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Scandal Premiere Episode Recap


 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Last night’s Scandal premiere was like a riddle. The writers used flashbacks and Olivia Pope’s own imagination to tightly grip the audience ahold. And so, another sensational story is finished.
From the start, Pope makes a crucial mistake while being held captive. She sizes up her kidnappers by piecing together her predicament. But she didn’t figure her circumstances were carefully manufactured.
For the first time, the lead character loses complete control. Her Harvard education can’t save her. Olivia needs to use some street smarts.
Pope tries desperately to decipher reality. And in the process of elimination, her assumptions are all wrong. Who exactly is holding her hostage?
Is Olivia her own worst nightmare? She plays into their hands by feeding off scraps from their plate of lies. She eats her words.
The crisis manager is in crisis. Meanwhile, her captors are playing mind games and tricks. Will she cooperate? Can the hostage takers hypnotize Olivia into mental bondage?
Overthinking is Olivia Pope’s biggest problem. For once, can she admit to not having all the answers? The mistress unlocks the dungeon door only to find a false projection.
It appears the character is running through a maze both literally and figuratively. There’s hope after all though, because it seems the black lady is being held hostage in America.
Why hasn’t the Television Academy gave Kerry Washington an Emmy? Seriously, Washington should’ve won multiple awards by now.
This year, Kerry will win an Emmy because it’s long overdo. How can the judging body ignore Washington’s brilliant performances? I have her at #2 on my top 5 TV actresses countdown.
On Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry Washington sang praises to Shonda Rhimes. She’s too modest. While Rhimes might be the mastermind, Kerry is the backbone.
Overall, the premiere was great. I would watch it again. Have you seen it? Did you like last night’s Scandal premiere?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
AARP Alfonso Ribeiro American Idol Biggest Loser Celebrity Dancing with the Stars Duck Dynasty Erin Andrews Famous Jimmy Kimmel Julianne Hough Justin Bieber Kim Kardashian NASCAR TV TV and Showbiz

Dancing with the Washed-Up Has-Beens

Dancing with the Washed-Up Has-Beens

On Thursday, I watched Dancing with the Stars (DWTS). You know I didn’t see a lot of stars. All I saw were washed-up has-beens.

Why am I so harsh? According to Dancing with the Stars everybody is a celebrity. If this is the case, who wants to be famous?
I want to be a millionaire instead.
DWTSfunctions like Twitter. As a consequence, the show is in decline. It’s losing because it serves a minority. The best shows cater to the majority.
Do you watch DWTS religiously? Do you see what I see? What do you like about the imported TV show?
Don’t get me wrong. The show is watchable. There were many high points and bright moments during the premiere.
However, the hosts are capable of providing better entertainment. Why do we need two hosts anyway? Tom Bergeron can host the show all by himself.

Also, I don’t mind the judges individually but they lack teamwork. It’s about DWTSfirst, and the hosts and judges second. Listen up, DWTS
I got four words for you: Randy, Paula, Simon and Ryan. The reason American Idol broke records is because of the show’s chemistry. It’s too bad they couldn’t recuperate.
American Idol wasted millions. They treated folks like Frankenstein. When Paula Abdul left, the ratings never recovered.
Will the audience stop watching? I’m afraid that DWTS could go the American Idol way. But, I believe DWTS will revamp and retool.
Don’t mess with a winning formula. If it works, leave it alone. If it doesn’t work, fix it.

It’s clear that Dancing with the Stars is getting old. My recommendation is to fire Erin Andrews. And, Keep Bergeron to stay credible.
Why on earth is Andrews on DWTS? Erin should go back to ESPN and hone her craft. 

Right now DWTS is inauthentic.
Here’s an idea: give Erin her own show. Let her do whatever she wants. But preserve her brand.
Fortunately, it’s not too late. DWTS can still become the default TV show. As long as they serve families, Dancing with the Stars will maintain its relevancy.
I call it the Kim Kardashian rippling effect. Anyone who associates with her is a celebrity. And, anyone who associates with her associates is a celebrity. And so on…
This is the 19th season of DWTS. Why is this Alfonso Ribeiro’s first appearance? 

