actresses Celebrities Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Jessica Biel Justin Timberlake Katie Holmes Mark Wahlberg Movies Oprah power couples Scarlett Johansson Suri Cruise The Kennedys Tom Cruise

Imagine You Were Jessica Biel & Katie Holmes


Picture this: You’re married to Justin Timberlake and your ex-husband calls himself Tom Cruise. Justin makes a masterful music video called Mirrors. Plus, Cruise made you feel like the only girl in the world.

Scenario 1
Justin Timberlake sings, “ I don’t want to lose you now. I’m looking right at the other half of me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold.” More importantly, you are expecting your first child together.

Scenario 2
Your fiancé Tom Cruise anxiously tells Oprah and the whole world “I’m in love” referring to you. Then, he jumps on Oprah’s couch causing a memorable scene. Your marriage to Cruise lasted six years and you cherish every second. What is more, you have a beautiful child from this experience named Suri.

Jessica Biel and Katie Holmes are two of my favorite actresses. I’m not saying this because they’re gorgeous. Trust me when I say Biel and Holmes are amazing and unbelievable.

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Batman Begins would not be the same without Katie Holmes playing the love interest. Furthermore, critics applaud Katie’s work on the Kennedys. Have you seen Teaching Mrs. Tingle, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and Mad Money?
It’s so hard for actors to get consistent parts, let alone make millions of dollars like Katie. Holmes has built a respectable career. Almost every actress aspires to be on her level.

When you want a kick-ass soldier and female fighting machine, call Jessica Biel. Biel brings substance to Stealth, Home of the Brave, and Total Recall. Imagine Jessica Biel as the lead actress in Transformers: Age of Extinction with Mark Wahlberg.
Doesn’t Hollywood need another female action movie star besides Angelina Jolie? I don’t want to take away from Scarlett Johansson’s thunder. All I am saying is Jessica Biel deserves action roles because she’s proven herself in past films.
Go back to imagining you were Jessica Biel and Katie Holmes because you can be anything you want.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!