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Beautiful Elizabeth Olsen Is One of Hollywood’s Finest Actresses

Beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is one of Hollywood’s finest actresses

Why are you here reading this blog? Perhaps, you like celebrities, entertainment, and information all intertwined. Maybe, you can’t get enough of celebrity blogs and entertainment. I try to entertain you as well as inform you. Regardless, I appreciate you coming here. Thanks for reading and if you’re compelled to, please share my content. You can follow my Twitter handle @IamGuruJay too. 

Eureka! I found out why you’re here… for WandaVision, Dr. Strange, and the Avengers. Her most recent box office movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, broke all kinds of records. 

Super-fan of Superhero

So, I get it…you’re an Elizabeth Olsen super-fan and you want to find out what’s going on with the star who plays one of your favorite superheroes. 

Elizabeth Olsen Photo By: Gage Skidmore; Wikimedia Commons
Elizabeth Olsen Photo By: Gage Skidmore; Wikimedia Commons

You’re so amazed by her performances as Scarlet Witch in WandaVision and Dr. Strange. Like Olsen herself, WandaVision is such a huge success. This is one of Disney +’s best productions. In nine episodes to date, the actress plays an incredible Wanda Maximoff on television. Fans like you can’t wait for more seasons. They’re asking Disney a fair question; what’s taking so long? Just be patient, Disney says. 

Also, did you know that the actress’s superhero character is connected to Jonathan MajorsAnt-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania? It appears they are both Nexus Beings in the MCU. This gives fans some substance to digest. Expect the Marvel terminology “Nexus Being” to trend sometime in the future. There are so many places to go with this.

Like Elle Fanning (Dakota Fanning), Elizabeth Olsen has a famous sister or two. Famous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were on Full House in the 1990s. Who remembers the young actresses and their taglines? The younger sister, who’s not a twin, built a name for herself as well. And today, it’s her birthday. Let’s go on social media and wish her a happy birthday. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the kind thoughts and gestures.  

Also, today the trailer for Love & Death, an HBO Max Original was released.

This looks like something that will have people talking. Once again, HBO has generated controversy and we know that is what sells. From what I’ve researched, there are three episodes premiering on April 27. Then, the network will air three or four more episodes of the limited series one at a time weekly. 

Also, like Elle Fanning, Olsen has no problem being called great. She is great. Her greatness shows up on screen as one of Hollywood’s finest actresses. Why aren’t you streaming this actress yet if you haven’t already?

Finally, the beautiful actress is like another actress associated with Hulu (who I can’t get enough of) Hilary Duff. It seems like Hollywood’s full of so many talented acts. Does Disney have possession of all of them?

Photo By: Daniel Batalles; Wikimedia Commons

Outside of Marvel, the star has filmed a variety of productions. Have you seen her performance with Aubrey Plaza in Ingrid Goes West? 

I’ve wanted to write this article for a long time. I believe the beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is one of Hollywood’s finest actresses. If you follow my blog, you know I’m a superhero fan and I enjoy watching actresses like Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Olsen perform on screen. One day I could see myself on set as a screenwriter or consulting producer. That’s my dream. So, I’ll speak it into existence.

 “California’s calling my name.” Have you heard that song before? To be frank, Elizabeth Olsen’s a big name in Hollywood like Bella Thorne. She’s a celebrity who provides you premium entertainment. Whether on HBO Max, Disney +, Netflix or any other streaming platform, this celebrity is someone I’m watching for years to come. 

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NBC SNL Episode 2 Breakdown: Was This One Great?


NBC SNL Episode 2 Breakdown: Was This One Great? 

Let’s begin the breakdown recognizing SNL Host Michael B. Jordan and musical guest Lil Baby. Last weekend Aubrey Plaza did a fantastic job hosting the TV show. This weekend was Jordan’s turn. Would he bring as much energy or even more? Everybody had an expectation for him. What was yours?

I felt Michael B. Jordan was going to slam dunk this one. Like the superstar he is, Jordan’s crossover to live television was a no brainer. Before writing this blog post, I learned more about the actor and published another blog post you might enjoy. Who knew the extent of his television presence? The Creed III Director/ Lead Actor possesses a multitude of talents.

It was a solid opening for episode 2. SNL covered the latest in politics as usual and got the ball rolling.  Not too long after Michael B. Jordan came onto the stage, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, and Ego Nwodim came on or should I say came on to him. So far, the TV show was hilarious. Saturday Night Live knows how to play up every tool in their toolkit. By far the funniest thing was Ego showing up on stage in a wedding dress. This one was great. The material was well-written from start to finish. Like Creed, the night was packed with punches. 

Was Lil Baby Pretty Good?

When Lil Baby took the stage to perform the hit California Breeze, it was a wrap. Saturday Night Live had me sold on the night. Michael B. Jordan owned it. Every sketch delivered a ton of value. Just like I tweeted before the show even started, this was TV gold. There were so many elements that combined to make this work seem effortless.

What Was the Skit That Stole the Night?

