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Who Are Your Favorite Real Housewives?


Do you want to blowup overnight? Is it your time to shine and be famous? Would you like to have your own reality TV show? 

Can you picture the camera crew literally waiting all day for you to BLOW UP? You see blowing up can take on multiple meanings. Anyway, let’s put more meaning behind our words; and at the same time don’t take someone’s bullshit too literal. 

You don’t have to watch a reality show to know we don’t live in a drama free world. But, there’s hope thanks to Hollywood. Instead of concentrating on all the violence, you can choose to focus on Exhibit A: Kim Kardashian or Exhibit B. Kylie Jenner

In the words of the Beatles, give peace a DAMN chance! You see that I put a twist on it. The fact is reality TV allows an escape from the real world.

Are you a single mother? It’s hard paying rent sometimes. It’s a struggle but be “thankful for what you got and keep on pushing.” Curtis Mayfield told us that.

Are you a housewife? You can just relax and be yourself. Feed the kids. Get them off to school. 

Then, go shopping. Get a manicure and pedicure. Cook dinner. Clean house. 

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Now, it’s time to party. So, Sh-shake your money maker. The only caveat is it is all on tape for everyone to see. But you get a fat check at the end of the day. 

Here’s an idea. Why not make a private reality show right now? Call it Me-Time.

Do you watch the Real Housewives? Who are your favorite stars? What franchises do you like better? My two favorites are Bethenny Frankel and NeNe Leakes. I like New Jersey (RHONJ) and Atlanta (RHOA) and Beverly Hills (RHOBH) more than the rest.

If you asked me, I had enough of Wendy Williams. Bring back the Bethenny talk show. I think they didn’t want to pay full value for Bethenny and settled for Wendy. Chime in your comments.

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Who Prefers Khloe Kardashian?


It’s hard Keeping Up with the Kardashians. There are so many Kardashians to choose from. Do you want to know how to be like Kim? Will Robert marry Blac Chyna? Who prefers Khloe?

Whenever I ask people who their favorite Kardashian is, they say “Khloe” the majority of the time. What is it about Khloe Kardashian that people find fascinating? Is it sheer good looks? I believe I know the answer.

Khloe represents the ideal woman. Her body type isn’t too perfect. In other words, it’s achievable. She worked hard for her body and she treats it right.

Also, the celebrity’s personality suits the average person best. Out of all the Kardashians, people can relate to her the most. Plus she keeps it real.

Khloe can play any part given, but she plays herself. It makes the Paparazzi’s day to spot this celeb in a tight bikini. TV and showbiz is not the same without Kim’s little sister.

You must admire Khloe’s supportive and caring nature. She goes beyond the calls of duties. She’s a trooper, who understands what being a family unit is all about. The Kardashians/Jenners were able to profit from their thriving entertainment business by working together.

Give Kardashian extra credit for style. She stays in the news because making a fashion statement is a top priority. What is more, Khloe makes it look so easy. But it’s not easy keeping Kylie Jenner on track.

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What color do you like Khloe’s hair? Maybe, you’re a gentleman who prefers blonde. Perhaps, you like it au naturel. Celebrities must constantly maintain their appearances, because when they don’t it’s broadcasted to the whole world.

I prefer Khloe Kardashian because she causes less drama. Life’s too short to nitpick over everything. Khloe doesn’t ask for much. She just wants what Christina Aguilera wants… “whatever makes me happy sets you free.”

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Ranking the Real


Do you watch daytime TV? Maybe you’re watching the Real right now. The Real is one of my favorite talk shows. There’s no other show quite like it.

I love the Real cast because they don’t hold anything back. Every last one of them makes a contribution. But, let’s be real…who does the best job?

  1. Loni Love

I’m partial toward comedians, so Loni Love gets the edge. Plus, she contributes more value to the show because of her humor. Who could forget her performance in Mall Cop 2, where she brings down the house?

