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Wasn’t Hulu’s How I Met Your Father Premiere Spectacular Entertainment?

Do you like entertainment? Here I like to inform you as well as entertain. I’m a celebrity blogger who enjoys seeing the stars shine.

Right now, I can’t get enough of Hilary Duff, so I wrote this blog about Hulu’s How I Met Your Father season 2 premiere. How I Met Your Father should be on everybody’s radar by now. If you like lighthearted television comedies, then this TV show will have your wheels spinning. There is a ton of content you can consume in season 1: 10 episodes to be exact and they all pack a punch. Remember each episode is somebody’s precious baby, just like each blog post I write. Read on for my spin on things, specifically season 2. 

First of all, Hilary Duff plays the lead character Sophie. Next, the story is set in present day New York City (NYC). An older, wiser Sophie narrates the story to her unseen son over a phone call via her home in the year 2050. Yeah, this show is futuristic alright. All I’m saying is 27 years is a long time from now. Okay, so there are other characters besides Duff who make the sitcom pleasing too. I really like Valentina, played by Francia Raisa and Ellen, played by Tien Tran. There are so many talented actors on the show it isn’t funny. Where do I start name dropping?

SPOILER ALERT: the father returns to New York from Australia in the premiere. And so, the lead character follows her man’s lead and rekindles her romantic life with him. Like luggage, there’s so much to unpack. There are layers upon layers to this story. For instance, before How I Met Your Father, How I Met Your Mother came into being. Wasn’t Hulu’s HIMYF season 2 premiere spectacular entertainment?

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Five Stars


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Five Stars

Are you binge-watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Part 1 of Season 4 is now available on Netflix. I highly recommend watching this comedy.

Season 4 is six episodes of fun. Plus, the first 3 seasons are enjoyable too. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a very popular show.

According to Streamline, the sitcom is number 1 on Netflix. Additionally, it is the best comedy TV show by other metrics. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtcompetes with ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC sitcoms. Soon, I believe Netflix will release ratings to prove it.

Here is a brief background of the TV show. The show is about a cult survivor named Kimmy Schmidt. Kimmy ultimately ends up living in New York City after the cult is rescued from a bunker. They were living underground for 15 years.

She must cope with trauma and start a new life. Kimmy deals with real world issues such as underemployment and low social status. At first, she can’t even find an apartment there.

Eventually, the now nanny moves in with Titus Andromedon. If you thought Kimmy Schmidt was a character, then Titus is another thing coming. In many ways, Titus is the backbone of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Every episode gives you something different. Ellie Kemper is awesome. She does a fantastic job staying in character and progressing.

Ellie Kemper tickles your funny bone… with a feather of course. She’s extremely likeable and pleasant. I wonder what is next for Kemper. She should star in major movies.

Moreover, there is a natural flow and sequence of events on this sitcom. The writing is terrific. And the characters are unbelievable.

Your sense of humor is taken on a journey. If you like over-the-top jokes and want a thrilling ride, then get on the bandwagon. I can’t promise you Lyft or Uber but you get five stars.

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Kristen Bell: From House of Lies to the Good Place


Celebrity vegan Kristen Bell is in the news because her new show the Good Place is a hit. I expect this program to be around for at least three years. It has all the right elements to succeed. Doesn’t everybody love Ted Danson as well? Or maybe, that’s Raymond but Cheers to Ted.

You get my drift. If Anna Fariscarved her career path out with a machete, Kristen Bell made waves with a surfboard. Many men fantasize about getting CPR from this hot Lifeguard lead actress.

It appears Kristen Bell is done with lying on the House of Lies but she’s still in the house. I watched the first two episodes of the Good Place and I’m impressed. I’m not won over easily. You have to go the extra mile and knock it out the park with me. Having high standards is rare.

Have you noticed how much the celebrity contributes to original entertainment in various ways? She’s a staple on TV from Showtime to NBC. Plus, her Hollywood pictures perform big numbers at the box office. Don’t forget the actor’s doing voiceovers in movies such as Frozen too.

Excluding Frozen, what is your favorite Bell movie? Some of my favorites include: the Boss, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and You Again.

You see Kristen Bell stands at 5’1” but she’s really 6’2” on Twitter. Because being a celebrity adds 1 foot to your height, she’s one of the tallest women in the world. Take Tom Cruise for instance. How tall do you think he is? Tom Cruiseis actually a giant.

I am having fun here. Right now, the blonde actress has a full plate and can retire when she gets ready. Remember it’s never too late to become famous. Many people in the entertainment business get off to a late start. Everybody can’t reach stardom as quick as the one and only Kristen Bell.

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90s Actors Best Blog Celebrity comedy Entertainment Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Home Improvement Last Man Standing Movies Nostalgia Santa Clause Showbiz sitcoms Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz

What’s In Tim Allen’s Toolbox?

