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Who’s Watching The Tick?


Who’s Watching The Tick?

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This Saturday I spent some time watching The Tick with family. We were looking for a fun comedy and came across the Amazon Prime series. I had a feeling it was going to be good.

I noticed #TheTick trending on Twitter. These days I find some of my best stories originate from Twitter. I’d love to hear your take on the new TV show. Here are my thoughts on the new Amazon Prime series.

First of all, the acting was over the top, borderline bad. I don’t remember ever seeing the cartoon, but if I did it was probably better than this malarkey. I think it should have stayed a cartoon; at least in that format, I could better understand and excuse the plot holes and poor character developments.

As the Original Entertainment Guru, I value original entertainment. The Tick lacked creativity. You see I heard those jokes before already. I wanted them to say something new and different for a change. It didn’t happen. Comedy is all about discovering new perspectives. At the end of the day, I saw the same ole perspective. I had high expectations for The Tick. Maybe, I set the bar too high.

On the bright side, the cinematography was fine. I think it was a good setting. Still, there wasn’t enough excitement for me. It has potential in a parallel universe.

Overall, I gave it 2 stars out of 5. After watching the pilot and the second episode, we had to call it a day. It wasn’t our cup of tea. It wasn’t a total waste of time though, because I took a nap.

They tried to be like the Green Lantern, but failed. I haven’t seen this much bad TV in a long time. I was disappointed. Who’s watching The Tick? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Best Blogs Celebrity comedians comedy Famous People Funny Guru Jay Happy Feet Hollywood Hollywood Actors legends Movies Original Entertainment Robin Williams Robin WIlliams Tribute Showbiz standup

Remembering Robin Williams


Do you remember watching Flubber as a kid or a grownup even? Who could forget that bubbly giant blue genie from Aladdin? How about that tear-jerking and gut busting Patch Adams movie? Like you, Robin Williams serves my memory well. He had six senses and humor was one of them.
Robin Williams was an alien because his comedy was out of this world. Moreover, his spirit is still alive. We always saw him in a bright light. He was a kind, generous, and genuine human being.
Most of his movies like Jack, Happy Feet, and Bicentennial Man brought families closer together. They were also meaningful and thought provoking. Many of his films reflected on humanity.

We find that life is a set of circumstances. The path is never straight because there are roadblocks and redirections. Yet, we “get by with a little help from our friends.”
Robin Williams was a friendly guy. He could relate to almost anyone from Hollywood’s elite to the cashier struggling to pay rent. And The Good Morning Vietnam actor could identify with the American Marine serving his 3rd tour in the Middle East too.
In fact, the great comedian went over to war-torn territory to tell jokes in front of our brave troops. This should show you Mr. Williams was sincere. He cared deeply about the lives of others, especially his family.

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I feel you are not measured by the amount of money you leave, but by how much happiness you bring to others. Have you seen Robin Williams HBO standup special? All of his standups are such a pleasure to watch. While displaying his talent, creativity, and might simultaneously, the legend seized moments.
And so, remember Robin Williams for his reputation. You could always count on him. Even Santa Clause envied Robin William’s gifts.

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Why Robert Downey Jr. Is Number 1

What are your favorite Robert Downey Jr. movies? Do you like Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man, and The Avengers? Without question, Robert Downey Jr.’s filmography is legendary. It’s easy to see why The Soloist movie star is number 1 on the Forbes highest paid actors list.
How many times has he scored big at the box office? The numbers show that his movies have collected more than $7.2 billion in revenue. Clearly, he is a bankable movie star plus a prominent actor. Like Drew Barrymore, Downey inherited his calling. The Hollywood heir reminds us of a Tudor because of his noteworthy performance in Richard III and his regal appearance in real life.
Crown him King of Hollywood or make him Lord of Tinseltown. Downey deserves his accolades because of his dedication to his craft. It’s rare to see stars with longevity in the movie industry. Most actors must return to theatre or their other option is TV.
Isn’t it amazing watching a master create a work of art? Can you imagine Downey, Jr. directing movies like his father? If Keanu Reeves is unstoppable, then Robert Downey Jr. is unbelievable.
Chaucer wrote, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” That’s why everyone respects this incredible thespian’s versatility. For example, he played the leading role in Due Date and The Judge. With a net worth in excess of $180 million, the celebrity can afford to take risks. 
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His lifestyle is comparable to the Canterbury Tales. It’s interesting and a must-read. Robert Downey Jr. = A classic actor- would you agree?
We recognize the best because none of us want to settle for less. We have always lived in a competitive world. Robert Downey Jr. is a fierce competitor. He skated to the top by constantly improving his repertoire. To be the best means to keep getting better. 
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Adam Levine bands Best Blogs Celebrity Celebrity Website Different Famous People Guru Jay Maroon 5 Music Music Blogs Music Industry Music Website Original Entertainment Showbiz Singers The Voice

How Adam Levine Is Different


Have you ever wished you had express yourself a little differently? Maybe, you were too strict in your approach. Now you’re left wondering the possibilities. Sometimes we’re too hard on each other. Gratefully, we grow.
Be sure to watch the Maroon 5 Maps music video at the end because it sums up relationships. Something about this video makes me think about someone special. You learn in due time to approach situations better, especially those concerning love. You may find listening to love songs confirm your own experiences.
We feel the same range of emotions, male and female alike. Are you in search of a love song? Well, you’re in luck. Maroon 5 love songs are masterpieces. Although every band member is important, Lead Vocalist Adam Levine runs the show.