If there’s one prerecorded skit that stole the night, it was Michael B. Jordan playing the State Farm guy. I tweeted that the insurance companies owe SNL money. All that advertisement can’t be free. This had to generate the most responses on Twitter because everybody was talking about it. Overall, Jordan was all over the place demonstrating his range. He played a water guy and a fireman. Well, he played a stripper dressed as a firefighter with pregnant baby mama issues. 

Last But Not Least

What else should an SNL TV show watcher know about after episode 2? Kenan Thompson had his moment playing a doorman on Weekend Update. Colin Jost and Michael Che are a good team. Lil Baby’s second song was a little more dramatic. It told a story and could crossover genres. Whoever was his pianist was incredible. 

What are your thoughts? Did you watch SNL this weekend? Are you looking forward to next weekend’s host Pedro Pascal from HBO’s The Last of Us?

Nothing quite beats live television. Thanks for reading this blog post. Did you catch any of my live Tweets? Follow me on Twitter @IamGuruJay and Instagram @TheGuruJay for more content.

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Elle Fanning Is One of Hollywood’s Hottest Under 25

By: Guru Jay

Elle Fanning Is One of Hollywood’s Hottest Under 25 and Beyond Fine

I love writing about actors, especially Hollywood’s hottest actresses. Elle Fanning is beyond fine. Have you ever seen a star shine as bright as Elle? She has an entire magazine named after her after all. Seriously, her name is huge in Twitter Circles and on Instagram. Right now, you can follow her on Instagram along with 6 million other accounts. Where do I start handing out the accolades? Everything you can imagine Fanning can do on the silver screen. She is the 24-karat gold Bruno Mars sings about…that white gold Michelle Pfeiffer/ Uptown Funk. 

Will we ever see another star quite like Elle Fanning again? At 24 years old, she’s already accomplished what 50-year-old actresses have in Hollywood. It’s incredible how this celebrity entertains a wide audience. Like Jennifer Lawrence, everyone can enjoy Fanning’s filmography. From film to TV and now video games, the actor is presenting her talents everywhere. Yes, check out Newsweek for more on the video game development (Death Stranding 2) featuring the Hollywood star. 

I’m looking forward to every work she’s in because I feel she’s fun and pleasant. Plus, she is equipped with a plethora of skills. With her range and my originality, we can take over the world. All I’m saying is that these past few years have been enjoyable and entertaining thanks in large part to Fanning. 

Does she have Tinseltown’s best smile or what? I’ve followed this celebrity for years, and she’s turned my frown upside down on more than one occasion. There is not a bad script she has yet to memorize. All Fanning needs now is her own superhero movie franchise like Scarlett Johansson, and we’ll start having a discussion on her excellence. This could transform my blog. 

Born in Conyers, Georgia, Elle Fanning is a star like no other. I think you might like her performance in Mary Shelley. There is something about this young lady. In the future, they’ll say she was a classic actress. Will she become the Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts we know she can become? What a time to be alive! We can reflect on and imagine simultaneously whatever we want to. Currently, my attention is on the shining star who I believe is highly gifted and talented. Also, she is a gorgeous beauty who is Hollywood’s crème de la crème. It’s easy to see how she could be Hollywood’s Hottest 25 under 25 and 30 under 30.

Please tell me you’ve seen Hulu’s The Great and The Girl from Plainville. If you haven’t seen them, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. Sometimes I compare celebrities: highlighting differences and similarities. Today, I would compare her with Elizabeth Olsen. Both actors are at the top of their craft on film and television. And both have a big past, present, and future in the entertainment industry. Are you excited as I am about Elle Fanning’s works in progress? Isn’t she a breath of fresh air?

Follow me @IamGuruJay on Twitter and @TheGuruJay on Instagram for more content. Thanks!

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Wasn’t Hulu’s How I Met Your Father Premiere Spectacular Entertainment?

Do you like entertainment? Here I like to inform you as well as entertain. I’m a celebrity blogger who enjoys seeing the stars shine.

Right now, I can’t get enough of Hilary Duff, so I wrote this blog about Hulu’s How I Met Your Father season 2 premiere. How I Met Your Father should be on everybody’s radar by now. If you like lighthearted television comedies, then this TV show will have your wheels spinning. There is a ton of content you can consume in season 1: 10 episodes to be exact and they all pack a punch. Remember each episode is somebody’s precious baby, just like each blog post I write. Read on for my spin on things, specifically season 2. 

First of all, Hilary Duff plays the lead character Sophie. Next, the story is set in present day New York City (NYC). An older, wiser Sophie narrates the story to her unseen son over a phone call via her home in the year 2050. Yeah, this show is futuristic alright. All I’m saying is 27 years is a long time from now. Okay, so there are other characters besides Duff who make the sitcom pleasing too. I really like Valentina, played by Francia Raisa and Ellen, played by Tien Tran. There are so many talented actors on the show it isn’t funny. Where do I start name dropping?

SPOILER ALERT: the father returns to New York from Australia in the premiere. And so, the lead character follows her man’s lead and rekindles her romantic life with him. Like luggage, there’s so much to unpack. There are layers upon layers to this story. For instance, before How I Met Your Father, How I Met Your Mother came into being. Wasn’t Hulu’s HIMYF season 2 premiere spectacular entertainment?

