CIA Entertainment Episode 11 FBI gladiators hostage Kerry Washington legal drama Olivia Pope political corruption political thriller President Recap Scandal Season 4 suspense TGIT TV Vice President

Scandal: Season 4, Episode 11 Recap


Despite cruel circumstances, Olivia Pope manages to preserve her brainpower. The crisis manager gets inside the kidnapper’s mind by autosuggesting ideas and manipulating his thought process. Like a true gladiator, Pope is still in power and ready to rumble.

In Episode 11, Olivia convinces her captor to abolish plans and take action on his own accord. Pope plants in his head that exploiting her will help him control the president. And by virtue of controlling the president, the hostage taker will have the world in his palms. Apparently, the captor fell asleep in civics class, because there are three branches of government and a balance of power.

During the ending, they show Olivia flying on a private plane with her hostage taker. Pope’s predicament is literally and figuratively up in the air. Contacting President Fitzgerald lets Huck and fellow gladiators know she’s alive and active on the grid.

Kerry Washington’s character calculates like a Texas Instrument graphing calculator. Pope requests a glass of water to create a reflection revealing the kidnappers’ operations. Thinking ten steps ahead, Olivia has placed her captors in mental bondage.

Vice President Andrew Nichols is the puppeteer pulling President Fitzgerald’s strings. Luckily, Nichols drops his guard allowing the First Lady to steal his cell phones. Soon the Second Lady delivers the goods to the Scandal team. They now have enough information to connect the dots and indirectly communicate. 

They came so close to rescuing Pope. Still, who can say if the raid would have been successful? Olivia could have died during the seizure.

It might sound crazy but I’m happy they didn’t save Olivia Pope. Olivia’s trying to save herself by taking matters in her own hands. Scandal’s message is simply about self-reliance. Instead of waiting for someone else to rescue you, save yourself.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Scandal Premiere Episode Recap


 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Last night’s Scandal premiere was like a riddle. The writers used flashbacks and Olivia Pope’s own imagination to tightly grip the audience ahold. And so, another sensational story is finished.
From the start, Pope makes a crucial mistake while being held captive. She sizes up her kidnappers by piecing together her predicament. But she didn’t figure her circumstances were carefully manufactured.
For the first time, the lead character loses complete control. Her Harvard education can’t save her. Olivia needs to use some street smarts.
Pope tries desperately to decipher reality. And in the process of elimination, her assumptions are all wrong. Who exactly is holding her hostage?
Is Olivia her own worst nightmare? She plays into their hands by feeding off scraps from their plate of lies. She eats her words.
The crisis manager is in crisis. Meanwhile, her captors are playing mind games and tricks. Will she cooperate? Can the hostage takers hypnotize Olivia into mental bondage?
Overthinking is Olivia Pope’s biggest problem. For once, can she admit to not having all the answers? The mistress unlocks the dungeon door only to find a false projection.
It appears the character is running through a maze both literally and figuratively. There’s hope after all though, because it seems the black lady is being held hostage in America.
Why hasn’t the Television Academy gave Kerry Washington an Emmy? Seriously, Washington should’ve won multiple awards by now.
This year, Kerry will win an Emmy because it’s long overdo. How can the judging body ignore Washington’s brilliant performances? I have her at #2 on my top 5 TV actresses countdown.
On Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry Washington sang praises to Shonda Rhimes. She’s too modest. While Rhimes might be the mastermind, Kerry is the backbone.
Overall, the premiere was great. I would watch it again. Have you seen it? Did you like last night’s Scandal premiere?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!