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The Interesting Tale of Mandy Moore


The Interesting Tale of Mandy Moore

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Once upon a time there were 3 princesses: Britney, Jessica, and Mandy. They were three of a kind so to say. At their peak potential, they rivaled one another.

Mandy Moore used to dominate MTV back when Carson Daly hosted Total Request Live (TRL). She could sing with the best of them including Britney Spears. She was more famous than Jessica Simpson at one point in time.

Then, something mysterious happened. She went away- not so much in the physical sense but in the supernatural sense. The pop princess was no longer famous in 2007. Yet, last year she comes out of nowhere like Supergirl all of a sudden.

I call this phenomenon the interesting tale of Mandy Moore. The multi-talented Mandy is a very intriguing specimen and fascinating story. She has her way- coming and going as she pleases. Few celebrities can enter and renter Tinseltown after spending time in Zombieland.

That’s why everybody is interested in Mandy Moore’s projects. This Is Us left fans literally dying for Moore. Moreover, the singer has proven she’s a wonderful actress. Whatever you do, don’t underestimate Mandy Moore’s magnetism.

This pop princess knows how to entertain the masses. From the Princess Diaries to Tangled, she came a long way on her journey. Who wants to be her Prince Charming? At 32 years old, Mandy is still young and vibrant.

Future Hollywood stars should learn from this celebrity. If you want to succeed in the entertainment business, sometimes you need to take it slow. Far too many actors/singers rush their game and don’t get to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

When you’re famous, work-life balance may become nonexistent. So try to be like Mandy who is living like a fairy tale. There’s a reason this princess is making headlines right now.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Academy Award Actors Actress Al Pacino Celebrity DC Comics film Glee Guru Jay Henry Cavill Hilary Duff Hollywood Hollywood Star Melissa Benoist Movies Scarface Supergirl Superman TV shows Whiplash

How Incredible Is Melissa Benoist?


How Incredible Is Melissa Benoist?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

We are reentering Supergirl season 2 and it’s safe to say Melissa Benoist is still super. I began binge watching Supergirl this week. And I’ve concluded that Melissa Benoist was put on earth to become Kara Zor-El on television. How does she do it, episode after episode? She’s absolutely incredible.

You can see the determination in her eyes. Melissa Benoist seeks glory as Supergirl. She belongs in the DC Comics. It is her destiny. No doubt Henry Cavill aka Superman is impressed by the former Glee star. Don’t forget that she is a multi-talented celebrity.

The triple threat actress is best suited and well-equipped. In other words, Benoist is up for the challenge at hand. So prepare yourself for a wild ride. She’ll flap her cape around and fly you high like a Boeing 777. Melissa is reaching new heights by the second.

It’s amazing watching Melissa in action. Whatever she touches turns to gold. I’m looking forward to her future movies. Moreover, the Hollywood star deserves a pay raise.

She’s in a similar position as Hilary Duff. All she needs is one big blockbuster or an Academy Award, and she’s set for life. Supergirl has a shelf-life, but Melissa Benoist’s name can go down in history.

Benoist digs deep down into the heart and soul of a character. You should check out her performance in Whiplash. Not only does she play a wonderful supporting actress, she’s a terrific love interest.

Maybe, Supergirl could play Batman’s lover now that the Batman v. Superman saga is completed. How’s that for a script? Superman and Batman end up as brother-in-laws. You get my drift (they’re family). Unfortunately, the likely ending scenario is like Scarface. Do you remember the scene when Al Pacino’s character Tony Montana discovered his sister Gina in lingerie at his best friend’s home? They had recently got married. That’s a story for another day.

Anyway, I say all this to say Melissa Benoist is absolutely incredible.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!