Actors Ariana Grande Beliebers Brands Celebs entertainers Famous fan clubs Fandom Guru Jay Jennifer Lopez Justin Bieber Music Musicians One Direction Selena Gomez Selenators Singers Vevo YouTube

Who Wins? Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez


You must look at the glass half-empty and half-full. In other words, the pros need the cons and the Beliebers need the Biebs. So, why expect Selenators to standby while Justin dates Gomez’s archrival Ariana Grande?

I believe Bieber and Grande make a more perfect union. In the long run, Grande and Gomez will likely pass up Justin financially and in popularity. You see Grande churns out hits like butter. And Selena can fall back on acting.
Does the name Jennifer Lopez click? I don’t proclaim soothsaying superpowers. All I offer you are opinions and predictions on this subject. 

Justin Bieber could prove everyone wrong and make several smashing hits in the future. Frankly, I’m tired of everybody riding Justin hard, when it’s not his fault. Can you picture the spotlight shining on you at age 14?
Think about all the stupid stuff teenagers do. So, on the one hand, I say give Bieber a break. On the other hand, I say where is Justin’s number 1 hit record?
Here’s what happened. His managers accelerated his follower count. You saw the same thing happen with Meghan Trainor. Trust me, you don’t want instant fame because like John Lennon so elegantly sang, “Instant karma’s gonna get you.”
If you are an aspiring entertainer or celebrity, don’t buy their bullshit. You’ll hear them claim, “I can get you 100 million views.” Here’s my advice. If you can get famous in a day, you can get destroyed in a day.
Take your time and grow a true fan base. Yes, social media is an awesome and useful tool, but getting better at your talent is more important. Plus, you need to improve your skills before it’s too late.

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Justin Bieber is truly talented. However, his financiers built his brand too big and too quickly. Watch what happens to One Direction. They are in a similar predicament.
In ten years, I have Selena Gomez beating Justin Bieber in a landslide.

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Avril Lavigne Canadians Celebs Drake Guru Jay Justin Bieber Music Musicians PETA celebs Philadelphia natives Pink Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne Punk Rock Singers Songs talent videos Who is the best?

Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne

Do you want to rock out with Pink or Avril Lavigne? What are your favorite Pink and Avril Lavigne songs and music videos? Pink gets up in your face, while Avril plays hard to get. It feels like they’re both 40 year olds because their careers have been huge successes.
I believe Pink is the best performer. She’ll do anything to please the crowd. Still, Lavigne is more popular because of her Canadian roots.
You see this happens all the time. Talented Canadians take over the entertainment world. Take Drake and Justin Bieber for instance.
If Justin were from Boston instead of Toronto, he’d have an average career. I’m not advocating becoming a Canadian citizen. All I am saying is Avril has a significant advantage over Pink because of her background.
Pink originates from the city of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia proudly calls her daughter. The great musician represents her hometown well.

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If blondes have more fun, that explains why Avril is always jumping. Like Pink she controls crowds by pandering to their desires. But I want to rock out with Avril because she’s more energetic.

Plus, Avril Lavigne is sexier. In the entertainment industry, sex appeal counts. Pink is sexy too, but in a different way.
Now I like Pink’s style because she grinds harder than most entertainers. Her music videos are better. However, I appreciate Avril’s consistency. You never know what to expect from Pink.
Pink is worth watching though, because she executes daring stunts. Do you remember when she sang while being suspended in the air at the Grammys? I believe Pink can fly!
On a serious tip, Pink makes socially relevant music. She champions causes such as animal rights. Did you notice she’s wearing a PETA shirt in the photo? Avril Lavigne is also a PETA supporter.

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Amanda Bynes Ariana Grande Big Sean Celebs Disney Entertainment Guru Jay Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Lady Gaga Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Miley Cyrus Music Nickelodeon Rihanna Shia LaBeouf

What Rihanna and Lady Gaga Can Teach Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande


Rihanna and Lady Gaga rank high on the music hierarchy.
Lately, Rihanna has made the news because of her supposed relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought for the longest that Bad Girl Riri and Bad Meets Evil Eminem were an item. However, you must remember show business is a highly calculative industry.
By some accounts, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber appear to be dating much to the chagrin of Big Sean. I don’t gossip because the lawyer in me doesn’t trust hearsay. So, I’ll leave Rihanna’s love life alone.
I first learned about Rihanna during a phone call with this stunning blue-eyed girl. I know Generation Z can’t imagine using a cell phone to talk because they only know how to text. Anyway, the girl ranted and raved so much, I Googled Rihanna for the first time.
Many years since, I came to relish Riri’s music. What is more, we all recognize Riri as a first class entertainer comparable to the greats. If the Barbados superstar continues dominating then she’ll have a similar commercial effect as legendary Jamaican musician Bob Marley.

