Actors actresses Celebrities Celebrity Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood hot Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence JLaw Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart KStew Liam Hemsworth Movies People Sexy Twilight Saga

Kristen Stewart Vs. Jennifer Lawrence BATTLE of the SEXIEST


Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a battle of the sexiest. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! It’s showtime…

In the red corner, she’s the Twilight Saga blood sucker…standing at 5 feet 5 inches short…weighing in at 120 pounds…24 years young…from Los Angeles, California girl/ Disneyland’s Kristen Stewart!

In the blue corner, best known for the Hunger Games with People’s sexiest man Liam Hemsworth…standing 5 feet 9 inches tall…weighing 139 pounds…24 year-old Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence!


Who’s the best looking? Who’s sexier? Who’s the most talented?

Pound for pound, I give KStew the nod for attractiveness and sexiness. Her beautiful blue eyes and long flowing hair makes me believe in fairytales. If Stewart wants it bad enough, she could be our generation’s Audrey Hepburn.

But, JLaw is the best actress. Kristen could learn how to act from Jennifer Lawrence. Studios want to get their hands on JLaw like the new Iphone. She’s a director’s dream.

Have you seen Silver Linings Playbook? You won’t find a better looking 21 year old on the silver screen than Jennifer. JLaw rocks a brunette hair color and turns more heads than DJango Unchained

Someday KStew and JLaw will make a movie together. I’d bet both would compromise their salaries for art’s sake. Artistically, I see Kristen as surpassing pretty woman Julia Roberts. 

The media constantly covers JLaw and neglects KStew. They’re doing fans a disservice. Wouldn’t you like to hear more about Kristen Stewart?

Nowadays if you want good news, you have to know where to look. Aren’t you tired of seeing the same story? Go to and I guarantee you won’t get bored. Search the blog archive for more fun.

I am Guru Jay and I don’t join the discussion. I start it. And sometimes I finish it. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Anna Paquin Channing Tatum Dwayne Johnson eye candy Game of Thrones hot Joanna Krupa Kerry Washingron Kim Kardashian Mark Wahlberg. Kendall Jenner Movies personalities Sexy turn-ons TV TV and Showbiz

TV Turn-Ons, Movie Eye Candy And Best Personalities

Are you turning on the TV or getting turned on by the TV? Are you eating candy at the movies; or are you watching movie eye candy? If Channing Tatum goes shirtless one more time, I’ll go bananas.
Times are-a changing. In the words of Lois from Family Guy “It seems today all we see is violence in movies and sex on TV.” How true! Shout Out to Seth MacFarlane.
Men are sexualized the most in movies. Women are objectified more often on television. I challenge you to surf through the channels. What do you see?
TV Turn-Ons
Keeping Up With the Kardashians is nothing without Kim. She’s the main attraction. Although Kendall Jenner is a star, Reality TV revolves around Kim Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian is a major turn-on to millions. You might not watch her show but you look at her Facebook and Instagram. It’s hard to miss her.
Recently, Kardashian’s brand expanded into apps. Do you play the Kardashian video game? Is it fun?

Reality star and model Joanna Krupa turns heads clockwise and counter clockwise. Do you have the time? Also, do you watch the Real Housewives?

The beautiful Kerry Washington plays Olivia Pope to perfection on Scandal. She is one of my favorites. Read 19 Best Black and Latina Actresses.
Anna Paquin sucks the blood out of a turnip. TheTrue Blood star plays Sookie Stackhouse all the way. When I’m not keeping up with the Kardashians, I keep up with Anna. She is a true TV turn-on at heart.
Park and Recreation relies on Rashida Jones. Although Amy Poehler is the lead, Jones carries that show with her ‘girl next door’ sex appeal. Her passion makes Park and Recreation a really great show to watch.
HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and Starz display the sexiest TV turn-ons and movie eye candy. You have the privilege of viewing premium content. Do you watch Game of Thrones? Why are all the girls naked? Once again, women are objectified the most on TV.
Movie Eye Candy

Where is Channing Tatum’s competition? Tatum’s celebrity skyrocketed in the last three years. He’s the #1 movie eye candy.
Why do you like Channing so much? He is an excellent actor with perfect sex appeal. Now imagine him with perfect acting skills.
He’s destined to be the most compensated actor of all time. You watch. Tatum is Clooney and Pitt combined.
Upcoming actors, pay close attention to Channing’s career. The man does action, comedy, and romance. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself?

