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Why Joe Rogan Is the Renaissance Man of Entertainment


Why Joe Rogan Is the Renaissance Man of Entertainment

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Joe Rogan is one of the most interesting characters in the Non-Marvel Universe we call life. He’s kind of like the Dos Equis guy but without the long gray beard. In other words, he is a true Renaissance Man. Moreover, he kicks butt in more ways than one… through comedy and martial arts.

Just give him a microphone and watch him go. I often find myself listening to his podcasts and watching his comedy specials. Rogan gives everybody something to think about with his unique twist on life.

He has a style about him that makes listeners want more. I have followed Joe Rogan for years. I remember when he was hosting the Fear Factor. I used to watch that show every week.

Joe Rogan is the Renaissance Man of Entertainment because he’s on the cutting edge of popular culture. His podcasts keep you informed. I appreciate his insights.

He cares about being healthy and happy. At the end of the day, all you have is your health and happiness. That’s why I respect Joe Rogan because he champions health and happiness. Plus, he lives a full life.

You should watch his podcasts on YouTube when you get the chance. You’ll find dozens if not hundreds of videos that will entice your ears and eyes. Joe Rogan delivers everything you need.

Joe Rogan is interesting because he is a big personality. He’s kind of like Howard Stern’s successor in a way. He knows what to say and how to say it in a big way. He interviews people with a purpose.

Moreover, Rogan always has a message. He doesn’t simply talk to be talking. The 50 year-old has a method to his madness.  He gives you 100 percent every time he speaks on the microphone. If you like entertainment, you will like this entertainer. 

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
action Actors Celebs Chinese Expendables Fearless fighting Forbidden Kingdom Guru Jay Hollywood Jackie Chan Jet Li Karate Kung Fu Martial Arts Movies Rush Hour Stars Tai Chi Tuxedo

Jackie Chan Vs. Jet Li + Your Favorite Martial Arts Movies

You must acquire a taste for foreign films like coffee and beer. Turning on subtitles is not the worst thing in the world, nor the most interesting. But, I prefer reading words, because as a writer I live in words. I enjoy seeing scripts come alive.

Bruce Lee passed the torch to Kung Fu masters and movie stars, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. There is a reason why Li and Chan are Expendables. Today, self-defense is integral to the action movie genre.
What is more, Chan and Li are true teachers of their mastery. Learning self-defense improves the body, and sharpens the mind. Like athletes, movie stars must dedicate time to nurture their gifts and talents.
I like Jackie Chan because he can do comedy. I recommend watching all three Rush Hours, because funnyman Chris Tucker is literally Chan’s sidekick.
Jet Li doesn’t speak English nearly as well as Jackie Chan. Plus, the average spectator has watched more Chan films than Li. Is Jet jealous of Jackie?

The media rolls out the red carpet for The Tuxedostar. But, they treat The Fearlessactor like Rodney Dangerfield. He “gets no respect.”
If Jackie Chan is 1st, Jet Li is a close 2nd. Actually, don’t discount Jet, because he has tons of fans globally. Plus, Jet likes his privacy protected.
Seeing Jackie and Jet square off is worth $50.
I believe Jet Li is faster, but Jackie Chan is better. Still, avoid starting a fight with either one of them at all costs. They will finish you.
Isn’t it ironic martial artists are peaceful? Although Karate can be violent, seeking a nonviolent solution is usually preferable. Why don’t you try Tai Chi?
When will a big name Japanese or Korean star emerge on the movie fight scene? Do you believe Jackie Chan is over 60? Also, I learned Jet Li is a singer.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Back to story à The Forbidden Kingdom stars both Jackie Chan and Jet Li. It’s incredible they carry out their own stunts. Maybe, that keeps them young.
Do Li and Chan need bodyguards on their payrolls? How much of their fighting displays are just for show? Can they do all that in real life?
Could they defeat Steven Seagal, Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Michael Jai White in an everything-goes battle? What are your favorite martial arts movies?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!