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Miley Cyrus Vs. Ariana Grande

Miley Cyrus

Look out for Miley Cyrus. She’s on Billboard’s most wanted list. Is it a crime to listen to her music?
When Miley sings, she takes us home. Entertainment runs in her family. The triple-threat Miley Cyrus can act, sing, and dance.
If Janet Jackson reigns as Queen of the Rhythm Nation, then Miley is a princess. And, she’s got rhythm too.
Why is she so popular? It’s because she makes the news. She stays relevant, which is key. So, people keep talking about the celebrity.
We all know what’s up with Miley. Am I right? That’s why we go to her concerts in droves. The singer gives 100 percent every night.
Does she ever cheat you out of a worthy performance? Why would Live Nation offer her $500,000 per concert if she weren’t worth it? If you ask me, she should make $1 million.
Plus, she cuts records in the studio like Bill Gates cuts checks. Remember where you heard it first…Miley Cyrus is a future billionaire.
For Pete’s sake, Snoop Dogg raps hers praises.
Do you know how hard it is to get endorsed by Snoop Dogg? Let’s revisit the Iggy Azalea case.
Greatness is in store for Miley Cyrus. On November 23, she turns 22. Look at how much Miley has already accomplished.
To: Miley

Here’s my advice to the hot Hollywood starlet… Take a break from performing on stage. The fans will love you more for it. Just don’t stay out the limelight too long. You don’t want to get rusty.
Act again. Concentrate on making movies. Justin Timberlake took a break from singing. Now, look at the superstar. Trust me Miley, your star power will soar to untold heights.
Also, don’t let people take you for granted. Allow them to recognize why they should treasure your gifts. At some point it’s very important to put things in their proper perspectives.
The spotlight has been shining on Miley ever since her teenage years. So, it’s vital for her to get her mind right. Crazy child stars are a dime a dozen.
Fortunately, it seems Miley’s got her head on straight. By all accounts, her family supports her. Do you remember when she was in the hospital? Her family came to her rescue.
Party in the USA put Miley on the map. Of course, Hannah Montana helped her a little too. Did you forget about Wrecking Ball?
The singer makes bold statements with her music videos. Do I agree with all of her artistic choices? No, but I believe in taking calculated risks.
Miley is on my VIP list. How many singers can say they’re on Miley’s level? If she takes a sabbatical, she will make more money. Her demand is too high.
This is Economics 201. By making her services scarce, the celebrity’s value increases. With a net worth of $150 million, Cyrus doesn’t have a care.
The wealthiest 21 year old celebrity to date, not only ranks #17 on Forbes, she is also the 2nd youngest. #33 Justin Bieber is younger.
Tweak the formula. In Miley Cyrus’s case twerk the formula. Don’t let fear trap you.
I like Miley because she is brave. Like a balloon she’s filled with helium, NOT with doubt. There have been several reports she gets high.
Parents just don’t understand Miley. Like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Hannah Montanais a TV show. However, Cyrus is a separate entity.
The superstar sends tweets from the planet Pluto and defies gravity. Do you tweet? Are you a Miley Cyrus Facebook fan?
Ariana Grande’s Here

Did you hear the bang-bang? Here’s Ariana Grande. She’s packing Miami heat.
Ariana Grande’s voice is a natural phenomenon. Listening to her music is like climbing a mountain. She rocks hard like a volcano. Oh, watch out for Hurricane Ariana.
Starting February 25, 2015 Ariana Grande will perform on The Honeymoon Tour. This coincides with her My Everything album. I predict that the tour will exceed expectations.
She’s exciting but is she too commercial? I don’t know if she’s found herself yet. I do know she’s on the verge of superstar status.
There’s nothing wrong with mainstream. The best music has global reach. How can you penalize a popular celebrity? It doesn’t make sense. So go ahead and get more followers.
Check out: How to Be Famous in Seven Steps. Is Ariana Grande handling fame the right way? There’s two ways to look at it.
First of all, the tabloids will stick a camera in your face while you’re eating dinner. Contrary to popular belief, celebrities love signing autographs. However, some Paparazzi will go to the extreme.
I understand Ariana’s aloofness. It’s perfectly fine to distance yourself from lunatics. So, give Ariana a break in that respect.
Sometimes, she’s unfairly criticized. Listen to her song You Don’t Know Me. Basically, she’s sending a message to her critics.
Eventually, the singer will open up to the media. But first, she has to learn to control her emotions. Shake it off like Taylor Swift baby.
In contrast to Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande should record more music. Her sound is meant for the studio. How many musicians want to make music with her?
Ariana Grande is still building her name. She can learn from Miley Cyrus, who has already established her brand. In a couple of years, Ariana will get the same credit as Miley.
With grit and determination, Ariana Grande rose to the top of the charts. The singer started from the bottom and now she’s here. Change your last name to Superstar.
Ariana Superstar

