Actors agents arts careers Celebrities Celebrity entertainers Guru Jay Hollywood Julliard Kerry Washington managers Movies Nicole Beharie performers Scandal Sleepy Hollow talent theatre TV shows

Is Nicole Beharie the Next Kerry Washington?


I watch Sleepy Hollow occasionally mainly because I’ve got crush on Nicole Beharie. If Nicole doesn’t renew her contract, then the show wouldn’t last another episode. Did you know Nicole Beharie went to Julliard?
She’s highly educated and accomplished in and out of Hollywood. That’s why I know she can be the next Kerry Washington. Beharie recently turned 30, and she’s getting sexier year after year.
Hopefully, the fine actress doesn’t let her ego enlarge. The best policy is humility. Careers are ruined because actors think they’re irreplaceable. Give Beharie the benefit of doubt since she isn’t boastful.
In the next 3 years I expect Nikki to start filming mega budget movies. Why can’t she star as the lead sometimes? You see show business is about making connections and networking. Have faith in Nicole because she has developed fruitful relationships.
Ironically, Scandal helped Kerry Washington’s career blossom. She’s received more opportunities since signing up for the show. Beharie is in a superior position to transition heavily into movies.

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If I were managing Nicole, she’d be hotter than pancakes in Africa. Agents notoriously hold entertainers back. Often times promoters look out only for themselves at the expense of their clients.

Nicole Beharie is too talented to be on the B list. I believe she’s an A list actress with bad representation. For Nicole to advance, she needs to pick Kerry Washington’s brain. People purposely give bad advice because they want to sabotage you.
Look around and ask yourself do you really need that person in your entourage. Nicole Beharie doesn’t necessarily have to become the next Kerry Washington. She could choose a different direction.
Nicole can make People’s front cover. She can take number 1 on Maxim’s Hot 100. Actors must pay their dues. Is Nicole Beharie paying to play?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
blondes Box Office Brands Celebs Entertainment Ghost Whisperer Guru Jay Hollywood hottest I Know What You Did Last Summer Jennifer Love Hewitt Melissa Joan Hart Movies sexiest the Tuxedo TV shows

Melissa Joan Hart Vs. Jennifer Love Hewitt


The blonde haired/ blue-eyed girl- Melissa Joan Hart is best known for Clarissa Explains It All and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. In the early 2000s, the TV actress was the most famous American teenager. 

This day and age, you’ll find the adult Joan Hart featured in advertisements and on commercials.

Many celebrities do not capitalize on their fame. It is respectable if you don’t want to  compromise your integrity. However, it is unacceptable to be frivolous with money and consequently end up empty handed.

Melissa Joan Hart lasted so long in show business because she cashed in on her celebrity. Hart reshaped her girl next-door image into a MILF. Moreover, Melissa Joan Hart doesn’t back down from taboo topics including sex.
It’s no secret celebrities make easy money. If you have a large and engaged following, doors open for you immediately. That’s why Melissa sustains a lively and supportive fan base on social media.

If there is anyone who can give Melissa Joan Hart a run for her money, it is Jennifer Love Hewitt. The actress is a joy to watch because she’s such a pleasant spectacle. Can you picture Ghost Whisperer without Jennifer Love Hewitt? She is the reason we love TV. Also, don’t forget her contributions to film.
Do you remember I Know What You Did Last Summer and the Tuxedo? Those movies show what Jennifer Love Hewitt brings to the table. What is more, she’s approaching 40 years of age and still looks like a beauty queen.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Presently, Jennifer is the precious face of Proactiv. She is convincing as an ambassador because Jenny is stunning. In addition, Jennifer Love Hewitt is a brand in itself. Who’s a better representative of capitalism? 

