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Is Michael Bublé Music’s Supermoon?


Is Michael Bublé music’s supermoon?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Michael Bublémay be the best Christmas season singer of all time. He compares favorably with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Mariah Carey. Without question, his Christmas album makes Guru Jay’s top 5. What more does Michael Bubléhave left to prove?

Plus, as a singer/celebrity his star power shines/glows like a supermoon. For some reason, whenever it snows I think about Bublé. Does he build a compelling case for mother nature and environmental lovers to consume or what? You must love how much the I Believe In You celebrity believes in you all- his fans.

Additionally, The Nobody But Me singer understands how to be himself in front of many others. He doesn’t mind being selfish sometimes, which is a good thing. Now, arrogance is another thing all together. He doesn’t currently lead 2.43 million Twitter followers by accident.

Moreover, this talented Canadian born musician has won 4 Grammys. Did you know Bubléis a naturalized Italian citizen as well? In other words, his music literally has international reach and global appeal.

“Don’t know what the country’s coming to. But in Rome do as the Romans do. Will you on an evening in Roma.” Dean Martin said it best: Sott’er Celo De Roma, but Michael Bublé‘s version is still great.
According to NASA, skywatchers haven’t seen a supermoon this close since 1948. Likewise, music enthusiasts won’t hear of another Michael Bubléfor generations. Maybe, Michael Bublé really is music’s supermoon.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Do You Like Science Fiction And Fantasy?


Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Let’s go on an adventure. First, I’ll take you to the moon. Then, we’ll tour our solar system. Let’s hope we don’t get lost in a black hole. Worst-case scenario, we’ll end up in a perpendicular world inside a parallel universe. 

Close your eyes and imagine. This is your time. So, take it. Soar above the stars and glide next to the cosmos. Launch into space and collect some stardust.

Along the journey, take a few pictures and put them on  [Pinterest], [Twitter] and [Instagram]. Our trip is sponsored by: NASA, Albert Einstein, and John Lennon.

Watch out for the asteroids. Because there’s so much out there in space, it’s easy to get spaced-out. Outer space is like the Wild West multiplied by a trillion. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. It’s the best rollercoaster ride of all time.   

When you awaken let’s get back down to earth. Who doesn’t love to fantasize? Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. John Lennon’s [Imagine] is a timeless classic, because imagination never gets old.

Have you ever dreamed of [time travel]? There are so many good movies about time travel.  [Back to the Future series] and [Time Cop] are my favorites. I haven’t seen [The Time Traveler’s Wife], but critics love it.

Would you like to know what is to come? [Gattaca], [In Time], and [Equilibrium] take you on a quest. Each has a unique depiction of the future. However, their perspectives are the same. In essence, in these films society is overtaken by technology.

Steve Jobs used technology as a means to increase the quality of life for millions upon millions. I believe in the notion proposed by Walt Disney “If you can dream it, you can do it. Jobs, the founder of Pixar saw the big picture and dreamed.

Steve Jobs changed history by dreaming up [Pixar], the [iPhone], and [Ipad]. His product lines will live forever. He made many everlasting footprints in our universe. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!