he wouldn’t amount to anything in Hollywood. But, Schwarzenegger proved them wrong because he didn’t internalize their negativity.
Total Recall could have easily been total failure. I’m not saying the man didn’t make mistakes. I’m saying he learned from them.
The Last Stand shows an old-school sheriff defending his people from terror. Arnold becomes his character and rescues his deputies. Channeling Bob Marley, they may have shot this sheriff and killed some deputy, but Schwarzenegger protected this town.
He hasn’t lost his secret weapon. Arnold is underrated because his intangibles are unrecorded. Who bonds better with actors than the people’s actor?

The politician makes everybody happy with classic one-liners and cheesy smiles. He is viewed as a reassuring figure, almost like an uncle, to his costars. Clearly, he follows the laws of self-preservation and attraction.
Have you noticed the celeb has matured since the 1970s? And he looks like a billion bucks. Maybe steroids damaged his body, because that’s what happens over time. Still, Charles Darwin would praise the Determinator for evolving beautifully, and being a survivor of the fittest.
Schwarzenegger continually promotes his movies like a 28 year old. Recently, he wrapped up a promotional tour in Korea with Jason and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones). Additionally, the drone fulfills his promise in Terminator: Genisys and comes back like he’s said for the hundredth time already!
Honestly, I can’t say Arnold is the best showman in the business. But, I can say he’s always on the A list, and a personal favorite of mine. Now he’s obviously one of the hardest working screen stars ever.
This fantastic actor makes up for weaknesses with exploitative strengths. Arnold takes advantage of the fact that he’s irreplaceable. Moreover, according to Hollywood businessmen Arnold wasn’t supposed to achieve these awesome heights.
Who could have predicted the rise of this man/machine I call the “DeTerminator?” Under better conditions, he might have been an actor in Germany. Certainly, he would have been a millionaire regardless of his decision, due to his resolve.
There are thousands of Schwarzenegger impersonations. Who’s old enough to remember Jay Leno’s jokes about the then California Governator? Jay would pronounce words just like him. Did you know the Simpsons movie impersonated the movie star, where his impersonator played President.
Some people actually believe the Supreme Court could change the Constitution, in order for someone like Schwarzenegger to move into the White House. Hypothetically, Arnold would win because American Politics has turned into a glamorous parade and popularity contest, no different from Miss America or the Voice. Arnold Schwarzenegger has name recognition working for him. What is more, the United States and the world welcome him as a citizen.
If you really want to be a celebrity, then you need to be different and confident like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Would you mind reading this celeb’s memoirs? Clearly, the distinguished gentleman lives a privileged life.
Total Recall
Time travel aficionados would pounce on the chance to relive the 1990s. While revisiting that decade, remember to watch Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall. This 1990 movieestablished the actor’s dominion over box office results.
Total Recall touched on taboo topics like extraterrestrial organisms and Martians. If you want great entertainment check out this science fiction/ action movie. You could argue Arnold was filmed in his best physical shape as a silver screen star.
Like most Schwarzenegger films, it is entertaining, complex, and awesome. In the film, a secret organization erases the memory of a secret agent Douglas Quaid played by Arnold. They implanted false memories in his brain. Douglas soon discovers he wasn’t always a construction worker.
The secret agent was on a special mission at Mars. Gratefully, his character leaves clues for him to collect. In short, the secret organization stole his mind. Isn’t it ironic the construction worker’s world was reconstructed?
The main character is literally trapped in his thoughts in search for answers. He must determine what is real. That’s why in the 80s they appropriately chose the DeTerminator.
This reminds me of Matt Damon in the Bourne Identity. After watching thousands of movies, I realize the same story gets repeated hundreds of times. For instance, Total Recall starring Colin Farrell was remade in 2012. This time it was Jessica Biel instead of Sharon Stone as the lead actress.
Has Hollywood run out of new ideas? Or are studios scared to experiment and tweak the formula? I affectionately say Arnold Schwarzenegger was a science project because he was the perfect male specimen.
What 65 year-old has bigger muscles than him? Age doesn’t define a person as much as spirit. Moreover, experience matters more than arbitrary numbers. Above all, wisdom reigns supreme.
Set aside some time in your busy schedule to see the star’s notable performances.