Unfortunately, Hollywood undercuts Love Hewitt because she’s an agreeable personality. While it might be all fine and dandy to go with the flow, sometimes it is better to go against the grind. I strongly feel Jennifer’s career stalled because executives mistook Jennifer’s kindness for weakness.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
actresses Alicia Silverstone Batman beauty blondes blue eyes Celebrities Cher Christina Applegate Clueless Guru Jay Hollywood Kelly Bundy long hair Married with Children Movies Nikki Cox Sexy TV shows

Alicia Silverstone Vs. Christina Applegate


Can you imagine 90s television without Married with Children? After Al Bundy, Christina Applegate’s character Kelly Bundy was the most popular on the show. Moreover, Christina will go down in TV history.
Although Kelly Bundy flunked Algebra, she received an A plus in Anatomy. The A stands for Asstastic. Kelly was the butt of numerous dumb jokes. Because of Applegate’s unbelievable sex appeal, Married with Children received unprecedented high ratings.

Fast forward to Alicia Silverstone, who starred as Cher in Clueless. Cher participated in shopping sprees like surveys. Her sidekick Dionne played by Stacey Dash is just as superficial and sexy as Cher.
What if Silverstone never started acting? Fortunately, Silverstone and Applegate began show business at a young age. Clearly, the celebrities have developed into remarkable actresses.
What is more, neither one appears conceited or entitled. Alicia and Christina have already paid their dues. Had it not been for Christina, Nikki Cox might not have starred in Unhappily… and later Las Vegas.

There is this misconception that beauty makes up for talent. Quite contrary, sexiness is only an added bonus. Applegate’s trademark blue eyes and blonde hair are flawless and special.
Too bad Christina never kept her extra lengthy and golden locks. That’s one reason Alicia has a nice advantage. You see Silverstone takes pride in her long waving tresses. She is a convincing Juliet and Rapunzel. In addition, Alicia’s natural green eyes come from her Scottish mother.
Would you like Silverstone’s radiant skin? Let’s face it. Christina and Alicia have two of the finest faces and figures in Hollywood.
Applegate is better because of her career achievements. Plus, Applegate is a triple threat talent who dances and performs on stage too. Because of her success, she’s an easy pick and my favorite.
Check out Anchorman because Christina makes a good reporter. Also, see Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead. Finally, check out Batman & Robin because you’ll enjoy Alicia as Batgirl.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

What do you like most about Alicia Silverstone and Christina Applegate?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
90s Boy Meets World Celebrity Disney drama Entertainment Family Guy films Forrest Gump Guru Jay Lion King Movies Power Rangers Romance Saved By the Bell sitcoms Titanic Toy Story TV TV shows

The 90s Movies and TV



The first movie I remember watching is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was in the late eighties.
I was a toddler when the studios released the classic funny bunny movie. The film came on TV all of the time. So, as a child I learned Roger Rabbit’s lines verbatim.
If you were alive in the 1980’s, I don’t have to tell you those were tough times. There was a stock market crash in 1987. I had a college teacher who lost $50,000 during the free fall. Fortunately, I was born in the 1980s and raised in the 1990s.
Enter the 90s. The 90s were a prosperous time in American History. The 1990s were a lot like the 1920s.
The 90s were animated. Animation equals domination. I can’t forget about the Lion King or Toy Story. Disney films made a major impact in movie history.
Here are a few good movies from the 90s: Titanic, Who’s Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Forrest Gump. In the words of the family guy Archie Man, “those were the days.”

Don’t get me started on 90’s TV shows. This was the best time to be a kid. We had enough cartoons to sink a battleship. 
I used to watch Saved By the Bell and Power Rangersbefore going to school. I’d come home and watch Full House. Who remembers when Boy Meets World aired on T.G.I.F.? Who knows the Step By Step theme song word for word?
Expect more remakes and reruns from the 1990s.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Browncoats Celebrity Entertainment fantasy Firefly Guru Jay Serenity space Star Dust Star Trek Star Wars time travel True Blood TV TV and Showbiz TV shows Twilight Saga Twilight Zone vampires

