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Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?


Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?

What do you feel are the best Liam Neeson movies? If you had to choose just one, would you choose Taken? Maybe, you would choose The Commuter because the film is more recent. If Keanu Reeves is unstoppable, so too is Liam Neeson. Have you seen Non-Stop?

Non-Stop is easily one of Liam Neeson’s best movies. At any rate, Liam Neeson is still making great movies. Plus, Liam Neeson is a premium actor.
I argue that Liam Neeson is one of the greatest actors of his generation. He’s done enough in his career to be honored for his greatness. Where is his place in Hollywood history? How far atop the totem pole do you rank the movie star all time?

Before we begin ranking movie stars, it is important to understand the ranking system. The ranking system contains opinions. Your opinions are valuable. Additionally, the critics love Liam Neeson. His movies consistently receive high marks and open big at the box office.
Liam Neeson was born in Ireland in 1952. I consider him the Irish Tom Hanks. If he’s starring in a movie, you want to watch it. He has an impressive filmography. As you will soon find out, he is a bankable star like Sandra Bullock.
I predict Cold Pursuit will have a strong opening at the box office. The movie appears to capture the magnitude of his acting skills. Liam Neeson is a very versatile actor. Neeson is no stranger to the spotlight. The celebrity has built a durable brand over his career.
Check out Liam Neeson movies on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Netflix. Watch clips on YouTube and Google “Liam Neeson.” Read his Wikipedia page when you have time. You’ll find he is an interesting man. Without question, Liam Neeson is just as fascinating onscreen as he is in real life.

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A Conversation On the Greatness of Brie Larson


A Conversation On the Greatness of Brie Larson

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It’s been reported in Vanity Fair and via other sources that Brie Larson gets by with a little help from her friends Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone. Talk about star power! Lawrence and Stone are two of Hollywood’s finest actresses. As you’ll soon discover, Miss Larson keeps very good company.

Emma Stone won the Oscar for La La Land this year and Jennifer Lawrence received one for Silver Linings Playbook in 2012. Clearly, Brie Larson belongs in the best actress conversation as well. Brie earned an Academy Award for her performance in Room last year. Her bevy of talents should be showcased like Olivia Wilde’s. Don’t underestimate her capabilities.

Are you looking forward to seeing Brie enter the Marvel universe as Captain Marvel or what? Who would love watching Larson and Scarlett Johansson perform in scenes together? In a sense, Larson is the antithesis of Angelina Jolie. While Angelina portrays the bad girl image, Brie is a good girl. What is more, she embraces characters who are largely likable protagonists.

Everyone can agree that this celebrity is destined for greatness. You’ll soon find her footprints cemented in stone on Hollywood Boulevard. Plus, you won’t find a more polished gem in showbiz anywhere. Producers see Brie’s smile and personality as entertainment assets. She looks like a younger Julia Roberts and acts like Sandra Bullock.

Many celebrities come across as disingenuous. However, Brie seems pleasant and humble. Did you know she was raised in Sacramento, California? She went to school for acting at the American Conservatory Theater.

I highly recommend watching Brie Larson movies including: The Gambler, Free Fire, and Kong: Skull Island. She plays Mark Wahlberg’s love interest in the Gambler. Additionally, she is the leading actress of Free Fire and Kong: Skull Island. Also, I look forward to seeing the Glass Castle, Basmati Blues and Unicorn Store.

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Why Sandra Bullock Is a Bankable Star

Tell me why Gravity won an Oscar, when it should have won a Razzie. I’ve never seen a worst space movie. Seriously, this herd mentality / group think culture has to stop. Gravity is nothing more than propaganda.
I saw it and was disappointed to say the least.
To think that this flick beat out American Hustlefor Best Picture is disturbing and disgusting. How much effort does it take to put out such a boring piece of shit? Maybe, Will Smith was right after all.

Now to the topic at hand: Sandra Bullock. Despite Gravity, she is an outstanding actress. Every actor stars in bad movies every now and then. No, don’t blame Sandra Bullock because she made a lot of loot from it.
If you were in the same position, then you would do it too, because a mega budget means mega bucks for you. Big box office numbers are expected with $100 million. Yes, that’s Hollywood’s problem.
Showbiz abuses Sandra Bullock’s lure. Her pretty face and hot body brings tons of butts to the show. Plus, the celebrity’s fans are friendly to her like Jennifer Aniston.
Sandra Bullock has a perfect smile. Do you find Julia Roberts’ smile to be more perfect? Also, Sandra Bullock has gorgeous legs. Her beauty is unquestionable.