Dwayne Johnson epitomizes movie eye candy. He is this generation’s Sylvester Stallone. Have you seen G.I. Joe, Pain & Gain and Hercules?
He sets the bar high. He works hard to be the best. Johnson’s body is a lucrative asset.
The Rock’s fan base is solid as a rock. As long as he stays in shape, he’ll stay on top. Don’t worry, fans. He’ll lift weights forever.
Movie eye candy Ryan Reynolds is definitely in the top 5. Can you believe he’s been acting since 1993? He still looks young.
You should see The Proposal. Sparks fly between Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. They should get married.
True or False, Ryan goes shirtless in every movie. Would you rather eat candy or watch Reynolds flex his muscles? Don’t answer. I already know.
Mark Wahlberg takes excellent care of his body. As soon as he wakes up, he’s in the gym. I’m convinced that he sleeps at Planet Fitness.
Mark Wahlberg has carefully molded a bad boy image. But he still got those good vibrations. I just want Marky Mark to come out of retirement, and rap a song with Eminem and Vanilla Ice!
It just dawned on me that Marshall Mathers stole Wahlberg’s rap name (M.M.) Well, Mark stole parts of the Beach Boys’ song. So it’s a wash.
Best Personalities

Oprah Winfrey, or should I say ‘O’ like Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton, is the best personality ever. Oprah has helped millions realize their full potential including her OWN partner Tyler Perry. As a writer, my lifelong goal is to chat with Ms. Winfrey over a ‘grande’ cup of Starbucks. I’d foot the bill.
I read The Secret because of Oprah’s talk show. And the book sparked new ideas in me. Celebrities from all walks of life admire, respect and love Oprah.
Some go as far as to call her goddess. I won’t go that far. But she is the queen.
I’m old enough to recall Ellen DeGeneres’s standup days. Her legs are strong because she’s a standup gal. She seems to be a genuine and kind person.
Ellen personifies graciousness, humility, and charity. Actions speak louder than words. It’s a little bit cliché but the Ellen Show is a breath of fresh air everyday.
Even though I haven’t watched it in a while, I’m still her supporter. She has all the qualities a good host needs. Ellen is a top talk show host and a great personality.

He is the guy behind the scenes of the #1 TV turn-on Kim Kardashian. He is our generation’s Regis Philbin. Ryan Seacrest is a household name.
He loves to talk. Does he talk too much? Maybe.
But he brings the excitement. His legendary work ethic is unmatched. Whenever he talks we listen because he makes it sound more important than it is.
In full disclosure I haven’t watch American Idol since its peak run in 2010. Who remembers Pants On the Ground? And yet, it’s funny how things connect.
Ellen DeGeneres served as a judge the same year Simon Cowell left. Ryan remains the one constant. In fact, the Seacrest brand is stronger than American Idol. And, you ring in the New Year with Ryan.

Jimmy Fallon has fans on the moon now. The self-proclaimed astrophysicist discovered how to be everywhere. It’s virtually impossible to browse your favorite website without encountering Jimmy Fallon.  

He’s a versatile entertainer who is even loved by his haters. He falls somewhere between the most interesting man in the world and the cookie monster. I don’t know why his comedic stunts are so infectious. They just are…

Please like my Facebook page. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Attribution- Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
actresses Angelina Jolie Billy Bob Thornton Brad Pitt Celebrities Entertainment Friends Hollywood Jennifer Aniston kissing feet Movies Sexy shows Stars Television The Guru Jay

Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet

Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie


Photo By: Angela George

Angelina Jolie stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston. It’s okay though, because Aniston is laughing last. Although Brad and Angie make the perfect couple, Jenni is my BFF.

