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NBC SNL Episode 2 Breakdown: Was This One Great?


NBC SNL Episode 2 Breakdown: Was This One Great? 

Let’s begin the breakdown recognizing SNL Host Michael B. Jordan and musical guest Lil Baby. Last weekend Aubrey Plaza did a fantastic job hosting the TV show. This weekend was Jordan’s turn. Would he bring as much energy or even more? Everybody had an expectation for him. What was yours?

I felt Michael B. Jordan was going to slam dunk this one. Like the superstar he is, Jordan’s crossover to live television was a no brainer. Before writing this blog post, I learned more about the actor and published another blog post you might enjoy. Who knew the extent of his television presence? The Creed III Director/ Lead Actor possesses a multitude of talents.

It was a solid opening for episode 2. SNL covered the latest in politics as usual and got the ball rolling.  Not too long after Michael B. Jordan came onto the stage, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, and Ego Nwodim came on or should I say came on to him. So far, the TV show was hilarious. Saturday Night Live knows how to play up every tool in their toolkit. By far the funniest thing was Ego showing up on stage in a wedding dress. This one was great. The material was well-written from start to finish. Like Creed, the night was packed with punches. 

Was Lil Baby Pretty Good?

When Lil Baby took the stage to perform the hit California Breeze, it was a wrap. Saturday Night Live had me sold on the night. Michael B. Jordan owned it. Every sketch delivered a ton of value. Just like I tweeted before the show even started, this was TV gold. There were so many elements that combined to make this work seem effortless.

What Was the Skit That Stole the Night?

If there’s one prerecorded skit that stole the night, it was Michael B. Jordan playing the State Farm guy. I tweeted that the insurance companies owe SNL money. All that advertisement can’t be free. This had to generate the most responses on Twitter because everybody was talking about it. Overall, Jordan was all over the place demonstrating his range. He played a water guy and a fireman. Well, he played a stripper dressed as a firefighter with pregnant baby mama issues. 

Last But Not Least

What else should an SNL TV show watcher know about after episode 2? Kenan Thompson had his moment playing a doorman on Weekend Update. Colin Jost and Michael Che are a good team. Lil Baby’s second song was a little more dramatic. It told a story and could crossover genres. Whoever was his pianist was incredible. 

What are your thoughts? Did you watch SNL this weekend? Are you looking forward to next weekend’s host Pedro Pascal from HBO’s The Last of Us?

Nothing quite beats live television. Thanks for reading this blog post. Did you catch any of my live Tweets? Follow me on Twitter @IamGuruJay and Instagram @TheGuruJay for more content.

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Michael B. Jordan Is One of the Best Actors

Pay attention to Michael B. Jordan!

If you’re an actor or a fan, you must see him shine. On my blog, I’ll see to it that his star shines bright as ever. What more does Jordan have to do for me to convince you he is one of the best of his generation? Here’s an actor whose filmography stands up to the best of them. Talk about Creed I, II, and now III. Plus, there’s Fruitvale Station and Journal for Jordan. His acting skills are on another level. He’s untouchable and unstoppable. Add Black Panther to the fold and we have an amazing entertainer. 

I really like his performance in Journal for Jordan.

Inspired by true events, the film that Denzel Washington directed highlights the best of emotions and raw feelings. The actor does an outstanding job playing a U.S. Army first sergeant. You would think he completed basic training at the very least. What separates Michael B. Jordan from other actors is preparation and dedication.In addition, he is believable as Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan. Without Remorse is a must-see movie. You’ll enjoy Jodie Turner-Smith in the supporting actress role as well. 

Are you a fan of the actor? How long have you followed his career?

Maybe he’s been on my radar for about a decade. I wasn’t too familiar with his work on the Wire. But now, I’m intrigued to look back on his earlier television roles and more. It’s always interesting to see how much a celebrity develops their craft. Jordan can play the superstar (Jack Ryan) or the sidekick (Killmonger). With a reach like his, he can impact the masses with a social media post or PSA.

Tonight, on Saturday January 28, 2023, Michael B. Jordan will host NBC Saturday Night Live (SNL). Are you looking forward to seeing him perform as much as I am?

I can’t wait to see the surprises in store for the audience. Also, I may Tweet like last weekend just for fun. Of course, there’s a chance I might give a pop quiz. Now is Michael B. Jordan’s time to shine. Saturday Night Live selected him for a reason. Doesn’t he have magnetic power? Stars attract attention…lots of it…some call it gossip.

This celebrity is in the entertainment news by personal choice. Do you think Jordan thinks about how much SNL will extend his reach? Or do you think a celebrity of his caliber only cares about awards and merits such as Golden Globes, Emmys, and Academy Awards. What drives him to work every day as hard as he does? Have you seen photos and videos of this man working out in the gym? That’s why I say he’s untouchable and unstoppable. He has a never quit mentality that transfers to the silver screen.

He and director Ryan Coogler have a strong bond. They should work on more films together. Also, I feel Michael B. Jordan has a great chemistry with Creed costar Tessa Thompson. I love seeing them share the big screen. Finally, I can’t wait to watch Creed III on March 3, 2023. Did you know Jordan directed this one on his own?

If you like movies, music, television, celebrities, and all things entertainment, you have discovered the right place. Follow me @IamGuruJay on Twitter and @TheGuruJay on Instagram for more content. Until next time, enjoy the moment. Thanks! 

