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Is Michael Bublé Music’s Supermoon?


Is Michael Bublé music’s supermoon?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Michael Bublémay be the best Christmas season singer of all time. He compares favorably with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Mariah Carey. Without question, his Christmas album makes Guru Jay’s top 5. What more does Michael Bubléhave left to prove?

Plus, as a singer/celebrity his star power shines/glows like a supermoon. For some reason, whenever it snows I think about Bublé. Does he build a compelling case for mother nature and environmental lovers to consume or what? You must love how much the I Believe In You celebrity believes in you all- his fans.

Additionally, The Nobody But Me singer understands how to be himself in front of many others. He doesn’t mind being selfish sometimes, which is a good thing. Now, arrogance is another thing all together. He doesn’t currently lead 2.43 million Twitter followers by accident.

Moreover, this talented Canadian born musician has won 4 Grammys. Did you know Bubléis a naturalized Italian citizen as well? In other words, his music literally has international reach and global appeal.

“Don’t know what the country’s coming to. But in Rome do as the Romans do. Will you on an evening in Roma.” Dean Martin said it best: Sott’er Celo De Roma, but Michael Bublé‘s version is still great.
According to NASA, skywatchers haven’t seen a supermoon this close since 1948. Likewise, music enthusiasts won’t hear of another Michael Bubléfor generations. Maybe, Michael Bublé really is music’s supermoon.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors brand Celebs Cover Girl Desperate Housewives Entertainment Eva Longoria Frontera Guru Jay Hollywood Hot Pursuit Latinas Modern Family Movies sitcoms Sofia Vergara Star Power TV

Sofía Vergara, Eva Longoria, and Brand/ Star Power

How dirty is Hollywood’s politics? How shady is Hollywood’s business? Are you sure you want to work in this entertainment industry?

Sofía Vergara is a bigger brand but Eva Longoria is a brighter star. There is a clear distinction between brand and star power. The brand will last long after the star has burnt out.
Did you know Vergara gets paid to drink Diet Pepsi? Also, Sofía stars in Rooms to Go commercials. Plus, she is a Cover Girl.

Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Pressley, and Bob Marley died but their image and likeness lives on through merchandising. I respect Sofía Vergara’s brand and marketing. Sources say Vergara has a net worth of $85 million and counting. In comparison, estimates put Eva Longoria’s value at $35 million.
I wonder sometimes whether Longoria realizes her star power, because she’s seriously underutilizing her famous name. Nonetheless, I applaud the celebrity’s charitable activities. What is more, I believe her philanthropy is making a difference.
By no means is Eva the perfect role model. However, she gladly confronts challenging issues. Plus, Eva seems humble.

I like Sofía but she appears overconfident. Nobody is above the law of Father Time. At some point beauty fades fast. I’m not saying Vergara can’t act, but Longoria is better.
Doesn’t Sofía deserve recognition for Modern Family? The Colombian-American plays her part terrifically. Latinos should embrace Vergara with open arms. It’s amazing the highest paid TV star is Latina.
I consider Longoria and Vergara the TV version of Cameron Diaz and Jessica Alba. Like Diaz and Alba, they are both dazzling and in high demand. So, why aren’t Eva and Sofía in more movies?

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
I’ve heard Hot Pursuit starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofía Vergara is giggle-filled. Furthermore, Frontera is some of Eva Longoria’s best work. Do you see why Sofía and Eva are the best Latina actresses? 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!