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Kissing Kylie Jenner



Can you picture having it all? There’s no need to worry about bills piling up to your ceiling fan. Everything is under control.
You see Kylie Jenner has it all. What more could she want? She’s rich, young, and beautiful. In other words, “Baby, kiss me.” Fly me to the moon!
Look at those lips. You want to kiss them. Kissing Kylie Jenner is on everybody’s to-do list. After seeing her enticing eyes, long flowing hair, and curvaceous body you’re hooked.

While we’re on this topic, enjoy Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet.
Plus Jenner’s brand is highly marketable. She has already reached over 56 million Instagram followers. Few can live up to the reputation she’s built on and off social media. Her fans absolutely adore her every action.
The spotlight literally shines on Kylie for a living. Moreover, the sensual reality TV star is a sensation. You can bank on her tender image and likeness selling all types of products. Every corporation wants to lock her down in 7 figure deals right now. They must wait their turn though. 

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Fortunately, Kylie learned from the best- “momager” Kris Jenner and the one and only Kim Kardashian. I like Kim because she didn’t leave her sisters in the dust. You know that scene from Lilo and Stitch, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind.”
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So, you think you want to be like Kylie Jenner, check out Kendall and Kylie. Imagine you were a celebrity. You are finally granted access to VIP. These parties and rendezvouses are amazing, aren’t they?
What is the secret to cultivating Kylie Jenner’s kind of brand and star power? I can’t reveal it. But Nick Jonas provides a clue in his Levels lyrics “There’s so much to discover…” You see premium information comes at a cost.  
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Best Blogs Cara Delevingne Celebrity Entertainment Famous People Gigi Hadid Guru Jay Hollywood IMG Models Kendall Jenner Model Modeling Sports Illustrated Storm Model Management TV and Showbiz

Who’s Hotter? Gigi Hadid Vs. Cara Delevingne


Picture a million more supermen and supermodels. That’s what the world needs the most. Although America’s Next Top Model has officially ended, the supermodel’s quest goes on due to the likes of Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne.
Do Gigi and Cara look like a billion dollars or what? Appearances mean everything to models. Even actresses must dress the part to sell the product. Remember all supermodels can be actresses but not every actress can model.

So, who’s hotter? Right now, I believe Hadid is hotter. However, at one time Delevingne was number one.
Supermodel rankings change like the prices of blue chip stocks. It seems the stock of Delevingne is dropping a little bit. And Hadid’s stock price is soaring because let’s face it- she’s the hottest commodity in the business.

Who wants FaceTime with Gigi? The answer is everybody. This in no way takes away from Cara’s sexiness. I know for a fact you want to Skype Cara.
You see the hotness factor of both models is between 97 and 100. So, I understand if you say Delevingne is hotter than Hadid.

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Born in London, England the 23-year-old Cara measures at 5 ft. 8 in (1.73 m). Her hair is a light brown color and she has blue eyes. Apparently beauty runs in her family, because her sister Poppy is a model too. Storm Model Management manages the Delevingne sisters.
The 5 ft. 10 in 20-year-old Gigi Hadid (Kendall Jenner’s BFF) originates out of Los Angeles, California. Malibu’s most wanted model is blonde haired and blue eyed. Her younger sister Bella is also a model. Both babes are signed under IMG Models.
This debate I started today will be around for years to come. They will say Cara Delevingne is the next Kate Moss. They will call Sports Illustrated Gigi Hadid the best supermodel in the world. All I ask you is to remember Guru Jay told you first. Like Superman, I’m one in a million.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Ariana Grande BadGalRiri Beyoncé Celebs Instagram Justin Bieber Kendall Jenner Khloe Kardashian Kim Kardashian KUWTK Kylie Jenner most followed Rihanna Selena Gomez Taylor Swift Top 10

Top 10 Instagram Celebrities

Have you ever wondered how to be famous? Read How to be Famous in 7 Steps. Follow this formula and everybody will know your name.
In the meantime, create an Instagram account. It’s crucial that you connect with your fans. Instagram is one way you can reach them. And, it’s great because many users are using the Internet with their smart phones.

If you want a popular account, look no further than the top performers. I’m sure you’ll find this list interesting. Without further ado, here are the top 10 Instagram celebrities…
Most Followed on Instagram
1. Kim Kardashian

In 2014, Kim broke the Internet by posing nude (full frontal and rear) in Paper magazine.

2. Beyoncé

Beyoncé won critical acclaim with the release of her self-titled album.

3. Ariana Grande

Who can hit high notes on Ariana’s level, except for Mariah Carey?

4. Justin Bieber

It’s hard for the Biebs and his Beliebers believe it or not.

5. Selena Gomez

Selena will marry and divorce Justin Bieber one day.

6. Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner has a supermodel’s figure to go with the attitude.

7. Taylor Swift

The good girl, who turned bad, Taylor Swift is too good to ignore.

8. Khloe Kardashian

She’s ready for her close-up so start flashing those cameras.

9. Kylie Jenner

She’s the last of the Kardashian/Jenner clan but she is certainly not the least.

10. BadGalRiri

Rihanna is so incredibly talented that it’s just ridiculous.

I think Taylor Swift will be number 1 soon.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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