In the long run, I rank Jennifer Aniston higher than Angelina Jolie because of the sitcom Friends. The TV show was on air for 10 seasons. So Jenni doesn’t have to work. The actress has more royalty checks than Prince William.

In the short term, Angelina Jolie is quickly becoming the go-to-girl in Hollywood. Did you know that she’s making a name for herself as a director and producer? You have to respect the lady’s prowess but don’t discount Ms. Aniston’s career. I’m tired of Jolie lovers bashing in Jenni’s head.

Jennifer Aniston was bigger than TV. Is Angelina Jolie bigger than movies? Maybe.
A.J. and J.A. are fine actresses. But Jen is underpaid and Angie is overrated. Why does Angelina get the red carpet rolled out for her? Why is she so special?

No one addresses this but I will. Brad Pitt made Angelina Jolie famous. That’s right: I said it.

When Angie was going with Billy Bob Thornton she was on the D-List. After jumping on Brad’s bandwagon she made the B-list. I’m not going to get into how she made the A-list. All I can say is: her moves were carefully calculated like a Bobby Fischer chess match.

You see, she helped Billy Bob more than he helped her. Jolie started seeing Brad Pitt when he was big. Let’s go a little further. Jennifer Aniston made Brad Pitt famous.

I’m telling the truth. Hollywood ‘hookups’ are just like arraigned marriages. You won’t find Madonna dating a Baltimore Oriole. If you want a crack at the ‘Material Girl,’ bat cleanup for the New York Yankees!

Angelina Jolie is a legend. She is the most superior actress to grace the silver screen. But where are her TV credits?

There are more than 200 episodes of Friends. How many movies have Jolie been in? Not even 50.

Here is the startling reality. Jennifer Aniston has played in more movies than Angelina Jolie? + She is Rachel on Friends.

The Jennifer Aniston jokes are tiresome and unwarranted. Jennifer is not bitter. Why should she be? If anything, she is relieved. Brad was a real drag on her and a nuisance.

Aniston deserves more Oscar worthy roles. If the movie executives gave Aniston better parts she would perform to a higher degree. Jen is one of a kind, which is rare. She has a unique gift.

Not A Beauty Pageant

Photo By: Piotr Drabik

An actress is not a Miss America, Miss World or Miss Universe. You need true talent to make it. It’s easy for them to find a sexier girl if they want one. Don’t rely only on beauty. Play your part.

I feel sorry for the vast majority of actors. You see their faces, but you don’t know their names. Many actors are uncredited. Some screenwriters are in this same boat.

In many ways, Hollywood functions like the feudal system. Movie stars subject themselves to psychological beheadings and manipulations. It is the medieval times all over again, with the special emphasis on ‘eval’ (evil).

Jennifer Aniston has raw talent. She is more talented than Angelina. Now Jolie is sexier than Aniston and the whole state of California. But this is not a beauty pageant.

Aniston offers the complete package, while Jolie is the bomb. Angelina is the best female action star in Hollywood history. I give credit where it is due.

No one addresses this either, but I will. Fans favor Jolie for her youth. Angie is six years younger than Jen. That’s one hell of an age difference in show business! It’s only fair to compare 39 year-old Jolie to 39-year-old Aniston.

Let’s have the same conversation five years from now.

Why Should Angelina Kiss Jennifer’s Feet?

Jennifer Aniston is responsible for the careers of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Do you think I’m bullshitting? Take a look at the tale of the tape.

It shouldn’t surprise you that Brad Pitt’s filmography got 1,000 times better after hooking up with Aniston. Pitt owes Aniston at least $10 million from just World War Z. Also, Brad got to be Benjamin Button because of his arraigned marriage to Jennifer. 

I’m not a fan of how Brad betrayed Jennifer. I’ll be blunt. He used her like a rag-doll. That’s why Angelina used him.

It’s funny how things work. Buddha calls it Karma. James Brown calls it payback. I call it a boomerang. 

Here’s proof Brad Pitt cheated on Aniston with Jolie. 