Loni Love reminds me of a younger Whoopi. Does anyone else see the familiarity. They both have a similar style and stage presence. Loni controls the set like an air traffic controller.
  1. Tamera Mowry

The Sister Sister starlet has transformed into a reality TV supernova. Without question, Tamera adds class and a mixture of spice. We value her opinions because she’s honest about her life.

The wife and mother is relatable to her audience. Tamera opens up and tells the truth about herself. What is more, she’s a strong believer in God.

  1. Tamar Braxton  

As the youngest sibling, I can identify with Tamar. She is smart, talented, generous, and kind. Braxton would rank higher but she’s absent sometimes. On the other hand, absence makes the heart grow fonder.  

  1. Adrienne Bailon
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Adrienne always comes up with sensational stories. She shows appreciation and gives gratitude. Perhaps, the most perky of the bunch- no one questions her spirit. Bailon loves dancing and many single men love dancing with her.   

  1. Jeannie Mai

Fashion expert Jeannie Mai specializes in clothes, so she’s the fashionable #5. In order to survive, people need clothing. And in order to thrive, you want an eye for fashion like Jeannie Mai helping you fit in your clothes.

What’s your ranking of the Real cast? Tell me in the comments.

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Kissing Kylie Jenner



Can you picture having it all? There’s no need to worry about bills piling up to your ceiling fan. Everything is under control.
You see Kylie Jenner has it all. What more could she want? She’s rich, young, and beautiful. In other words, “Baby, kiss me.” Fly me to the moon!
Look at those lips. You want to kiss them. Kissing Kylie Jenner is on everybody’s to-do list. After seeing her enticing eyes, long flowing hair, and curvaceous body you’re hooked.

While we’re on this topic, enjoy Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet.
Plus Jenner’s brand is highly marketable. She has already reached over 56 million Instagram followers. Few can live up to the reputation she’s built on and off social media. Her fans absolutely adore her every action.
The spotlight literally shines on Kylie for a living. Moreover, the sensual reality TV star is a sensation. You can bank on her tender image and likeness selling all types of products. Every corporation wants to lock her down in 7 figure deals right now. They must wait their turn though. 

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Fortunately, Kylie learned from the best- “momager” Kris Jenner and the one and only Kim Kardashian. I like Kim because she didn’t leave her sisters in the dust. You know that scene from Lilo and Stitch, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind.”
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So, you think you want to be like Kylie Jenner, check out Kendall and Kylie. Imagine you were a celebrity. You are finally granted access to VIP. These parties and rendezvouses are amazing, aren’t they?
What is the secret to cultivating Kylie Jenner’s kind of brand and star power? I can’t reveal it. But Nick Jonas provides a clue in his Levels lyrics “There’s so much to discover…” You see premium information comes at a cost.  
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Why Kimora Lee Simmons Is Exceptional


I’m not a reality TV fan, although I’m fascinated with some reality TV stars. I don’t watch Keeping Up with the Karsashians, but I enjoy gazing at Kim Kardashian’sTwitter and Instagram selfies. I’m busy Keeping Up with Myself.
Still, I realize many of my fans love reality TV shows and some hate them with a passion. I know hate is a strong word that’s why I used it. I got to get paid. That’s the reason why you won’t find many reality TV stories.
I believe the majority of reality shows are a waste of time. However, there are exceptions. I make an exception for documentaries because knowledge is power.
Are there guilty pleasures? Yes, people like certain shit for a variety of reasons. Nowadays, no one doesn’t have an opinion. Everybody has a problem. I have a solution.

I make an exception for Kimora Lee Simmons. I used to watch Simmons for entertainment purposes and enlightenment. Kimora was an important brand ambassador for Russell Simmons’ empire.

What is more, Kimora built her own trademarked products while helping Russell prosper. That’s why they’re still on good terms today despite their divorce. They nipped it in the bud by becoming best buds. Both parties are happy now. Simmons makes you smile after a hard day of work because she loves life.
Kimora Lee Simmons is one of the finest fashion models ever in the entertainment business. The biracial celebrity is an exotic beauty with Korean heritage. Lee’s modeling success is well documented. Plus, Lee’s business acumen has been validated.
The celebrity deserves credit for Phat Farm and Baby Phat, especially. I believe Kimora Lee Simmons is a brand name because she’s the one and only. Is she on Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum’s level? You could build a case for that.

