Category: Quotes
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By: Guru Jay
Life is a rollercoaster ride. It’s filled with thrills, twists, and twirls. There are ups, downs and turnarounds. No matter what your situation is, you can turn it all around. You can do it!
Stay strong. Tough times may avail but better days are ahead. You must first live to learn, in order to learn to live.

Halle Berry has starred in many great films. Her career is exemplary. She wagered both successful and unsuccessful bets. My uncle told me that nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Tom Hanks is a movie legend. All his films have made the movie executives extremely rich. Who could forget him in Forrest Gump? He brings characters to life. I like Hanks, because his message is simply stay strong.
Bono believes in big ideas. Because of his beliefs he has won over celebrities, politicians, and the world herself. He is respected because he is respectable.


You learn from Lolo the meaning of perseverance. Life is full of hurdles. If you’re going to jump over obstacles, do like Lolo and kick them out your way.

The New England Patriots drafted Tom Brady in the sixth round. 198 players were chosen before the Patriots selected Brady. Fast forward 14 years, Brady is the best Quarterback of his generation.
That’s it. That’s all you have to do.You have to be the best. It takes time. But, you tackle your issues on your way. At times, your problems will tackle you.
Remember to stay strong. If you’re focused nothing is impossible. When you’re properly prepared, greatness is right beside you.
Again, the key to winning is practice. The New York Yankees have won 18 division titles, 40 American League Pennants and 27 World Series Championships. The Yankees have lost more championships than any other MLB team has won.
Reggie Jackson is known for winning 5 World Series Championships with the Yankees. Did you know he holds the record for most strikeouts? He failed so much to the point he succeeded.
The San Antonio Spurs have won four Larry O’Brien trophies. What makes San Antonio strong year after year, is their teamwork. The Spurs play excellent team basketball.
They have been successful because of their willingness to pass up an opportunity for the sake of their teammates. The players think team first and that’s why they have won four NBA championships.
Here is a video I made called 11 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You To Take Action. It may seem celebrities are superficial. However, many celebrities are motivational. Their stories have meanings.
If you want to make it to the top, you have to keep your focus. It’s too easy to lose sight of you vision. Remember: live to learn, so you can learn how to live.
This We Are The World Video is moving. It inspires you to take action. You must act in order for your dreams to come alive. So, remember to audition.
Don’t forget the world is big. Fortunately, love is bigger. We share this world together. It is your duty to give back to the world.
We have to come together. We have so much division and not enough multiplication. Every bit adds up. What are you doing to help the misfortunate?
This is the We Are The World Video 25 years later. It highlights the original. It’s very inspiring.
I admire how celebrities came together to help Haiti. Singers used their musical gifts to uplift a downtrodden nation. They donated their money and time to assist Haitians after the devastating earthquake.
The Stand By Me Around the World video shows the passionate and compassionate sides of society. It shows the beauty of music as well as the beauty of people. Although these times are dark, brighter days are coming.
You can see the sun shine in this video.
You feel the heart beat as the drum beats. As the guitar plays, love spews. Hatred is not in the equation.
Here is a succinct movie clip. The Pursuit of Happyness, based on a true story, is one of my favorite films. Although Christopher Gardner is homeless he somehow manages to overcome his shortcomings for the sake of his family.
You will find the bond of father and son is strong. It is strengthened by love. Love is the answer to the equation of life…
The Rocky video epitomizes what determination is. Rocky gave it his all. He put it all on the line.
If you get knocked down, get back up. If you get knocked out, fight another fight. If you lose, recognize you are one step closer to winning.
Here is an insightful and inspiring video. Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer because he worked smart and hard. Boxing is an art as well as a science.
The key to greatness is to aim for perfection. Perfect is rare. Greatness is attainable.
In this video, Al Pacino uses bold and frank language to convey his message. He explains that life has hardships. But, under no circumstance do you give up…
Greatness is a thin line. In the words of Al Pacino, a few inches can make the difference between winning and losing. You have to make sacrifices for your family.
In this video, a homeless young man uses his talent to elevate his circumstances. While auditioning for Korea’s Got Talent, he wins the hearts of the audience and judges. His story is clearly compelling.
Even though society gave up on him, he never gave up on himself. You have to find your purpose. Run toward your goals and don’t look back. Look ahead.
I am convinced you have to lose to win. The more you lose, the more you win; provided that you learn from your mistakes. You’re in a comfortable position if you experienced setbacks.
Don’t be afraid of failure. If you keep trying your best, you will succeed. You can also learn a lot for others. Find a mentor and listen closely.