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Put Aubrey Plaza on the To Do List This Weekend!

What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to have some fun? Read this!

Put the 2013 The To Do List actor on the 2023 To Do List! I’m referring to the Hollywood star Aubrey Plaza. She is hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023. Here at Guru Jay Entertainment, we’re going to see to it that she shines as bright as possible. I write about celebrities because I like celebrating. Aubrey Plaza is someone who excites the audience. You come to expect great things from this entertainer. I love her work. She works hard and it shows. Some may even say she’s a little showoff, but I disagree. 

So, where did this celebrity come from? Well, we know she was a regular on Parks and Recreation. But did you also know she was an intern on Saturday Night Live in 2005? I found that out via watching the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The point is everybody starts from somewhere. Where you go is up to factors: some beyond your control and others within. I like Plaza’s touch to productions. Have you seen the star perform in Fx’s Legion? 

If you enjoy comedy and Elizabeth Olsen, I encourage you to watch Ingrid Goes West. It’s an intriguing plot with dynamic characters and a nice setting. Also, if you want to see some of Plaza’s newer material, queue Black Bear and Emily the Criminal. Lastly, everybody is talking about the actress in the White Lotus. 

Plus, the comedic actor’s body of work is full of successes. If she had a gym franchise, it would be worth over a billion dollars. I’m looking forward to seeing her SNL performance. It’s long overdue.

Let’s have some fun this weekend and watch SNL hosted by Aubrey Plaza. LET AUBREY PLAZA SHINE.

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Why James Franco Is a Cream of the Crop Talent


In 2007, I watched the IMAX version of Spider-Man 3 starring Tobey Maguire in theaters. It was one of the best superhero movies I’ve ever seen. I remember identifying with James Franco’s character (Harry Osborn) at the time. Franco was very convincing in his role.

They were going to make Spider-Man 4 but cancelled. What are your thoughts on the new Spider-Man? I haven’t seen the new franchise yet. James Franco is the main reason I like the original.

When I was younger, I watched Freaks & Geeks on TV. I didn’t care if they were reruns. I memorized the theme song “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett. This show, much like That 70’s Show, was a hot topic of popular culture by teenagers. Again, James Franco’s character (Daniel Desario) was relatable. James Franco literally stole the show.

I’ve been a James Franco fan for a long time. He is an impressive guy. Did you know he has a PHD? That’s one reason he is believable in Planet of the Apes as Dr. Rodman. I feel he has earned coveted roles because of his education.

James Franco excels at drama, but comedic acting is his forte. I argue that Pineapple Express is his best movie bar none. Maybe, that’s a little strong but you understand. His chemistry with Seth Rogen is unmatched.

Moreover, James Franco is a Saturday Night Live (SNL) legend. He’s hosted the show four times to date, and I’ve watched every minute of his SNL.
Have you seen 127 Hours? The thespian put his heart and soul into the film. Additionally, he has demonstrated his remarkable talent in a variety of other films.

This Hollywood star succeeds because he takes risks. James Franco sticks his neck out and goes the whole nine yards. That’s why he is a cream of the crop talent.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
best dancers Bruno Mars celebrity net worth Entertainment Guru Jay Justin Timberlake Music NSYNC show business Singers SNL hosts Suit & Tie Usher Usher vs. Justin Timberlake Who is the best?

Who Is the Best Entertainer? Usher Vs. Justin Timberlake


Statistics show the entertainment industry collects approximately $2 Trillion annually. Music and movies make up a large portion of the proceeds. Consequently, singers and actors must tirelessly compete for unequal opportunities.
Besides Hedge Fund Managers and Fortune 500 CEOS, upper echelon celebrities make the most money worldwide. Moreover, elite celebrities are well compensated because they can sway a million opinions in 30 seconds. If time is of the essence, then the moment belongs to celebrity businessmen Usher and Justin Timberlake.
Usher owns restaurants, a record label, and a minority stake in a professional basketball team. Music artists can learn how to develop their business acumen from the superstar. Plus, Usher teaches eager students how to handle insane fame and manage a tight-knit family.

Justin Timberlake owns a clothing line, part of Myspace, and a share of the Memphis Grizzles. Furthermore, I believe both musicians are not finished producing prolific albums.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Music lovers amplify and magnify Justin Timberlake’s presence on the world’s stage. Because he’s been under the spotlight for decades, he never seems nervous. Also, Justin is one of the best Saturday Night Live hosts in history. Who recalls Dick in a Box

Before Bruno Mars was famous, Timberlake led NSYNC to glorious victories. Young people don’t remember Justin’s seven-year stint with the boy band but this period was essential to his development. Right now, the classy NSYNC leader and President of Pop fights in the heavyweight division.
Usher, who plays Sugar Ray Leonard in Hands of Stone, is fittingly a welterweight. Still, Usher is a more talented dancer than Timberlake. Make no mistake, Justin is an awesome dancer but Usher’s footwork forever changed show business.
What are your favorite Justin Timberlake songs? I like Mirrors, Suit & Tie, and Senorita. What are your favorite Usher songs? Confessions, Love in This Club, Climax, and Moving Mountains are a few of my personal favorites.
Finally, who is the best entertainer? Chime in your comments. Share with buttons at bottom of this post.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!