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Glitz and glamor is the essence of Hollywood. Tinseltown demands perfection. You had better look your best when on film, in public, and at photo shoots.
Can you imagine if Scarlett Johansson fell apart? No more Black Widow for you doll face. What if Kim Kardashian neglected her perfect ass? Her fans would revolt in a snap. Only then, would we learn the true meaning behind body shaming.

Without question, Sandra Bullock is high caliber and top notch. Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, and The Blind Side are her best movies. Sandra Bullock is a bankable star because she has all the right assets. Plus people are dying to make deposits in the Bank of Sandra.

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Why Keanu Reeves Is Unstoppable


Keanu Reeves movies regularly exceed expectations. You can expect a tremendous effort from him. Plus, he deserves kudos for his longevity.
The first Keanu Reeves movie I remember seeing is Speed. This classic film won 2 Oscars, and made more than $350 million. Sandra Bullocktagged along for the thrilling ride.
Of course, Keanu is most famous for The Matrix. Haven’t we all dodged bullets in slow motion like Neo? From Australia to Zimbabwe, people appreciate his contribution on film.

What is more, Reeves has built a reputation off camera as a kind and generous man. Have you read this article about how the celebrity gave away $75 million? He treats others with respect and dignity.
It’s not surprising that many celebs are assholes. Don’t dare call them out on their bullshit or you’ll suffer the consequences. You need snake skin and your vitamins to make it in Hollywood.
Keanu Reeves became famous differently. He received a big break as a lead actor in the instant 1989 hit Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. The movie grossed over $40 million with only a $10 million budget.

Did you like A Scanner Darkly? I believe it was a solidly written script by Richard Linklater. However, I dislike the special effects and animation.
I like Street Kings and John Wick because the movies showcase his original talent. You won’t find another movie star who could have played those roles better than Keanu. This thespian puts his heart and soul into his performances.

If you desire a more family friendly film, I recommend Hardball. Ironically, this movie displays Keanu’s softer side. Critics severely and unjustifiably underrate his acting range.
Keanu Reeves exceeds expectations because he is confident in his abilities. We’ve seen him perform wonders in front of cameras. That’s why he is unstoppable.

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Who Is the Best? Michelle Rodriguez Vs. Eva Mendes


Michelle Rodriguez
You won’t find another action movie star like Michelle Rodriguez. She is a mixture of Pam Grier and Angelina Jolie. Have you seen Foxy Brown and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider?
The movie business demands the most from actresses. Michelle Rodriguez has proven she is worth her weight in gold. That’s why Rodriguez receives the first call when studio executives are looking for a Latina to put in their pictures.
Did you know the San Antonio native also has Puerto Rican and Dominican Republican roots? The gorgeous actress can compete with everybody in any category. Like Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, and Halle Berry, Michelle gets more beautiful with age.
I like how she keeps a low profile. Fortunately, Rodriguez isn’t high maintenance. But, she enjoys taking rejuvenating walks on the beach.

Is it too much to ask for more Michelle Rodriguez movies? She is clearly one of the best actresses. Furthermore, I believe her fan base is an untapped goldmine.
You know the movie industry has an agenda in place. Sometimes a star is burned-out because Hollywood doesn’t like divergence. Still if you’re attractive and talented enough, you’ll get some opportunities.
The good thing about this business is you can make it in some facet. You see Michelle Rodriguez made it because she worked hard, and didn’t give up despite struggling at first. A caterpillar must fight before she becomes a butterfly.
Like butterflies, Michelle Rodriguez is one of the world’s loveliest creatures. Doesn’t Rodriguez have the prettiest brown eyes on this green earth? Although I haven’t met her in person, I know she’s a sight for sore eyes. What is more, she hasn’t reached her peak potential yet.
Eva Mendes

