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Who’s Watching The Tick?


Who’s Watching The Tick?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

This Saturday I spent some time watching The Tick with family. We were looking for a fun comedy and came across the Amazon Prime series. I had a feeling it was going to be good.

I noticed #TheTick trending on Twitter. These days I find some of my best stories originate from Twitter. I’d love to hear your take on the new TV show. Here are my thoughts on the new Amazon Prime series.

First of all, the acting was over the top, borderline bad. I don’t remember ever seeing the cartoon, but if I did it was probably better than this malarkey. I think it should have stayed a cartoon; at least in that format, I could better understand and excuse the plot holes and poor character developments.

As the Original Entertainment Guru, I value original entertainment. The Tick lacked creativity. You see I heard those jokes before already. I wanted them to say something new and different for a change. It didn’t happen. Comedy is all about discovering new perspectives. At the end of the day, I saw the same ole perspective. I had high expectations for The Tick. Maybe, I set the bar too high.

On the bright side, the cinematography was fine. I think it was a good setting. Still, there wasn’t enough excitement for me. It has potential in a parallel universe.

Overall, I gave it 2 stars out of 5. After watching the pilot and the second episode, we had to call it a day. It wasn’t our cup of tea. It wasn’t a total waste of time though, because I took a nap.

They tried to be like the Green Lantern, but failed. I haven’t seen this much bad TV in a long time. I was disappointed. Who’s watching The Tick? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Binge Watching comics Daredevil Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Iron Fist Jessica Jones Luke Cage Marvel Movies Netflix Netflix Original Original Entertainment Guru Superheroes The Defenders

Are You Binge-Watching The Defenders?


Are You Binge-Watching The Defenders?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

I decided to binge-watch Marvel’s The Defenders on Netflix. The Defenders showcases 4 amazing talents. The series combines Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and the Iron Fist into one. Let’s start the discussion. Are you binge-watching the Defenders?

In this blog, I will analyze the first four episodes.I will tell you what I liked and what I didn’t like. By the end, you’ll see why they call me the Original Entertainment Guru.

I throughly enjoyed the first episode. The story begins in Cambodia with sword fighting and a ton of action. A dying man’s last words were “the real war is in New York City.” As the Immortal Iron Fist flys back on his private plane, he experiences turbulence coupled with a nightmare about Cambodia. His girlfriend comforts him as he wakes up.

Then, it cuts to Jessica Jones. She’s busy doing the usual- lifting cars and shit. Plus, Luke Cage gets out of jail. He doesn’t have time for the man to un-cuff him, so he breaks the cuffs in half with all his might. Meanwhile, Daredevil wins a big case for $11 million.

The first 2 episodes reintroduce all 4 characters in dramatic fashion. It was well written and the acting was terrific. Moreover, the director deserves credit for his vision.

I didn’t like the second episode that much. The third episode was the best so far. It had an unforgettable ending. You gotta check it out and see what I mean. I’ve never seen a more powerful ending to an episode. The fourth episode takes place in a Chinese restaurant.

Overall, the series was well worth the wait. There is something for everybody. The show progressively gets better. In many ways, it is almost like a movie. The Defenders is great TV. I highly recommend binge-watching the Netflix Original series. You may want to watch Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil first.

I like what Netflix and Marvel are doing. Bringing 4 shows into one is brilliant, brilliant I tell you. If you are into comics, superheroes and the like, it is is a must-see. You receive premium entertainment value. I stopped my binge-watching at the 5th episode. I look forward to seeing the rest. Stay tuned for part II.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!