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The Upside Movie Review


The Upside Movie Review

I decided to write a movie review on The Upside because it contains an important message.We must come to grip with our reality. The Upside is about a wealthy man and a poor man coming to grip with their reality. The two men both lack substance in their lives. On the one hand, the wealthy man seems to have it all. The poor man seems to have nothing. In the end, you’ll find out what true wealth is.

The wealthy man must come to grip with his situation. It isn’t in his power to be able to walk again. It is not his fault he can’t move his body. He must stop being hard on himself. Unfortunately, he needs help doing the little things people often take for granted such as: taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating.

The poor man must face his family. He has neglected them, and he hasn’t fulfilled his potential as a father, husband, and man. He’s made a ton of mistakes. He went to jail and paid his debt though. You can make excuses for him, but he’s failed multiple times. Just because you fail though, doesn’t make you a failure.

Obviously, the wealthy man is a success. That’s why he’s wealthy. He’s wrote books, buys art and loves opera. In his own words, he’s richer than Jay Z, and the man can buy the Brooklyn Nets. He’s both succeeded and failed simultaneously. You see, he can’t move on from his past marriage. In fact, he still wears his wedding ring.

The film is about making connections. The three main characters are played by Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston, and Nicole Kidman. They are connected, just like we are connected. Everything is connected. The Upside is a love and life story. It is based on a true story. The message is that money can’t buy love or life.

Moreover, The Upside is about fate and faith. What is fate? What is faith? And how are the two concepts connected?

Overall, the acting in the film is phenomenal. The script is heartwarming. Everybody did a beautiful job. To make a movie like this come together takes brilliance.

I give the film a B+. The Upside earns 4 and a half stars out of 5. I think family and friends will enjoy every minute together (like they should) watching this movie. I would watch it twice because the message is very poignant.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Amber Heard Aquaman Batman V. Superman Ben Affleck Celebrities Conan the Barbarian DC Comics Entertainment Game of Thrones Guru Jay Hollywood Jason Momoa Lisa Bonet Movies Nicole Kidman Zoe Kravitz

Why Jason Momoa Is the Right Aquaman


Why Jason Momoa Is the Right Aquaman

Jason Momoa plays Aquaman in the upcoming DC comic book-based movie. Do you plan on going to see it? Undoubtedly, something tells me that Aquaman will please fans. I expect the movie to generate at least $300 million at the box office. Maybe, $500 million is within reach.

I watched a few Aquaman trailers and I’m impressed. Jason Momoa is the right man for the job. Plus, Amber Heard is a fine addition to the cast. Seeing those two on the silver screen together is a treat. Moreover, look for Nicole Kidman to demonstrate why she is at the pinnacle of success in the film.

Aquaman made an appearance in Batman V. Superman. I had a problem with accepting Ben Affleck as Batman, although I believe Henry Cavil is the right Superman. The point is Jason Momoa is the right Aquaman.

Still, don’t limit Jason Momoa to just one movie. I’ve become more familiar with Jason Momoa’s work over the past year. He is an incredible actor with an amazing filmography. Conan the Barbarian with Arnold Schwarzenegger is an all-time favorite. I believe Jason Momoa did the remake justice.

I highly recommend Conan the Barbarian (2011) because it is one of Jason Momoa’s best movies. One man shouldn’t have all those muscles. But he works out hard in the gym. They say hard work pays off and Jason Momoa gets it.

Somehow, he finds a way to star in Hollywood’s biggest productions. Case in point: Game of Thrones. Ever since Game of Thrones, he has made a name for himself.

Did you know Jason Momoa is legally married to Lisa Bonet? That means Zoe Kravitz is his stepdaughter. Talk about a small world.

In closing, I wonder what’s next for Jason Momoa. Will he settle down as a legendary superhero? Or will he star in riskier and more challenging productions? We’ll see…

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Academy Awards Australian Actors Best Actress Best Blogs Chiwetel Ejiofor Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Julia Roberts Movies Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman Movies producer Secret in Their Eyes Tom Cruise

Why Nicole Kidman Is at the Pinnacle


Get to know Nicole Kidman. She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1967 but was raised in Australia. She was Tom Cruise’s wife for 11 years. Now, she is married to Keith Urban. Moreover, she is the mother of 4 children.
Let’s recognize Nicole Kidman for her greatness. The Australian actress is at the pinnacle of her success. Secret in Their Eyes showcases her supreme talents along with Julia Roberts’. Unfortunately, box office results occasionally do not correlate with true results.
I believe the messaging and packaging of a film is more important than initial reception. I admire Nicole Kidman because she’s an actress first, and a movie star second. Many movies take time to register with the public. Moreover, great stories such as Moby Dick are discounted in value when initially released.