Schwarzenegger’s inclusion on the cast was vital to the marketability of the Expendables franchise. Although the A Team is similar, the Expendables showcases an ensemble of high caliber action movie stars. Fortunately, Hollywood is a town big enough for the universe’s biggest egos.
If you think Arnold’s muscles are big, how about his ego? Can you imagine starring alongside Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Chuck Norris? Plus, picture Jason Statham, Jet Li, and Jean-Claude Van Damme in your movie.
So, I don’t fault Schwarzenegger for appearing larger than life, while promoting his work. The California Governor can fight in more ways than one. Did you know in 1965 he served in the Austrian army?
So when you see him in movies shooting shotguns, machine guns, and missiles, remember he’s fully loaded and trained. What is more, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography serves as a source of motivation because he lives a full life.
Entertainers can learn confidence-boosting tricks from the cocky star. Schwarzenegger has always been a stud as an adult. Though, I believe his gargantuan persona is only for show.
Conan the Barbarian
Studios remade another Arnold movie in 2011. The original 1982 Conan the Barbarian starred James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom. Clearly, the profound Jones affected Schwarzenegger early in his career.
Adventure and fantasy lovers treasure this classic piece. The Austrian sets the bar high not only in the gym, but in the studio. Great actors become great because they work with greatness.
Conan the Barbarian is a topnotch film in any genre. It’s amazing the number of Hollywood insiders that underestimated the magnetism of Arnold’s star power as a box office attraction.
If you have massive sex appeal, producers will figure out how to get you screen time.
Don’t ever count out Schwarzenegger because he is a competitor. He does what is necessary to achieve victory. That’s why conquering the mythical world in Conan the Barbarian was ultimately nothing for him. Can you hear the swords cling as Conan’s flesh wields the steel?
Competition breeds superior celebrities. Today, celebs compete on social media, publicizing their fallouts. Will the next generation ever learn how to work together?
The Terminators
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Right now, Terminator Genisys has debuted in theaters worldwide. Let it be known on July 1st, Arnold Schwarzenegger came back as the DeTerminator. Americans have patiently waited for Independence Day Weekend. Why not check out one of 2015’s highly anticipated movies? And afterword, watch as the fireworks fill up the skies with rainbow colors across the country.
What is the Terminator’s job description? Isn’t he a time traveling machine/robot/drone tasked with finishes thingamajigs? Many faithful fans have memorized Schwarzenegger’s lines verbatim.
What do you think about Arnold not reprising his role in Terminator Salvation? To be honest, I fell asleep in the theater while watching Terminator Salvation, even though Christian Bale is one of my favorite actors. I still may watch it a second time.
Twins and Jingle All the Way
For those who question his acting talent, take in consideration these movies. Twins costarring Danny DeVito and Jingle All the Way are laughing matters. He’ll go down in history books because of his sense of humor and style.
Although his characters may have identity crises, Arnold knows exactly who he is. For some who are ashamed of their bodies, learn from the bodybuilder and be comfortable in your skin. I imagine your kind is beautiful. Now, it is your turn to feel nice.
I learned a lot more about Arnold Schwarzenegger last month. I saw his bodybuilding training, footage from competitions, and his many movies. I’ve read numerous articles and various excerpts from his autobiography ‘Total Recall.’ In the end, I found the key to his success is determination.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
diet exercise Fitness Good Health Healthy Lifestyle How to be a celebrity How to Be Healthy Katy Perry and LeBron James Motivation Veganism Vegans Wealth Weight Loss workout

How To Be Healthy Like Katy Perry And Fit As LeBron James


Healthy Like Katy

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Katy Perry is the biggest name in entertainment. She is a superstar with superb stamina. How does Katy do it? Keep reading and you will find out…

It is no secret Katy Perry flirts with Veganism off and on. Right now, Katy is a vegan. Do you want to read more about celebrity vegans? Read these two fun articles…33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham and Part 2: 33 Celebrity Vegans

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans will be released on Easter. One way Katy keeps her shape is by intaking vitamins and supplements. Her mindset is focused on producing energy.