In the beginning, the media gave Lady Gaga excessive coverage. I’m not just talking about entertainment and celebrity news here. Local, national, and global stations constantly ran stories and shined the limelight on the lady.
They gave Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Ariana Grande similar attention. And now it is One Direction’s turn. Although the news isn’t writing stories about Lady Gaga, her fans stay engaged as evidence by social media.
You know I value Gaga a lot. She’s a wonderful singer. But, sometimes I dislike her tacky costumes and turquoise hair color.

Regardless of your preferences, Lady Gaga’s game works wonders. You know Gaga doesn’t bluff because she sports a Poker Face. Plus, the shock factor showcases her bravado.

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Have you seen the musicians’ concert performances? Your eyes are busy bodied because of all the activity and friction. Picture how fun it is promoting their tours.

Lady Gaga and Rihanna are fun spirited girls, who crave intense feelings. Gaga sings with pure energy. And Riri sings with raw emotion.
You couldn’t pick a better time to be a celebrity than right now. Yes, you sacrifice privacy but who cares? If you’re talented as Lady Gaga and Rihanna you’re set for life.
Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande can learn how to handle fame from Riri and Gaga. More Disney and Nickelodeon kids need to stop wasting their time living destructive lifestyles. As my grandpa said, “moderation is key.”
Like Lindsay Lohan, Shia LaBeouf, and Amanda Bynes, Miley and Ariana are stuck with the ‘child star’ label. There’s no curse because Justin Timberlake turned out fine. Still, Rihanna and Lady Gaga can teach Cyrus and Grande a different perspective because they didn’t grow up playing TV characters.

In this Information/ Digital Age, celebrities need less scrutiny and more support. Think about how every action/ word is analyzed because technology makes it easily presentable. Rihanna and Lady Gaga are teachers because they provide another avenue for Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, and others.

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Adam Levine Alicia Keys Alyssa Milano Avril Lavigne Britney Spears Diddy Jessica Simpson Julianne Hough Justin Bieber Katy Perry Lindsay Lohan Nicole Scherzinger Proactiv Serena Williams

Give Them Some Skin: Proactiv Celebrities

How many celebrities hire dermatologists and image consultants? They have to pay the piper because Hollywood demands glitz and glamor. That’s why many celebs endorse Proactiv.
All teenagers face acne. WebMD says adults can get acne as well. Proactiv found how to capitalize on human nature. After all, young adults are companies’ main target audience.
It makes perfect sense for Katy Perry and others to speak on the acne cream’s behalf. Imagine if you were under a microscope like most celebrities. What if you were a model?
Give Them Some Skin
You’ve seen the commercials promising to pop pimples and solve your problems. Your favorite celebrity comes on the screen and convinces you to give them some skin. And by skin, I mean cash money and credit card numbers.
It seems superficial but Hollywood obsesses over vain stuff like body weights and sizes 0. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory. In show business they calculate your self worth differently than Joel Osteen and Rick Warren.
Have you ever tried Proactiv’s products? There’s nothing wrong with cleansing and exfoliating your skin. The body is the temple.
The following celebrities have endorsed Proactiv.
 Julianne Hough

Nicole Scherzinger

Vanessa Williams

Mandy Moore

Jenna Fischer

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jessica Simpson

Alyssa Milano

Lindsay Lohan

Adam Levine


Serena Williams

Britney Spears

Alicia Keys

Avril Lavigne

Justin Bieber

Katy Perry

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Ariana Grande BadGalRiri Beyoncé Celebs Instagram Justin Bieber Kendall Jenner Khloe Kardashian Kim Kardashian KUWTK Kylie Jenner most followed Rihanna Selena Gomez Taylor Swift Top 10

Top 10 Instagram Celebrities

Have you ever wondered how to be famous? Read How to be Famous in 7 Steps. Follow this formula and everybody will know your name.
In the meantime, create an Instagram account. It’s crucial that you connect with your fans. Instagram is one way you can reach them. And, it’s great because many users are using the Internet with their smart phones.