In the words of another natural phenomena “You’re a shining star no matter who you are. Shining bright to see what you can truly be. That you can truly be.” Earth, Wind and Fire
Are you a nurse? If so, do you take vital signs? Well, Ariana Grande needs a nurse, because she is the pulse of the music industry.
Ariana’s energy rejuvenates the listening experience. Her fast pace combined with her perfect pitch is a lethal combination. I can’t wait until she releases her next single.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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AARP Alfonso Ribeiro American Idol Biggest Loser Celebrity Dancing with the Stars Duck Dynasty Erin Andrews Famous Jimmy Kimmel Julianne Hough Justin Bieber Kim Kardashian NASCAR TV TV and Showbiz

Dancing with the Washed-Up Has-Beens

Dancing with the Washed-Up Has-Beens

On Thursday, I watched Dancing with the Stars (DWTS). You know I didn’t see a lot of stars. All I saw were washed-up has-beens.

Why am I so harsh? According to Dancing with the Stars everybody is a celebrity. If this is the case, who wants to be famous?
I want to be a millionaire instead.
DWTSfunctions like Twitter. As a consequence, the show is in decline. It’s losing because it serves a minority. The best shows cater to the majority.
Do you watch DWTS religiously? Do you see what I see? What do you like about the imported TV show?
Don’t get me wrong. The show is watchable. There were many high points and bright moments during the premiere.
However, the hosts are capable of providing better entertainment. Why do we need two hosts anyway? Tom Bergeron can host the show all by himself.

Also, I don’t mind the judges individually but they lack teamwork. It’s about DWTSfirst, and the hosts and judges second. Listen up, DWTS
I got four words for you: Randy, Paula, Simon and Ryan. The reason American Idol broke records is because of the show’s chemistry. It’s too bad they couldn’t recuperate.
American Idol wasted millions. They treated folks like Frankenstein. When Paula Abdul left, the ratings never recovered.
Will the audience stop watching? I’m afraid that DWTS could go the American Idol way. But, I believe DWTS will revamp and retool.
Don’t mess with a winning formula. If it works, leave it alone. If it doesn’t work, fix it.

It’s clear that Dancing with the Stars is getting old. My recommendation is to fire Erin Andrews. And, Keep Bergeron to stay credible.

Why on earth is Andrews on DWTS? Erin should go back to ESPN and hone her craft. 

Right now DWTS is inauthentic.
Here’s an idea: give Erin her own show. Let her do whatever she wants. But preserve her brand.
Fortunately, it’s not too late. DWTS can still become the default TV show. As long as they serve families, Dancing with the Stars will maintain its relevancy.

I call it the Kim Kardashian rippling effect. Anyone who associates with her is a celebrity. And, anyone who associates with her associates is a celebrity. And so on…
This is the 19th season of DWTS. Why is this Alfonso Ribeiro’s first appearance? 

I point the finger at the producers.
I expected a shorter show. Two hours is one hour too long for a talent show. What’s your opinion as a fan?
In spite of the shenanigans, I give Monday’s premiere a B +, because season 19 has a tasty mix of talent. The casting crew created an interesting selection.
Weeks To Come
In the weeks to come, look for drama. All TV shows experience a rough patch. Who’s going to lose their cool this time?

Julianne Hough is out to prove herself. Some say she’s living in her brother Derek’s shadow. Many celebs feel she is unqualified.
Len Goodman is an accomplished dancer. He doesn’t like Julianne. Body language speaks volumes. Len takes this stuff seriously.
Applaud Dancing with the Stars for making this tweak. They recognized Julianne Hough’s potential as a judge. She is a triple threat celeb who adds value.
But, is Julianne qualified in the eyes of Carrie Ann and Bruno? They won’t admit their distaste for her publicly. But, you’re smart enough to see through it.

