actresses Celebrities Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Jessica Biel Justin Timberlake Katie Holmes Mark Wahlberg Movies Oprah power couples Scarlett Johansson Suri Cruise The Kennedys Tom Cruise

Imagine You Were Jessica Biel & Katie Holmes


Picture this: You’re married to Justin Timberlake and your ex-husband calls himself Tom Cruise. Justin makes a masterful music video called Mirrors. Plus, Cruise made you feel like the only girl in the world.

Scenario 1
Justin Timberlake sings, “ I don’t want to lose you now. I’m looking right at the other half of me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold.” More importantly, you are expecting your first child together.

Scenario 2
Your fiancé Tom Cruise anxiously tells Oprah and the whole world “I’m in love” referring to you. Then, he jumps on Oprah’s couch causing a memorable scene. Your marriage to Cruise lasted six years and you cherish every second. What is more, you have a beautiful child from this experience named Suri.

Jessica Biel and Katie Holmes are two of my favorite actresses. I’m not saying this because they’re gorgeous. Trust me when I say Biel and Holmes are amazing and unbelievable.

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Batman Begins would not be the same without Katie Holmes playing the love interest. Furthermore, critics applaud Katie’s work on the Kennedys. Have you seen Teaching Mrs. Tingle, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and Mad Money?
It’s so hard for actors to get consistent parts, let alone make millions of dollars like Katie. Holmes has built a respectable career. Almost every actress aspires to be on her level.

When you want a kick-ass soldier and female fighting machine, call Jessica Biel. Biel brings substance to Stealth, Home of the Brave, and Total Recall. Imagine Jessica Biel as the lead actress in Transformers: Age of Extinction with Mark Wahlberg.
Doesn’t Hollywood need another female action movie star besides Angelina Jolie? I don’t want to take away from Scarlett Johansson’s thunder. All I am saying is Jessica Biel deserves action roles because she’s proven herself in past films.
Go back to imagining you were Jessica Biel and Katie Holmes because you can be anything you want.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Academy Awards action Actors Bourne Identity Celebs Cristiano Ronaldo Entertainment Hollywood Mark Wahlberg Matt Damon Mission Impossible Movies Oscars Phillip Seymour Hoffman Stars Tom Cruise

Who is the Best Action Movie Star? Matt Damon Vs. Tom Cruise


The Mission: Impossible and Bourne franchises are the best action movie series to date. Tom Cruise and Matt Damon bring their badass characters to life with their intensity. They kick butt like Cristiano Ronaldo strikes Soccer balls.  
Whether you want some action or not, they will give it to your ass. Over the past 15 years, they’ve built a good reputation. Today, they’re known as the shiniest Hollywood movie stars. 
The Bourne Supremacy ranks in my top 10 favorite action films. I will always remember this Supremacy scene. 

What is brilliant about this sequence is that they’re using their fists instead of guns.
How does Matt Damon make you believe he is Jason Bourne? Like a Mark Wahlberg movie, Damon transforms before our very eyes. Clearly the highly trained actor understands how to captivate his audience.  
In 2002, Matt Damon suffered his first identity crisis as Jason Bourne. His character had more passports and code-names than the President. What is more, Bourne Identity made a great first impression on moviegoers.

The third installment, Bourne Ultimatum, exceeded expectations at the box office by grossing over $440 million worldwide. Ultimatum is by far the trilogy’s highest grossing film. After its completion, Matt Damon entered Hollywood’s elite hall of entertainers.
Moreover, Mission: Impossible 3 showcases nothing but the best. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s performance is legendary.

You can see how Tom Cruise and Hoffman feed off each other’s energy.
Because of their similarities, I suspect Tom Cruise influenced Matt Damon’s career. The Top Gun sends competition into Oblivion. However, unlike Damon Tom hasn’t won an Academy Award. The judges are out of touch. If the Academy is worth its weight in salt, Tom Cruise will eventually receive an Oscar.
I personally think Tom Cruise is one of the greatest action movie actors of all time. Additionally, I believe the Bourne franchise with Matt Damon sets the tone for the next generation of stars. In a nutshell, Matt Damon is a top action figure but Tom Cruise is best.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Academy Awards Actors Batman Ben Affleck Birdman Golden Globes Hollywood Mark Wahlberg Martin Scorsese Matt Damon Michael Keaton Movies snubbed the Departed The Gambler the Oscars

Is Mark Wahlberg Getting Snubbed?


Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Who are your top 10 favorite actors? Did the best actors get snubbed at the Golden Globes? I think award committees should nominate more Mark Wahlberg movies.
Is Wahlberg a product of his own success? With a $200 million net worth, the multi-talented celebrity is easily targeted. Indeed, the cash rich actor doesn’t need their charity.
In comparison, Ben Affleck is worth a measly $75 million. In my opinion, Mark Wahlberg would make a more convincing Batman than Ben Affleck. In fact, Affleck’s best friend Matt Damon would fit better into the Dark Knight’s armory. Consequently, fans will compare Ben Affleck with Birdman Michael Keaton forever.
Unfortunately, Hollywood is a wild political animal in need of taming. Reports say that Mark was offered the Robin role. Come on, that’s a Joker. Wahlberg is clearly a natural lead actor. He isn’t anybody’s sidekick.
Affleck schmoozes and mingles with the elite and that’s how Benny affords a jetpack. All actors brownnose but Benjamin is deeply connected and highly influential. Fortunately, Mark Wahlberg is a very important person.
Winners associate with winning. Even New York Yankee season ticketholders revere Boston native Mark Wahlberg. Regardless of their personal preferences people respect the best.
Have you seen the ‘Departed?’ Martin Scorsese directs an amazing cast, which includes Wahlberg. Because of impeccable directing and acting, the movie received multiple Academy Awards.
Without Wahlberg, Hollywood would experience an economic collapse. The red carpet would turn navy blue. Seriously, Mark Wahlberg created lasting opportunities for the next generation of actors, musicians, and producers.
‘The Gambler’ rolls dice and plays Russian roulette. In addition, the celebrity takes over the ‘Transformers’ franchise. Any picture the actor attaches himself to gets photo shopped.
The detractors will say Mark Wahlberg’s mainstream and commercial. And, they’re right. But, Wahlberg handles business. He is one of the best. Yes, Hollywood is snubbing Mark because they’re secretly jealous.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors beef Celebrities Celebrity Compton Detroit Eminem Entertainment feud Guru Jay Iggy Azalea Mark Wahlberg money Music rap Snoop Dogg T.I. videos Will Smith

Eminem Vs. Iggy Azalea


Eminem Vs. Iggy Azalea 

I love my generation. So when Eminem attacks Iggy Azalea, he’s talking about my generation. Do you believe Eminem and Iggy carefully orchestrated their beef? Why would Eminem risk ruining a good relationship?
I expect Eminem to catch a ball in Left Field. He’s an official Detroit Tiger. Eminem made his career by causing controversy.
This is his calling card. He went after Britney, Mariah and the Spice girls. Iggy Azalea was next. Eminem’s predictable because the rapper always goes after mainstream ‘pop’ stars.
The urban legend is Iggy Azalea has a ghostwriter. She doesn’t write her own lyrics like Eminem and most other rappers. And Nicki Minaj exposed her at the BET Awards.

