Brian Regan Celebrities Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee comedy Dana Carvey Dave Chappelle Ellen DeGeneres Entertainment Guru Jay Jerry Seinfeld Netflix Starbucks Tracy Morgan Zach Galifianakis

Why You Should Watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee


Why You Should Watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Have you seen Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? After much deliberation I decided to watch the collection on Netflix.

At first, I was on the fence about watching the show. I didn’t know if it was worth my time. However, something told me to give it a chance.

I love to be entertained. Entertainment is a great influencer on the world. And comedy is the great equalizer.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee appeals to those who like comedy, cars, and coffee.

So, what’s it all about?

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is exactly what the name suggests. Comedians get in a car and get coffee. Moreover, they have fun, light, and laidback conversations on their way to drinking a cup of Joe together.

I’ve seen a ton of episodes and here is my take on the TV series. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is unique to television because unique comedians drive around in unique cars and have unique experiences.

Right now, I’m watching the last episodes because they are more relevant. Eventually, I will get around to watching the first episodes.

So far I’ve seen Ellen DeGeneres, Tracy Morgan, Dave Chappelle, Zach Galifianakis, Brian Regan, and Dana Carvey. This show is turning me into a believer.

I believe Jerry Seinfeld is a genius. I expect this show to last forever. Much of the show is filmed in Los Angeles.

Jerry Seinfeld does all the driving. Netflix does all the filming. The giant comedian teamed up with the giant Hollywood conglomerate. Who’s next…Starbucks?

Comedians themselves are interesting characters. They have awfully good stories to tell. Their lives are observed under a microscope.

Comedians are creative creatures. These lively entertainers do what doctors can’t do in some cases. In a world of so much uncertainty and heartache, comedy helps sooth the pain and heal the wounds. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is just what the world needs, and what the doctor ordered.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Adam Sandler Ben Stiller Celebrity comedians comedy David Spade Eddie Murphy Funny Funny or Die Hollywood Jerry Seinfeld Larry David Movies Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz Will Ferrell Will Smith

Who’s Better? Jerry Seinfeld Vs. Adam Sandler


Is Jerry Seinfeld or Adam Sandler funnier? Or should I ask who is luckier? They’re both talented comedians. But, take away Seinfeld’s TV show and he’s average.
Sandler is funnier because his funny bone extends 3 extra inches. Seinfeld is luckier since his sitcom guarantees cash. Some say Sandler is overpaid.
Let’s distinguish between comedic actors and comedians. There’s a difference between scripted sitcoms and live standup routines. Other great comedians constantly get overlooked in this area.
The media doesn’t publicize Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, and Tim Allen enough. That’s why Ferrell created Funny or Die. That’s also why Allen does Chevrolet commercials. For what it’s worth, Seinfeld signed on for Microsoft advertisements.
The comedy business isn’t for the faint of heart. Though Seinfeld and Sandler receive more attention, they pushed their brands hard. Jerry promoted the Bee movie nonstop. And Adam kept on pushing despite a few box office blunders.
Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler are two of the best comedic actors in cinematic history alongside the likes of Eddie Murphy and Will Smith. As a side note, no one really views Smith as a comedic actor.
Do you consider Adam and Jerry great comedians?
What if I threw Ben Stiller into the mix? Would you rather see Ben and Jerry do standup or eat their ice cream? David Spade is another underrated comedian Hollywood doesn’t fully support and appreciate.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

What are your favorite Adam Sandler movies? I recommend Grown Ups, Funny People, Happy Gilmore, and Mr. Deeds. Looking back on their careers, not many celebrities are luckier than Sandler and Seinfeld.
Credit Adam’s agent for negotiating lucrative contracts. Thank Larry David for creating Jerry Seinfeld’s sitcom. Do you like Seinfeld better than Everybody Loves Raymond?
I respect TV legends; and, Jerry Seinfeld certainly fits the bill. Also, I admire great comedians; and, Adam Sandler is exceptional. So, who’s better? Well, isn’t Adam always first?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!