I feel Secret in Their Eyes will gain in momentum because Kidman is at her best. It compares favorably to her Academy Award winning performance in The Hours. No offense Meryl Streep but Nicole Kidman stole the spotlight from you.
By far, Far and Away (no pun intended) is my favorite Nicole Kidman movie. Here’s why. Her chemistry with Tom Cruise could cause a volcanic eruption on the Big Island. They were truly in love with each other. In my book, Far and Away is a classic.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
Australia is another great movie starring Nicole. As an added bonus, Hugh Jackman escorts his lady for the journey on horseback. I recommend watching it because learning about Australian-Aboriginal relations is insightful. I remember seeing women cry in the movie theater because the plot enthralled them.
The Stepford Wives film deserves an honorable mention. Additionally, Eyes Wide Shut and Moulin Rouge should be acknowledged. Last but not least, Nicole Kidman’s portrayal of Grace Kelly in Grace of Monaco is not recognized enough. With such an amazing career, no one can deny that Nicole Kidman is at the pinnacle. What is more, she’s done more than enough to be considered the best actress ever.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
A Beautiful Mind accents Actors Australia Celebs Chris Hemsworth Guru Jay Hollywood Hugh Jackman Les Misérables Margot Robbie Movies New Zealand Nicole Kidman Oscars Prisoners Russell Crowe X-Men

Russell Crowe Vs. Hugh Jackman: Who is the Best Australian/New Zealand Actor?


Forget accent reduction class, come study at and learn how to adopt an accent. Plus, I can teach you how to ‘Dougie.’ In America, it’s true chicks and dudes go bananas when they hear English and Australian accents.
You’ve seen those extremely effective Orbit Gum commercials. The hot blonde sounds like Londoner Mary Poppins. New Yorkers know Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman can walk into any NYC nightclub right now, and quickly become the life of the party.
Australian/New Zealand actors such as Chris Hemsworth and Margot Robbie are privileged. Young people need to learn communication skills. Moreover, it’s true that it isn’t what you say that matters, but how you say it.

Russell Crowe

I enjoy watching the New Zealander do work on the silver screen. If you want to watch a masterful performance, 10 times out of 10 Crowe delivers. Plus, the movie star talks the talk and walks the walk.

Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, American Gangster… I can go on and on about his movies. What is more, the actor routinely generates Oscar buzz, because he’s busy as a bumblebee during summertime. Ladybugs never nag him because they love his graces.
Hugh Jackman

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Actresses boisterously applaud the Australian actor because they believe he’s simply beautiful. It will be a sad day when his Wolverine character retires from X-Men. The bar is set very high for his replacement.
Check out my X-Men Days of Future Past (best movie I’ve seen) review. You’ll also appreciate Australia starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. Have you seen Van Helsing, Real Steel, and Prisoners?
I recommend watching Les Misérables, which stars both Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Without question, Jackman and Crowe are the crème de la crème. It’s a close contest and a great comparison. 

Overall, I believe Russell Crowe is more versatile. However, in my mind, Hugh Jackman is the best actor because he’s unbreakable. What do you think?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!   
actresses Aussies Australia Celebrity Chris Hemsworth Emily Browning Focus Guru Jay Margot Robbie Movies Nicole Kidman Quentin Tarantino Stepford Wives Tarzan The Wolf of Wall Street

Is Margot Robbie the Next Nicole Kidman?

Is Margot Robbie the next Nicole Kidman? The young and talented actress has a good resume. She’s literally a box office attraction. Australia produces some fine actresses.
Aussie actresses should gather at Nicole Kidman’s home so that Kidman can share her secrets. Wouldn’t it be great if actresses actually collaborated? There’s so much competition out there. That’s why Margot Robbie and Emily Browning can’t reveal their true feelings toward each other.
Nicole Kidman’s been ‘there and done that’  for all Aussie actresses. She did most of the grunt work so that this generation of stars could relax. So, Margot Robbie doesn’t have to serve as an Australian ambassador if she doesn’t want to…Kidman has it all under control.
What’s your favorite Nicole Kidman movie? I think she’s wonderful in the Stepford Wives. I want to remake Stepford Wives with Margot.
I don’t know if Robbie will build a stronger brand than Kidman. Kidman has over 30 years of experience in show business. It would be nice to see Nicole play Margot’s mother.
We got  to see the hot starlet play Leo DiCaprio’s wife in the Wolf of Street.
She stars as lead actress alongside Will Smith in Focus. She plays love interest Jane in Tarzan. Have you noticed how many mega budget movies she does?
They offer Margot big roles because she deserves it. Before film she was on television. She’s been a professional actress since 17.
I also would like to revive the Australia movie. This time Margot Robbie will play the lead alongside Chris Hemsworth. But there’s a catch. I want Quentin Tarantino to direct.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!