I point the finger at the producers.
I expected a shorter show. Two hours is one hour too long for a talent show. What’s your opinion as a fan?
In spite of the shenanigans, I give Monday’s premiere a B +, because season 19 has a tasty mix of talent. The casting crew created an interesting selection.
Weeks To Come
In the weeks to come, look for drama. All TV shows experience a rough patch. Who’s going to lose their cool this time?
Julianne Hough is out to prove herself. Some say she’s living in her brother Derek’s shadow. Many celebs feel she is unqualified.
Len Goodman is an accomplished dancer. He doesn’t like Julianne. Body language speaks volumes. Len takes this stuff seriously.
Applaud Dancing with the Stars for making this tweak. They recognized Julianne Hough’s potential as a judge. She is a triple threat celeb who adds value.
But, is Julianne qualified in the eyes of Carrie Ann and Bruno? They won’t admit their distaste for her publicly. But, you’re smart enough to see through it.

Casting Tommy Chong was a good decision. But Lolo Jones sucked. In fact, Lolo got booed.
She came out the gate with a negative attitude. Why? Lolo is her own worst enemy.
Bruno likened Tavis Smiley to a nifty fifty. Yeah right! Watch the stiff Smiley get voted off next week.
I’ve seen a dramatic shift this season. They’re showcasing top talent. And it’s not unusual!
Save the last dance for Carlton. He’s the obvious front- runner. Jimmy Kimmel picked himto win before the first show aired.
Still watch out for the Duck Dynasty daughter. She’s young and limber. You know the youngest contestants have an edge.
Although the mature stars look sharp now, can they stay in shape for the long haul? How many times did dancers withdraw from competition because of broken backs?
It’s nice seeing celebrities do splits and flips. But I don’t want anybody to get hurt. Don’t try to be 25, when you’re really 75.
Which brings me to my question: Should we institute an age limit? The answer is a resounding no.
Instead impose strict physical policies. Stars should meet a certain fitness level. This is not the Biggest Loser. This is Dancing With the Stars, people!
On The Judges

And the last thing we need is to lose a star due to political correctness (no one wants to offend senior citizens). The AARP is powerful. Case in point, you don’t see an 80 year-old NASCAR driver. Why can’t our oldest celebrities judge?
Midway through the season, these judges will click. DWTS doesn’t have to break the bank in order to put on a worthy show. That’s why the franchise continues to succeed.
How does Fox justify giving “judges” 8 figure salaries? I’ll shut-up because I may receive an offer. Seriously though, it’s wasteful spending. My grandpa said, “don’t waste money.”
How many mouths can we feed with $10 million? All I am saying is to take responsibility for your actions as well as your inactivity. If they pay you $20 million, that’s fine. But make sure you don’t behave foolishly.
I’m a firm believer that it takes money to make money. Dancing with the Stars may be too conservative for its own good. I’m against wasteful spending but you must invest.
If you don’t invest your cash, you’re wasting money. Next season, the show will celebrate its 20th anniversary. So I suspect they’re saving up for a spectacular special event.
No show will survive without viewers. Don’t stop watching Dancing with the Stars. And, don’t stop believin’!

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like me on Facebook

Attribution- Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Arsenio Hall Celebrity Chelsea Handler David Letterman Ellen Show Funny Guru Jay Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel Stephen Colbert Talk show tonight show TV TV and Showbiz

Who’s Watching? Daytime Talk Vs. Late Night TV Shows


Ellen DeGeneres dominates Day Time Talk Show TV.  She is in a league of her own. Hey Ellen, save the last dance for me.

I love Ellen DeGeneres for her style and substance. She has good intentions. I get the feeling Ellen genuinely cares about her audience.

She is committed to her craft. I imagine her crew has nothing negative to say toward her. Ellen’s appeal reminds me of Oprah.

What is more, Hollywood respects her. Why else would they beg her to host the Oscars again? Ellen has had a long and prosperous career.

Really, she shows no signs of slowing down. She has a monopoly on her time slot. At the end of the day, I think she is so successful because she is down-to-earth.

Humility is her middle name. To be on the air more than a decade is a tremendous achievement. What is extraordinary with Ellen is her sheer brilliance at connecting to the audience.

She stays out of trouble. So she doesn’t have P.R. problems. Everybody wants to be on the Ellen show. 