Casting Tommy Chong was a good decision. But Lolo Jones sucked. In fact, Lolo got booed.
She came out the gate with a negative attitude. Why? Lolo is her own worst enemy.
Bruno likened Tavis Smiley to a nifty fifty. Yeah right! Watch the stiff Smiley get voted off next week.
I’ve seen a dramatic shift this season. They’re showcasing top talent. And it’s not unusual!
Save the last dance for Carlton. He’s the obvious front- runner. Jimmy Kimmel picked himto win before the first show aired.
Still watch out for the Duck Dynasty daughter. She’s young and limber. You know the youngest contestants have an edge.
Although the mature stars look sharp now, can they stay in shape for the long haul? How many times did dancers withdraw from competition because of broken backs?
It’s nice seeing celebrities do splits and flips. But I don’t want anybody to get hurt. Don’t try to be 25, when you’re really 75.
Which brings me to my question: Should we institute an age limit? The answer is a resounding no.
Instead impose strict physical policies. Stars should meet a certain fitness level. This is not the Biggest Loser. This is Dancing With the Stars, people!
On The Judges

And the last thing we need is to lose a star due to political correctness (no one wants to offend senior citizens). The AARP is powerful. Case in point, you don’t see an 80 year-old NASCAR driver. Why can’t our oldest celebrities judge?
Midway through the season, these judges will click. DWTS doesn’t have to break the bank in order to put on a worthy show. That’s why the franchise continues to succeed.
How does Fox justify giving “judges” 8 figure salaries? I’ll shut-up because I may receive an offer. Seriously though, it’s wasteful spending. My grandpa said, “don’t waste money.”
How many mouths can we feed with $10 million? All I am saying is to take responsibility for your actions as well as your inactivity. If they pay you $20 million, that’s fine. But make sure you don’t behave foolishly.
I’m a firm believer that it takes money to make money. Dancing with the Stars may be too conservative for its own good. I’m against wasteful spending but you must invest.
If you don’t invest your cash, you’re wasting money. Next season, the show will celebrate its 20th anniversary. So I suspect they’re saving up for a spectacular special event.
No show will survive without viewers. Don’t stop watching Dancing with the Stars. And, don’t stop believin’!

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like me on Facebook

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Actors Beyoncé businessmen Celebs dancers directors entertainers Entertainment Hollywood Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus producers Selena Gomez top 33 triple threat celebrities Usher Writers Zac Efron

Top 33 Triple Threat And Multi-Talented Celebrities + Video


Celebrities need thick skin in order to survive the tough entertainment world. First of all, they are monitored non-stop. Did you know celebrities have more privacy in prisons than in their own homes? That’s why Justin Bieber doesn’t mind NOT passing go (directly to jail).
When celebs walk outside TMZ starts flashing cameras and asking questions. These days the Paparazzi cross lines with yellow tapes. They’re ruthless, I tell you!
But still, there’s not a celebrity on earth that would trade places with the average Joe. Planet Hollywood is a place where stars shine and fans collect autographs. Rehab is about the only place a celebrity can hide.
For the most part, celebrities are treated like royalty. And, they receive endless royalty checks. ‘Jerry Seinfeld’ makes millions from his syndicated sitcom.
For one thing, most celebs are multimillionaires. In fact, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg are billionaires. Whatever the case, celebrities teach you to persevere.
This blog post pays tribute to the top triple threat and multi-talented celebrities.
Zac Efron

All the ladies like Zac Efron. The young actor finds a way to make money. He can act, sing, dance and model. He’s a combination of Charlie Sheen and Channing Tatum.
Vanessa Hudgens
The vivacious Vanessa Hudgens is Zac Efron’s Best Friend Forever (BFF). She has a bright future. See Hottest HollywoodStarlets.
Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling has the whole world ahead of him. He is underpaid but sooner or later his stock will skyrocket. Read Ryan Is the New Robert for full story.
Wayne Brady