If you want a popular account, look no further than the top performers. I’m sure you’ll find this list interesting. Without further ado, here are the top 10 Instagram celebrities…
Most Followed on Instagram
1. Kim Kardashian

In 2014, Kim broke the Internet by posing nude (full frontal and rear) in Paper magazine.

2. Beyoncé

Beyoncé won critical acclaim with the release of her self-titled album.

3. Ariana Grande

Who can hit high notes on Ariana’s level, except for Mariah Carey?

4. Justin Bieber

It’s hard for the Biebs and his Beliebers believe it or not.

5. Selena Gomez

Selena will marry and divorce Justin Bieber one day.

6. Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner has a supermodel’s figure to go with the attitude.

7. Taylor Swift

The good girl, who turned bad, Taylor Swift is too good to ignore.

8. Khloe Kardashian

She’s ready for her close-up so start flashing those cameras.

9. Kylie Jenner

She’s the last of the Kardashian/Jenner clan but she is certainly not the least.

10. BadGalRiri

Rihanna is so incredibly talented that it’s just ridiculous.

I think Taylor Swift will be number 1 soon.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Bob Marley Celebs Cristiano Ronaldo Eminem Facebook. Famous Justin Bieber Katy Perry Lionel Messi Michael Jackson popular popularity Rihanna Shakira Twitter Vin Diesel

10 Most Popular Celebrities on Facebook


10. Bob Marley

The music legend is the 10th most popular celebrity on Facebook. Bob Marley’s fans worship him. They are obsessed over and highly devoted to Marley.

9. Katy Perry

As of now, Katy Perry ranks 9 on Facebook. However, she’s first on Twitter. She’ll eventually enter the top 5 because she’s scheduled to perform at the Super Bowl. 

8. Lionel Messi

The Soccer superstar has amassed over 75 million Facebook likes. When you’re the best, you get respect. Few players play the game better than Lionel Messi.

7. Justin Bieber

If the Biebs finished high school, his classmates would have voted him most popular. Justin Bieber belongs to the world now. There’s no turning back.

6. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson will soon reach 80 million Facebook fans. His impact on the world is still felt. He may be the most famous celebrity of all time.

5. Vin Diesel

Due to the success of the Fast & Furious franchise, Vin Diesel is number 5. The actor will soon past 90 million Facebook fans. Did you like Diesel in Guardians of the Galaxy?

4. Rihanna

Rihanna’s music reaches billions. That’s why RiRi ranks 4th on Facebook. It’s a numbers game and Rihanna is a mathematician.

3. Eminem

The middle age rapper has 97 million Facebook likes. He causes controversy for a hobby. Check out Eminem Vs. Iggy Azalea.

2. Cristiano Ronaldo

The soccer world considers Cristiano Ronaldo to be the best. So, it makes sense that he has 104 million fans. He’s bigger than soccer.

1. Shakira

Shakira is second to none. The Beautiful Liarsinger has Latin America behind her. How long will she remain number 1?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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Baby Celebrity Dark Horse Eminem GANGNAM STYLE Gentleman Guru Jay Jennifer Lopez Justin Bieber Katy Perry Miley Cyrus Music On The Floor Pitbull Rihanna Roar Shakira videos Wrecking Ball YouTube

Top 10 YouTube Music Videos


#10 Dark Horse

Do you like Dark Horse? What’s not to like about it? It gives you the best of both worlds.

Katy Perry plays Cleopatra in an Egyptian inspired theme. She rules with an iron fist. So, you better obey what she says.

Overall, I give Dark Horse an A-. I’ve never seen a more colorful video. My only issue is that it gets goofy because it targets teens.

If Katy Perry plays Tetris, then her creativity is on the tenth level. Her Dark Horse video shows why she has one of the best musical minds in show business. Hats off to the celebrity!

#9 Roar

At number 9 is Katy Perry again. There’s a reason why you’re going to hear Katy roar. Her music reaches people from Africa to America.

In this video, Katy Perry pounces around in the jungle. She’s trying to get Tarzan’s attention. She makes Tarzan look stupid.

I give Roar an A+. There’s nothing wrong with the music video. Katy is at her absolute best.

