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Priyanka Chopra: From Bollywood to Hollywood


Priyanka Chopra: From Bollywood to Hollywood

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What’s your favorite TV show? ABC offers excellent programming choices. Do you like sitcoms such as Modern Family or dramas such as Scandal? How about Quantico? Whatever you have a taste for is on ABC. Lately, I’ve been consuming episodes of Quantico on demand.

I can’t get enough of Priyanka Chopra. The Quantico star is someone to write home about. Isn’t she something special? This former Miss World may be the hottest babe on TV.

I hope they give Priyanka a pay raise because she’s too good to lose. Moreover, the actor is the main reason we watch Quantico, right? Let’s face it, Chopra presents a hot body of work like Sofia VergaraTV viewers are treated to one of a kind good looks.

Still, if you go beyond her charming good looks, you’ll discover she’s extremely talented too. She’s already made a name for herself in Bollywood. Right now, she’s taking her turn on Hollywood Boulevard.

Are you looking forward to watching her performance in Baywatch or what? Picture Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron both vying for her attention on the silver screen. They already publicly admitted they’re infatuation with her. Who do you think is more her type? That’s right Priyanka Chopra can have any man she likes.

Who else can’t get enough of Priyanka Chopra? The Indian beauty is easy on the eyes. Additionally, she’s devoted to developing her gifts.

Clearly, Chopra knows she’s one of the best in showbiz. Plus, Priyanka can handle the entertainment world’s pressure. Her Bollywood experience counts for something.

Chopra can convince anyone of anything. Whatever she’s selling, people are buying. They eat her up like chocolate chip cookies. They need more of her sugar. The Bollywood to Hollywood actress is maximizing her potential and fulfilling her dreams. What is more, she’s making the man very rich.

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How Hot Is Iggy Azalea?


Iggy Azalea is one of the hottest rappers right now. Who can match her vocal intensity, provocative lyrics, and fluid flow? The Team singer plays the rap game like basketball.

She’s dribbling on records, tossing free throws in rhymes, and slam dunking on her foes. The Black Widow makes every verse count. Needless to say, she doesn’t need Nick Young to shoot 3 pointers for her. I’ve seen Iggy come up half court and do a Steph Curry.

You see Iggy Azalea teams up with the best people. She has collaborated with the likes of Jennifer Lopez, T.I., and Britney Spears. What is more, she’s changing before our very eyes.

At one point in time, all she received was bad news. Nowadays, Iggy’s name is associated with the best of times. Charles Dickens could have wrote a book about her if he were still alive. It would be titled The Tale of Two Iggies.

I like how she wears her hair. Does Iggy Azalea present the best possible image or what? She’s so seductive.

The Australian rapper satisfies everyone. Whether you drink Coke or Pepsi, you’ll enjoy Iggy. Like nostrils, your tastebuds never tell a lie. Moreover, this celebrity’s endorsement carries a lot of calories unlike Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi.

Has Iggy Azalea been dieting? How hot is Iggy Azalea? Doesn’t the entertainer look great in a bikini? Her Instagram photos tell only part of the story. At 26 years old, how sexier could she get posing on the beach and with Serena Williams?

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You’ve seen her riding on top of horses and other things too. She sticks up the middle finger because sexy is her middle name. Although I still feel Nicki Minaj remains the best female rapper, I wonder how close the New Classic is to becoming the new number one.

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Marilyn Monroe Was the Ultimate Sex Symbol


I watched The Seven Year Itch a few months ago. In the movie, Marilyn Monroe showed why she was the ultimate sex symbol. All she had to do was be her sexy self. And she was too sexy for herself! I highly recommend The Seven Year Itch if you enjoy watching classic films.

She really was a work of art onscreen and off. Moreover, photographers fantasized about shooting photos of the Hollywood star in their studios. Only a few were lucky enough though to capture all her beauty and glory.

