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What If Bruno Mars and Ariana Grande Sang Duets Together


Can you picture Bruno Mars and Ariana Grande singing duets together? You know Ariana Grande and Bruno Mars have taken music to a higher level. They’re on top of the totem pole.
Plus, they bring youthful energy to every song. That’s why their YouTube channels generate billions of views. What is more, the singers make music everyone can listen to.
It’s amazing how they control their pitch and tone. I would like Ariana Grande to voice my GPS. And Bruno Mars will sing my theme music.
These singers are in another stratosphere. Every girl loves hearing ‘Just the Way You Are’ because it’s perfect! Also, I have no problem with the way the ‘Problem’ musician sings.

As great as the Weeknd is, he’s no Bruno Mars. Replace the Weeknd’s part on ‘Love Me Harder’ with a Bruno Mars version. Wow, wouldn’t that be incredible?
You see, the musicians have built fortresses for  fan bases. Musically, there is hardly anybody better than them, which is scary because they’re neither one is even 30 years old. In fact, Ariana hasn’t turned 25 yet.
Something tells me Ariana Grande will get her chance to perform at the Super Bowl like Bruno Mars . It wouldn’t surprise me if she does the National Anthem and Half Time show, numerous times in her career.

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Who wants some concert tickets? Is Bruno Mars Superman, because his talent is beyond Planet Earth? How many days does it take you to get ‘Uptown Funk’ out your head?

It takes me 3 days to get Bruno’s songs out my brain. So, I listen to his music once about every 4 days. I’m convinced Bruno Mars is capable of brainwashing the masses.
Moreover, the whole world likes these music artists mainly because of their modesty. It seems like they’re unaware of their effect on people’s eardrums. Or maybe, it’s all an illusion.
One thing I do know is after Ariana Grande hits 3 high notes, she’s got you hooked. There’s no denying that she makes addicting music. Fans can’t wait until she goes on tour again.
Fans feel the same way about Bruno Mars. Who serenades better than the Hawaiian? Let’s get the Bruno Mars/Ariana Grande duet campaign officially started.

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Who Wins? Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez


You must look at the glass half-empty and half-full. In other words, the pros need the cons and the Beliebers need the Biebs. So, why expect Selenators to standby while Justin dates Gomez’s archrival Ariana Grande?

I believe Bieber and Grande make a more perfect union. In the long run, Grande and Gomez will likely pass up Justin financially and in popularity. You see Grande churns out hits like butter. And Selena can fall back on acting.
Does the name Jennifer Lopez click? I don’t proclaim soothsaying superpowers. All I offer you are opinions and predictions on this subject. 

Justin Bieber could prove everyone wrong and make several smashing hits in the future. Frankly, I’m tired of everybody riding Justin hard, when it’s not his fault. Can you picture the spotlight shining on you at age 14?
Think about all the stupid stuff teenagers do. So, on the one hand, I say give Bieber a break. On the other hand, I say where is Justin’s number 1 hit record?
Here’s what happened. His managers accelerated his follower count. You saw the same thing happen with Meghan Trainor. Trust me, you don’t want instant fame because like John Lennon so elegantly sang, “Instant karma’s gonna get you.”
If you are an aspiring entertainer or celebrity, don’t buy their bullshit. You’ll hear them claim, “I can get you 100 million views.” Here’s my advice. If you can get famous in a day, you can get destroyed in a day.
Take your time and grow a true fan base. Yes, social media is an awesome and useful tool, but getting better at your talent is more important. Plus, you need to improve your skills before it’s too late.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Justin Bieber is truly talented. However, his financiers built his brand too big and too quickly. Watch what happens to One Direction. They are in a similar predicament.
In ten years, I have Selena Gomez beating Justin Bieber in a landslide.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Black Eyed Peas Celebrities dancing Entertainment Famous Fergie Guru Jay Gwen Stefani Hollywood icons Music radio rappers Singers superstars Vevo YouTube

How Gwen Stefani and Fergie Became Icons


Who can deny Gwen Stefani’s long lasting mark? Today, the music artist remains relevant leaving her counterparts in the dust. In a super competitive field, Gwen has made a number of hit records and profitable deals.
For instance, Stefani endorses MasterCard. Plus, the celebrity’s clothing line LAMB is a dynasty. By diversifying her products, you see why Gwen Stefani became a commercial success.
Right now, Gwen has almost 2 million Twitter followers. You can bet the Cool songstress lives a luxurious lifestyle with up-to-date apps and gadgets. Be cautious though, because in Gwen’s own words she “ain’t no hollaback girl.”

Gwen Stefani was born in Southern California. So, she’s been surrounded by entertainers her whole life. That’s why Stefani is no stranger to the spotlight. More importantly, Gwen Stefani understands how to handle fame’s side effects. 

Apparently, like Fergie, she is living in the fast lane and yielding amazing results.

Madison Heights, Michigan native Stacy Ann Ferguson is widely known as Fergie. Her music is still heard throughout the world on radio airwaves and inside nightclubs. Gwen Stefani can teach Fergie her business savvy. Moreover, Gwen can learn from Ferg’s musical creativity.