Is Iggy Azalea authentic? 
Maybe, Snoop Dogg is her ghostwriter. He’s known to spell out his name S.N.OO.P. D.O.GG. Iggy spells her name out I.GG.Y.
The Snoop Dogg feud shouldn’t have escalated. As the Nicki Minaj news faded, Snoop stole the spotlight. It’s almost like the rappers think Iggy is a problem.
I’m sorry… Does Iggy Azalea hurt their record sales? Why not work with her, instead of against her? Maybe, I’m missing something.
If you can’t make good music, at least make some sense. It’s senseless to criticize a fellow celebrity. Let the fans listen to their music.
The entertainment industry is a hard enough nut to crack. I say let the nut crackers crack. Let the singers sing. And let the rappers rap. Musicians should stick to making music.
So who’s pulling the strings? Who’s behind the scenes calling the shots? Is it the rappers or the record labels? You know the deal.
I get that the music business is highly competitive. Nowadays musicians are more business minded than ever. Maybe, the Iggy Azalea beefs are all hype. I hope it is.
Still, if you’re a celebrity, you need to grow thick skin. Never allow a little joke to upset you. Iggy Azalea should have sought advice.
Addressing the gangster rapper was a big mistake. Snoop received his education at the school of hard knocks alongside Jay Z & Annie. He’s not Drake, Kendrick Lamar, or J. Cole.
Iggy came back firing on all cylinders. So Snoop declared an all out war. And T.I. had to make peace. If you ask me, this isn’t finished.
They both went too far. Neither one should have acknowledged the other’s insults. Recap: first Nicki, then Snoopy, and now Eminem
Listen to the rap song Detroit Vs. Everybody. Then, you’ll understand Eminem’s mentality. In his mind, nothing is off limits.
Even if you don’t admire his authenticity, you can’t say he isn’t consistent. When Eminem includes you in his rap, then you are relevant. Does his one-liners do any real damage? It’s a matter of perspective. Still, Eminem should proceed with caution. You have the right to speak your mind and remain silent.
You see Eminem worked his way up the underground. 8 Mile, loosely based on his life, is a great movie. If you make a movie based on a true story, people will want to see proof. Fortunately, Eminem’s story checked out. In fact, Lose Yourself won an Oscar.
The rap community does not support Iggy because she has no street credibility. Eminem originated out of Detroit. The only place that can rival the dangerous ‘D’ is Compton. 
So, it’s best for Iggy to ‘shake it off.’ Make a song with Taylor Swift. Get your money and they might respect you. Don’t try to take on the World Star Hip Hop. You’ll lose.
A real winner loses sometime. Iggy Azalea is a winner as long as she sticks to making music. I question why she even needs a publicist.
It takes time to master any game. A player must practice every chance he gets. Before Eminem was famous, he honed his skills.
Eminem gets better with time. That’s why the rap community respects him. He’s not afraid.
Eminem received his education from the old school. He’s not new school like James Franco. The celebrity does his homework. He practices.
People like Eminem because he doesn’t seek their approval. That’s the secret to his success. Iggy can learn a lot from Eminem if she listens.
Iggy Azalea
If Iggy ignores her haters, she’ll break records. But if her ego gets too big, the rapper will burst like a bubble. She has to stay grounded.
I’ve never seen somebody burn bridges they haven’t even crossed yet. Hollywood Boulevard is a two way street. You can’t choose sides.
See How to Be Famous in 7 Steps. Iggy needs to read step #4- Engage your fan base. Instead of engaging fans, her attention is focused on her harshest critics.
Iggy’s still young. So she’ll learn from her mistakes. It’s better to outsmart your opponent than to overpower him.
When taking the high road, hire a limousine driver. You can’t chance it. In the long haul, you need security and a dedicated team.
It seems T.I. is the only person that defends Iggy. That’s why it’s open season on Azalea. She should just build her brand.
Maybe, T.I. is to Iggy, what Dr. Dre is to Eminem and maybe not. You see Eminem signed 50 cent to Shady Aftermath records. Eminem cofounded a rap group in 1996 called D-12. 

Eminem made Iggy Azalea possible.
I’ve never heard Brad Pitt talk bad about Johnny Depp. The Movie industry operates differently. What if Iggy started acting?
Will Smith and Mark Wahlberg had respectable rap careers before striking gold on the silver screen. Do you think Iggy compares more with Mark or Eminem?
There are two paths Iggy can choose. She can select the Eminem route or the Mark Wahlberg route. It’s easier to be Wahlberg than Eminem.
To sum it up, T.I. can’t fight all of Iggy’s battles for her. People will start to get the wrong idea. Does T.I. control Azalea’s career?
I’m following this situation because something’s wrong. Fans love Iggy. Rappers love fans. So, why do rappers hate Iggy Azalea?

It defies logic. I am going to get to the bottom of this. Look forward to another one. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Adam Sandler Channing Tatum Chris Evans Denzel Washington Dwayne Johnson Highest paid Hugh Jackman Leonardo DiCaprio Liam Neeson Mark Wahlberg Movies Robert Downey Tom Cruise Top 10 Will Smith

Top 10 Highest Paid Actors


Top 10 Highest Paid Actors

Who is your favorite actor? Do you like money? Here is a list of the top 10 highest paid actors.

10. Liam Neeson, $32 Million

Photo By: Georges Biard

One word: Taken. The actor has stolen the spotlight from Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and others on numerous occasions. He’s in an elite acting class.

Have you seen Non-Stop?  Neeson is not slowing down even at age 62. Neeson’s career is full of achievements. He’s like a decorated soldier.

The box office is all about the dollar. As you know I love numbers. That’s why I like Liam Neeson.

Neeson has been involved with several blockbusters. He starred in Star Wars, Batman, and the Chronicles of Narnia. Basically, Liam Neeson puts butts in seats.

He is the 10th highest paid actor. Liam made 32 million dollars last year. Movie executives, producers and directors are proud to have him on their team.

9. Denzel Washington, $33 Million

Photo By: S. Jaud

Denzel Washington was born to act. Did you know his mother named him after the doctor who delivered him? Denzel deserves every ounce of respect.

He started off his career humbly. His claim to fame took countless sacrificial years. He displayed brilliance in John Q.

If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend the film. Denzel Washington doesn’t mind playing the villain. In fact, he embraces being the antagonist.

