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Who’s Watching Empire Season 2?


The second season of Empire is shattering records. Although the first two episodes started slowly, the third episode was incredible. And last night’s episode set the tone.
We’re learning more details about Lucious Lyon. The writers use flashbacks to allow viewers to piece together Lyon’s puzzling past. You gain a strong understanding of his complex relationships with family and music.
More TV shows should consider having limited commercial interruption like Empire. I believe producers have the viewers in mind. They’re obviously listening to constructive criticism too.

Where do I begin because there’s so much drama? Let’s see, Andre and his wife dig up Vernon in order to save his daddy’s ass. Now, the big-breasted prosecutor doesn’t have a case against Lucious because her snitch is dead.

Cookie and Hakeem started a new record label called Dynasty. And Hakeem is hell-bent on forming an all Latina music group. Unfortunately, his father buys every urban radio station and blackballs him from the air. On top of that, he signs Hakeem’s lead singer (Becky G) to Empire.

The frustrated Hakeem stabs Jamal’s giant Rolling Stone photo at their music video shooting. At one point the rapper grabs a baseball bat when attacking his brother. I guess the brothers are not gonna work it out.
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On the sidebar, Chris Rock, Ludacris, Pitbull, NeYo and more celebrities make appearances.

Meanwhile, Cookie believes Lucious plans to destroy her startup company by hiring thugs to rob her office. Don’t fret because Cookie is packing heat. Now, her distrust of Lucious has reached a new high.
Jamal catches his boyfriend receiving a sex act from the Rolling Stone photographer. And Andre invites the Lyons to his baptism. Surprisingly, everyone including Lucious comes.

That’s only the half of it. The new trailer shows that Hakeem’s been kidnapped. You’ll have to wait until November 4th to see what happens. You can check out my previous Empire posts here: Who’s Watching Empire?, Who’s Watching Empire Part II?, Who’s Watching Empire Part III?

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House of Cards Season 3: Episode 3 Recap


Starring as President Underwood, Kevin Spacey is setting the tone for season 3. In episode 3, Underwood meets with Russian President Petrov, first at the State Dinner, then at the Oval office. The recently divorced Petrov is the world’s most eligible bachelor.
At first glance, Underwood and his highly esteemed guest hit it off until Petrov starts screwing with the First Lady. From that point forward, Underwood scrutinizes the Russian President’s every action.
Petrov leads invited politicians and celebrities in drinking games. The leader insists this is according to Russian tradition, but I don’t buy that baloney. Everyone keeps drinking, obeying Petrov’s command, and accepting Communism except for Pussy Riot.

Pussy Riot disrupts President Petrov’s toast making an unforgettable exit.
When will Michael Kelly’s character former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper get the message? The administration has written Stamper off as a liability. Recall Stamper started the season helpless in a hospital. Now, he can’t sit still because the character wants to continue working for Underwood.
President Frank makes good on his promise and the First Lady becomes the United Nations Ambassador. Claire develops a strategic and romantic relationship with Secretary of State Catherine Durant. Jayne Atkinson plays secretaries like Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice combined.
Additionally, Underwood plans to make the Solicitor General a Supreme Court Justice. However, an elderly justice who’s in the early stages of the Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t want to relinquish his position. The evil pork-loving President effectively threatens to publicly expose the Justice’s illness.

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Although the POTUS told the Democratic leadership and America he rather govern than campaign for office nobody really believes him. Understand Underwood engages in doublespeak and secretly worships Satan. Democrats remind the President no one elected him every blue moon.  

This House of Cards episode not only shows the importance of strong foreign policy but how easily outside forces influence the United States government and how corruption spreads rampant.

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Scandal Premiere Episode Recap


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Last night’s Scandal premiere was like a riddle. The writers used flashbacks and Olivia Pope’s own imagination to tightly grip the audience ahold. And so, another sensational story is finished.
From the start, Pope makes a crucial mistake while being held captive. She sizes up her kidnappers by piecing together her predicament. But she didn’t figure her circumstances were carefully manufactured.
For the first time, the lead character loses complete control. Her Harvard education can’t save her. Olivia needs to use some street smarts.
Pope tries desperately to decipher reality. And in the process of elimination, her assumptions are all wrong. Who exactly is holding her hostage?
Is Olivia her own worst nightmare? She plays into their hands by feeding off scraps from their plate of lies. She eats her words.
The crisis manager is in crisis. Meanwhile, her captors are playing mind games and tricks. Will she cooperate? Can the hostage takers hypnotize Olivia into mental bondage?
Overthinking is Olivia Pope’s biggest problem. For once, can she admit to not having all the answers? The mistress unlocks the dungeon door only to find a false projection.
It appears the character is running through a maze both literally and figuratively. There’s hope after all though, because it seems the black lady is being held hostage in America.
Why hasn’t the Television Academy gave Kerry Washington an Emmy? Seriously, Washington should’ve won multiple awards by now.
This year, Kerry will win an Emmy because it’s long overdo. How can the judging body ignore Washington’s brilliant performances? I have her at #2 on my top 5 TV actresses countdown.
On Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry Washington sang praises to Shonda Rhimes. She’s too modest. While Rhimes might be the mastermind, Kerry is the backbone.
Overall, the premiere was great. I would watch it again. Have you seen it? Did you like last night’s Scandal premiere?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!