Wet your lips, Angelina. Tonight you’re kissing Jennifer Aniston’s toes. This isn’t a movie. Oh, by the way, how many millions have you made at the expense of Jennifer Aniston? 

Show her some respect. Write a thank you note or something. Ask Jimmy Fallon to get you started.

Seriously, the real  problem is Angelina Jolie acts entitled. She should act more humble. She may think she’s the best but Sandra Bullock is actually better.I can’t wait to write a story on Sandra.

I might blog more about my favorite actresses. Let me know if you’re interested.

Are you on Pinterest? Pinterest is a fast moving social network. Click here to follow me and join.

As of right now, I own 23 boards. A group manages many of my boards. I’m fortunate to have over 18,000 followers.

My second most active board is Actresses. It’s a former solo project I turned into a group board. I made it because I feel actresses deserve more credit.

If you’re a loyal or even a disloyal reader, then you know I am passionate about filmmaking. Check out my past articles I’ve written about actresses. 1. Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses  2. Who’s Hot? 30 Hottest Hollywood Starlets Under 30  3. Who’s On Top? 10 Favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Actresses 

Follow my Facebook, Tumblr, and Google +

This is the Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1. Meet me @ Mars. 

22JumpStreet boxoffice comedy EdgeOfTomorrow fun GetOnUp hot HowToTrainYourDragon2 Lucy Movies Must-See PlanetOfTheApes reviews sequels Sexy Summer trailers Transformers

What’s Playing? Coming Soon: Absolute Must-See Summer Fun Movies + Trailers


 Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate” Sonnet 18 
By: William Shakespeare

This summer the box office is bigger and better than ever. I can hardly wait to go to the movies. Records will be shattered.

There are so many options. You can choose from a comedy, romance, action, suspense or drama. Let me guide you.

Just because a film has a 9 figured budget, it doesn’t mean it’s worth watching. You must be highly selective in order to reach the Guru level. Remember to watch the movie; don’t let the movie watch you.

Are you ready? Let’s have some fun. Here are my recommendations.

What’s Playing?

Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise is now playing. The movie has an interesting concept. “Live. Die. Repeat.”

Emily Blunt is the lead actress in the movie. She is shaping up to become a top science fiction/ fantasy actress. Who could forget her brilliant performance alongside Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau

What is more, Tom Cruise is the default science fiction movie star. His body of work is unbelievable. I will always remember Mission: Impossible III

Cruise and the late great Phillip Seymour Hoffmanshined brightly on the silver screen together. It was impossible to find two bigger and better actors. 

Go see Edge of Tomorrow today. Click play to watch the trailer.


I highly recommend Lucy starring Scarlett Johansson. Here’s why. Scarlett is at the peak of her career. She has so much to prove.

Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lawrence are very competitive. The question is whom will Angelina Jolie crown? Right now, Jennifer is princess Leia; and, she is narrowly winning the Star Wars.

Lucy hits theaters July 25. My only problem with the movie is that I would have liked to see an earlier release. Any film of high caliber should premiere on a holiday. Also, expect Morgan Freeman to act like a demigod.

Click play to watch the trailer.

22 Jump Street                             

The sequel to 21 Jump Street is coming to theaters June 13. It makes my list because everyone needs a double dose of comedy. Laughter is the best medicine and comedy is the pharmacy.

Normally sequels are not as good as the originals. But, I believe 22 Jump Street is an exception to the rule. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are only getting better. 

If you want a crazy fun summer flick, then 22 Jump Street is an absolute must-see movie. It’s good to laugh a little. So go see it when you have the chance.

Dawn of The Planet of The Apes

I am excited about Dawn. I enjoyed Rise. The storyline is terrific.

In addition, Andy Serkis reprises his role as Caesar. Andy does an awesome job capturing the essence of his character. I only expect the best from the whole cast.

Matt Reeves is the new director taking the place of Rupert Wyatt. Changing directors was a good move. You need new blood sometimes.

Dawn debuts on July 11.