I believe Marilyn Monroe invented the sex symbol. There are actresses everywhere trying to look, act, and talk exactly like Monroe. You could argue that Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lawrence are sex symbols because of Monroe’s popularity.  

Who is Hugh Hefner without Marilyn Monroe? Playboy came about because of their iconic spreads and Cover Girls. It seems this gorgeous California girl made Hollywood a landmark all by herself. You see there are a million Marilyn Monroe movies out there because she was one in a million.

It’s okay to be obsessed with Monroe. You have my permission. How many times have we’ve seen Marilyn’s image plastered on posters and calendars in offices, bars, and homes? Plus she may have one of the most famous silhouettes of all time.

Britney Spears picks up beauty tricks from Marilyn Monroe. That’s why the blonde is so effective from Reese Witherspoon to Cameron Diaz. Would you read a Monroe beauty book of secrets?   

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It’s no secret why Marilyn Monroe was the ultimate sex symbol. Her 5’5 curvaceous figure appealed to our finer senses. The sensual celebrity paved the way for Ashley Graham, Kate Upton, and others to follow. You don’t have to be pencil thin to be a marketable model. There’s beauty in every shape and size.

In a nutshell, the blonde bombshell was the ultimate celebrity.

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Is the Supermodel Tyra Banks a Superwoman?


Is this supermodel a superwoman? She can pass as Wonder Woman. Black Widow had better watch her back, because Tyra Banks is on her tail.
Actually, the celeb is an underrated actress. Her success in modeling overshadowed her film career. She held her ground in Coyote Ugly.
I wonder how much Banks spends in a year. Every time she goes out in public she looks glamorous and fabulous. Tyra branded herself like Oprah.

What is more, she is living out her dreams. I respect anybody with passion. What would America’s Next Top Model be without Tyra Banks?
The businesswoman unapologetically negotiates deals and starts up businesses. Miss Banks maintains credibility. It’s incredible how much she receives the benefit of doubt in the fashion industry.

Keeping up appearances applies to everything people do. You can’t go to work looking nasty. Plus, attitudes can boost morale.
Can you believe Tyra Banks built a career off of her looks? Try Googling “pretty woman” and you’ll see Tyra’s image pop up. Aspiring models should take note of how to diversify their earnings like Tyra. 
You see the celeb doesn’t put all her eggs in one basket. She acts, sings, and gossips. Before Wendy Williams was given her big break, the Tyra Show strutted on TV.
Who could have predicted this? Appreciate how Tyra started small and finished big. I believe the supermodel serves as a wonderful role model for young women.
You can’t deny that Tyra turned herself into an international figure. Moreover, many in the modeling communities consider Banks to be the best ever. Think about her realm of influence.
Sure, she stumbled a few times. But, Banks believed in her brand and star power. “When you wish upon a star, it doesn’t make a difference who you are.” Fundamentally, the devoted Tyra practices an unbreakable philosophy.

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Trust me, this lady is an unstoppable force in entertainment.

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How Pharrell Williams Became Popular


The Voice coach Pharrell Williams created ‘Happy’ and the rest is history. Honestly, I didn’t like the song at first. You see, I thought it was a rip-off of the nursery rhyme “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.” But you could argue “there is nothing new under the sun.”
I changed my mind about the song after realizing its effect on people. Mass hysteria overrides prejudices. For the record, I’ve always liked Pharrell Williams because he’s a cool cat.
It’s that the world just recently discovered his coolness and greatness. Pharrell’s personality draws people in. Plus, the musician simplifies complex rhythms.

Is Pharrell a rapper? Or is he a singer? No doubt he uses his voice to create good music. What is music but a universal language?
Pharrell became popular by first collaborating with top talent. Before going solo, he was a part of the Neptunes and NERD. Initially, like Dr. Dre and Kanye West, he was in the back of the studio making hot beats.
Snoop Dogg took a liking to him because of his keen ear for music. That’s how come Pharrell made major contributions to hits like ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Drop It’s Like It Hot.’ Also, the artist helped develop ‘Blurred Lines’ with Robin Thicke.