The superstar has subscribed to the Harley Pasternak’s Five Factor Diet. As a result, she feels healthier, slimmer, and more energetic. As a society, we have to take back our energy.

I think everyone wants more productive lives. Katy is an excellent example of how to be healthy. You don’t have to go overboard. Do what you can.

If you can only do a little, that’s alright. The fact you are on a regime is enough.

Becoming healthy is a two fold process. First, you must eat right. I cannot stress this point enough. You eat what you are.

If you don’t know how to be healthy, read my post How To Be Healthy. Living healthy is a lifestyle. Consider making your good health a priority.

Your health is your wealth. If you want to be healthy you have to constantly work at it like a full time job. Motivation is the key to living well.

In my previous post, 33 Motivational, I provided encouragement. Life is too short for us to be unhappy. In order to become healthy, your mindset has to change.

Rather than consume food, produce food. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. You can try juicing vegetables and fruits.

This means substituting your junk food for apples, oranges, and bananas. Have you heard the saying eat green? Make sure you eat things such as spinach, green beans, and broccoli. 

Experience the benefits of being in good health. Since I started working out and eating better, I noticed a pep in my step. When I wakeup, I’m not exhausted. I feel refreshed.

Do I ever eat sugary snacks? Of Course, but now I am more aware of what I eat. It’s an easy decision and I’m glad I made it. 

Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice. Choose to lose weight. Read success stories about weight loss and study them. Above all, prepare yourself for battle.

Remember it’s a long road. You’re running a marathon, so stop sprinting. You have to pace yourself, because there will be times you stumble.

Again, it is important for you to eat right and exercise. A little exercise can make a big impact. Do not let your body decay. 

It is unfortunate people punish their bodies instead of rewarding them. Sugar is your best friend when it should be your worst enemy. Calories are your close cousins, when they should be distant relatives.

Fit As LeBron James

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LeBron James has a name synonymous with the sport of basketball. The two time NBA champion is the fittest athlete in the game. He is a natural talent with God-given abilities. And yet, he is in the gym everyday.

His work ethic is what separate him from others. When others are relaxing, he is in Miami studying how to get better. Moreover, his hard work has paid dividends.

I love statistics and LeBron James has the second best statistics this season behind MVP Kevin Durant.

How do you reach LeBron’s level? Simply, eat right and exercise.

Okay, let’s get real.  It’s not that simple. However, if you are half as fit as LeBron, you are in pretty good shape. James epitomizes health and fitness. He is an embodiment.

Whether he is working on free-throws, dunks or lifting weights, he stays active. If you don’t already have regular activities, find some. It is vital you keep active.

Work on the small things. You have to learn to lay up the ball before you shoot a three point shot. As you get deeper into exercising the benefits increase.

You can read what an average workout day is like with LeBron here. You see, even superstar athletes do basic exercises such as: pushups, pull-ups, jumping jacks and jumping ropes. Small steps lead to a bigger picture. 

If LeBron James were not healthy, he would not be wealthy. If you have to work long hours it is even more crucial to workout. James also recommends drinking water more frequently.

Short List interviewed the superstar about his training method. You can read the full interview with a click of a button. Like all good things being healthy and keeping fit takes time. So, take your time.

I urge you to take a little bit from Katy Perry and a little bit from LeBron James. If you begin to monitor your health like Katy and LeBron , you won’t regret it. Do not let your body control you. Control your body. 

If you enjoyed my post, please email to friends. You can email and share using the buttons on the bottom of the post. Thank you very much for reading, commenting and sharing. 

Almond Milk apples diet exercise fruits Good Health How to Be Healthy John D. Rockefeller lifestyle money relaxation Salad time vegetables Water Wealth workout Yoga

How to Be Healthy: Lifestyle


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Health is wealth. If you’re healthy, you’re wealthy. Life is the most precious gift in this blue and green world of ours. So, stay healthy so you can be wealthy.