That’s why he thrived in American Gangster, Training Day and Malcolm X. He actually turned down the chance to play MLK. Denzel is an impressive and tough act to follow.

Washington made $33 million last year. He earned $20 million from Equalizer. Do you like Denzel Washington?

8. Tom Cruise, $35 Million

Photo By: MTV Live

If you’re having money troubles, call Tom Cruise. His acting skills will bail you out of a jam. Of course, you have to pay him top dollar.

The Top Gun actor is on top of the totem pole. He’s been in the business for a long time. And, he is still in high demand for many reasons.

He’s short in stature but he is a tall glass of water. Women gawk at his sight. Cruise’s time in the gym has paid dividends.

Did you see Mission Impossible III? The cast had electric chemistry. All the Missions were good.

Now, Tom is not a saint but his acting is close to perfect. As a result of his hardworking workaholic work ethic, Tom Cruise made $35 million last year. This is proof he is the best. Who is the next Tom Cruise? Who knows?

7. Adam Sandler, $37 Million

Photo By: Angela George

Adam Sandler is the funniest man on the list. I mean he is a comedian after all. But, did you know Adam is a great dramatic actor?

Watch Reign Over Me. Sandler showcases the range of his talents. He’s more than one dimension.

The funny man made $37 million in 2013. My only knock on Sandler is his role selections. He must take more pride in his stride and stop accepting junk parts.

6. Leonardo DiCaprio, $39 Million

Photo By: Siebbi

His name sounds like your favorite Starbucks’ latte. But, how can you blame DiCaprio when he didn’t choose his name? Anyway, the girls don’t mind.

Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” The Romeo and Juliet actor attracts a loyal and supportive crowd. He’s been in the game for a long time. You must appreciate his body of work.

Two words: The Titanic. Leonardo DiCaprio owes his good fortune to the misfortune that happened on the Titanic. Without this movie, Leonardo’s name would be smaller.

Leo DiCaprio is big. How big? He made $39 million. It doesn’t take an accountant…to figure out that’s a no-brainer.

5. Dwayne Johnson, $46 Million

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

The Rock a.k.a. Dwayne Johnson is the new and improved Sylvester Stallone. Did you see Pain & Gain? Are you standing in line to see Hercules?

I predict Hercules will be a huge success. The casting department got the right man for the job. People say he lives in the gym. No, he is the gym.

Dwayne is authentic. That is the key to his success. Why isn’t he in Expendables? He is indispensable.

Get out of the kitchen if you smell what the Rock is cooking. 

Dwayne Johnson had a great year. The actor received $46 million. He is a must-see movie star.

4. Mark Wahlberg, $52 Million

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

Mark Wahlberg a.k.a. Marky Mark is an outstanding actor. He’s the white Will Smith. Smith is the black Mark Wahlberg.

Either way you look at it, Marky Mark’s got the good vibrations. Wahlberg is the new and enhanced Tom Cruise. Also, his sense of humor is underrated. Did you like him in The Other Guys and Ted

Mark Wahlberg made $52 million. He is the 4th highest paid actor. The Transformersis an absolute must-see summer fun and family friendly movie.

3. Hugh Jackman, $55 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

Hugh Jackman is the greatest Australian actor ever. Statistically, he has the box office results to back up that claim. This is one of his best years financially and artistically.

Click here for full review of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Hugh is the ultimate Wolverine. I feel sorry for his successor. 

Hugh Jackman received $55 million last year. He was underpaid. Still, he is the 3rd highest paid actor.

2. Channing Tatum, $60 Million

Photo By: Wcfirm

Channing Tatum is the highest paid actor of his generation. 22 Jump Street is also an absolute must-see summer fun flick. Will you buy the DVD?

He was great in White House Down. The good thing is he’s getting better. He could be bigger than Brad Pitt.

Channing is more famous than Dave. He is the 2nd highest paid actor. He made $60 million in 2013.

1. Robert Downey, Jr., $75 Million

Photo By: Georges Biard

Acting is in Robert Downey, Jr.’s blood. Making money in the performance arts is a family tradition. You can’t deny Downey, Jr. has a gift.

However, the Iron Man is overpaid. He was fine in Sherlock Holmes. But, who will call it like they see it?

I will.

Robert Downey Jr. received $75 million. He was in 1 movie! Hollywood has it backwards. Whoever wrote Downey, Jr. that check should be scratching his head. Better yet, he should get his head examined.


I predict Chris Evans a.k.a. Captain America will make the top 10 sooner than later. And, Will Smith may make a list or two if he gets back into the groove. Also, Jennifer Lawrence will command a much higher salary in the future.

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.