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Who’s Funnier Than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?


Check out Between Two Ferns. You see as a pair Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell could take over the comedy world. 10 years from now you’ll play that clip and still laugh from your gut. That’s the best kind of laughter.
Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell answer the question: what’s so funny? Zach has mastered the art of self-deprecation. And Steve Carell’s persona epitomizes a narcissist. That’s why together they are 1 dangerous force.
Can you picture a comedy tour with these comedians? Zach Galifianakis drums up funny beats for a living. Who’s funnier than him?
Maybe, Steve Carell can make you laugh a little more. Both brands command attention. You see comedy and marketing go hand and hand.

I feel that Carell is the best actor between the two ferns. However, Galifianakis is a funnier comedian. You’ll sure have a ball watching them go to town. For what it’s worth, Steve Carell made the Office. And Zach Galifianakis made the Hangover. 

Zach’s standup experience prepares him perfectly for movies. Although he isn’t the best, he is a good actor. Galifianakis delivers a great performance in Birdman. Also, in Are You Here, he and Owen Wilson demonstrate their entertainment value.
Hollywood stars are jealous of Zach and Steve because their names draw enormous crowds. For the record, Evan Almighty should be recognized as a classic, despite Jim Carrey not reprising his role. Plus Hangover Part III was unfairly criticized. Remember that the original tends to be better than sequels.

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I think Ricky Gervais is proud of Steve Carell in Office. And I believe Will Ferrellappreciates Zach’s offerings to Funny or Die. I don’t like Dan In Real Life but Bored to Death is excellent work. Also, 40 Year-Old Virgin is one of the funniest movies ever. In a nutshell, who’s funnier than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Louis C.K. Rolled Into 1 Big Fattie


Do you watch Louie on FX? I used to binge watch episodes every now and then. Louis C.K. is George Carlin, George Lopez, and Jerry Seinfeld rolled into 1 big fattie. The comedian observes life from another lens and a different scope.
Who are your top 10 comedians working today? Louis C.K. makes my top 10 because of his nonchalant style. I like him better than Kevin Hart, who goes overboard sometimes.
Louis C.K. is old fashioned and distinguishable. He gives you just enough. Louie won’t wave a big juicy steak in your face because then you’ll bite off more than you can chew. He’ll feed you one forkful at a time like a true gentleman.
If you appreciate the comedic genius of Kevin James, then Louie is your guy. Comedy is weak without a strong personality. Louis C.K. lays in the cut, but lives on the edge. FX labels his Louie material TVMA (Mature) for this reason.   

The comedy business has changed significantly since yesterday. It’s no longer the hardest gig in the entertainment industry. Talented actors have a much harder time than talented comics. You’re not going to make it unless you look like Olivia Wilde and act like Julia Roberts, sorry.
Let’s campaign for more Louis C.K. movies?
Can you imagine Louis C.K., Jim Carrey, and Ricky Gervais in the same movie? Tell me you would go see that flick.
You see Louis C.K. became a standup comic when the tough got going. Back in his day, getting attention from the media (they called it press) was a science. Nowadays, anything can potentially go viral. 

I admire Louis C.K.’s brand of comedy. Louis C.K. blew up. Who could have predicted that he would get this huge? I highly recommend his standups because they tell the truth and nothing but lies.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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The Rawness and Genius of Ricky Gervais


Where do you find originality in entertainment? Celebrities copy each other and it’s an accepted practice. How often do you hear the same jokes delivered by different comedians?

There are few originals and millions of carbon copies. Ricky Gervais is one of the few and proud, but I wouldn’t say humble.
I respect Ricky Gervais and his act. I feel there is certain rawness about him. Plus, the man is a genius.
Ricky Gervais invented a larger than life persona. I don’t believe he is arrogant in real life. Gervais shares a similar style with Stephen Colbert.
Moreover, his sense of humor and timing is one of the best in show business. And he is a brilliant comedy writer. Funny people have always had a job from jesters to clowns to comedians. I’d bet money there are some jesters in this celebrity’s genealogy.

You can count on Ricky Gervais to amuse your ears, but he won’t clean them. Dirty words make up the bulk of his vernacular on set. You receive that rawness. It’s common knowledge that a lot of times it’s not what you say but how you say it that matters.
Why isn’t Ricky Gervais in more movies? It would be nice to see him expand more into filmmaking. The comedy world seems restrictive. For example, Amy Schumer should have been able to make Train Wreck a lot quicker. Also, what’s holding up the Richard Pryor Biopic?
I believe the world itself has too many restrictions. In 2016, we are advancing technologically but humanity is headed backwards. There’s a total lack of empathy. I applaud Ricky Gervais because he brings to light what’s happening, specifically the human disconnection in an “anti-socially” connected society.
As a satirist Ricky Gervais makes pressing observations. He uses the stage like agent 007 James Bond and Agent 86 Maxwell Smart. That’s pure genius.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

He may get trashed at a Hollywood after party but he doesn’t waste his talent. I love entertainment because it’s all about having a good time and being happy. We gotta take breaks and enjoy our lives because tomorrow is not promised to anybody. Anything can happen at anytime and anywhere. So, let’s make the most of our time right here and now.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!