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Why Kimora Lee Simmons Is Exceptional


I’m not a reality TV fan, although I’m fascinated with some reality TV stars. I don’t watch Keeping Up with the Karsashians, but I enjoy gazing at Kim Kardashian’sTwitter and Instagram selfies. I’m busy Keeping Up with Myself.
Still, I realize many of my fans love reality TV shows and some hate them with a passion. I know hate is a strong word that’s why I used it. I got to get paid. That’s the reason why you won’t find many reality TV stories.
I believe the majority of reality shows are a waste of time. However, there are exceptions. I make an exception for documentaries because knowledge is power.
Are there guilty pleasures? Yes, people like certain shit for a variety of reasons. Nowadays, no one doesn’t have an opinion. Everybody has a problem. I have a solution.

I make an exception for Kimora Lee Simmons. I used to watch Simmons for entertainment purposes and enlightenment. Kimora was an important brand ambassador for Russell Simmons’ empire.

What is more, Kimora built her own trademarked products while helping Russell prosper. That’s why they’re still on good terms today despite their divorce. They nipped it in the bud by becoming best buds. Both parties are happy now. Simmons makes you smile after a hard day of work because she loves life.
Kimora Lee Simmons is one of the finest fashion models ever in the entertainment business. The biracial celebrity is an exotic beauty with Korean heritage. Lee’s modeling success is well documented. Plus, Lee’s business acumen has been validated.
The celebrity deserves credit for Phat Farm and Baby Phat, especially. I believe Kimora Lee Simmons is a brand name because she’s the one and only. Is she on Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum’s level? You could build a case for that.

Kimora can work well in front of the cameras and behind the scenes. Fashion designers equally admire Lee’s fashion and business sense. Here’s a gal who struts her stuff and knows her stuff too.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!