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Unfortunately for them, the late Marvin Gaye’s family won a lawsuit against Williams and Thicke. Nonetheless, the song was commercially successful. Furthermore, Happy was a world famous phenomenon.
What if more rappers chose to create positive songs? You see I enjoy all types of music. However, there is more than enough room for every sound.
I admire the musicians who act responsibly. Can’t we hold celebs accountable? After all, don’t fans buy their products?
In short, expect Pharrell Williams to keep swinging for the fences. So long as he’s up at the plate, he’ll make the most of it. He has an opportunity to become a walking and living legend like Reggie Jackson. 

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Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner


Believe it or not, Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner are not the same person. These Hollywood lookalikes are frequently mistaken for one another. If you’re ever confused, just remember Garner married Ben Affleck. Plus, Jennifer stands 2 inches taller than Hilary.
Through the years, Swank received better roles because she’s prettier. They are both B+ list actresses. However, I’ve heard Garner is easier to work with. But, Hilary plays it cool and makes up for her flaws.
Appearances can trick you. Hollywood is a strange and funny place. How many beautiful people come through town and leave disappointed? Even a perfect audition is no guarantee.
In show business, your best may not be good enough. Still, keep getting better like Jessica Alba. Sooner than later, everyone will recognize you; and, you won’t get ignored.
I like when Swank and Garner play soldiers or spies. Both brunettes give and take excruciating pain. Though, I believe Jennifer is tougher. Wouldn’t you rather see Garner in Million Dollar Baby instead of Swank?

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Listen, I’m not trying to take away from Hilary’s accomplishments. We’ve seen this actress put on amazing performances. All I am saying is that Jennifer’s career was stalled, because executives screwed up her story.
For instance, did you know Jennifer Garner was born in Houston? Her family relocated to West Virginia, then Canada. Moreover, Hilary hails from Nebraska, although she spent most of her teenage years in Seattle for High School.

Can you believe the Hollywood lookalikes have an identical net worth of $40 million apiece? Keep in mind Hilary is three years younger. So, she’ll probably be richer in the future.

Can you tell the difference between the actresses? Do you think the celebrities ever pass themselves off as each other? What are your favorite Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner movies? Who is the better actor?

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Emma Watson, Emma Stone, and Emma Roberts: Who Is the Best Emma?

In my school days, I read Jane Austen’s Emma. Did you know Clueless is loosely based on Emma? What is it about that name?

Emma Watson is the most followed actor on Twitter. I don’t count singers or Bollywood stars in my Top 10 list. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were more famous than Prince William.
The precious Emma Stone plays sexy and funny characters in romantic comedies. You’ll find she’s a main attraction at Comic Con. This Emma understands chemistry and psychology.
Last but not least, Emma Roberts has learnt from the best. Her aunt is the one and only Julia Roberts. Plus, Emma is a smiling Mona Lisa in her own right.
Who’s waiting for a movie starring Emma Watson and featuring Stone and Roberts? The film would practically sell itself. Let’s make it happen.

Of the three, I feel Stone is the better actress. However, because of Harry Potter, Watson receives the most glory. Unfortunately, many people unfairly view Roberts as entitled just because of her surname.
Of the three, Roberts is hotter to me. But, Watson’s bubbling personality wins me over.
You see Stone seems the wittier and funniest of the bunch. She could compete with Amy Schumer’s standup skills. Also, I like Stone because she isn’t scared of her shadow.
Listen, Roberts is more laidback and easygoing. If you want peace of mind, go with her. She only causes drama when they pay her to.

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Frankly, Watson feels fragile and soft. Most men like delicate creatures. Plus, the cheerful Watson can charm a toad.
In 10 years, the name Emma could be the most popular Hollywood first name. Can you imagine by then, how many social media fans they’ll have altogether? They have unimaginable brand and star power potential.
I admire all of their acting. They are disciplined, which brings me to my final question. Who is the best Emma?
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