In 2014, I made a decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This means I eat better food. I try to only intake nature’s best ingredients. In fact, my whole family is living much healthier lifestyles. So, this is an added bonus. 

Where Do You Start? 

If you’re feeling unhealthy, then you feel broke; meaning, you don’t have any money to spend. The fact is time has more value than money. 

You see, money is infinite; and, mankind’s lifespan is definite. So, make the most of your time; and, you’ll make more money.

Listen to me. I’m a Guru. Life is like yoga- you have a limited number of breaths. Start by embracing what is sacred. First of all, you should value yourself and family.

By nature, yoga exercise stresses relaxation and relief. If you’re unable to start jogging I recommend you combine your walking with yoga. If your life has a whole lot of chaos, yoga can help balance tricky situations. 

Next, drink water. Water is the key ingredient of good health. When you’re tired of drinking water, try drinking almond milk.

When you have five minutes to spare, click here for more information about almond milk. I have been drinking almond milk for five months; and, I can attest to its many benefits.

Yes, milk does the body good; but, almond milk does the body better. Your body breaks down as you getter older. Start right now and make a lifestyle change. 

There’s no reason for your body not to function. If you fuel your tank properly, you should be able to drive for the long haul. No matter what is holding you back, you can do it. 

Take a bite out of apples. Your body will thank you. Your brain will tell you well done. Don’t forget to eat salad.

2014 is your year as well. The first step to being healthy is to eat healthier. You might have to change your diet. This means, eat more fruits and vegetables. Remember: you eat what you are. 

The Iceberg 

The whole truth is you have to exercise. The Doctors want you to work out 30 minutes per day. Here are 13 ways to exercise Hey, if you enjoy dancing, dance away. Do some salsa, ballroom dancing or aerobics.

All physical activity counts toward your health and wellbeing. Start working out and you’ll feel happier, and have more energy. Furthermore, if you want to lose weight, exercise is critical. 

There is toxic fat around you organs that can only get lost through exercise. For more information click here. I don’t advocate depriving yourself of food. Exercise is of the upmost importance.

The purpose of the iceberg is to float. I want you to tread above the water. Don’t beat yourself up. If you can’t do these things yet, remember time is your friend.

Do a little here and a little there. Every bit adds up. Value your health like you do your wealth. If it means: jogging on a treadmill, jumping jacks or jumping ropes, or improving your posture with yoga, just do it.


Your lifestyle has to change. Begin by making good health your top priority. Read articles on the topic. Here is a nice article for women’s health tips.These are nine easy steps toward good health. 

At an early age, I knew I wanted to be a writer. My family encouraged me. My teachers encouraged me. And, sooner than later I landed my first writing job at a newspaper. 

What compelled me to write is the lifestyle. Writers have the ability: to work for themselves, work when they want, and get freebies. Authors want me to read their books. And, as a result I’m offered free material.

My good health is also a lifestyle choice. I exercise at least three times per week. I eat a ton of fruits and vegetables every month. 

If you’re struggling with bad health, don’t forget to take your first step. Whenever you climb to the top: you must take your first step in order to take your last. 

Read about the nine foods men must eat. Stop drinking way too much beer. Start drinking more juice.

How to Be Healthy

John D. Rockefeller lived for 97 years. He is widely considered the wealthiest man in history. What is more, his health was his wealth. 

As a youth, Rockefeller decided he wanted to live until he was 100. Wealth wasn’t his primary concern. Health was his primary concern. 

You see so many people today who work, work, work, and work. All they do is work. Well, it’s time to live. 

You see, Rockefeller understood that time is far more valuable than money. You can have all the money in the world, but you can never have enough time. 

You can be healthy by living the best lifestyle. Appreciate your health. In order to have good health, you have to make it first on your to-do-list. 

Follow me on Pinterest, and Tumblr. Also, thank you for leaving comments. Read How to Be Healthy for more information.