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Does Macklemore Make Your Top 10?


Do you like Hip Hop music? Who are your favorite rappers? Does Macklemore make your top 10 rappers today?

Without question, the 33 year old rapper has raving fans across the globe. From Washington D.C. to Rio de Janeiro, the celebrity is highly regarded. With 2.8 million Twitter followers, it’s easy to see why people are mentioning his account right now.

I first learned about Macklemore after hearing Thrift Shop play on the radio 4 years ago. Since then, I’ve seen the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis music video many times. Sometimes I think “I’m gonna pop some tags,” especially when I only have 20 dollars in my pocket.

You see Macklemore has a message to deliver. It isn’t a fast or slow message. But the message he has for you is right on time.

He raps about what he knows. Moreover, the celebrity aka Professor educates listeners on a variety of topics. Some of his songs are entertaining and others are informative.

He doesn’t rap about living a hard knock life because he grew up living comfortably. You’ll find you don’t necessarily need wealth in order to be comfortable. But having a net worth of $18 million like Macklemore isn’t uncomfortable at all!

Right now, the rapper has emerged on the scene with more than just money in his pocket. He has lyrics in them that can spark a fuse. Songs such as: Kevin open people’s eyes to serious issues facing America and the world. He’s Not Afraid like Eminem to tell not only his story White Privilege, but also the stories of millions without a platform.

Macklemore represents Seattle better than some Senators. Respect Ryan Lewis too, because he contributes to creating that high quality content you receive. He reminds me a lot of Calvin Harris when it comes to collaborations.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Final thoughts, I like great hip hop music. Macklemore is one of my favorites because of his creative flow and timely lyrics. Macklemore definitely makes my top 10.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
AustinPowers comedy Funny GangnamStyle gifs Hollywood HotTubTimeMachine JimmyFallon Macklemore MadMoney MikeMyers ShowBusiness TheHangover WillFerrell

Funny Show Business: Crazy Antics Make Mad Money


Mike Myers cemented his legacy on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with Austin Powers. The movie, a parody loosely based on James Bond, is Funny Show Business. As you can see, from the gif I created, the comedy is filled with crazy antics.

The bottom line is that crazy antics make mad money. Funny Show Business is a double entendre. I combined funny and show business in order to derive at the new term.

Funny Show Business is a trend in the entertainment world. Silly songs and goofy movies have become the norm. This standard is good and bad for a number of reasons.

Funny Show Business is good because it is profitable. It is bad because it is often pointless. Shouldn’t movies and music have a message?

I support comedy as long as there is a point. If it is pointless, then I am a little weary of it. You should have a method to your madness.

Movies and music should be artistic. Actors and musicians are supposed to be artists
Today’s entertainers need to reevaluate their roles in the business.

Rap music is a big target for a good reason. How many rap songs do a disservice? Sometimes, I am not impressed. A caveman can do some of these raps.

But you can’t throw an entire genre under the bus. Although there are bad raps, there are also good raps. Many fine rappers exploit their talents through their sense of humors.

Thrift Shop by Macklemorecatapulted the rapper to new heights. I am not mad at Macklemore one bit. He saw an opportunity and he capitalized on it.

Big capital is behind Funny Show Business. Corporations such as: Apple, Vevo, and Disney have invested heavily in funny business. Follow the money and see where it leads you.

Nowadays, you need to make fun because life is anything but funny. Society has gone insane. You never know what might happen in everyday situations.

We desire to hear silly songs and watch goofy movies. If sex sells, so does crazy antics.

We want the shock factor.

I feel as long as the formula is working, there’s no need for a change. You give the people what they want. Sometimes what we ask for is not best for us. Still, we get it anyway.

You can make millions by creating something about nothing. It’ s a shame that this is the status quo.  But in the reality TV world we live in, what else is expected?

In my mind, Hot Tub Time Machine is ludicrous. I could hardly wait to watch the movie. The reason is simple. I love hot tubs. Plus, time traveling intrigues me.

The Let’s Get It Started scene is sensational. Craig Robinson is a comedic genius. He is clearly an underrated comedian and actor.

I ‘heart’ the Hot Tub Time Machine. It’s hilarious. What’s more, as an 80’s baby, I can identify with the plot.

Corporations demand more from their employees.  As a result, people are overworked and stressed out. They have every right to complain.

It’s not supposed to be this way. That’s why we turn to entertainment after a long and stressful day. Sometimes the best message is to relax and spend time with your family.

Funny Show Business is lucrative because it fills a hole. We need to take a break. We need to make the most of our free time.

I created my blog as a leisure activity. I don’t intend to solve the world’s problems. I only want to provide informative entertainment.

Here is a place you can laugh out loud. I want this to be a therapeutic time. I want to be your pharmacist.

Comedy is a pharmacy if laughter is the best medicine. So go ahead and fill your prescription. 

Jimmy Fallon is behind the counter helping me fill up medicine bottles. Don’t you know comediansmake the best pharmacists? Jokes are like pills. A standup special is a checkup.

You can’t take anything too serious. Don’t forget why YouTube was invented. It was invented for you to tube

Gangnam Style will eclipse 2 billion YouTube views very soon. Why is it the most popular video on the Internet? Because it is silly and ridiculous…

It is the most watched video on the Internet for a good reason. You might not know Korean, but you know Gangnam Style is muy divertido (very fun). After watching the clip, WTF is my first thought.

OMG, I call it catchy comedy. It grows on you. Humor is acquired like coffee and beer.

My favorite Will Ferrell movie is Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I am a big fan of Saturday Night Live, so naturally I like the Funny or Diecreator. But, I had hated his movies until recently.

I thought the best part of Anchor Man was when it ended. However, after watching his movies again, I acquired a taste for them. I put the Ballad of Ricky Bobby right up there with The Hangover.

I feel the same way about Gangnam Style. I love words and numbers. But I only jump on bandwagons when I know where they’re headed.

Funny Show Business is the future of entertainment. There are fads; and, then there are trends. In my estimation, the funny business is trending upwards.

Come jump on the bandwagon. We’re in for a wild ride. I’m going to drive you nuts. Laugh hard or don’t laugh at all.

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