Follow @IamGuruJay on Twitter and @TheGuruJay on Instagram. 

Actors actresses Celebrities Comedian comedy Entertainment SNL SNL hosts Television TV series TV shows TV Stars

Put Aubrey Plaza on the To Do List This Weekend!

What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to have some fun? Read this!

Put the 2013 The To Do List actor on the 2023 To Do List! I’m referring to the Hollywood star Aubrey Plaza. She is hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023. Here at Guru Jay Entertainment, we’re going to see to it that she shines as bright as possible. I write about celebrities because I like celebrating. Aubrey Plaza is someone who excites the audience. You come to expect great things from this entertainer. I love her work. She works hard and it shows. Some may even say she’s a little showoff, but I disagree. 

So, where did this celebrity come from? Well, we know she was a regular on Parks and Recreation. But did you also know she was an intern on Saturday Night Live in 2005? I found that out via watching the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The point is everybody starts from somewhere. Where you go is up to factors: some beyond your control and others within. I like Plaza’s touch to productions. Have you seen the star perform in Fx’s Legion? 

If you enjoy comedy and Elizabeth Olsen, I encourage you to watch Ingrid Goes West. It’s an intriguing plot with dynamic characters and a nice setting. Also, if you want to see some of Plaza’s newer material, queue Black Bear and Emily the Criminal. Lastly, everybody is talking about the actress in the White Lotus. 

Plus, the comedic actor’s body of work is full of successes. If she had a gym franchise, it would be worth over a billion dollars. I’m looking forward to seeing her SNL performance. It’s long overdue.

Let’s have some fun this weekend and watch SNL hosted by Aubrey Plaza. LET AUBREY PLAZA SHINE.

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The Last of Us Is More Than a Game Now: It’s a TV Hit!

Pedro Pascal Photo By: Gage Skidmore

By: Guru Jay

The first episode of HBO’s the Last of Us aired two days ago. Could a pilot episode launch any better than this one? If you haven’t seen it yet, or you want to know additional details, keep reading for more. In my opinion, the series couldn’t have debuted at a more perfect time. It’s 2023 and a whole lot is happening in the world. Based on a popular video game, HBO’s new TV show is relevant is edgy. In “When You’re Lost in the Darkness,” the episode goes deep into the zombies/ fungus themes.

It begins in 1968, then goes into 2003 (where all hell breaks loose in Texas), finally it comes around to Boston 2023. The actors do a fine job conveying the mission statement. From the lead character to the extras, everyone plays a vital role in this masterpiece. How does the series compare to the video game? Do you want to play the game now that you’ve seen the TV show? If you like television, the Last of Us is the TV show for you. This is not your typical Hollywood story. I believe HBO was surprised by the pilot’s success. I am looking forward to watching more episodes. Do you want to read a recap of some of the season? Is this your favorite new TV program?

The main question that is on everybody’s mind is how did we get here? The Last of Us is at a point of no return. The post-apocalyptic plot is full of twists and turns. What do you think is the best scene? How does this compare to The Walking Dead? Like the Walking Dead had, I see the Last of Us as having enormous potential. Right now, stars are being born on the TV show. All the hard efforts are noticed. Putting together something of such high quality takes blood, sweat, and tears. In summary, the Last of Us is more than a game now. It’s a TV hit!

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Netflix’s Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Commentary: Good Stuff

By: Guru Jay

Netflix Logo in Public Domain

Right now, the number one TV show on Netflix is Ginny & Georgia. Have you seen it? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. It’s good stuff. Currently, Ginny & Georgia is in the second season. If you haven’t already seen the first season already, you might want to watch a few episodes before seeing the new ones. Netflix released the show on January 5. And now, 10 days later, everybody is talking about the success of Ginny & Georgia. It is great television. TV shows come and go. Let’s hope this one stays the course. For those who haven’t seen it, I’ll describe the show for you. First, there’s Antonia Gentry as Ginny. Her real name is Virginia in the Netflix series. Then, there’s Georgia played by Brianne Howey. They are both complex characters and the story is not so simple. Ginny is Georgia’s young daughter. It’s an interesting story because her mother is white, and her father is black. But her younger brother is white as well. So, this keeps unwrapping layers as you dig deeper.

I don’t want to give away too much of the plot, so I’ll write only about my impressions of the characters. If you love actors performing at the top of their crafts, then this TV show will have your heart pulsating. There are so many characters to like. Besides the two main characters, I like Zion Miller, Joe, Abby, Norah, Ellen Baker, Marcus Baker, and Mayor Paul Randolph. It is an amazing sight how the actors gel on screen. It is like the 1950s all over again with milk and chocolate chip cookies. But this time, it’s 2023 and things are turned upside down for the most part. Is the chemistry we see on film fake? Or is the television screen telling the truth? Whatever the case, Ginny & Georgia season two has become the number one TV show on Netflix this weekend. And what’s more, its motion pictures are set firmly in minds and hearts around the globe.