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Eva Mendes paid her dues in movies such as Exit Wounds, Training Day, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Have you seen the Women, Girl in Progress, or Hitch? Do you think Hollywood exploited Eva’s beauty?
Should Hollywood conceal the delectable actor’s sex appeal? Can we not pretend that sexism isn’t a major problem in the movie industry? And can we remember this issue isn’t exclusive to entertainment?  
People admire Eva Mendes because she found how to succeed and beat the odds. While I don’t endorse gambling, I would take a chance on Eva for the simple fact she’s one of a kind. If I were playing Poker, I would make Eva my good luck charm.
Life is a lot like Black Jack. When you’re 21 it’s amazing. When you’re busted, it’s the dealer’s fault.
Eva learned how to play with the hand dealt to her. She patiently waited, only to discover the dealer dealt a cold deck. Even though the cards were stacked against the actress, Mendes continues playing the game she loves.
I enjoy watching Michelle Rodriguez and Eva Mendes in movies. I’ve followed their careers and watched the celebrities mature into sturdy brands. If Michelle is made out of Iron, then Mendes is real steel.
I believe Mendes is a better supporting actress than Rodriguez. However, in my opinion Michelle is the best overall actor. What are your favorite Rodriguez and Mendes movies? In your opinion, who is the best?

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Best Smile + Personality: Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock


If you’re a movie buff, you know what Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock mean to the movie industry. Hollywood banks on the talents of Bullock and Roberts. You rarely see a Razzie nominated performance from Julia and Sandra.

Both actresses have achieved Academy Awards. Furthermore, their achievements compare with Meryl Streep’s accolades. Every actress tries to act like Streep.
‘Blind Side’ and ‘Gravity’ earned Bullock long-awaited recognition, while ‘Pretty Woman’ gave Roberts instant recognition. If Julia’s a modern day Meryl, then Sandra’s the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. 
Hopefully, these actresses use their expertise to start directing. There aren’t many female directors. Hollywood could use a fresh perspective from the ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ and ‘Miss Congeniality’ leading actors.
Angelina Jolie successfully crossed over with her recent ‘Unbroken’ film. Do you think Bullock and Roberts are ambitious enough to direct? I believe Julia Roberts is the greatest romantic actor of her time. And, the pleasant entertainer is very versatile.

In my opinion, Sandra Bullock is one of the best actresses alive. She isn’t defined by a genre or typecast. You see, the best actors make you fall in love with their characters. People sometimes forget that these celebrities are pretending.
No, Julia Robert’s didn’t actually leave Richard Gere at the altar. No, Sandra Bullock isn’t an FBI agent. They’re two true thespians.
In real life, Julia is happily married, supportive, and loyal to her husband. Moreover, Sandra Bullock is a bighearted single adoptive mother. Both ladies are highly admired not just in Hollywood but also internationally.

Is there a love affair between Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks or Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? Those actors have great chemistry. Scientists should study their DNA samples. For what it’s worth, the best smile belongs to Julia Roberts. And the best personality is Sandra Bullock.  

Julia, Sandra, Tom, and George need to squash their rivalries before it’s too late. There’s no reason why they can’t make flicks together. Can we at least get a TV drama series as a consolation prize?

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The Case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey: Who is the Best Movie Lawyer?


The Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts Argument
Are you a fan of Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts? I’m a big fan. I appreciate their acting as well as their philanthropy. I like how they present themselves. 
But I’m baffled about this. Who is the best actress? I’m always on the hunt for the cream of the crop.
Even though I haven’t seen Gravity starring Sandra Bullock, I still believe she is the best in the world. Moreover, Sandra and Julia are 2 of the top 10 highest paid actresses. Bullock and Roberts have both won Academy Awards.
However, Sandra is the more perfect actress. I give her a 4.0 and Julia a 3.8. Sandra Bullock has an edge because of her diversity of roles.
If we’re strictly talking romances, Julia wins. But Bullock has proven she is the champion. Roberts and Bullock rank in my top 5 for best actresses.
Sandra took on more risks and challenges while Julia Roberts played it safe. Dare I say Julia leeched off Tom Hanks in Larry Crowne and Charlie Wilson’s War? Isn’t it obvious?
Here’s an analogy to put things in perspective for you: Tom Hanks is to Julia Roberts, what Tom Cruise is to Cameron Diaz. I have nothing against Cameron. I wrote about her.
The point is Sandra Bullock’s skills are superior to Julia Roberts right now. Five years ago this wasn’t the case. Julia Roberts was better then.
Who remembers Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich? Don’t forget about The Blind Side. Imagine Julia and Sandra in the same movie.
At the end of the day, I put my money on Sandra Bullock. She is a hard worker who is consistent. And, she looks amazing at 50.
Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey
I wonder why Cruise uses the shortened form of Thomas and why McConaughey doesn’t go by Matt. Do you know the answer? I ask because Matthew’s last name is long enough.
Just like Schwarzenegger, I “Googled,” and “Binged” his name for correct spelling. Let’s give him a nickname. How about Matt Mack?
Like his height, Tom Cruise’s name is short. You love Tom because he is a miniature Matthew. Matt is beloved for his taller stature. Anyway, they have many similarities.
Is it coincidental that these actors portray Hollywood’s finest lawyers? What if they starred in the same film? Picture this: (closed captioned) The Ultimate Lawyer Movie starring Matt McConaughey and Thomas Cruise. 
The Trailer Script
In The Ultimate Lawyer Movie Matt and Thomas are prestigious lawyers in a head to head battle. Both have distinguished law practices in Beverly Hills. Who will win in case of Cruise V. McConaughey? Written, Directed, and Produced BY: GURU JAY
I bet you that movie would gross $1 billion. Tom and Matthew are basically walking ATMs. Moreover, their fan bases span the whole globe.
They are two world heavyweight champions in the acting arenas. Matthew’s a southern boy who will seduce you with his charm. Tom’s charisma on a scale of 100 is 97.
The best movie lawyers eat charisma like cereal. George Clooney’s good. Have you seen Michael Clayton? Movie lawyers come in all types. District Attorneys are my favorite. (S/O Harvey Dent)
Of course, Tom is a top 10 actor. I don’t want to take away from his brilliance. But, why isn’t Matt on the money list? He’s won an Oscar but it seems the executives refuse to pay the piper. Let that be a lesson to actors who’d do anything for a trophy.
Lincoln Lawyer
McConaughey plays Mickey Haller, a criminal defense attorney, in Lincoln Lawyer. I’ve seen this movie twice. If you’re thinking about studying law, see this film first. You might change your mind either way.
Lawyer movies pose a real danger to America’s workforce. Everybody wants to go to law school after seeing the famous “You Can’t Handle The Truth” scene. Legal dramas such as Law & Order and Suits are also guilty of selling us pipe dreams. 40 million attorneys filing motions is the last thing we need.
Do all lawyers want to be doctors? Well, some attorneys call themselves doctors of law? Seriously, since lawyers sue hospitals, they’re all too familiar with the medical/financial benefits rewarded to brain, heart and plastic surgeons. What is more, it’s true that every doctor wants to be a trial lawyer.
Foot physicians (podiatrists) dine alongside dentists, vetenerians, optometrists, ear doctors and chiropractors at the millionaire’s club. Tom Cruise and Matthew McCanoughey inspire us to make millions while enjoying our passion.
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men is perhaps the best courtroom drama ever. Ironically, only a few films can compete for top honors. A Few Good Men blurs the lines because it’s also a military movie.
Tom Cruise plays Judge Advocate Lieutenant Kaffee. Jack Nicholson is the infamous Colonel Jessup. Demi Moore also carries out her duties in the film. If you like courtroom dramas and army movies, then look up A Few Good Men.
John Girsham’s A Time to Kill borrows from To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s an updated version of Harper Lee’s classic. In the movie, Matthew McConaughey defends Samuel L. Jackson. The lead actress is none other than Sandra Bullock.
I respect McConaughey for his role choices. Matthew could have been a major action star on par with Bruce Willis. Instead he kept his art pure. Hence, he is an Oscar winner.
You’d think that action movies give Tom Cruise a clear advantage. To the contrary, drama and action are totally different genres. Additionally, Tom and Matt have unique styles.
Tom is aggressive and Matthew’s more assertive. Tom is the guy yelling in the courtroom. Matthew uses tactics to trap and confuse his witnesses.
Your Honor, I object
Have you noticed in movies and TV, the trial lawyer always stands and says, “Your Honor, I object?” Sometimes the witness says, “I plead the fifth.”
In the case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey …After carefully weighing the evidence (movie clips, filmographies, and opinions) Judge Guru Jay has a verdict…I rule in favor of Mr. McConaughey.
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