I feel Fergie sings better than Gwen Stefani. In addition, the Black Eyed Peas singer has an outstanding music catalog. And as a solo music artist, Fergie has developed an original sound.
Nobody likes musical copycats; and that’s why everybody loves Fergie. You can’t compare her style with Madonna because the Fergalicious rapper refuses to imitate. Ferg teaches future singers how to innovate instead of merely recreating.
Fergie serves as a wonderful hostess for New Years’ festivities. Because she is the complete package, this entertainer will always find work. Not subscribing to the status quo is her M.O.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Gwen Stefani and Fergie possess star qualities. What is more, their exemplary careers teach lessons to upcoming entertainers. Instead of fixating on your limits, fix your eyes upon unlimited horizons.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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7 Lucky Ways Celebrities Make Money


Familiar faces flash on the screen. Your TV, laptop, tablet and smartphone have loads of images, videos, and data on them. You probably follow your favorite celebrities on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace and Instagram.

Once you’re famous, you’re always famous for somebody. Forget what Shia Labeouf said. There’s no escaping the spotlight after crossing centerstage.

Social media and reality TV have allowed us an inside look into Pop Culture. Celebrities are born on YouTube. You couldn’t pick a more perfect time than now to be famous.

Entertainers are living the good life. Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan are Livin’ La Vida Loca. Click here to find out how to party like a rock star

The job of a celebrity is to simply celebrate. Celebrities make a fortune just by making an appearance. Paris Hilton is a prime example of a socialite who exploits her infamy.

There are several creative ways celebrities earn a living. I want to show you the microeconomics behind Hollywood. I am an accountant after all.

There is power in numbers. That’s why stars such as Shia Labeouf work hard to get attention. That’s also why fans are so important.

More fans = more money. Social media sites like Twitter give celebrities a platform to engage with followers. I recommend this story from Wet Paint. How Much Do Celebrities Get Paid To Tweet


Sending Tweets is one creative way celebrities make money. At an early age, I realized the power of words. This is why I blog. Twitter is simply a short form of writing. They call it “micro-blogging.”

Can you believe they founded the site 8 years ago? Today Twitter is worth multi-billions. It’s hard to believe, that in such a short span of time, the social media site could conquer the public.

I just recently joined Twitter; and, I already recognize its potential. Twitter allows you to build meaningful relationships. Visit Adage for more information. 

2. Photos

Why do you think Kim Kardashian keeps uploading pics of her derrière on Instagram? Answer: because her booty has a pricetag. Celebrities make mad money from photos. You can hear them laughing as they go to the bank.

Photos are a major part of social media. Facebook needs a plethora of images in order to exist. Don’t we love reading faces? Isn’t Facebook a book of faces?

When a celebrity is strapped for cash, all he has to do is snap a photo. Then, send it to TMZ. Now, wait for the check to arrive in the mail.

3. Videos

What would you do to extend your 15 minutes of fame? Would you act a fool on camera? In the near future, I can see sites like Vine gaining some steam.

It wouldn’t surprise if Google via YouTube buys the emerging video social media site. Videos have an enormous impact on society. Think about how TMZ shells out massive cash for exclusive footage

Musicians make money in a number of ways. Royalties from videos is a new way artists get paid. Read here for info about VEVO

4. Endorsements

When I think of lucrative endorsement deals, athletes come to mind. Basketball is on everybody’s brain. Players are in the limelight while the NBA Playoffs winds down.

Kevin Durant was launched to space in a Sprint commercial. The helpful Blake Griffin endorses Kia. Who can forget Chris Paul’s State Farm twins’ saga? And, you’ll see a LeBron James Samsung ad on occasion.

You’re in luck, if you are a musician too. Pepsi pounces on the opportunity to sign superstars. Watch a classic example here. 

5. Parties

Photo By: Toglenn

Hollywood stars own the night. Can you picture receiving a paycheck for partying? In the words of the Jackson 5, it’s easy as A.B.C.!

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Fergie and Blake Lively have made money by making appearances at parties. The amount of money they make seems absurd. But, big businesses can afford to spend big money. 

Kim Kardashian made 500,000 dollars as an escort overseas. This has become the new normal. In the Reality TV world we live in, we expect extravagant expenses.

6. Reality TV

Reality TV has a major influence on us in real ways. You can literally become a celebrity overnight. All you have to do is, start some sort of an altercation with somebody.

Why do we care so much about Snooki? How much money does Duck Dynasty generate? Who is Khloe’s new boyfriend

We wouldn’t ask those questions ten years ago. We were keeping up with the Joneses. Now, we keep up with the Kardashians.


First on my list is Twitter. Number 7 on my list is Instagram for similar reasons. The app is a relatively new phenomenon that has taken the world by storm.

I joined Instagram about one month ago. I’m thankful for each one of my followers. Please follow my account here

Although the site hasn’t been around for even 5 years, it is extremely influential. It’s another hot way to interact with your fans. Check out Beyonce’s account

They say technology eliminates jobs. Celebrities defy logic and use technology to their advantage. Twitter is music to their ears.

You only have one life to live, so live your life to the fullest. We can learn a lot from celebrities. Most of them don’t have a care in the world.

Increase your odds by lining your ducks in a row. Seneca said, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” So brace yourself for a wild ride. Please wear your helmets.

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