What’s in Tim Allen’s toolbox? Home Improvement’s Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor is one of the most memorable characters ever period Let’s begin the discussion.
Who has seen every Home Improvement episode besides me? This TV show made the 1990s a great decade. Thanks to Tim Allen, we were given greatness in syndication too.
They don’t make sitcoms like this anymore. Moreover, characters aren’t given enough time to develop. Hell, someone’s always eliminated on Game of Thrones. Something’s gotta give.
I know it’s apples and oranges but Big Bangcould never replace Home Improvementbecause society would no longer accept it. In the history of mankind families are evermore distant. What’s going on?
Home Improvement represented a noble idea. Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor wasn’t the perfect handyman or the perfect father. But he was present. He was there in the moment.
Tim Allen’s comedy whether in movies (Santa Clause) or on TV (Last Man Standing) reminds us to appreciate these moments and to create them. What is more, have the grunts to prove it! Tim Allen is one of the best comedic actors of all time.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I want to see a remake of Grumpy Old Menstarring Allen and Steve Martin. Tim’s talent could have been wasted if he fed into distractions. Instead he stayed focused and chose to make something from nothing. Like Kid Rock, there won’t be another Tim Allen.
Yeah, you’ll find copycats meowing here and there. But if you wanna hear a lion roar, then you can find Tim Allen driving in his Chevy convertible top down and hair blowing everywhere. Tim Allen earned a celebrity car endorsement from Chevy.
Final thoughts, Tim Allen must have a funny tool in his toolbox otherwise he wouldn’t need Al’s help so much. Home Improvementwas a great American pastime. Most importantly, Mr. Allen makes the most of everything in his toolbox.
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Who’s Laughing with Chris Rock?


Could you use a good laugh? Watch Chris Rock’s movies, standups, and TV show reruns. For a while, Chris was Mr. HBO. Plus, Everybody Hates Chris was a major hit.
Chris Rock’s brand of comedy is still solid. He always talks about edgy topics. How many times must networks censor his standup material?
You can’t watch Chris Rock on Comedy Central’s TV network unedited. Thank God for freedom of speech. It is vital that comedians represent the whole truth of society.
Although the truth hurts, the pain helps you grow. Ask any tall man and he’ll tell you how hard it is on your knees, legs, and feet. It’s called growing pains for good reason.

Chris Rock grows on you. Like beer, you have to acquire a taste for his comedy. Sometimes, the comic’s jokes leave a bitter taste by design.
The celebrity doesn’t mind failing, and that’s why he’s successful. I admire how Chris has excelled despite being poor. What is more, he makes a handsome profit from his struggles, because he discusses poverty in memorable scenes and sketches.
Have you seen Head of State? If Bernie Mac is the King of Comedy, then Chris Rock is President-Elect. Who can deny his influence?
Plenty of comedians study his every movement. His younger brother/ comic Tony Rock respects his hustle. Indeed, Chris Rock is a certified hustler.

Case in point, CB4 and Pootie Tang came out of nowhere. Making something out of nothing is what this comedic actor does best. The Hollywood idol doesn’t need a giant studio or distributor to create exceptional content.
Like Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker, Chris Rock is in full effect. Longevity in the comedy world is atypical. Overall, Chris Rock can’t complain too much about his lucrative career. Amazingly, he continues creating relevant content.
Who’s laughing with Chris Rock?

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Who Is Watching Dr. Ken?


Laughter is the best medicine. And Dr. Ken is the best doctor. Well, Ken Jeong is at minimum the funniest physician on prime time.
Have you made your appointment with the doctor yet? Will you bend over so he can examine your funny bone? Ken Jeong stars as Dr. Ken in a new hilarious sitcom named after him.
Who is watching Dr. Ken? I’ve watched the TV show for a few weeks now. It keeps getting better each episode.
You know sitcoms come and go, but I believe Dr. Ken is here to stay. Credit the casting department for finding tremendously talented people. Do you like Tisha Campbell-Martin?
Overall, this show contains the right mixture of ingredients. Check it out right after a long day of work. Forget about the stresses that pain you.

There are too many criminal thrillers and not enough comedies. Dr. Ken delivers potent jokes in dosages. He noticeably deviates from the norm.
Can Hollywood’s executive producers take more breaks from violence? How about creating more comedy shows for a change?    
You won’t find another show with all of Dr. Ken’s components. It plays to the audience’s curiosities. Taboo topics aren’t off limits. In fact, controversy is welcome.

At Guru Jay, I filter the best entertainment news. Believe me, Dr. Ken is worth watching. Don’t wait until season 5 when the characters are completely developed to jump on the bandwagon.
Right now is a prime opportunity to become a fan. It is important to support shows in the beginning. I’ve seen several great programs get cancelled. Even TV shows with unbelievable numbers get axed.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

If you like Dr. Ken, send a tweet, post a comment, etc. If you like me, spread the message via word of mouth and come back for more. I’m all about holistic medicine. 

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Appreciate the Comedic Genius of Kevin James

I’m firmly against censorship. I admire celebrities that take chances. Don’t you appreciate comedians, because they say whatever the hell they want to say? If everybody is politically correct society as we know it is over!

I like Kevin James because he’s upbeat and all over the place. He takes his audience into his own little world like a hostage taker. He won’t let go of you until he gets what he wants.
Do you watch King of Queens reruns? That TV show has it all. King of Queensdoesn’t shortchange you, in large part because of Kevin James.
I’m singing his praises because he’s one of the best comics left standing. Do you remember Last Comic Standing? Did you know that Kevin James was discovered on a similar show called Star Search?
You know Kevin kept winning. And don’t we love winners? Though his TV show ran its course, he had an amazing ride filming movies. No matter how corny the plots may be, James makes it happen.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I’m not saying Botox but Kevin James looks younger than his age. God blesses some people with great genes. What is more, Kevin is comfortable in his skin.
He plays minor roles like Hitch. And he leads the way in movies such as Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Zoo Keeper. Did you see Grownups and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry?
I believe Adam Sandler and Kevin James push each other to the extreme. If you ask me, they’re both great comedians, but James is better. Sandler comes across as insensitive at times. You rarely read about Kevin James being a bigot, because he stays away from controversy. 
Still, you appreciate the comic because he delivers beefy material. Plus, he presents jokes in a professional manner. The comedian proves it is possible to have fun, without making fun of your audience.

Appreciate the comedic genius of Kevin James.

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