Kimora can work well in front of the cameras and behind the scenes. Fashion designers equally admire Lee’s fashion and business sense. Here’s a gal who struts her stuff and knows her stuff too.

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How To Be Like Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is a reality TV pioneer. You appreciate her because she made something out of nothing. Right now, she has everybody talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to be like Kim. If you desire fame and fortune, Kardashian can give you guidance.
The Hollywood celebrity has perfect timing. And she doesn’t beat around the bush, despite dating NFL Running Back Reggie Bush.
If you want to be famous like Kim, start taking Selfies. Kardashians are known to self promote. Remember your most valuable investment is you.
Don’t forget to add squats, jumping jacks, and Pilates to your routine. If you need more tips, check out Kanye West’s New Workout Plan. Also, when you’re out partying make sure you look and act the part.

Let your hair down, and ask the DJ to play your favorite song. Oh yeah, ditch those nerdy glasses. Google glass is ok though, because it is geeky.
The sex symbol is a big tease. I believe she learned how to market her brand from Jennifer Lopez. Check out How To Be Famous In Seven Steps.
Becoming Kim Kardashian-like involves sacrifices. Your personal life is broadcasted for the whole world to see. They’re going to judge every action you take.
You must be comfortable around cameras. This is a good time to practice your poses. Trust and believe the Paparazzi will record all your drama and leave nothing out. So get ready.
You should always be accommodating. Watch your bitch fits, because public opinion pays your bills. Be kind, and teach your sisters how to play your game.

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I’m not talking about Kim’s self-titled Hollywood game. Her real game is called Monopoly. The Huffington Post reports Kim Kardashian has a net worth of $85 million.
Can you keep up with Kim Kardashian?
Right now, she is making fast moves. What is stopping you from doing the same? Try out new things, and live out your dreams.

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Kendra Wilkinson Vs. Heidi Montag: Who Is the Sweeter Reality TV Eye Candy?

Kendra Wilkinson Vs. Heidi Montag: Who Is the Sweeter Reality TV Eye Candy?

Have you heard the news about Playboy no longer featuring nude models? It is important for every brand to reinvent itself. For 50 plus years, Hugh Hefner consistently provided controversial material to the public. In addition, he made hundreds of stars famous. One such star goes by the moniker Kendra Wilkinson.
Kendra Wilkinson represents reality TV like Bernie Sanders. There’s nothing conservative about Kendra’s platform. In the past, she openly dated an 80-year-old gentleman. Now, the Girl Next Door is married to an ex-football player. What other reality TV star can outshine her resume? The answer is Heidi Montag.

Heidi Montag befriended Lauren Conrad becoming a focal point on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. Later, Lauren and Heidi were reality stars on another hit show called the Hills. Unfortunately for Conrad, Montag dated, engaged, and married her ex boyfriend Spencer Pratt.
So, I ask the question: who is the sweeter reality TV eye candy? Both Heidi and Kendra are drama queens. Also, they always look amazing. But who do you believe is the bigger name?

My short answer is Heidi Montag. This celebrity simply has more reality TV experience than the other. In other words, the celeb has pissed off more people than what’s tolerated. Moreover, MTV not only invented reality TV, they produce the best shows. Who remembers the highly successful Real World?
The entertainment business thrives off celebrities going at each other’s throats. Kendra is a sweetie, while Heidi is pure sugar. Both are processed and superficial. Still, at the end of the day they are two interesting characters.
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If you want to know how to go viral, if you want 1 million Twitter followers, then let Kendra Wilkinson and Heidi Montag serve you as examples. Unarguably, there is a blueprint for aspiring celebrities. And these television personalities are architects.

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