They should change the show’s name to Everybody Loves Ellen. She deserves an in-depth article on The Guru Jay Blog.Day Time Talk TV is nothing without Ellen

Ellen blows the competition out the water like ducks. Who can challenge the Daytime Talk Show host? She stands alone in the crowd as a cougar among domestic cats.

If you want to survive you need a big meow. Also, you shouldn’t waste your time barking up the wrong tree. Whose talk show do you like?

Do you enjoy the cooking shows? The perky Rachael Ray reminds me of a younger Martha Stewart. She’s a sight to look at and can cook her ass off.

I like Rachael because she is properly positioned as an elite chef.  Comparing her show to the Chew is no contest. First of all, like Ellen, Rachael is the captain of her ship. She doesn’t need an entourage to surround her in the kitchen.

Don’t twist my words. I’m not knocking the Chew. But, it’s unfair to put the Chew cast and Rachael Ray in the same weight class.

Here’s why: they’re playing two different sports. Hear me out. Tennis, golf and boxing are individual sports, whereas: football, basketball and baseball are team sports.

As a proud American, I admire rugged individualism. Still, variety is great.

Does anyone know what happened to Emeril Lagasse? The Big “Bam” Theory replaced him.

I digress. The point is we want competition because it forces us to do better…to be the best.

Dr. Phil is America’s psychiatrist. He dominates his market share. Of course, Oprah introduced him to the world 16 years ago.  She played a major role in discovering Dr. Oz as well.

Here is an interesting article from ABC News. The story shows how Oprah made stars such as: Suze Orman, Nate Berkus and Iyanla Vanzant famous. This is more proof Oprah is a huge influencer inside and outside of Hollywood.

I can’t gloss over Maury and Jerry Springer These shows live on the cutting edge. They cater to an underserved population. They have lasted longer than expected.

My mom tells me the real reason is because they have easy jobs. People eat it up for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Check out these shocking ratings

Entertainment is Funny Show BusinessCrazy antics make mad money. Who’s watching?

It seems Day Time Talk TV has gone to the dogs. Late Night television is way more interesting.  It’s like the Wild West.

Arsenio Hall just got thrown into the mix. His show has been renewed for a second season. I’m sure he’s the worst nightmare of ABC and NBC.

Also, it appears Chelsea Lately is ending after seven seasons. Although I disagree with Chelsea Handler, I do feel we need a woman in this time slot.

Here’s an idea. Why not let Ellen DeGeneres produce a late show? She’s a good judge of talent. And, she is well connected.

Giving Ellen executive control is a win-win proposition. But, be warned! Late night television is a dangerous game.

I used to be a big fan of Conan O’Brien. I thought Jay Leno shanked him. I was wrong.

After watching O’Brien’s documentary, I now see that his big ego got in the way. He didn’t want to compromise. I was surprised to see how it all developed.

Furthermore, NBC is fully responsible for the Tonight Show travesty between Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien. They played the two against each other like pawns.

Late night television hosts have to swim with sharks. Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert will square off starting next year.  David Letterman will go out on top

Photo By: Hey Paul

Letterman chose a perfect time to retire. Colbert will come in and instantly cause problems for the two Jimmies. Late night ratings will spiral out of control.

I predict a steady decline of Jimmy Kimmel Live (JKL). Jimmy K. is good but he needs to be great. Here’s my rationale…

The Tonight Show with Fallon is only growing.  JKL is an old institution. Plus, the skinny Jimmy appeals to a much younger audience.

The arrival of Colbert will hurt the fat Jimmy more than the skinny. If I stand correct, the Tonight Show will beat the Late Show. And, the Late Show will beat the “Live” Show.

By the way, JKL is not a live event at all. Jimmy Kimmel Live is deceiving. If you ask me, it is false advertising.

We love live events. That’s why sports are so successful on TV. That’s why Larry King lasted 100 years on CNN

So I suggest ABC change their late night show name. I still believe in Jimmy Kimmel’s star power. Ever since The Man Show he has always been associated with greatness. 

Why am I mad? Well, what if Saturday Night Live taped their show on Monday morning? Now, do you understand?
JKL must adapt and reinvent in order to stay on top of the food chain. Act now before it’s too late. Otherwise, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert will be the new Coke and Pepsi.

In the words of the Most Interesting Man in the World, stay thirsty my friends.

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