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Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?


Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?

What do you feel are the best Liam Neeson movies? If you had to choose just one, would you choose Taken? Maybe, you would choose The Commuter because the film is more recent. If Keanu Reeves is unstoppable, so too is Liam Neeson. Have you seen Non-Stop?

Non-Stop is easily one of Liam Neeson’s best movies. At any rate, Liam Neeson is still making great movies. Plus, Liam Neeson is a premium actor.
I argue that Liam Neeson is one of the greatest actors of his generation. He’s done enough in his career to be honored for his greatness. Where is his place in Hollywood history? How far atop the totem pole do you rank the movie star all time?

Before we begin ranking movie stars, it is important to understand the ranking system. The ranking system contains opinions. Your opinions are valuable. Additionally, the critics love Liam Neeson. His movies consistently receive high marks and open big at the box office.
Liam Neeson was born in Ireland in 1952. I consider him the Irish Tom Hanks. If he’s starring in a movie, you want to watch it. He has an impressive filmography. As you will soon find out, he is a bankable star like Sandra Bullock.
I predict Cold Pursuit will have a strong opening at the box office. The movie appears to capture the magnitude of his acting skills. Liam Neeson is a very versatile actor. Neeson is no stranger to the spotlight. The celebrity has built a durable brand over his career.
Check out Liam Neeson movies on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Netflix. Watch clips on YouTube and Google “Liam Neeson.” Read his Wikipedia page when you have time. You’ll find he is an interesting man. Without question, Liam Neeson is just as fascinating onscreen as he is in real life.

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2019 Movies Bryan Cranston Celebrities comedy drama Entertainment Famous People Film Critics Guru Jay Kevin Hart movie review Movies Nicole Kidman Rotten Tomatoes The Upside The Upside Movie Review

The Upside Movie Review


The Upside Movie Review

I decided to write a movie review on The Upside because it contains an important message.We must come to grip with our reality. The Upside is about a wealthy man and a poor man coming to grip with their reality. The two men both lack substance in their lives. On the one hand, the wealthy man seems to have it all. The poor man seems to have nothing. In the end, you’ll find out what true wealth is.

The wealthy man must come to grip with his situation. It isn’t in his power to be able to walk again. It is not his fault he can’t move his body. He must stop being hard on himself. Unfortunately, he needs help doing the little things people often take for granted such as: taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating.

The poor man must face his family. He has neglected them, and he hasn’t fulfilled his potential as a father, husband, and man. He’s made a ton of mistakes. He went to jail and paid his debt though. You can make excuses for him, but he’s failed multiple times. Just because you fail though, doesn’t make you a failure.

Obviously, the wealthy man is a success. That’s why he’s wealthy. He’s wrote books, buys art and loves opera. In his own words, he’s richer than Jay Z, and the man can buy the Brooklyn Nets. He’s both succeeded and failed simultaneously. You see, he can’t move on from his past marriage. In fact, he still wears his wedding ring.

The film is about making connections. The three main characters are played by Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston, and Nicole Kidman. They are connected, just like we are connected. Everything is connected. The Upside is a love and life story. It is based on a true story. The message is that money can’t buy love or life.

Moreover, The Upside is about fate and faith. What is fate? What is faith? And how are the two concepts connected?

Overall, the acting in the film is phenomenal. The script is heartwarming. Everybody did a beautiful job. To make a movie like this come together takes brilliance.

I give the film a B+. The Upside earns 4 and a half stars out of 5. I think family and friends will enjoy every minute together (like they should) watching this movie. I would watch it twice because the message is very poignant.

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actresses Bella Hadid Bella Thorne Britney Spears Celebrities Disney Entertainment Famous People Gigi Hadid Guru Jay Hollywood IMDB Miley Cyrus Models Movies Rotten Tomatoes Stars Vogue

Who’s the Best Bella? Bella Thorne Vs. Bella Hadid


Back Story

Many Hollywood stars share the same name. And sharing is caring. You’re reading this now because you care about celebrities to some degree.

Doesn’t everybody have a favorite celebrity? What famous people would you like most to meet? Imagine meeting two celebrities at one time.

Meet Bella Thorne and Bella Hadid.

I’ve already asked who’s the best Emma. Now the question is who’s the best Bella. Who do you choose between Bella Thorne and Bella Hadid? Maybe, you want the best of both worlds. Well, this is your stop.

Bella Thorne has shown she’s a highly qualified actress. Her filmography is growing by the minute as her IMDB profile updates everyday. The star of umpteen Disney movies has a bright future. What is more, Thorne is fresh. Just ask Rotten Tomatoes.

