Beyoncé Celebrities Coldplay dancing Destiny's Child Entertainment Famous Fifth Harmony Grammys Guru Jay Hummer magazine cover money Music Partition Rolls Royce sex symbol Single Ladies Tupac Shakur

How Beyoncé Became Famous


Is it ironic that Queen Bee’s music creates buzz? If Beyoncé were an artist, she’d sculpt masterpieces. The Flawless songstress makes passionate ballads and original songs.

Like Tina Turner, Beyoncé drives a Hummer. Big wheels keep on turning and the proud Ava Maria singer keeps on singing. Bee rolls around in Rolls Royce’s as well as dough.

Because Beyoncé delivers like Fed Ex, she tops my favorite pop star list. There’s a ton of musicians who lookup to Queen Bee. What is more, music lovers appreciate her steadiness. While Partition receives the highest critical acclaim, other songs such as: Rocket, No Angel, XO and Drunk in Love are noteworthy titles on the self-titled Beyoncé album.

Who else dreamt of dating Beyoncé? Who remembers when the dream girl posed on the Sports Illustrated magazine cover? Do new fans understand the entertainer’s gradual rise? Nothing, except miracles, happens overnight.

Beyoncé became famous by constantly touring and making media appearances. In addition to practicing routines, Queen Bee practices humility. In spite of sometimes appearing narcissistic, the Houston native doesn’t have a problem with staying grounded. 

Mrs. Knowles-Carter recently reached peak performance. Can you imagine the Freakum Dress creator getting freakier? By now, you’ve learned to never underestimate her sexiness.

The entertainer’s dance moves are mesmerizing. Fifth Harmony mimics Knowles’s choreography and discography. Fifth Harmony grew up imitating Destiny’s Child. 

In retrospect, Beyoncé used Destiny’s Child as a steppingstone. Going solo may have been lucrative for Bee but at who’s expense? Furthermore, who’s really at fault for Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams’s fading fame?

Hopefully, Fifth Harmony stays the course like Coldplay. However, if it means creating the next Beyoncé they should breakup. You see they don’t make them like this anymore.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Beyoncé is famous for a reason. Becoming a celebrity is like playing poker. In the words of Tupac Shakur, Queen Bee got dealt a hell of a hand- 1 royal flush.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!