There’s a story of a man named Wayne Brady. His many talents are unfortunately not fully appreciated. What can’t he do? He’s a game show host, actor, singer and comedian.
Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough is a woman with many talents. We know her best from Dancing With the Stars. But the beauty also earns a living from her country music and acting.
Miley Cyrus                

Hannah Montanacemented Miley Cyrus’s career as an actress and singer. Now, the ‘grownup’ Miley has taken on dance. She has transformed into a twerking princess.
Janet Jackson

The soft-spoken Janet Jackson is dynamic. Pull up her YouTube Channel and watch the talented artist go to work. Miley may have stolen a few of Jackson’s moves.
Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez made a small fortune from her Disney days. Now, the starlet can sit back and watch her money grow. These Nickelodeon kids are set for life.
Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman (Logan/Wolverine) is very versatile. The Australian actor also finds work as a producer, singer, and dancer. He has hosted the Tony’s four times. You can’t be a one-trick pony.
Neil Patrick Harris
The three-named actor Neil Patrick Harris is a triple threat. He’s the V.I.P. of Harold & Kumar. He’s not a doctor he just plays one on TV. I just discovered that he directs, produces and sings too. 
Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson comes from a multi-talented family. Her mother is Goldie Hawn. And her father is actor, comedian, and musician Bill Hudson. It’s safe to say entertainment runs in her family. She is a fine actress. I wish her all the best in her endeavors.
Christina Applegate

Married With Children made Christina Applegate famous. Of course, we know her best as Kelly Bundy. But she is also a terrific dancer and stage performer.
Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon is a screenwriter’s actor. He brings his characters to life. The Hollywood star does voice acting as well. He also has a rock band called Bacon Brothers.
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake owns MySpace. The savvy businessman also sings and acts. Do you doubt Timberlake’s many talents? If you do, you’re jealous. Every celebrity has his haters.
Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx has his own category. The multi-talented Academy Award winner has had an exceptional career. He is a legitimate force in film, comedy and music.
John Travolta
Movie star John Travolta is one of Hollywood’s biggest triple threats. What don’t you know about John? You know he acts, sings and dances. But, Travolta produces, writes, and flies a jet as well.
Amy Adams

Does the name Amy Adams ring a bell? Amy earns her paycheck the hard way. Let’s give her a round of applause.
Renee Zellweger

Let’s give Renee Zellweger a standing ovation. The creative celebrity is well known for her work as an actress. But, she also produces and lends her voice to animated films.

The multi-talented Madonna is used to adjectives before her name. The businesswoman has brokered several key deals over the years. See blog post 10 Celebrities With the Most 2 Lose!
Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is the director’s actress. She does everything right. Meryl’s name will live on forever. Are you familiar with her theatrical performances? Streep is highly trained.
Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has a special place on my website. Check out my past blog posts about JLO. Jennifer Lopez can do no wrong as an actress, singer, dancer and entrepreneur.
Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken is one of my all time favorite actors. He has a distinct voice. I am surprised he hasn’t done any voice acting. Moreover, he is smooth. Walken writes screenplays and directs.
Sarah Jessica Parker

The three-named actress Sarah Jessica Parker is the wife of a triple threat. Sarah owes Sex and the City for her success. It is time for Sarah to get serious. Take on more challenging roles.

Steve Harvey

Where do I start with comedian Steve Harvey? He has his own talk show and is the host of Family Feud. He’s an author and a disc jockey. Harvey really does it all.
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Lately, Catherine Zeta-Jones has been busy. 2013 was one of her best years. Overall, she’s had a nice career.


Usher introduced the world to Justin Bieber. The one name star has continued his domination of music. Also, he’s playing Sugar Ray Leonard in the upcoming film Hands of Stone.
Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato found success on the Disney Channel. Is this a coincidence? No, there is actually a famous formula. Check Out How to Be Famous in Seven Steps.

Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah acts, sings, models and raps. She even has a daytime talk show. I hope she stays on the air.
Daniel Day Lewis

Daniel Day Lewis is arguably the best actor ever. No one else can compare. What is more, he is great on stage.
Sean Combs

Sean Combs goes by many names. Call him Diddy. He is a record producer, rapper, actor, dancer and businessman.