Are You a Browncoat? How About That Firefly TV Show


Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Do you like Firefly? Are you a Browncoat? If you enjoy science fiction you’ll like this TV show. Although it survived only 1 season, there are a number of great episodes.
Firefly gives you value. It’s a low budget Star Dust with high aspirations. In other words, it’s a wannabe Star Trek/ Star Wars.
The TV show allows the audience to escape. For an hour, you forget about your bills due next week. For an hour, your worries go away.
In itself Firefly is unrealistic. But, if you have a vivid imagination, then this is your show! Firefly uniquely blends space and time travel.
If you can’t sleep, watch Firefly on demand.
It’s fun. Gina Torres reminds me a lot of Rudolph the red nose reindeer because she’s a brownnoser. And she makes the season bright.
The Serenity movie falls short of writing, direction, and production. There are YouTube videos better than this film. I’m a Firefly fan who dislikes Serenity. Am I the only 1?
When it’s late at night, I sometimes watch the Tonight Show. I used to stay up longer in watch Conan O’Brien when he was on NBC. Then, after that I watch Science Fiction and Fantasy.
TV always gets better with time because you can go back into the archive. Let’s dig up a little dirt. Stephenie Meyer needs to give credit to the Twilight Zone and True Blood.
Firefly has a highly engaged fan base. Check out the community. You’ll learn facts about characters, storylines, and more.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Celebrity Exodus: Gods and Kings foreign language Genghis Khan Guru Jay Hollywood language Marco Polo Mongols Movies Netflix Passion of the Christ TV TV shows Words

Why I Won’t Review Exodus Or Watch Marco Polo


Mel Gibson got it right with Passion of the Christ. Director Gibson realized the power of language and used it to his advantage. He brilliantly selected Aramaic because that’s what Jesus spoke.

In 2001, moviegoers didn’t mind reading subtitles. I don’t mind reading subtitles at all. In fact, sometimes I watch American films with subtitles because I value the price of words.

I would write a review of Exodus but I won’t watch the movie unless I get free tickets. Why? To be frank, Moses did not speak English. Why would I go see an unrealistic portrayal of a great man?

Marco Polo

After seeing the first 10 minutes of NetFlix’s Marco Polo, I turned off my device. How dare they insult the great Genghis Khan and his descendants. Don’t watch Marco Polo unless you’re high. Otherwise, you don’t value your time or money. At this point, I might cancel NetFlix.

English shouldn’t be the default language of all screenplays. Here’s an idea Hollywood. Why don’t you write the first draft in English and pay a translator. You outsource everything else!

Why I refuse to review Exodus or watch Marco Polo

I won’t review Exodus because Moses spoke Hebrew last time I checked. I can’t even finish the whole trailer. And I refuse to see a full episode of Marco Polo because I never heard of a Mongol speaking English. Mel Gibson is a lot of things. But he’s right about one thing…

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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24 (India) American Idol Cuba Dalai Lama Exported Imported Kim Kardashian Law & Order North Korea O.C. Pope Francis Reality shows Reruns The Voice TV TV and Showbiz TV shows Walking Dead

Imported Vs. Exported TV Shows

By: Guru Jay

Imports and Exports

You better not get caught sneaking a Cuban cigar into the Florida Everglades. That’s a big no-no. Your best bet is to go to Denver or Seattle and puff, puff and puff away.

Don’t be like Dennis Rodman and import luxury goods into North Korea. That’s a big red flag for the TSA. I’m quite sure they gave Rebounding Rodman a full body cavity search.

You can become super rich by running a legitimate import/export business. Familiarize yourself with International Law & Order and you’ll be a millionaire in no time. If you want to be a billionaire, try importing and exporting Television shows.

Did you know the Law & Order TV show was exported to the United Kingdom? 
Or that Shark Tank was imported from Japan? Or that Married with Children was exported to Argentina?

Married With Children Argentina

The Diversity of Television

Turn on your TV. Change the channel. Do a little channel surfing this spring.

Isn’t television great? If you missed your favorite show, ten times out of ten the episode will be repeated. Do you know people who watch the same show and same episode over and over again?

Oh, am I describing you or “your best friend” (wink, wink)? There’s no shame in loving TV. There’s something on TV for everyone to enjoy.

You have your pick of the litter. If you want to watch a show about cats, you can change to the Animal Planet channel.

Meanest Cat Ever

If you want to literally see someone surfing this spring, there is a network for you.

Have you ever wanted to walk in someone else’s boots? Why not watch Swamp People? Swamp People is the latest reality show sensation.

