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What Makes Kerry Washington Special

Actresses come and go in Hollywoodland. Sometimes the most talented stars are unfairly mistreated by “showbusinessmen.” Still, you can’t deny the preciousness of a diamond in the rough.

How amazing is Kerry Washington? Let’s appreciate her offerings and sacrifices to the entertainment industry. Her body of work is a work of art.
I will explain what makes Kerry Washington special. Kerry became a top 5 TV actressafter a successful movie career. Without question, her value as an actor has quadruple since Scandal. Approximately 7 million viewers watch the popular legal/political TV drama.
I encourage you to watch Kerry Washington’s movies. Like Halle Berry, she sacrificed higher salaries for the sake of creating superior content. For example, she was underpaid for both the Last King of Scotland and Ray.
Additionally, I recommend watching Lakeview Terrace. I’ve seen the film at least 3 times. You’ll enjoy her back and forth with Samuel L. Jackson.

Kerry Washington’s Django Unchained performance was off the chain. As a disclaimer, this movie isn’t for everybody. Django was designed to be controversial.
The hot actress plays the hell out of roles. She was the shit in I Think I Love My Wife, although Gina Torres got the best line. When Washington is in a film, her presence is always felt.
Kerry is still out of sight. She doesn’t need makeup. Does she look gorgeous or what?
You see what makes her special is a rare combination of talent and beauty. Kerry Washington is similar to Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie. All three are terrific thespians and sex symbols.
You need tough skin to succeed in Tinseltown.
You must learn how to deal with rejection and brush up on your politics. Celebrities aren’t measured with the same stick as common folk.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
The uncommon Kerry Washington has brushed up on political events. Few actresses achieve her level of fame, while staying levelheaded. That’s what makes her special.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!