Think Like A Man Too

Think Like A Man Too is Steve Harvey’s brainchild and Kevin Hart’sbaby. Kevin Hart brings it every time. If you like to giggle, this is your movie.

Take a break from science fiction and action. Go see a comedy like Think Like A Man Too.Again, the sequel will be bigger than the original. And, this is rare.

You’ll enjoy this romantic comedy. The release date is June 20. Start your summer off rolling over laughing out loud.

Transformers: Age of Extinction

On June 20, Transformers: Age of Extinction starring Mark Wahlberg will debut. The young and talented Nicola Peltz will costar. Additionally, Michael Bay returns as director.

The Transformers series says bye-bye to Shia LaBeouf (who’s no longer famous). It’s seems Shia’s attention grabbing stunt backfired. Hopefully, he learned his lesson.

Age of Extinction is an absolute must-see movie because it appeals to the masses. Everyone can appreciate this motion picture. You don’t have to be a comic book collector or gamer in order to appreciate this franchise.

Transformers is bigger and better than ever. The estimated budget is $165 million. It wouldn’t surprise me if the movie grosses over $1 billion.

Mark Wahlberg is a bigger and better name than Shia LaBeouf. The girls think he looks handsomer. And, I think Mark is more polished as an actor than Shia.

Get On Up

On August 1, Get On Up starring Chadwick Boseman as James Brown, hits theaters. Chadwick, who is best known for his portrayal of Jackie Robinson in the movie 42, is very talented. Boseman is a bright Hollywood star.

Taking on James Brown is not an easy feat. The James Brown story is filled with complexities and controversies. But, Chadwick can handle the pressure.

I look forward to Get On Up because James Brown meant the world to so many. It looks like a lot of fun. I might write a review of this biopic.

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Consider seeing How to Train Your Dragon 2 with your children. This is an absolute must-see family friendly film. Why you’re at it, why not buy the book?

I predict the How To Train sequel will make more than $500 million at the box office. DreamWorks Animation and 20th century Fox are a great team. Furthermore, anything associated with Steven Spielberg is successful.

This is a special summer. The movie critics will have a ton of fun. Moviegoers will get treated to premium entertainment.

As you know, I love writing and movies. So I am in heaven right now as I write about films. I hope to present to you a new, different, and unique perspective.

This is The Guru Jay launching off into outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Thank you for reading and sharing. Feel free to ask questions. I appreciate comments.

Look forward to more movie reviews to come this summer. Click here to read my review of X-Men: Days of Future Past 
Follow me on Twitter @ TheGuruJay
AdrianaLima CarolynMurphy Entertainment Fashion Gisele Highest paid Hilary Rhoda JoanSmalls KateMoss LaraStone LiuWen Modeling Rich Sexy Supermodels top10

I’m Too Sexy for My: Who Are the Highest Paid Supermodels?


Right Said Fred created the I’m Too Sexy video in 1992. It was an instant hit. Now every model knows the words to I’m Too Sexy verbatim.

As you know, I study economics. Well, supermodels are the definition of high demand. There is a real talent shortage.

If you want to be a model, you need thick skin and a thin waist. You’ll get picked apart if you’re not careful. That’s why I admire models for their confidence.

Sometimes supermodels come off as arrogant. But that’s not the case. In their line of work, a strong ego is a requirement.

I admire models for their work ethic. Picture the hours of hard work that go into modeling. A model must spend countless hours in front of flashing cameras.

That’s not all. She has to count her calories. And, a model must exercise like a racehorse.

If a model tries her best, she is compensated accordingly.

Modeling agencies carefully choose the bodies that get to strut on the catwalk. If you’re too fragile, don’t apply. If you’re too sexy, then let’s go ahead and get it done.

If you are an aspiring model, don’t quit. Remember, there’s a big reward. Here are the 10 highest paid models…

10. Lara Stone

Photo By: Jiyang Chen

There’s no denying the Dutch beauty Lara Stone. The blonde model is the 10th highest paid internationally. She is known for her lucrative Calvin Klein jeans contract.

In total, Lara Stone earned $3.2 million. She has a good name and is very valuable. Calvin Klein can’t afford to drop her.