Stay up-to-date. TV is changing by the second. Another channel is being created as I write. 

One of my personal favorites is HBO’s BoardWalk Empire. OMG, Boardwalk Empire is an experience that takes you back in time. It’s a shame the TV executives are canceling the show in the fifth season.

I have an idea. Why don’t we start a petition for Boardwalk Empire? I just hate to see the show end. There’s nothing else like the Empire.

But, I believe Boardwalk Empire must end because it is too expensive to produce. I will watch the reruns of Boardwalk though, as a way of coping with reality.

Reality is the problem. It seems everybody is addicted to reality shows now. Is this true?

I refuse to believe nobody wants to watch a well-written script and polished production. Maybe, the issue is finances. 

Boardwalk Empire

It all comes down to money. You learn in Accounting that Net Income is the bottom line. The TV executives rather make reality shows because they are cheap.

As a result, TV enthusiasts are getting hoodwinked. If it’s reality you want, they’ll make sure you get plenty of it. I’m not talking about all reality shows. I am referring to the overwhelming vast majority of them.

Reality shows inevitably show you the hardships of life. That’s why I choose to watch sitcoms, TV dramas, and thrillers. I have my own problems, I don’t need to see Honey Boo-Boo’s trials and tribulations.

If we wanted a reality show, we could get one. Our reality show might help pay  some of the bills. Maybe, reality shows aren’t so bad after all.

Okay, yes they are so bad! Seriously, it’s entertainment at the expense of sanity. Kim Kardashian and the K-clan have infected the minds of the youth.

Kim Kardashian

Photo By: David Shankbone

Do we really want to send the message of “shopping until you drop” to our children. Think about it. Then, get back to me.

Kim Kardashian has more Twitter followers than the Dalai Lama and the Pope combined. You can’t make this stuff up. 

Have you thought about it?

I love good television but I dislike bad television with a passion. I don’t watch a lot of TV these days. If I’m lucky I watch an hour per day.

On Sunday, the Walking Dead aired the season finale. I didn’t watch it but I read all about it. It’s everywhere on the Internet. Chime in if you’re a fan…

I dedicate this post to good TV. I compiled a list for your enjoyment. You will find a comparison of Imported Vs. Exported TV shows.

Imported TV Shows

The following TV shows originated overseas.

1. Sherlock

2. Downton Abbey

3. Flashpoint 

Hugh Dillon

Photo By: Theo & Juliet Photography

4. Doctor Who

5. Orphan Black

Dylan Bruce

Photo By: Tabercil
6. Crossing Lines

7. Continuum

8. The Office

9. Shark Tank

Mark Cuban

Photo By: James Duncan Davidson/O’Reilly Media, Inc.

10. Homeland

11. Big Brother

12. Ugly Betty

13. Who’s Line is It Anyway?

14. American Idol

Simon Cowell’s Best Insults 

15. The Mole

16. All in the Family

17. The Voice


Photo By: Ames Friedman

18. Sanford and Son

19. Survivor

20. Shameless

21. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

22. Dancing With the Stars

23. Iron Chef: America

Exported TV Shows

These TV shows were made in the U.S.A. 

1. O.C. (Turkey)

2. Law & Order (U.K.) 

Law & Order (U.K.)

3. The Simpsons (United Arab Emirates) 

4. The Nanny (Russia)

5. Marry With…Children (Argentina)

6. Everybody Loves Raymond (Russia)
7. The Golden Girls (Greece)

8. Prison Break (Russia)

9. 24 (India)

10. Who’s the Boss (U.K.)

11. House (Worldwide)

Hugh Laurie

Photo By: Kristin Dos Santos

I encourage you to chime in and get the discussion rolling. No matter what I say, TV is here forever. Even if we watch our favorite shows on our computers over the Internet, it is still television.

Reality shows are another component of TV that have changed the production business. Again, no matter what I write, for better or worst reality shows are here to stay. But, there is still hope for TV.

The purpose of television is to inform and entertain. My hope is that the Guru Jay Blog has provided you informative entertainment. Keep your eyes glued to the screen… I am Guru Jay signing off… In the words of Conan O’Brien, “Bye, everybody bye!”