1960s 1970s Celebrities Entertainment Famous People Guru Jay Hollywood Movies Music Netflix Netflix Originals Singers TV

Is Your Entertainment Better Off Now Than It Was Four Years Ago?


Are the music and movies of the 1960s and 1970s better than today’s music and movies? In other words, is your entertainment better off now than it was four years ago? I agree with Bob Seger, today’s music ain’t got the same soul (and I like that old school rock and roll, too.) But if I’m being honest, today’s sound doesn’t compare with yesterday’s sound. It’s simple as that. However, I can’t say the same about movies, because movies go beyond sounds and into visuals.

It is undeniable that visual effects play a large role in making a movie superior. Music is limited to only one sense and that’s hearing. Movies appeal to your sight and sound.

Autotune and audio engineering can’t make up for inferior vocals. To me, music is about the quality and the voice of Michael Jackson can’t be duplicated. You can try to clone him all you want, but there will never be another Michael Jackson.

While the music has digressed, movies have undoubtedly progressed; and that’s for several reasons. Today’s music videos are like mini-movies. Music draws on the ideas of the movie business. Hollywood is a place where dreams come true.

Who would have thought all these remakes were possible? TV shows that once existed, are here again. They’re repackaged and Netflix plays  a large role in making these products superior.
Sometimes, I can’t stand these Netflix Originals because there are so many of them. But I most admit most of them are damn good.

It is no fault of the artists, but the music can’t get any better. They don’t make stars like they used to. But, you’ll find the movies will keep getting better until there’s a technological explosion. What’s new in the entertainment industry? Do you believe there’s nothing new under the sun?

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
action Binge Watching Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Jessica Jones Luke Cage Luke Cage Season 1 Luke Cage Season 2 Marvel Mike Colter Netflix Netflix Originals Romance Rosario Dawson TV shows

Luke Cage Is Back and Better Than Ever


Have you heard? Luke Cage is back and better than ever. Days ago, Netflix released season 2 of the hit Marvel series.

Check out Luke Cage! You won’t regret it. The show is the total package.

It has everything you want from action to romance. The first episode begins with an unforgettable fight scene. Plus, the ever so beautiful Rosario Dawson returns as Luke’s love interest.

I remember when Luke Cage (Mike Colter) had a recurring role on Jessica Jones. Mike was a major reason fans kept watching the TV show. I can’t imagine anybody else playing the lead character but Mike Colter. He made me want to be a bartender for a week.

Luke Cage sets the bar high. If you don’t know, he has super human strength and a bullet-proof body. He is the superhero from New York City everybody loves and loves to hate.

You see the crime fighter has made a few enemies along the way. In season 2, he tackles drug dealers from the start. He must overcome organized crime to get to the end game.

Expect season 2 to be exciting. From what I’ve seen so far, the acting is incredible. And the script is well-written.

Luke Cage goes by many names. One of those names is Power Man. The other is Carl Lucas.

Luke’s father, a preacher man, refuses to call him anything except his government name. His father gives a thrilling speech in the beginning of season 2 episode 1. His father strongly disapproves of Luke Cage’s way of life.

Still, Luke Cage is raising hell up in Harlem. He is kicking ass and taking names. Although he’s a good guy, he must worry about both sides of the law. Harlem’s hero is ready for a challenge. He may have to take on the devil. Watch Luke Cage and come see what all the fuss is about.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Five Stars


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Five Stars

Are you binge-watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Part 1 of Season 4 is now available on Netflix. I highly recommend watching this comedy.

Season 4 is six episodes of fun. Plus, the first 3 seasons are enjoyable too. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a very popular show.

According to Streamline, the sitcom is number 1 on Netflix. Additionally, it is the best comedy TV show by other metrics. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidtcompetes with ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC sitcoms. Soon, I believe Netflix will release ratings to prove it.

Here is a brief background of the TV show. The show is about a cult survivor named Kimmy Schmidt. Kimmy ultimately ends up living in New York City after the cult is rescued from a bunker. They were living underground for 15 years.

She must cope with trauma and start a new life. Kimmy deals with real world issues such as underemployment and low social status. At first, she can’t even find an apartment there.

Eventually, the now nanny moves in with Titus Andromedon. If you thought Kimmy Schmidt was a character, then Titus is another thing coming. In many ways, Titus is the backbone of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Every episode gives you something different. Ellie Kemper is awesome. She does a fantastic job staying in character and progressing.

Ellie Kemper tickles your funny bone… with a feather of course. She’s extremely likeable and pleasant. I wonder what is next for Kemper. She should star in major movies.

Moreover, there is a natural flow and sequence of events on this sitcom. The writing is terrific. And the characters are unbelievable.

Your sense of humor is taken on a journey. If you like over-the-top jokes and want a thrilling ride, then get on the bandwagon. I can’t promise you Lyft or Uber but you get five stars.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Africans Beasts of No Nation Cary Fukunaga Controversy Entertainment News Ghana Graphic Guru Jay Idris Elba Limited Release Films movie review Movies Netflix Originals Spoiler Alert Uzodinma Iweala

Beasts of No Nation Movie Review: SPOILER ALERT

Beasts of No Nation Movie Review: SPOILER ALERT


After NRC government soldiers invaded his family’s village and shot and killed his father, grandfather, and older brother in cold blood, a young West African boy named Agu (Abraham Attah) amazingly escapes execution by running into the jungle. Now, he’s a refugee but not for long. NDF rebellion soldiers capture Agu and demand that he explain his ideology to their commandant played by Idris Elba. Elba’s character uses Agu’s story as a catalyst for recruitment and training purposes.
Unfortunately, Agu’s time is up and his options are few. He’s left to choose between the lesser of two evils. Of course, he joins the NDF because otherwise he’s dead.
It won’t be long before Agu slaughters a man in cold blood himself. The commandant orders the child soldier to slash “his enemy” with a machete. The victim pleads, “I’m only an engineering student!” Later on, the boy with a guilty conscience kills several innocent people with a rifle while under even stricter orders.

Beasts of No Nation lives up to its name. It is a brutal tale of a never-ending war.
The commandant motivates his army with captivating stories centered on African culture. But every plot no matter how thick climaxes.
Still, the supreme commander holds the keys to power. He promises the commandant a promotion to General. Or does he?
It turns out the supreme commander intends on demoting the commandant. He emphasizes a soldier has three duties. 1. Obedience 2. Obedience 3. Obedience
That’s when the commandant goes ballistic and takes his troops another course. Inevitably, all of the soldiers surrender except for their commandant. Agu is safe, but forever changed by those “very dangerous times.”

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

I highly recommend Beasts of No Nation but I warn you of its graphic nature. It is controversial for a reason. Idris Elba literally immerses himself into the bloodstained script.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!