Matthew Broderick

Matthew Broderick married Sarah Jessica Parker in 1997. The star shunned the limelight in favor of peace and quiet. Don’t call the successful actor a comeback story. 
Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow acts, sings and writes. She is Beyoncé’s close friend. It makes perfect sense. You see she can teach Beyoncé how to act better. And, Beyoncé can teach Gwyneth how to sing.

Beyoncé defines entertainment. The triple threat entertainer is a great singer, sensational dancer and a delightful actress. Beyoncé is a clear first choice.

Thank you for reading, sharing, and commenting. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Attribution: All Photos from Wikimedia Commons
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How to Be Justin Bieber


How to Be a Celebrity 

Oh, baby! Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be famous? Can you picture being a celebrity? Are you fantasizing yet?

I won’t wake you from your dream. Keep on dreaming…

You’re Justin Bieber. There’s not a girl on the planet who wouldn’t want to spend a night with you. You walk into the club. Of course, you have bodyguards like President Obama.

You’re freaking Justin Bieber, man! How did you become Justin Bieber overnight? Obviously, you’re still dreaming.

You have a ton of money, a billion tons of fans, and you party all the time. Companies are lining up single file to give you free stuff. Better yet, they are begging you to endorse their products.

Your manager is here. He tells you, “Mr. Bieber it’s time to go on your world tour. I’ve arranged such and such and blah, blah, blah. Thank you so much for not firing me, sir.” Where do you stop first on your world tour?

Well, if you were Justin Bieber it’s a good chance you would stop at Selena Gomez’s home. You might go to your friend Jaden Smith’s crib. You can go anywhere.

If you want to hold a concert in Anchorage, Alaska on Christmas Day, nobody will say that’s a bad idea. Why? Fans are going to show up that’s why. You’re a celebrity called Justin Bieber.

I started to follow Justin Bieber on Twitter yesterday. I still might follow him. But, the dude has 50 million followers already.

In fact, I was surprised to see he has more followers than the President. What does that say about the society we live in? It says we love music.

I won’t tell you I’m Justin Bieber’s biggest fan, because I’m not. However, I will say his story is worth writing about. Bieber came up the hard way.

He was raised in a single parent household. He isn’t an entitled brat. So many people try to paint a bad image of Bieber. But, it’s not a true depiction.

We can’t expect a young man who turned 20 recently to act like a 30 year old man. Go back in time when you were young. Think about the dumb mistakes you made.

Now, imagine all your mistakes being broadcasted on national television and the world-wide-web. And, that’s how it feels to be Justin Bieber. Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his moccasins.

Although we love to pretend the fact of the matter is no one knows what it is like to be Justin Bieber but Justin Bieber himself.

He is a rags-to-riches success story. Before being discovered, he reached us by posting YouTube videos. On my blog, I have video of Justin Bieber before he got famous.

At a young age, Bieber shared his talent with the world. You might say without YouTube Justin Bieber would be an average college student with $20,000 in student debt. He might also be unemployed or underemployed if he lived in America.

A lot of people (haters) want to focus on his negatives. But, Justin Bieber has positively made society a little better. He is a prime example of how dreams come true.

Ode to Technology

YouTube is a terrific medium. You’re able to exchange social value by uploading a video. How easy is it to make a YouTube video? I made my first YouTube video today, which you can watch on the blog.

I found that technology maximizes the potential of everything. You can be- an entrepreneur, artist, celebrity, or an ordinary Joe from Buffalo. Your gift can be broadcasted for everyone to see.

As a youth, I rebelled against technology. I thought technology would take-over our lives. I felt that technology disconnected people. I was right and wrong at the same time.

The beauty of technology is you can make of it what you want to. No one says you have to make a YouTube video or sign up for a Twitter account. You should do those things, but you do have choices.

In America, we live in a standardized society. It’s a multiple choice test country. We can measure just about everything but love.

I love America. I’m proud to be an American. My family served in the military for over four generations. Thanks to technological advances, we are able to better communicate with our family overseas.

Click on the video above and watch one of the most viewed videos of all time. It’s Justin Bieber’s Baby song. Before you watch it, be aware that it won’t be easy to get the song out your head.

I was right about technology taking over; but, I was wrong about technology being bad. Technology is good. If you are a blogger, you have a way to voice your opinion and influence  somebody’s life in a big way.

As a blogger, I’m thankful if I reach just one person. That’s all. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook

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