9. Candice Swanepoel

Photo By: Adam Bielawski

Candice Swanepoel is 9th with earnings totaling $3.3 million. She does work for Versace, Juicy Couture and Max Factor. At 5’10” and age 25, Candice’s stock is rising.

She’s too sexy for her skirt. Maxim named her number 1 on the Hot 100 list.  If you didn’t know who Candice Swanepoel was, now you do!

8. Joan Smalls

Joan Smalls is a steady name in the business. She’s accustomed to making lists. This time she is number 8.

The sexy supermodel tallied a total of $3.5 million. At 5’11” and age 25, Joan’s purse is fattening. If you love numbers, then you love Joan.

7. Carolyn Murphy

Model Carolyn Murphy comes in at 7th. Modeling is a lucky way celebrities make money. Click here to read more.

Carolyn made $3.6 million before taxes. She is known for dealing with Estée Lauder and Project Runway. Also, she has contracts with: Coach, Ann Taylor Loft and Carlo Pazolini.

6. Hilary Rhoda

Photo By: Andrew Halperon

Hilary Rhoda made $4 million modeling. She earned it endorsing Nike, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren and Victoria’s Secret. The brunette walks to the bank with style and grace.

Hilary’s Twitter and Instagram stay active. The 27 year-old 5’11” model keeps her body of work busy. This busybody’s work ethic is the key to her success.

5. Liu Wen

Photo By: Georg Petschnigg

Chinese model Liu Wen made $4.3 million. At number 5, Liu is China’s finest. She’s 5’11’’ and 26 years old.

She signed a huge contract with Estée Lauder. Liu is their first Asian model ever. Read more about the model here

4. Kate Moss

Photo By: Deon Maritz

It’s no surprise the 5’7’’ Kate Moss made 5.7 million. Kate is the Madonna of modeling. Read here for more information

At the age of 40, Kate still dominates the business. She has signed long-term deals with Vogue Eyewear, Rimmel, Versace, and Liu-JoNo wonder she’s loaded!

3. Adriana Lima

 Photo By: Adam Bielawski

At #3 is Adriana Lima. She collected $6 million before taxes. Watch the Victoria’s Secret Angel commercial below:

The Brazilian babe is too sexy for that commercial. Bob Dylan is in awe. This is just one of Adriana’s many successful ads. 

2. Miranda Kerr

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Miranda Kerr is 2nd after making $7.2 million. Did you know her popularity in Asia has soared? The Australian model has signed new deals with Mango, David Jones, and Lipton.

She puts some pep in her step when she struts. You see if you stick with it like Miranda, you too can receive the big reward. Smart work pays dividends.

1. Gisele Bündchen

 Photo By: Tiago Chediak

It seems like Gisele Bündchen makes all the rules just to break them. No other model comes close to the $42 million Gisele pocketed. These days, she’s running down the runway.

Who doesn’t follow Gisele on Instagram?  If you are a future model, you must follow Gisele. She shows you how to do it!

Final Thoughts

As I noted in Celebrity Rag Riches, you can’t go wrong with the fashion industry. Models are naturally pulled in the direction of fashion and entertainment. It’s easy to see how the industries connect.

I thought Kate Upton would make the top 10. But, I have faith in Forbes’ numbers. So, look for Kate next time.

The modeling industry is highly competitive. Dare I say it is cutthroat and ruthless? All these models make it look easy.

The fact is it takes more than sheer sexiness to make it in the modeling world. You have to possess a combination of factors. Do you have what it takes?

Don’t ever fear rejection. Where one door closes, another door opens. Remember, you must fail in order to succeed.

The top 10 highest paid models earned $82.8 million total. That’s right, Gisele Bündchen made more money than the other 9 combined. It’s not too surprising considering she owns a lingerie line. And, she’s too sexy for her skirt…

This is The Guru Jay signing off…Follow my Facebook. And, in the words of Jerry Springer “Till next time, take care of yourself and each other.” Thank you for reading and sharing.

Source: Forbes 

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