Success has a formula. Fortunately, Katy Perry has figured out the components. That’s why Katy rarely makes a bad video.

If George is the King, Katy Perry is the Queen of the Jungle. Roar still generates cash on YouTube. So Katy can sit back on her throne and collect royalty checks.

#8 Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus bares her soul in Wrecking Ball. People pay attention to a crying blonde. It doesn’t matter how short her hair is.

You see at some point a celebrity must open up to media and fans. Miley picked the perfect time. In Wrecking Ball, she gives you a glimpse into her personal life. That takes guts over fear.

The video gets a solid A. At the time of its release, this video set a trend. Now, thanks to Miley all celebs are getting naked. What’s going on in Hollywood?


I don’t understand 95 percent of the words in this video. But, I understand why it’s popular. I’m not as lost in translation as you’d think.

The video presents the lifestyle of a gentleman. PSY attempts to catch a lady’s eye. He goes to the extreme trying to impress her.

He stares into her face for a long time with a seductive look. Whatever he is selling she is buying. You don’t need to know Korean to understand this.

PSY has transformed music. He alone introduced K-Pop to the world wide web. Even though his songs are in Korean, his videos are universal. 

#6 Love The Way You Lie

In Love The Way You Lie, Eminem burns the house down with his accomplice Rihanna. The roof is literally on fire in the music video. The fire represents life’s pains and struggles.

If you want a hit record then sign a deal with Eminem or Rihanna. They are at the top because they came from the bottom. They had to grind the hard way to get to their current status.

Dr. Dre spotted Eminem. And Jay Z discovered Rihanna. Do you see the connection? Dr. Dre and Jay Z are nearly billionaires now.

#5 Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

At the time of this post, Waka Waka has 770 million views. It is the 5th most popular video because the world loves soccer. Even in America, everyone watches the World Cup every 4 years.

The FIFA World Cup strategically selected Shakira to sing their anthem. She was a perfect choice. Who else can sing in multiple languages perfectly?

If you want to learn Spanish, why not watch shakiraVEVO? Shakira can’t make a bad video. I give Waka Waka an easy A.

The singer means so much to music as well as Latin America. In a sense, her voice pitches in a league of its own. Do you like Shakira?

#4 Party Rock Anthem

LMFAO made a big splash with Party Rock Anthem. The sensational video inspired two of my blog posts. Check out How to Party Like a Rock Star and Funny Show Business.

Without Party Rock Anthem Redfoo and Sky Blu would be an above average band at best. That’s why the choreography deserves special recognition. It’s so hard to separate yourself from the fray in music.

I give the song a B. But the music video receives an A. Like LMFAO it’s a success story.

#3 On The Floor

On The Floor doesn’t almost have 800 million views by accident. The music video’s success comes from perfect chemistry between two celebs. Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull have a great working relationship.

Should they get married to each other? If they date, it will be the most talked about hookup. What are the chances of this happening? If you ask me, Jenny from the block is already in Pitbull’s corner.

While the song gets an A-, I give the On The Floor video a B+. I wanted to see more. JLO should have used backup dancers. Still, it’s fun and worth seeing.

#2 Baby

If Christopher Columbus discovered America, then Usher Raymond III founded Canada. Well, Usher did find Justin Bieber on YouTube. To date, Bieber is the most famous Canadian. My apologizes to Drake…

It all started with Baby. The music video has amassed over 1.1 billion views in less than 5 years. You can’t ignore Justin Bieber’s popularity.

Justin calls his fans ‘Beliebers.’ If you had a dollar for every one of his followers, you’d be a billionaire. His numbers are virtually endless. Just keep counting. I’ll stand by. Can you picture living like a celebrity?

See How to Be Justin Bieber. You’ll find it’s a hard job but somebody has to do it. Not everybody is cut out. It takes skin like a crocodile and a smile like a Bush.

#1 Gangnam Style

Once again, I don’t understand 95 percent of the words, but I get the message. I give the song and the music video an A+. Gangnam Style is what I call Funny Show Business.

You see, crazy antics make mad money. You can make a lot of cash just by making people laugh. That’s exactly what PSY has done.

With 2.14 billion views, Gangnam Style has made PSY a global celebrity. He’s lightyears ahead of his competition. He’s unstoppable. 

We won’t stop like Miley Cyrus. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!