Currently, she’s making headlines for apparently dating Kourtney Kardashian’s ex boyfriend Scott Disick. Bella Thorne shouldn’t have a problem in the dating department. Anyone she chooses is lucky to have her.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Moreover, Bella Hadid has proven she’s one of America’s top models. The supermodel is following the footsteps on the runway strutted by Tyra Banks. Bella Hadid aka Gigi Hadid’s sister is shining in many ways inside Hollywood.

The star is demonstrating her natural worth in the entertainment industry. What more can she do to show she’s second to none? The Weeknd music videos are only the tip of the iceberg. Hadid is just getting started. Give her 3 years and she’ll surprise you. Vogue is attached to Bella like Velcro.

In comparison, Bella Hadid is the bigger name at this moment in time. However, pretty soon Bella Thorne’s name will become bigger than Hadid because of Disney’s history and track record. Like Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus, I see Bella Thorne going places. It’s only a matter of time before I’m proven right.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Best Blogs Celebrity Commentary Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Actors Jon Hamm Keeping Up with the Joneses movie review Movies Rotten Tomatoes Showbiz The Red Carpet Zach Galifianakis

Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review


Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review

Photo By:Wikimedia Commons
Where’s Guru Jay been you say? I was on vacation because everybody is entitled to a break. Thank you for giving me one.

Well do I have a blog for you today or what. This is my Keeping Up with the Joneses movie review. For starters,I feel the writing is phenomenal.

It’s like a full course meal in every way. Zach Galifianakis performs above expectation. And that guy…ahem from Mad Men Jon Hamm delivers the good and services on a silver platter.

You must love the cool soundtrack. I sure do. Here’s a movie about change. We all go through changes. I had to change a tire the other day.

Plus, it is a movie filled with laughter from start to finish. The comedy is absurd at times. You’ll love rich scenes and suspenseful moments. I thoroughly enjoy the plot, especially the tongue teaser. There are Snakes BUT not on a plane.

To put things in perspective, I saw it today. Yes the day of the World Series. If you’ve been following my Twitter @IamGuruJay you know I love baseball by now.

Anyway, the movie stars shine bright lights. The acting is great. Overall, I liked my day at the theaters. There were many thespians there in my audience.

And it’s the audience’s response that makes a movie or a blog or a website fantastic. While I’m on the word fantastic, the director did a fantastic job. And the producers made the most out of their budget.

If you want to see a crowd-pleaser, then Keeping Up with the Joneses is your movie. After careful consideration, I give the film editing an A-. It is truly excellent entertainment. There are bad actors and some I assume good.

This is well executed and lively. Here’s something I would watch with my family for a second time. Give it three stars out of five.

Rotten Tomatoes got it wrong. Keeping Up with the Joneses should make $100 million in a fair world. Will it make it that far? I don’t have an answer for you. I’m only a Guru,who knows one thing and one thing only and that is…question everything.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Box Office Celeb News Chiwetel Ejiofor Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jeff Daniels Jessica Chastain Kate Mara Matt Damon Michael Pena movie review Movies Original Entertainment Rotten Tomatoes The Martian

The Martian Movie Review

The Martian Movie Review

If you’re a regular at Guru Jay, you know The Martian is my kind of movie. I expect this film to be number 1 at the box office for the third consecutive week. Numbers indicate that The Martian might become director Ridley Scott’s best movie ever.
Tonight, my initial thought was: what are comedians Kristen Wiig and Donald Glover doing in this particular piece? After viewing the film, now I realize that they are three-dimensional actors. Who can complain about this wonderful cast? Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Michael Peña
The Plot
Matt Damon plays an astronaut (Mark Watney) stranded on Mars because his crew abruptly aborts their mission due to a severe storm. His crewmembers leave him behind thinking he’s dead. However, the determined character lives through this tribulation and awaits rescue.
Luckily, Watney’s a botanist who figures out how to grow food for survival purposes. “The Martian” finally contacts NASA, who already gave him a memorial. Soon, the public learns he is alive. Then, the whole world prepares for his return home safely.

Typically, it would take 4 years to travel to Mars. However, Watney may come home earlier than imagined because of a fortunate discovery. Without a doubt the proposition is risky. What option will NASA take?
Jessica Chastain plays mission commander Melissa Lewis. To her credit, she never wanted to abandon Watney. Nonetheless, she is pivotal to the storyline. I won’t spoil it any further for you. If you’re into science, go check it out.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Closing Thoughts

The cinematography is on point. The Martian is realistic and futuristic as possible. The audience will enjoy spectacular visual effects aligned with technology’s capabilities. We must acknowledge Andy Weir’s great literary contribution.
My main criticism is the movie progresses slowly. Whenever we watch Matt Damon we’re used to seeing fast action-packed scenes. In spite of this, I believe The Martian is brilliant. This is Matt Damon’s magnum opus. You won’t find a carbon copy.

IamGuruJay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!