How many reasons do you need to listen to Maroon 5? 12.6 million followers receive tweets from the band. Moreover, 39 million Facebook fans engage with their squad. To date, Maroon 5 has won 3 Grammys and sold more than 90 million units globally.
Being comfortable in Adam Levine’s skin is a big strength, not a big stretch. Plus, he appears to have an open mind. The musician makes decisive movements and yet he has a flexible singing style. Levine also makes fashion statements, which we should encourage celebrities to do.
Switch it up, and dare to be different. Sometimes it’s difficult for you, trust me I know. Remember to challenge your capabilities because that’s how you develop better skills.

The VoiceCoach Adam Levine has skillfully mastered music. He is like a scientist experimenting with ideas. The stage is his lab. And to top it all off, the amazing singer makes it look so sexy.
The takeaway: Adam Levine is different because of his approach at music and in life. Yes, he flexes his muscles but the secret is his flexibility. Deliver the total package in tip-top condition, and you won’t have any problems.

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Adele Australian Celebrities Celebrity Celebrity Blog Cher Eminem Famous Singers Guru Jay I'm Alive Kanye West Lady Gaga Music New Albums Original Entertainment Rihanna Sia talent This Is Acting

Why Sia Is Unique


Right now, Adele is making headlines for Hello and 25. And Rihanna is expected to release ANTI anytime. Finally, Sia will unveil her new album This Is Actingon January 29, 2016.
Listening to music is good for you. The next time you play a song, consider singing along. Currently, I’m Alive by Sia is on my playlist. I find myself reciting the words and humming the catchy tune. After closely examining the lyrics, I am impressed by the songwriting.
Sia won’t be forgotten. That’s for sure. Her style reminds me of Cher. She can belt out ballads with such great ease. Moreover, Sia is the most creative music artist out there.
I like Lady Gaga a lot, but Sia’s creativity is unmatchable. Kanye West can’t even express himself more creatively than Sia. Let me stress I’m not knocking anyone.

I only want to praise the Chandeliersinger’s gifts. It is wonderful listening to Sia. Who else can turn their voice into a trombone?
The Australian songstress isn’t bound by location. She built a strong fan base organically across continents. What is more, her lyrics contain meaning.
She serves a purpose. She’s not singing about sex or glorifying drug culture. Her music is about struggle and empowerment.
Did you know she’s collaborated with rappers Eminem and Kanye West on the songs Guts Over Fear and Wolves, respectively?

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Sia covers her face to remain mysterious. Who else does that? Almost all celebrities love placing their faces front and center.
“Selfies” are a new concept popularized by Kim Kardashian. The reality TV star “published” a book with pictures of her body in various poses.
Sia doesn’t seem to want fame. Who could blame her? However, the singer continues recording and performing because she realizes her incredible talent is a blessing. Sia is unique.

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Box Office Celeb News Chiwetel Ejiofor Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jeff Daniels Jessica Chastain Kate Mara Matt Damon Michael Pena movie review Movies Original Entertainment Rotten Tomatoes The Martian

The Martian Movie Review

The Martian Movie Review

If you’re a regular at Guru Jay, you know The Martian is my kind of movie. I expect this film to be number 1 at the box office for the third consecutive week. Numbers indicate that The Martian might become director Ridley Scott’s best movie ever.
Tonight, my initial thought was: what are comedians Kristen Wiig and Donald Glover doing in this particular piece? After viewing the film, now I realize that they are three-dimensional actors. Who can complain about this wonderful cast? Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Michael Peña
The Plot
Matt Damon plays an astronaut (Mark Watney) stranded on Mars because his crew abruptly aborts their mission due to a severe storm. His crewmembers leave him behind thinking he’s dead. However, the determined character lives through this tribulation and awaits rescue.
Luckily, Watney’s a botanist who figures out how to grow food for survival purposes. “The Martian” finally contacts NASA, who already gave him a memorial. Soon, the public learns he is alive. Then, the whole world prepares for his return home safely.

Typically, it would take 4 years to travel to Mars. However, Watney may come home earlier than imagined because of a fortunate discovery. Without a doubt the proposition is risky. What option will NASA take?
Jessica Chastain plays mission commander Melissa Lewis. To her credit, she never wanted to abandon Watney. Nonetheless, she is pivotal to the storyline. I won’t spoil it any further for you. If you’re into science, go check it out.

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Closing Thoughts

The cinematography is on point. The Martian is realistic and futuristic as possible. The audience will enjoy spectacular visual effects aligned with technology’s capabilities. We must acknowledge Andy Weir’s great literary contribution.
My main criticism is the movie progresses slowly. Whenever we watch Matt Damon we’re used to seeing fast action-packed scenes. In spite of this, I believe The Martian is brilliant. This is Matt Damon’s magnum opus. You won’t find a carbon copy.

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